IRC log of rqtf on 2022-10-05
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 12:35:21 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
- 12:35:21 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 12:35:23 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 12:35:23 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #rqtf
- 12:35:25 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
- 12:35:25 [trackbot]
- Date: 05 October 2022
- 12:35:29 [jasonjgw]
- present+
- 12:35:33 [jasonjgw]
- chair: jasonjgw
- 12:35:37 [jasonjgw]
- scribe+ jasonjgw
- 12:35:47 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Collaboration Accessibility User requirements.
- 12:35:47 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Accessibility of digital wallets: exploring the issue.
- 12:35:47 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Miscellaneous topics.
- 12:49:34 [janina]
- janina has joined #rqtf
- 12:49:49 [janina]
- zakim, who's here?
- 12:49:49 [Zakim]
- Present: jasonjgw
- 12:49:51 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see janina, Zakim, RRSAgent, MichaelC, jasonjgw, Joshue108, trackbot
- 12:49:58 [janina]
- present +
- 12:59:41 [SteveNoble]
- SteveNoble has joined #rqtf
- 13:00:50 [SteveNoble]
- present+
- 13:01:19 [SteveNoble]
- scribe: SteveNoble
- 13:01:30 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, next item
- 13:01:30 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Collaboration Accessibility User requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 13:01:58 [scott-H]
- scott-H has joined #rqtf
- 13:02:05 [SteveNoble]
- 13:02:20 [scott-H]
- present+
- 13:02:34 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: What additional changes to we need to make to this document
- 13:03:15 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Asked Jeanne Spellman (sp?) to look at this
- 13:03:52 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: The main concern is that this document was compiled mostly from meeting discussions
- 13:04:41 [SteveNoble]
- Scott: not sure if there is a lot out there in the research literature that can be added
- 13:05:06 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: I did find a few things, but have not added those citations
- 13:05:46 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Not sure if that will be essential for a working draft
- 13:06:30 [SteveNoble]
- Scott: Would be OK publishing without a lot of substantive research
- 13:07:17 [SteveNoble]
- janina: We need some more elaboration on some of these topics, and that might be best to get more widely (not just from us)
- 13:07:49 [SteveNoble]
- present+ Raja
- 13:09:12 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Propose that we all look at this over the next week of so for content to add and also work forward to messaging
- 13:09:44 [SteveNoble]
- all: sounds like a good approach
- 13:10:03 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: The messaging will take a bit of work
- 13:10:18 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Who else would like to work on the messaging
- 13:10:34 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: Would be happy to be involved
- 13:11:32 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: Optimistic that once we publish, we will get good feedback including good citations
- 13:11:50 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Will bring this back next week
- 13:12:00 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, next item
- 13:12:00 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Accessibility of digital wallets: exploring the issue. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 13:13:09 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: As a result of the recent TPAC discussion it was suggested we look at the accessibility of digital wallets
- 13:14:40 [SteveNoble]
- janina: The direction we would like to see this proceed is to validate key documents, not just to pay for things
- 13:15:36 [SteveNoble]
- janina: A lot of legal documents only count when they are on paper, which is concerning
- 13:16:25 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Example of US Customs using electronic credentials rather than paper
- 13:18:22 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: One verifiable credentials issue in Australia is how the drivers license is the default ID, but leaves out those who cannot drive
- 13:19:18 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: Other things like an accessible bus or train pass is an issue
- 13:21:36 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Read recently about a tool for storing passwords and encryption keys securely; requires a threshold of keys to access the data; this has been around for a while and may be useful as an example
- 13:23:30 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Medical durable power-of-attorney would be an example of where more than one person would need access so a mixture to keys to access this
- 13:26:37 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Found out recently how hard it was to get an image of a government issued ID into my phone; not really accessible to a blind user
- 13:27:34 [SteveNoble]
- Raja: similar problem with verifying my identity when using a relay caller
- 13:29:59 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Strong digital identifiers will fix issues like needing to make photographs of paper credential
- 13:31:39 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Current work on accessibility guidelines in working groups tend to fall in what works in current technologies; this work isn't really looking forward to what is on the horizon, which is what we need to look at
- 13:34:21 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Propose we write to Manu and Lionel W to ask them what documents we should read and where we shout start
- 13:34:36 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Sound good
- 13:34:57 [SteveNoble]
- jasonjgw: Let's get back to this next week
- 13:35:33 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, next item
- 13:35:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- Miscellaneous topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 13:36:38 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: Update on TPAC meeting minutes; notes have been found and they will be turned into minutes soon
- 13:38:02 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Need to discuss our calendar
- 13:39:09 [SteveNoble]
- janina: We are going to have an extreme diversity of time zones
- 13:40:38 [SteveNoble]
- janina: What if we take a recess for November to December?
- 13:41:28 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: That sound fine; we have had a lot of output so a small break would not be an issue
- 13:42:04 [SteveNoble]
- raja: When are we recessing?
- 13:44:49 [SteveNoble]
- janina: Propose that the last meeting would be October 26; then in November and December no meetings; then resume regular meetings on January 4
- 13:45:11 [SteveNoble]
- scott-H: +1
- 13:47:49 [SteveNoble]
- janina: This also avoids the confusion around time changes in November
- 13:49:01 [SteveNoble]
- all: confirm the proposed meeting schedule break
- 13:49:24 [janina]
- janina has left #rqtf
- 13:49:36 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, bye
- 13:49:36 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, SteveNoble, scott-H, Raja
- 13:49:36 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #rqtf
- 13:49:42 [jasonjgw]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:49:42 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate jasonjgw