IRC log of adapt on 2022-09-26

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:11:58 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #adapt
13:11:59 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:12:01 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:12:01 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #adapt
13:12:03 [trackbot]
Meeting: WAI Adapt Task Force Teleconference
13:12:03 [trackbot]
Date: 26 September 2022
13:12:14 [Sharon]
13:12:28 [Sharon]
chair: Sharon
13:13:05 [Sharon]
agenda+ TPAC update
13:14:09 [Sharon]
agenda+ TAG update
13:14:29 [Sharon]
agenda+ CR Next steps
13:14:54 [Sharon]
agenda+ BCI Registry Specification
13:15:18 [Sharon]
agenda+ Discuss @rel vs. purpose/destination/action -- add to the explainer
13:21:39 [Sharon]
agenda+ Respond to issue #203 (Janina)
13:21:40 [Github] : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n.
13:21:57 [Sharon]
agenda+ Content Module Implementations Status, focus on new candidates
13:22:08 [Sharon]
13:22:11 [Github] : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n.
13:44:33 [janina]
janina has joined #adapt
14:00:57 [matatk]
matatk has joined #adapt
14:01:30 [CharlesL1]
CharlesL1 has joined #adapt
14:01:52 [Roy]
Roy has joined #adapt
14:02:07 [Roy]
14:02:48 [Becky]
Becky has joined #ADAPT
14:03:53 [mike_beganyi]
mike_beganyi has joined #adapt
14:03:58 [mike_beganyi]
14:04:17 [CharlesL1]
14:04:19 [matatk]
14:04:39 [CharlesL1]
14:04:46 [matatk]
14:04:52 [CharlesL1]
zakim, next item
14:04:52 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- TPAC update -- taken up [from Sharon]
14:04:54 [Github] : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n.
14:05:04 [janina]
14:05:30 [Becky]
14:06:43 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: WHATWG - told us to file an issue to get a prefix. Simon who is in the WHATWG and W3C did a search and "adapt-" and only found very rare cases of it being used and felt that we should ask for it.
14:07:59 [CharlesL1]
…, Good talks with Andrew Kirkpatrick get an MVP for coga style use-cases vs. more personalized ergonomic personalization. Some people this is a critical access issue.
14:09:08 [CharlesL1]
…, CSS may have some crossover, with simplification with smaller view ports. Explore with Media queries to see if its appropriate.
14:09:10 [matatk]
Demo page:
14:09:31 [CharlesL1]
…, few things to explore with CSS.
14:10:09 [CharlesL1]
Janina: IOS 16 are advertising simplification, focus filters for simplify your views.
14:10:46 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: File issues and engage with us was the take-away from TPAC.
14:10:57 [CharlesL1]
zakim, next item
14:10:57 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- TAG update -- taken up [from Sharon]
14:12:09 [CharlesL1]
Sharon: TAG did like the direction we are going the problems we are solving. On their end was some process issues. W3C are handling those issues. mistakes made which cause some churn, but these weren't pointed out when the issue was closed.
14:13:35 [CharlesL1]
Janina: Draft CR as it is now is Dead in the water. Why that happened? - Process flaw which Judy will work with TAG on this. We were looking for open issues but was a close with concerns. They didn't see user need / community engagement etc.
14:14:36 [CharlesL1]
…, TAG did like Symbols and architecturally ready. Everything else needed more work.
14:14:59 [CharlesL1]
Sharon: This really affects how this affects CR.
14:15:09 [Roy]
14:15:32 [CharlesL1]
…, this explains the whole meeting.
14:15:34 [Becky]
14:15:53 [Sharon]
ack Becky
14:16:38 [CharlesL1]
Becky: In that TAG meeting. We should be looking at ARIA. I keep hearing, I though ARIA was screenreader only. Can anyone clarify?
14:17:14 [CharlesL1]
janina: They did have a general over this. They were confused what we do vs. ARIA does, two attributes with the same name.
14:17:24 [CharlesL1]
Becky: ARIA is for SR only.
14:18:35 [CharlesL1]
janina: that became the default over time. When Alice left, there are no accessibility person on the TAG. So they lost that knowledge unfortunately. We need to get a11y experts into the TAG.
14:18:50 [CharlesL1]
Becky: wonders should we focus on symbols now?
14:19:23 [CharlesL1]
…, substitutions, textual - they didn't seem to get that, TAG thought you can do this with other technologies.
14:19:56 [Becky]
ack becky
14:20:31 [CharlesL1]
Janina: Alice did a lot of good for a11y, and she does not know this area. Advertising is dead. we can't have that our example. I should have seen that earlier. They relied on her but she is now gone.
14:20:39 [CharlesL1]
zakim, next item
14:20:39 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- CR Next steps -- taken up [from Sharon]
14:21:58 [CharlesL1]
Sharon: There are a lot of issues, but separation for CR with symbols by itself is our best option at this point. We need to engage more with other groups. CSS, ARIA. and issues around advertising.
14:22:10 [CharlesL1]
…, is it a resolution?
14:22:22 [matatk]
14:22:57 [CharlesL1]
Janina: we want to end today with 2 resolutions, 1. break out Symbols, and new explainers. I was stunned they thought we didn't engage the community.
14:23:46 [CharlesL1]
…, since they said "This is well developed" lets get that into the pipeline. 2nd is to file "adapt-" with WHATWG.
14:23:56 [Sharon]
ack matatk
14:24:36 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: I felt action, destination, purpose are related to symbol, there are still some issues around them.
14:25:36 [CharlesL1]
…, action, destination, purpose has ? around them. If we go head with just symbols. if we feel afterwards in a 1.1 update we can add those but naming the first spec will be important.
14:26:00 [CharlesL1]
…, if we feel they are related.
14:26:10 [matatk]
14:26:24 [CharlesL1]
…, we would have to also file an issue with HTML as well.
14:27:23 [CharlesL1]
…, we may need to have a Call for Consensus. We need to ensure this is extremely clear. ie. why aren't we asking for symbol- vs. adapt-
14:27:53 [CharlesL1]
Janina: we don't have to do this today as we will need to rename things, and how we have a path fwd.
14:28:19 [matatk]
ack me
14:29:20 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: we need to file an HTML issue to get the "adapt-"
14:29:44 [CharlesL1]
Janina: we may need to engage Michael and perhaps Phillip.
14:31:33 [janina]
DRAFT RESOLUTION: WAI-Adapt will revise it's Module 1 draft to focus exclusively on AAC Symbols, as these were seen by TAG as most ready for standardization.
14:31:44 [matatk]
s/perhaps Phillip./perhaps Philippe./
14:31:59 [matatk]
s/revise it's/revise its/
14:32:04 [janina]
14:32:05 [CharlesL1]
14:32:07 [mike_beganyi]
14:32:08 [Sharon]
14:32:08 [Roy]
14:32:08 [matatk]
s/Module 1 draft/Content Module draft/
14:32:12 [matatk]
14:32:21 [Becky]
14:32:41 [matatk]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:32:41 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate matatk
14:33:08 [CharlesL1]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:34:29 [CharlesL1]
RESOLUTION: WAI-Adapt will revise its Content Module draft to focus exclusively on AAC Symbols, as these were seen by TAG as most ready for standardization.
14:35:16 [janina]
14:35:46 [janina]
AAC Symbols to CR first also requires we write a TAG explainer and a Public Explainer expressly for AAC symbols.
14:36:27 [janina]
14:36:30 [mike_beganyi]
14:36:30 [matatk]
14:36:31 [Becky]
14:36:32 [CharlesL1]
14:36:33 [Sharon]
14:36:36 [Roy]
14:41:33 [CharlesL1]
RESOLUTION: Moving AAC symbols to CR first also implies we will write a TAG Explainer and a public Explainer expressly for AAC symbols.
14:42:30 [janina]
DRAFT RESOLUTION: Move expeditiously to formally request the Adapt- prefix as a reserved prefix from WHAT-WG.
14:46:56 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: when we file this we need to establish we have a pipeline of additional attributes to include in future specs.
14:47:02 [matatk]
14:47:04 [CharlesL1]
14:47:07 [janina]
14:47:08 [Becky]
14:47:10 [Sharon]
14:47:12 [mike_beganyi]
14:47:19 [CharlesL1]
RESOLUTION: Move expeditiously to formally request "adapt-" as a reserved prefix from WHAT-WG.
14:47:21 [Roy]
14:47:29 [matatk]
14:47:32 [Github] : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n.
14:48:13 [CharlesL1]
Janina: I will take the drafting of the two explainers. first cut author.
14:50:01 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: It seems to me, we have a couple different threads, work on things like CR repackaging, registry at WG level, and have things like feedback / questions to address micro formats. etc. I can look into it over the next week. Exploring things in CSS etc. option to focus on other things so we don't loose momentum.
14:50:16 [CharlesL1]
Janina: we did look at microformats
14:50:46 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: we did but they asked specific questions so things may have changed since we last looked at it.
14:50:55 [CharlesL1]
Sharon: it should be on our wiki.
14:51:56 [CharlesL1]
Matthew: Yes exactly. looks like many parallel things. ARIA/ Microformats, social demographics etc. Recruitment for additional participation.
14:52:12 [CharlesL1]
rrsagent, draft minutes
14:52:12 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate CharlesL1
15:25:18 [CharlesL1]
CharlesL1 has left #adapt
16:37:44 [Seirdy]
Seirdy has joined #adapt