12:03:56 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:03:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-irc 12:04:05 meeting: WoT Pre-TPAC Meeting - Day 2 12:05:07 McCool_ has joined #wot 12:05:07 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Zoltan_Kis, Michael_Lagally 12:07:41 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:07:43 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:08:32 scribenick: Ege 12:08:38 topic: Agenda 12:09:30 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/PRESENTATIONS/2022-09-hybrid-f2f/2022-09-07-WoT-F2F-Opening-McCool.pdf McCool's slides 12:09:36 mm: probably we can squeeze publication status a bit 12:09:43 mm: we do not want to reach resolutions today 12:10:07 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:10:20 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:10:48 mm: maybe zoltan can talk about the scripting api status 12:11:19 dape has joined #wot 12:11:35 https://github.com/w3c/wot-discovery/pull/409 12:11:36 mm: decided to go to CR for discovery 12:12:00 i/github/topic: Review publication status, testing requirements, planning/ 12:12:09 i/github/subtopic: Discovery/ 12:12:20 s/https/-> https/ 12:12:46 mm: I will send an email to start CR transition for discovery by starting the review process 12:13:24 s/409/409 PR 409 - Update DNS-SD section (usage of TXT Record)/ 12:13:50 subtopic: TD 12:14:06 mm: is there a TD call? 12:14:08 ek: yes 12:14:16 mlagally_ has joined #wot 12:14:16 mm: is there a CR version of TD? 12:14:24 ek: I think so 12:15:00 s/mm: decided to go to CR for discovery/mm: decided to go to CR for discovery after handling the above PR on DNS registration./ 12:15:21 mm: do you plan for a resolution of the binding templates? 12:15:32 s/yes/yes, but the topic will be Binding Templates today./ 12:15:33 ek: yes but not very soon, still need to work on the main document 12:15:51 cris has joined #wot 12:15:51 mm: so no need for resolutions at the moment 12:15:55 q+ 12:16:34 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/2022/WD-wot-architecture11-20220907/ WoT Architecture 1.1 2nd WD just published 12:16:38 ack k 12:16:45 q+ 12:17:08 mm: what about architecture 12:18:15 kaz: I have finished generating the static version 12:18:27 ml: the spec is frozen since multiple weeks 12:18:33 q+ 12:18:36 ack m 12:18:49 citrullin has joined #wot 12:18:50 s/ I have finished generating the static version/the updated WD has just been published as above./ 12:18:59 s/the up/ the up/ 12:19:36 ek: what about the testing of the arch spec? 12:21:01 mm: we should go through the assertions one last time 12:21:07 ... we need manual assertions 12:21:32 q? 12:21:35 ack e 12:22:00 q+ 12:22:33 mm: e.g. we have an assertion about the secure updates but that is difficult to implement now 12:22:59 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi, Philipp_Blum, Ben_Francis Fady_Salama, Kunihiko_Toumura, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:23:07 zakim, who is on the call? 12:23:07 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Zoltan_Kis, Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Philipp_Blum, Ben_Francis, Fady_Salama, 12:23:10 ... Ryuichi_Matsukura 12:23:11 q? 12:23:16 mm: we can put them and make them lower case if no one implements it 12:23:41 ack k 12:24:14 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:24:22 rrsagent, make log public 12:24:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:24:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:25:03 kaz: we should discuss how to do the testing of the arch spec 12:25:12 mm: we can have one but we did not plan it yet 12:25:20 kaz: maybe it should be discussed in the arch call first 12:27:34 chair: McCool 12:27:36 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:27:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:28:04 i/WoT Architecture 1.1/subtopic: Architecture/ 12:28:07 mm: security guidelines needs a revision 12:28:16 i/security/subtopic: Security/ 12:28:35 topic: deliverable proposals 12:28:37 i/Security/subtopic: Scripting API/ 12:28:56 i/Security/dape:/ planning to publish an updated Note but need some more time./ 12:29:42 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/Talks/0907-deliverables-ka/ Kaz's slides 12:29:56 kaz: daniel asked me to prepare differnt types of documents based on the process document 12:30:48 q+ 12:31:20 kaz: there are alternatives based on Standard or NOT Protected by W3C Patent Policy or NOT Sufficient implementations or NOT Endorsed by W3C or NOT 12:32:53 q+ 12:33:14 q? 12:33:38 kaz: my suggestion for scripting api is to go with rec if it should be a basis for wot implementations 12:33:54 q+ 12:33:59 ack dape 12:34:34 dp: I have noted that normative notes are endorsed by wot group 12:34:42 ack dape 12:35:13 q+ 12:35:19 kaz: it is not endorsed by W3C. It is implicitly endorsed by the working group 12:36:12 ml: so normative notes do not require implementations? 12:38:45 acl ml 12:38:48 ack ml 12:39:18 -> https://www.w3.org/community/about/process/cla/ CLA for CGs 12:39:38 zk: CG allows external people to contribute 12:39:39 s/CLA/Contributors License Agreement (CLA)/ 12:40:16 present+ 12:40:25 present+ 12:40:44 present+ David_Ezell 12:41:10 zk: Ben, do you have an input on where this development should continue? 12:41:24 q+ 12:41:26 kaz: my general recommendation is to go for REC 12:41:30 ack z 12:41:53 q+ 12:42:05 kaz: we need to talk with AC reps before going for REC 12:42:29 q+ 12:42:47 ack m 12:43:33 mm: the objection was about including in the browser 12:43:40 q+ 12:44:01 q+ 12:45:36 q+ 12:46:13 ack d 12:46:34 ack b 12:46:43 s/for REC/for REC, if we would like to publish our specs as the basis of implementations for WoT./ 12:47:39 dp: we want to have normative statements in our spec 12:48:07 Thanks Ben, these were clear thoughts. 12:48:12 ack c 12:48:16 bf: I think it does not have to be a standard, can be something on github 12:49:14 ca: we actually have multiple implementations, dart and python 12:49:14 s/we need to talk with AC reps before going for REC/for that purpose, we need to get the AC Review for REC transition, but we need to get AC Review for the proposed deliverables within the Charter as well./ 12:50:30 q? 12:50:34 ack z 12:50:35 ca: I agree with daniel that the REC would be too soon for us now 12:51:31 s/in our spec/in our spec, but we had to switch from REC to a Note, so would prefer a normative Note./ 12:51:43 s/normative statements/normative language/ 12:51:45 q? 12:51:50 ack e 12:53:01 q? 12:53:04 q+ 12:53:06 q+ 12:53:46 ek: REC does not mean that browsers have to implement it and we can reduce the scope to make it implementable in a browser 12:54:22 q+ 12:54:42 ack m 12:54:53 mm: I can summarize. Scripting API editors prefer a non-REC resolution. There are opinions for an incubation. 12:55:02 mm: I am worried about the patent policy 12:55:20 q? 12:55:21 q? 12:55:32 s/non-REC/normative Note/ 12:55:53 (time check - we need to wrap up) 12:56:37 (no, we don't: sorry, still have an hour) 12:56:39 q? 12:56:45 ack z 12:56:50 zk: we can follow what some apis do, like machine learning in the web 12:57:14 ... aside security concerns, we can use a ws+http to make it possible in the browser 12:57:32 kaz: It is nice to have participation from browser community 12:58:25 q+ 12:59:16 ack k 12:59:59 bf: why not letting the webpages generate fetch api etc. from TD? 13:01:00 i/why not/kaz: and now I'd like to ask you about which problem is bigger for you with Scripting API, 1. browser vendors would not implement it or 2. we already have TD as a standard data model and we don't need to have a standardized API for WoT/ 13:02:22 s/why not/the latter. why not/ 13:02:37 s/1./(1)/ 13:02:41 s/2./(2)/ 13:03:36 ack k 13:03:38 ack c 13:03:39 ack m 13:04:26 ca: wondering if CLA can't be applied to normative Notes 13:04:44 kaz: CLA is defined for CGs and not included in the W3C Process 13:05:29 mm: the type of documents itself is W3C Process issue 13:06:13 q? 13:06:17 +1 13:06:21 kaz: yeah, so I'd like you all to start with thinking about the 4 viewpoints, standard or not, protected by pp or not, implementations required or not, endorsed by W3C or not 13:07:00 mm: defining the purpose of the Scripting API is important 13:07:05 defining the purpose is important, then the pub option 13:07:15 +1 More or less 13:07:16 s/mm: defining the purpose of the Scripting API is important// 13:07:30 one purpose where a standard is useful is automation 13:07:31 +q 13:08:06 s/defining/mm: defining/ 13:08:15 s/one purpose/mm: one purpose/ 13:08:27 i/defining/scribenick: McCool_/ 13:08:49 but for automation a simpler if-then system might be better than JS... 13:09:04 s/but for/... but for/ 13:09:28 q? 13:10:31 zk: value in Scripting API can provide patterns 13:10:42 ... options for implementations of WoT applications 13:10:56 s/patterns/patterns and/ 13:11:21 mm: we can brainstorm use cases and applications 13:11:31 -q 13:11:53 ... maybe we should revisit the existing document again 13:12:06 i/value/scribenick: kaz/ 13:12:09 q? 13:12:13 q? 13:12:37 pb: having data locally and accessing the data using Scripting API is useful 13:12:53 mm: accessing the local data is important in general 13:13:08 pb: getting permission as well 13:13:56 mm: related to key management for onboarding as well 13:14:03 ... not only API per se 13:14:21 ... let's go back to the agenda now 13:14:42 ... my impression is going for normative Note for the next Charter 13:14:45 +1 13:14:53 mm: any objections? 13:16:35 proposal: use a normative note for scripting in the next charter 13:16:47 mm: any change requests? 13:17:18 q? 13:17:19 q+ 13:19:29 resolution: use a Note including normative statements for the Scripting API deliverable in the next charter 13:19:42 action: kaz to talk with PLH about that idea 13:21:35 dp: can we have 20 minute slot in tpac? 13:21:41 mm: per deliverable we plan 10 minutes 13:22:14 i/can we/scribenick: Ege/ 13:22:25 topic: Charter Proposals 13:22:31 s/can we/we still have two more points, so can we/ 13:23:17 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/main/proposals/deliverable-proposals Deliverable Proposals 13:23:31 subtopic: Discovery 13:23:46 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/deliverable-proposals/discovery.md discovery.md 13:23:53 ek: can anyone create for spec or only the editors? 13:24:24 q+ 13:24:48 i|can any|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1032 PR 1032 - Update Discovery Deliverable Proposal| 13:25:52 mm: you can create a proposal 13:25:57 kaz: agree 13:26:40 ... as discussed yesterday, it's kind of brainstorming at this stage, so getting ideas is good. we can discuss the proposals during the TPAC meeting and the post-TPAC meeting./ 13:26:51 s|meeting./|meeting.| 13:27:08 mm: geolocation has multiple solutions 13:27:28 i/geolocation/(going back to the discussion on Discovery proposal)/ 13:28:57 (merged) 13:29:07 subtopic: Security 13:29:52 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1031 PR 1031 - Create Security Deliverable Proposal 13:30:12 i/you can create/scribenick: kaz/ 13:30:25 i/geolocation has/scribenick: Ege/ 13:30:59 q+ 13:31:05 ack k 13:31:13 q+ 13:31:18 scribenick: kaz 13:31:27 mm: (goes through the PR content) 13:31:53 ek: which TF to discuss it? 13:32:09 mm: security review to be put into one place 13:32:15 ... one document to take a look 13:32:34 ... should include security for TD, Discovery, etc. 13:33:26 ... however, handling keys, etc., would impact Discovery spec specifically 13:33:46 q? 13:33:49 ack e 13:34:30 bf: agree with general idea of consolidating security portion 13:34:57 ... currently you got to read all the related specs 13:35:22 q? 13:35:27 q+ 13:35:39 citrullin has joined #wot 13:35:39 ... regarding the onboarding topic, I'm not really sure if it's the right topic, maybe discovery in general? 13:35:52 +q 13:35:59 q+ 13:36:07 ack b 13:36:33 mm: could be "onboarding during discovery" 13:36:34 bf: I think this would make the specification more difficult to read since there would be too many interdependencies 13:36:54 i/I think/scribenick: Ege/ 13:37:18 q? 13:38:31 ml: I am confused with the security information we have everywhere 13:38:37 ack m 13:39:32 ack cit 13:39:57 s/I am confused with the security information we have everywhere/I support consolidating security documents into a single document or a section of the architecture or TD spec/ 13:40:12 cit: I think that informal documents to help and guide people for implementation would be a good option 13:42:08 s/good option/good option to resolve this conflict of ease of implementation vs. ease of security review. I see security as the more important point. Helping developer would be more of a topic for the CG. 13:42:36 kaz: I'm OK with the Security&Privacy proposal itself and extending the content 13:43:36 ... however, our procedure has been (1) generating requirements within the Security&Privacy Note, (2) distribute them to the normative specs, and (3) think about the detailed assertions and behaviors on the normative spec side 13:43:40 mm: this makes architecture normative but some people want it informative 13:43:48 q+ 13:44:08 ack k 13:44:23 i/this/... so I'm wondering if this proposal means we need to put the detailed considerations on the spec side back to the Security&Privacy Note./ 13:44:33 i/I'm OK/scribenick: kaz/ 13:44:40 q+ 13:45:03 i/this makes/scribenick: Ege/ 13:47:33 q+ 13:47:42 q+ 13:48:10 ack k 13:48:31 ack m 13:48:34 (discussion on the relationship among relates specs) 13:48:36 mm: better to write detailed comments into comments 13:48:38 ack e 13:49:23 i/better to/kaz: sorry but let me ask how to record this discussion/ 13:49:53 s/mm: better to write detailed comments into comments/mm: let's record the details in the GitHub Issues for today./ 13:50:04 i/sorry but/scribenick: kaz/ 13:50:28 i/details/scribenick: Ege/ 13:50:51 q? 13:50:58 ack b 13:51:00 s/GitHub Issues/GitHub PR's comment area/ 13:51:52 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1031#issuecomment-1239415980 McCool's comments 13:52:00 subtopic: Profile 13:52:24 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/proposals/deliverable-proposals/profiles.md profiles.md 13:52:34 q+ 13:53:19 q+ 13:53:22 q+ 13:53:41 ack m 13:53:56 ml: (gives explanations) 13:54:08 mm: issue with versioning, etc. 13:54:10 q+ 13:55:04 ... each profile may need its own compatibility requirements 13:55:53 bf: could consider extension by reference 13:56:26 ... regarding digital twin profile and cloud profile 13:56:40 ... I'm implementing digital twins using the core profile 13:56:53 ... what specifically needed for them? 13:56:53 q+ 13:57:03 qq+ mlagally_ 13:57:06 ack ml 13:57:07 mlagally_, you wanted to react to McCool_ 13:57:07 qq+ 13:57:32 ml: individual scope to be discussed 13:57:49 mm: hoping longer discussion 13:57:55 ... one word is not enough 13:58:19 ... it's a list of possible profiles we might be working on 13:58:23 q? 13:58:25 ack mc 13:58:37 ack Mc 13:58:37 McCool_, you wanted to react to mlagally_ 13:58:52 ack b 13:59:00 bf: at the moment, don't really agree... 13:59:26 ... CoAP profile and constraint device profile should be similar and possible, though 13:59:36 ack b 13:59:44 ek: general comment 13:59:59 ... initial work of WoT is removing IoT silos 14:00:07 (time check) 14:00:43 ... so don't think it would be good to create another kind of silos on the top of WoT 14:01:09 ... if we need to have profiles based on each use case, that would not be good 14:01:14 q? 14:01:19 qq+ mlagally_ 14:01:22 ack ml 14:01:24 mlagally_, you wanted to react to b 14:01:38 ml: it's just an example, can be removed 14:01:47 ack e 14:01:57 mm: please make another update 14:02:06 ... and people can give further comments 14:02:10 ml: ok 14:02:15 q? 14:02:15 ek: my comment is that we should not have vertical profiles per use case 14:02:47 ek: it will lead to fragmentation on top of our own specification 14:02:59 ack k 14:04:06 kaz: agree we update the proposal, and for that purpose, we should remember we need to clarify what the objectives and motivations of "WoT Profile" is 14:06:49 [adjourned] 14:06:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:06:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/09/07-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:50:35 stevelee has joined #wot 16:30:51 Zakim has left #wot 17:05:04 stevelee has joined #wot 17:10:56 stevelee has joined #wot 18:45:34 stevelee has joined #wot