10:40:57 RRSAgent has joined #adapt 10:40:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/03-adapt-irc 10:40:59 RRSAgent, make logs Public 10:41:00 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Lionel_Wolberger 10:41:22 Meeting: WAI Adapt Task Force Weekly Meeting Oct 3 2022 10:41:27 rrsagent, make minutes 10:41:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/03-adapt-minutes.html Lionel_Wolberger 10:42:28 Chair: Lionel Wolberger, UserWay 11:21:12 MichaelC has joined #adapt 12:07:17 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #adapt 12:08:25 agenda? 12:08:29 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n. 13:51:50 janina has joined #adapt 13:53:29 zakim, who's here? 13:53:29 Present: Roy, mike_beganyi, CharlesL, matatk, janina, Becky 13:53:31 On IRC I see janina, MichaelC, RRSAgent, Zakim, Github, trackbot 14:00:38 becky has joined #adapt 14:00:53 CharlesL has joined #adapt 14:00:59 present+ 14:01:17 matatk has joined #adapt 14:01:35 present+ 14:01:40 mike_beganyi has joined #adapt 14:01:44 present+ 14:02:03 Roy_ has joined #adapt 14:02:03 sharon has joined #adapt 14:03:10 present+ 14:03:44 present+ 14:04:25 present+ 14:04:25 present+ 14:06:05 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #adapt 14:06:14 agenda? 14:06:17 scribe: becky 14:06:18 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n. 14:06:25 present+ 14:06:28 present+ 14:06:35 zakim, next item 14:06:35 agendum 1 -- CR updates for new spec focused only on symbols -- taken up [from Lionel_Wolberger] 14:06:39 present+ 14:07:36 janina: believe we need to reorganize our approach; think we need a new FPWD and follow process 14:08:26 MichaelC: we have not entered CR; we are blocked on moving forward for with data- (or at least advised not to use). 14:09:39 Lionel_Wolberger : item symbols passed FPWD but originally there were 7 items; can we go to CR with just one item 14:10:36 q? 14:10:46 MichaelC : content can get removed as working towards CR. We may need wide review but removing content after CR review can cause issues if someone is concerned about needs not being met/covered 14:10:59 q+ 14:11:07 q? 14:11:20 janina: there may be people who have issues with removing info but we are narrowing the scope, we will get back to those other parts at a later date 14:12:10 CharlesL : wondering about our charter, will modifiying what we go to CR with break/invalidate our charter 14:12:32 https://www.w3.org/2021/08/apa-wg-charter 14:12:34 MichaelC: the charter does allow providing additional modules 14:12:47 q? 14:12:53 ack me 14:12:53 ack CharlesL 14:13:00 janina: July 2023 is when charter runs out; APA will have a new charter 14:13:52 Lionel_Wolberger : we do not need to republish a FPWD because we are mostly removing content 14:14:54 q? 14:15:36 janina: we need to provide reorganization and fuller documentation as we introduce more features 14:17:13 Lionel_Wolberger: what is the CR update: we want to focus on symbols only, will remove simplification, distraction, action, purpose, destination 14:17:43 Lionel_Wolberger: will end up with an updated FPWD with only symbols 14:18:12 janina: I'm not convinced the current organization of the draft is the appropriate 14:18:27 janina: where is the tag explainer, I can't find it in github 14:18:41 sharon: I believe tag explainer is in the wiki 14:19:08 Lionel_Wolberger: propose we focus on symbols and get the TAG explainer for that and move forward. 14:20:15 * Rewrite [1] WAI-Adapt Content Module, [2] Content Module Explainer, [3] TAG Explainer 14:20:15 janina: have to rewrite the TAG explainer and the general explainer to focus only on symbols; we will end up with multiple explainers, multiple modules. We need to take the parts in smaller digestible chunks. Will likely look more like CSS 14:20:39 q+ 14:21:00 janina: needs to be renamed (it isn't content) proposing WAI-Adapt Symbols module 14:21:35 Lionel_Wolberger : content module becomes archived; build symbols module; Is there an issues changing the name 14:22:44 MichaelC : we can change name of specs but if it becomes something entirely different it is better to change the name so the history is still valid 14:23:18 janina : we will mostly be removing content but we do need to archive that material since we will use it in the future 14:23:25 q+ 14:23:27 q? 14:23:47 janina: we want the material archived to become the basis for future modules 14:24:43 matatk : if we rename to just symbols module, we can't really add additional modules into the same spec without changing the name again 14:25:16 ack me 14:25:16 q? 14:25:27 matatk : thus, do we want to rename? We think we will have additional modules? We may need that to justify asking for a prefix 14:25:56 janina: I think we will have separate modules for simplification, destination, but I'm not sure we will have distraction 14:26:30 janina: isn't technical approach of distraction and simplification similar? 14:26:40 q? 14:27:11 matatk : example I made is changing the content to be less distracting but not removing it 14:27:24 janina: I think stopping motion can fall under simplification 14:27:50 Lionel_Wolberger : we should focus on how to get a module for symbols and the necessary explainer 14:27:52 q+ to propose approach 14:28:23 q+ 14:28:33 q+ 14:28:50 ack janina 14:28:50 janina, you wanted to propose approach 14:28:51 q- 14:28:53 ack CharlesL 14:29:00 CharlesL : if we aren't planning to combine symbols with other modules, we can clone the repository and have the history retained for the future 14:29:45 janina: concern is that current github has generic subdirectory names - content, comment, how do we distinguish what content, etc if we want to address additional modules 14:30:06 q? 14:30:27 janina: was thinking of creating a branch of current explainer, FPWD and stripping out content that is not symbols 14:30:37 janina: then brining it for review 14:31:06 CharlesL : branching generally implies you are putting the changes back into the main tree; 14:31:29 q+ 14:31:31 CharlesL : cloning creates a new repository but may be easier to preserve the history 14:31:44 q? 14:32:16 q- 14:32:33 janina: does anyone understand the CSS structure? I haven't looked at github tree but CSS has been following this multi-module structure for some time 14:33:34 q+ 14:33:40 q+ 14:33:47 ack Lionel_Wolberger 14:33:50 Lionel_Wolberger : the title of our spec is WAI-Adapt: Content Module, can we call it WAI-Adapt: Content, symbols module. Future can be Content, module 14:34:34 ack me 14:34:34 +1 to naming later, editing now 14:34:43 ack MichaelC 14:34:45 matatk : not sure we need to decide this right now, rather concentrate on stripping out everything that is not symbol; then hopefully we will understand what other modules we need; then concentrate on naming later on 14:34:52 q+ 14:35:15 ack janina 14:35:54 Janina: we need some kind of name; we at least need something provisional 14:36:28 q? 14:37:00 matatk : I'm proposing leaving it as content module; if once we get closer to CR we can consider the name; if there is only symbol we will rename but if decide we can other items, we can leave at content 14:37:25 Lionel_Wolberger : Is anyone uncomfortable keeping wai-adapt content module for now? 14:38:05 janina: yes, but I am willing to go along with the keeping the wai-adapt content module for now 14:38:22 Github has joined #adapt 14:38:38 Lionel_Wolberger : draft resolution: We will keep the current name while we do the first round of edits 14:39:09 q+ to suggest git approach 14:39:20 RESOLUTION: We will keep the current name of WAI-ADAPT Content Module while we do the first round of edits 14:39:51 Lionel_Wolberger : we are rewriting explainer and tag explainer and trimming the current module 14:39:54 q? 14:40:23 q+ 14:40:26 ack me 14:40:26 matatk, you wanted to suggest git approach 14:40:30 matatk : I don't think we need to clone, etc. but just edit in place and put a tag on the repository before we start the edits 14:40:48 +1 to putting a git tag 14:41:08 q? 14:41:12 CharlesL : I like putting in a tag as a "snapshot"; but suggest Janina works in a branch so we can see and review the changes easier 14:41:15 +1 to CharlesL 14:41:48 ack CharlesL 14:42:03 Lionel_Wolberger : Janina will put a tag on the current branch, and make edits in a branch 14:42:27 Mike5Matrix has joined #adapt 14:43:05 matatk : I can add a marker on the current branch; marker/tag will go onto the latest commit on main. Creating a branch won't affect it. 14:43:54 matatk : do we care what the name is? 14:44:14 * Rewrite [1] WAI-Adapt Content Module, [2] Content Module Explainer, [3] TAG Explainer 14:44:34 Lionel_Wolberger: tag name isn't important (group throws out a few names) 14:44:34 q? 14:45:00 Lionel_Wolberger : see 3 rewrites above; let's start with TAG explainer 14:45:29 q? 14:46:14 The tagging is done: https://github.com/w3c/adapt/releases/tag/before-symbol-split 14:46:22 some confusion about TAG explainer vs general explainer - looking for links 14:46:24 GitHub says the URL for the wiki's git repo is: https://github.com/w3c/adapt.wiki.git 14:46:54 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Explainer-for-Personalization-Semantics 14:47:00 rrsagent, make minutes 14:47:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/03-adapt-minutes.html becky 14:47:39 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/blob/main/explainer-tag/explainer.md 14:49:12 matatk : not sure if this is TAG or TR expainer; There is an explainer in the wiki that says TR explainer but also says it is for the TAG; but version in github also references both TAG and TR 14:49:23 matatk : need to find the versions and clarify 14:49:35 q? 14:50:42 matatk : the one in the wiki says it was created for the TAG; 14:51:05 matatk : but there seems to also be a TAG explainer in the github repo 14:51:31 janina: believe the TR explainer is in our github repo but it has an odd name that doesn't make it clear 14:52:15 janina: index.html in the adapt repository is the TR/public explainer 14:52:56 q? 14:53:04 matatk : and we have two tag explainers - one in repo and one in the wiki; believe the one in the repo is old (3 years); the one in the wiki is last modified in 2021 so seems the most recent 14:53:27 janina: the TAG one in the repository is only a template - I don't see any content 14:54:20 becky: don't we have to follow a specific format for the TAG explainer 14:54:26 * TAG requires a specific format in a wiki that is intended for TAG consumption 14:54:43 sharon: yes, looking at the TAG issue, one of the things they ask for is the correct TAG format 14:55:06 Lionel_Wolberger : can we start on TAG explainer changes this week? 14:56:03 matatk : the one in the wiki follows the correct format; suggest moving it into the repository if that is acceptable 14:57:03 matatk : not sure the one in the wiki follows the format but it has the content so should start with that 14:57:31 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/03-adapt-minutes.html becky 14:57:52 Lionel_Wolberger : can we start writing the tag explainer? Who will do that 14:58:27 janina: I volunteered for that but need to make sure I am working on the correct one. I will start on the public/TR explainer 14:59:00 sharon: I will sort out the status of the TAG explainer 14:59:20 matatk : I will cull the spec (Content module rewrite) 14:59:35 janina: will work on the TR/public explainer 14:59:53 sharon: will sort out the TAG explainer history 15:00:02 rrsagent, make minutes 15:00:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/03-adapt-minutes.html becky 15:53:14 Seirdy has joined #adapt 17:11:35 janina has left #adapt 17:45:28 CharlesL has left #adapt