07:07:21 RRSAgent has joined #coga 07:07:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-coga-irc 07:07:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 07:07:26 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 07:07:26 Date: 25 August 2022 07:08:10 agenda+ Updates, subgroup reviews, task requests and actions. see https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit# 07:08:15 agenda? 07:08:23 clear agenda 07:08:27 agenda+ Updates, subgroup reviews, task requests and actions. see https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit# 07:09:18 agenda+ Updates from AG (WCAG) 07:23:22 agenda+ TPAC: which sub groups want time ? see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PZkjDtPbZHlcFxmmbTA6e-Sp_qU6_9Z8Ux85PINe5QU/edit# 07:23:45 agenda+ TPAC: what do we need to prepair ? see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PZkjDtPbZHlcFxmmbTA6e-Sp_qU6_9Z8Ux85PINe5QU/edit# 07:41:06 agenda+ (iftime) How to organize research for each pattern - see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U3gdQesJHTmLZ2H62_23olZD3jZ-5SEMBZxhb-RsQsY/edit?usp=sharing 08:20:29 stevelee has joined #coga 08:33:23 scribe+ Jennie, lisa, rain 10:49:58 Roy has joined #coga 11:30:07 kirkwood has joined #COGA 12:01:54 MichaelC has joined #coga 12:14:07 Roy has joined #coga 12:46:16 Roy has joined #coga 12:52:15 Roy has joined #coga 13:08:55 Roy has joined #coga 13:36:05 Lisa has joined #coga 13:36:13 agenda? 13:55:23 Jennie has joined #coga 13:56:47 kirkwood has joined #COGA 13:57:11 present+ 13:57:43 scribe: Jennie 13:58:00 ShawnT has joined #coga 13:59:41 present+ 14:00:28 Rain has joined #coga 14:00:53 present+ 14:01:23 julierawe has joined #coga 14:01:26 present+ 14:01:50 EA has joined #coga 14:02:00 present+ 14:02:04 present+ 14:02:15 Present+ 14:02:34 Lisa: Kiki - please introduce yourself 14:03:11 Kiki: I work for Google as a UX research. My background is Occupational Therapy 14:03:31 Lisa: Welcome 14:03:37 Roy has joined #coga 14:03:38 zakim, next item 14:03:38 agendum 1 -- Updates, subgroup reviews, task requests and actions. see https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit# -- taken up [from 14:03:41 ... lisa] 14:03:43 Kiki has joined #coga 14:04:12 present+ 14:05:19 Lisa: We are reviewing the actions page 14:05:39 ...Today we will review the subgroup information 14:05:58 ...Mental Health group: we need to be finishing the lit review in the next week or 2 14:06:11 Rashmi sent email saying 'Regrets' 14:06:18 ...If you have items on your to-dos regarding this group for the lit review, please review them 14:06:26 ...If you need help, please reach out to Rashmi and myself 14:06:30 ...Structure subgroup 14:06:38 Rain: We are meeting as a subgroup after this call. 14:06:52 ...I have prepared a deck for the meeting with the responses to the survey. 14:07:02 ...If you are interested in those, please join the meeting 14:07:10 ...We only have 59 responses 14:07:20 ...We are keeping the meeting open until September 15 14:07:27 ...Please continue to share the survey 14:07:36 ...Get in touch with me if you have questions on how to promote it 14:07:55 ...Especially for those with contacts throughout the world 14:08:12 Lisa: Do you want time at TPAC? 14:08:27 Rain: I think a 2 hour working session would be good 14:08:40 ...And including people that aren't able to attend TPAC - from the community group? 14:09:08 Lisa: Clear Language is an agenda item on itself 14:09:19 Julie: Welcome Kiki! 14:09:24 ...We met on August 4th 14:09:33 ...The plans to get things done by the end of August will not happen 14:09:43 ...We really focused on just one piece of clear language - use common words 14:09:55 ...Part of the discussion was how we can make it a rigorous and flexible standard 14:10:13 ...Example: allow a site to make available a list of subject matter vocabulary they consider to be familiar to their audience 14:10:18 ...Jeanne Spellman was on the call 14:10:40 ...We discussed can we make it so the site declares: this is our subject matter vocabulary, these are our core words 14:11:02 ...The question we had: if we require those 2 inputs, could it be conventional testing, or just having these inputs makes it a procedural test? 14:11:12 ...The main thing: find a way to be rigorous but flexible 14:11:24 ...I am working on a way to map out how the 2 inputs could be used for this testing 14:11:25 q+ 14:11:44 ...And, for the scoring system, reward a site for picking a small number of most common words 14:12:02 ...The idea is to build in flexibility to promote meeting the standard 14:12:19 ...Not just, have you trained your staff on plain language 14:12:24 krisanne has joined #coga 14:12:32 ...More about: have you decided what are common words for your site 14:12:40 ...I'm hoping we can discuss on August 30 14:12:43 q? 14:12:57 ack next 14:13:04 ack next 14:13:27 Lisa: Let's shelve our questions for the TPAC section 14:13:59 ...I thought we were going to do an example of a protocol test, and one that is more of a typical type of test. Is that going to be discussed? 14:14:19 Julie: I had hoped that we could do the sorting exercise, put everything into the 2 testing categories 14:14:36 ...We got stuck on the "use common words" so I figured why don't we try to build that one out 14:14:46 ...It is perhaps new territory, the idea of using inputs 14:15:05 ...I am not sure if Silver will think of this as procedural, or not... 14:15:28 Lisa: Julie, we had said, we were going to have examples of the unit and procedural testing 14:15:35 ...Will we have those 2 drafts? 14:15:41 ...I think we need that for the next step. 14:15:44 q+ 14:15:55 ...Incremental - let's make an example of a unit test 14:16:01 ...Do you think we will get there? 14:16:09 Julie: I think the procedural test is the harder one to do 14:16:18 q+ 14:16:18 ...I thought the more conventional test is easier 14:16:29 ...Example: acronyms 14:16:38 ack next 14:16:42 Rachael: We really do need a conditional test 14:16:48 ...The procedural test is great as an example 14:16:57 ...We really need conditional because it is the middle group 14:17:03 ...Example: in this language, this should apply 14:17:17 ...If you aren't going to do it by TPAC, I may need to put a subgroup together 14:17:23 Lisa: OK, this is critical 14:17:32 ack next 14:17:35 Julie: Good to know. We can switch gears and make this a top priority 14:17:38 Thank you! 14:17:40 Lisa: Thank you 14:17:56 Rain: On the Silver subgroup defining test types and terminology 14:18:11 ...We have identified a number of questions 14:18:21 ...We are presenting on that tomorrow at the Silver meeting, if anyone wants to join 14:18:29 ...I will share the drafts with Julie so you know what those are 14:18:40 ...I have been attempting to write these types of tests 14:18:47 ...You might be able to lift some of those 14:18:59 Lisa: Rain, can you send that to the task force as well? 14:19:01 Rain: Yes 14:19:07 Rain = fantastic!!!! 14:19:10 Lisa: Test plan strategy 14:19:32 Shawn: Our next step is to meet with Julie to speak about the testing they are doing in Plain Language 14:19:39 ...then we will go more from there 14:19:52 Lisa: Thank you 14:20:04 ...Next is the Research Plan and Strategy - and we are meeting after this call 14:20:17 ...We are doing well. We have a draft of a survey 14:20:21 ...People have looked at 14:20:36 q+ to say that we will probably want to keep the groups together and do half and half 14:20:40 ...We can discuss any comments today 14:20:57 ...There was an interesting comment from EA to put it through an ethical community, then do it as a research project 14:21:06 ...Roy, does the W3C have an ethics committee? 14:21:13 q+ 14:21:27 q- 14:21:28 ...Roy, interrupt when you have your audio 14:21:42 ...We also have a draft outline for our research plan, based on the face to face meeting 14:21:52 ...Group members can review and add comments 14:21:55 ack next 14:21:55 ...It is a good starting point 14:21:56 Rain, you wanted to say that we will probably want to keep the groups together and do half and half 14:22:11 Rain: I think we should keep both subgroups together because there is overlap 14:22:39 ack next 14:22:47 Jennie: Images subgroup is meeting tomorrow morning (Central time) 14:22:54 Lisa: Regarding our timeline 14:23:04 ...We are wanting to get feedback from different communities 14:23:14 ...Is the community group doing that or do we need to reach out a bit more? 14:23:27 Rain: Are you referring to the research survey for getting feedback? 14:23:39 Lisa: Just on the Content Usable, do we have all the use cases? 14:23:51 Rain: Members of the community group are doing outreach within their communities 14:24:04 ...I think the next steps are to put together some reports to bring that back to us 14:24:07 Lisa: Great. 14:24:13 ...We have 2 new requests 14:24:19 ...One is high priority 14:24:26 ...They would like our feedback over the next month 14:24:36 ...They are making a User Need thing on collaborative tools 14:24:38 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Collaboration_Tool_Accessibility 14:24:41 ...I have put the link here 14:25:26 ...They will be working with Github 14:25:35 ...They have some actions going on around this 14:25:39 ...They want our feedback 14:25:46 ...So our voices and opinions are included 14:25:53 ...We did things like this 14:26:03 ...We made a Google doc - a review of accessible meetings 14:26:09 ...One on inclusive groups 14:26:22 ...We also had some slides from TPAC on inclusive meetings 14:26:28 ...And we had some feedback from the W3C 14:26:37 ...I put all of our previous work together 14:26:46 ...They don't want to look at that - that's for our reference 14:26:51 ...They want individual issues 14:27:03 ...I made a document called Coga Review of Accessible Meetings 14:27:29 ...We can add as many issues here as we want, and I can either add them into Github, or just give them the whole list 14:27:42 ...I think this will help us and them track to be sure we have understood each other 14:27:59 ...When people actually give suggested working, it can be really helpful 14:28:26 ...Things like: could you add (this technique) to (this thing) 14:28:40 ...We may not manage that with each one 14:28:47 ...But definitely separate out each issue 14:29:04 ...And when possible, be specific about which wording, which section, and give a concrete suggestion 14:29:14 ...Is anyone interested in reviewing their document? 14:29:20 q+ 14:29:32 ack next 14:30:39 Jennie: I can review by the 3rd week of September 14:30:43 Lisa: OK 14:30:58 ...Does anyone else want to take a look at it? 14:31:31 would def take a look… link to add comments? 14:31:47 https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Ha6bbgDMMo_zLLWa3yz88mkwL2Dz7eczWXQTB6mcPc/edit#heading=h.lq5z1u5iwsun 14:31:56 perfect 14:32:01 Lisa: I have put the issues at the top 14:32:06 ...Their text is underneath 14:32:12 ...Even if you just add comments, that would be fine 14:32:22 I would like to ask my team to look into it, we are working on a large collaborative project 14:32:46 Lisa: next from APA is verifiable credentials 14:32:59 ...This is use cases for verifiable credentials 14:33:14 ...This can be more than just saying "I am a person" 14:33:38 ...We have done similar stuff, like a paper on metadata 14:33:46 ...We could open a document - a similar kind of thing 14:33:51 ...We don't have as tight a schedule 14:34:06 ack next 14:34:11 ...Is anyone interested in doing a review of that? 14:34:22 ...We can go over it next week as well 14:34:39 ...Rain, have you managed to go through our issues on remote meetings 14:34:50 Rain: I am about half way through and hope to have this next week 14:35:08 Lisa: Let's go through the individual action items 14:35:29 ack next 14:35:57 Jennie: Michael Cooper has sent an email beginning to set up the guardianship language meeting 14:36:31 Lisa: I sent John K an email about researches as part of the literary review 14:36:39 ...to do the searches we discussed 14:36:46 John K: I see them. 14:37:52 ack next 14:38:03 Julie: Kevin from EO have been accepting some of our github issues regarding how people use the web 14:38:16 ...One is that they don't understand why we can't define learning or cognitive disabilities 14:38:23 ...One person brought up that they are defined in the DSM 14:38:41 Lisa: KrisAnne - should we meet with EO at TPAC? 14:38:50 KrisAnne: I am not sure how many members will be going to TPAC 14:38:57 ...Kevin is on vacation 14:39:15 ...Depending on who is going to be at TPAC 14:39:33 Julie: The github issues Kevin is creating and his colleague has been commenting on 14:39:43 ...I think it would be helpful if we review, and suggest wording 14:39:53 ...I am not sure that a meeting would get more done than a working session 14:39:57 KrisAnne: I agree 14:40:11 ...Right now EO is working on videos 14:40:25 ...We are trying to get the videos done by the end of the year, and some hinges on the work with the personas 14:40:41 ...I know that Kevin is trying to get them into a more polished state 14:40:48 q+ 14:40:55 ...The scripts need to be created, then looked through 14:41:05 ...This is making this more time sensitive 14:41:07 agenda? 14:41:13 ...I agree with Julie's suggestion of a working session 14:41:17 ...is the best bet 14:41:44 Julie: It sounds like we should make our feedback on the personas the top priorities, and less on the other page 14:41:54 KrisAnne: There are 3 sets of videos 14:42:05 ...The cognitive disabilities page may get its own video as well 14:42:23 ...I am not sure how to prioritize 14:42:31 Lisa: It seems like we need to ask them 14:42:43 ...Rachael do you have an AG update? 14:42:50 Rachael: yes, I can keep it quick 14:42:57 Lisa: Le - you have papers to review for mental health 14:43:05 zakim, next item 14:43:05 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Lisa 14:43:12 ack next 14:43:43 Rachael: 1. We are aiming to discuss the conformance model, and create a template at TPAC 14:43:56 ...We will remind people of the shared architecture, shared vocabulary for conversations 14:44:05 ...2. We are trying to get WCAG 2.2 out the door 14:44:13 ...There is a 2nd round of the CFC in the next day or so 14:44:22 ...I did hear concerns about all the email conversation going on 14:44:31 ...When the CFC come out you can see a single copy 14:44:42 ...Directly reach out to me if you have questions 14:44:49 ...We need to finish in the next 2 days 14:45:05 Lisa: I would really do better with an editor's draft 14:45:13 Rachael: I tried to send a simple version 14:45:20 ...But there has been a lot of conversation since then 14:45:31 zakim, next item 14:45:31 agendum 2 -- Updates from AG (WCAG) -- taken up [from lisa] 14:45:44 close item 2 14:46:08 Lisa: I look at everyone else's agendas and tried to put them together into ours 14:46:14 ...We have a meeting with APA 1st thing in the morning 14:46:20 For reference only, AG's schedule is at https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2022#AG_WG_Meeting_at_TPAC_2022 14:46:21 ...Part of this will be the functional needs 14:46:29 ...There is also CEPC 14:46:38 Rachael: Code of ethics and professional conduct 14:46:46 Lisa: OK we have the AG scoring 14:47:02 q+ 14:47:09 ...I was hoping we would have a bit of time at TPAC to get the examples discussed for Julie's group before the scoring conversation, but that is not going to happen 14:47:20 ...On September 12th we will have that conversation 14:47:33 ...I think we need a conversation mid week to have an example of each kind of test 14:47:40 ...before TPAC - does that make sense? 14:47:42 Julie: Yes 14:47:52 ...Midweek prior to September 12th? 14:47:59 Lisa: Yes. Like Monday or Wednesday 14:48:17 ...Otherwise we will miss TPAC and that would be a shame 14:48:39 ...Then I had after lunch building language based on the discussion with AG 14:48:46 ...Does that sound ok? 14:48:46 ack next 14:49:13 Rachael: I would recommend changing scoring to test types to reduce confusion 14:49:14 Lisa: OK 14:49:18 q+ 14:49:36 ...They will be examples of where we can tease out what the issues are 14:49:40 q? 14:50:04 Rachael: I think that will be useful. The subgroup Rain is in will talk about their recommendations for testing, then everyone will talk about the examples each group has 14:50:08 ack next 14:50:19 ...Then we will talk about the requirements for WCAG 3 - are we working in a useful direction 14:50:33 Julie: We have the meeting for September 1, then I will schedule a call the week following 14:51:01 Rachael: Your time blocks are not matching up with mine - at some point that needs to be updated 14:51:05 Lisa: OK 14:51:16 ...Tuesday: we haven't decided what we wanted in 14:51:49 ...We have divided up the work that needs to be done to update Making content usable, and different subgroups are working on these tasks 14:52:05 ...Are there subgroups here that would like time - and each could have a time here 14:52:35 ...Are there other subgroups that want to present? 14:52:37 q+ 14:52:51 Roy_ has joined #coga 14:53:23 ack Jennie 14:53:42 Jennie: I think the testing group won't be ready for a presentation, but may benefit from a working time slot 14:53:47 Feel free to reach out to me 14:53:51 Happy to do that. 14:53:51 Shawn: It might be nice, as a new attendee, to have a mentor 14:53:52 I 14:53:59 ...for attending 14:54:15 Lisa: Maybe join the orientation call with Kiki and I will put some time on TPAC 14:54:21 ShawnT: It is more just about TPAC 14:54:36 q? 14:54:42 Thank you Rachael 14:54:48 ack next 14:55:14 Lisa: I will put together a better page with the call in information 14:55:21 ...And I will put TPAC on the agenda for next week 14:55:51 Lisa: We have mental health - I can put that on the agenda 14:56:08 ...I will put the provisional findings of the research subgroup 14:56:34 ...Is there anything else people feel their topic needs face to face, productive time? 14:56:54 ack next 14:57:04 ...I will ask everyone to try to keep these days free. There will be lots of interesting conversations happening 14:57:27 q+ 14:57:41 John K: Do we have one on testing? 14:57:48 Jennie: Yes, a working time, not a presentation 14:58:00 Lisa: OK, thank you John. You might find it really kicks things off 14:58:15 ...We have a follow on meeting 14:58:20 ...The structure and research subgroups 14:58:26 ...We will have a 5 minute break 14:58:58 q- 14:59:14 RRSAgent, publish minutes 14:59:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-coga-minutes.html Lisa 14:59:37 topic: subgroups for stucture ande reserch 15:00:20 agenda+ analysis of the structure survey responses to date 15:00:29 agenda+ survey for reserch doc. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-VdpaYq0qLk0bZYryimWb-VL_tlklX-D1Uvtd2btzrw/edit 15:00:42 agenda+ do we want to delay and go via ethics commity ? 15:01:01 agenda+ sending it out? see https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-VdpaYq0qLk0bZYryimWb-VL_tlklX-D1Uvtd2btzrw/edit data collection from structure survey 15:01:08 agenda+ review plan at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit# 15:01:38 close item 5 15:01:59 close item 3 15:02:08 close item 4 15:03:00 roy__ has joined #coga 15:08:21 Deck with the current analysis: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PTCdFcg6NRK4exNX9LIquCGFHIwthQod4lgXpQx4vKw/edit#slide=id.g1470018ce4c_0_0 15:08:36 zakim, next item 15:08:36 agendum 6 -- analysis of the structure survey responses to date -- taken up [from Rain] 15:08:43 roy__ has joined #coga 15:10:13 scribe+ lisa 15:10:37 rain is showing the slides 15:11:14 tech and US centric at the moment 15:11:50 most are content creaters 15:12:08 but a lot of individuals from coga and advocat4es 15:12:47 low from owners, accedemia, educators 15:14:20 may be a los from educators 15:14:55 70% cognative accessibility for many years, not reaching new 15:16:11 most do not use it occasionaly or regualy 15:16:29 I live and work in Quebec and it's hard for me to share it because it's not in French 15:16:49 are u working on a transalation? 15:17:11 need to give people more of a reason to return 15:18:18 Would you like me to? From my understanding Google forms isn't accessible in French. Maybe I can make a Microsoft Forms version. 15:18:54 use: citation, headings, quick ref, practicle design, teminolgy and persona , design stamdard to share with team 15:19:23 pelple are using it to convince their team 15:19:45 4& did not find what they are looking for... 15:19:52 +q to ask if I could create a Microsoft forms version in French and English? 15:20:27 findability is a huge issue 15:20:51 acjk next 15:20:56 ack next 15:20:57 ShawnT, you wanted to ask if I could create a Microsoft forms version in French and English? 15:22:03 rain: let me check with kiki how to do this 15:22:12 shawn: we did something similar 15:24:10 negative comments: too much, findability, practicality, need the reserch , get lost, it get mixed up 15:24:38 not easy to understand, repetive 15:24:57 +q to speak on Ctrl+F 15:25:51 Le has joined #coga 15:25:52 it gets used at each phase in life cycle 15:26:28 people want: practicle example, simplifing wayfinding, reserch 15:27:12 note we have the reserch but it is not mapped 15:27:37 q+ 15:27:41 +1 to mapping the research to the document content 15:28:37 q+ 15:29:09 clarify pourpose, overwelming, w3c note issue 15:29:44 comment: wcag 2 feels discrimination 15:30:35 also some realy nice feedback#no clicking just scroolling 15:30:44 great resource 15:31:13 ack next 15:31:14 ShawnT, you wanted to speak on Ctrl+F 15:32:13 shawn: do we have a pattern on contol f? 15:32:55 finding within hidden content is a very good point! 15:33:15 ack Lisa 15:33:45 Lisa: did not find this depressing, these are problems we knew we had 15:33:59 new issues for stucture from working group. see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CeqiSy3tVDoeBzCG8LpkyFT1fvugGk86JuT6NvfSiAA/edit# 15:34:09 ... knew publishing document to get it out there, then revise 15:34:23 ... new issues from the working group, what Shawn just did was pull out some issues 15:34:38 ... as a subgroup and participants, to put ideas we have into the document as well 15:34:54 ... and have the subgroup look at that document of suggestions, as well 15:35:33 ... be careful when restructure not to destroy the things that are working 15:35:45 https://github.com/w3c/coga/issues 15:35:46 ... have a slew of issues in the issues repository, as well, tagging for v2 15:36:46 ... also ask people to fill this out at TPAC or the research one 15:36:50 Could we make a QR code for it? 15:37:00 ack Le 15:37:02 ack next 15:37:19 roy__ has joined #coga 15:37:44 lea: is this an issue of the audence- are we to accidemic 15:38:35 should we have two versions, 15:38:46 Lisa: for us that's valid 15:39:05 ... EO makes the broader audience work, but not something tempted to push inside the W3C 15:39:11 q+ 15:40:21 ack next 15:40:28 next steps: 15:40:47 qualitave iterviews - 30 people 15:41:05 af=genda? 15:41:12 agenda? 15:41:53 rain is working on some stucture suggestions 15:42:11 caan anyone start moving forward with interviews 15:42:36 Kiki: help work on the qualitative research questions 15:42:55 kiki can make script 15:43:01 thank u kiki 15:43:27 scribe+ 15:43:54 zakim, pick up item 7 15:43:54 I don't understand 'pick up item 7', Rain 15:44:03 zakim, next item 15:44:03 agendum 7 -- survey for reserch doc. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-VdpaYq0qLk0bZYryimWb-VL_tlklX-D1Uvtd2btzrw/edit -- taken up [from Lisa] 15:44:35 Lisa: research documents are out of date, so trying to figure out the importance of updating those documents and how they are released 15:44:58 apologize due to a meeting conflict. I have a hard stop at 11:58 15:45:00 ... created a survey for feedback, got good notes and updated most of them 15:45:08 ... some things are getting too long 15:45:29 ... for example, Rain suggested to break out the questions into separate ones instead of using the grid 15:45:32 q+ 15:46:26 ack Rain 15:46:39 Rain: concern around the grid is screen reader experience 15:46:59 Lisa: ah, okay, thought a comprehension thing 15:47:05 ... so we will test the grid to make sure that it works 15:47:15 q+ 15:47:36 ack next 15:48:14 Julie: mentioning that the demographic questions are not in the form 15:48:34 ... so the question asking if the users are willing to add demographics needs to either be removed or have follow on 15:49:45 ack next 15:49:54 Lisa: could delete the question, not sure the demographic information as needed here 15:51:18 Lisa: EA asked if we should break up the roles, but that made it a bit long 15:51:49 ... Testing and QA probably should remain together, but maybe Researcher and Academic should be separated? 15:51:56 ... Does anyone mind if I don't split them up? 15:52:13 +1 to keeping them together to make the data easier for us to parse later 15:52:33 Kiki: I could see academic and researcher as separate because the work is very different 15:53:54 Lisa: should we make a different spreadsheet to track where it is being sent? 15:54:21 Rain: suggest use same sheet but make a separate tab 15:54:27 Lisa: right, we can link to the individual tabs 15:54:43 LInk to outreach record: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xXjHPCfWm00iAJqmjdwFq_RQ80vKwwxFAoiEGI3NOlM/edit?usp=chrome_omnibox&ouid=107030174649805411088 15:55:03 +1 15:55:15 zakim, next item 15:55:15 agendum 8 -- do we want to delay and go via ethics commity ? -- taken up [from Lisa] 15:55:52 q+ 15:56:02 Lisa: would you like to go through an ethics committee, which could delay results by 3 months 15:56:05 ack julierawe 15:56:09 ack next 15:57:01 Julie: if we go through ethics, can we reduce the long preamble? 15:57:05 Rain: we'd probably have to add more 15:57:15 Lisa: no, there would be lots of standards we have to go through 15:57:36 ... checking privacy and that we are meeting all of the international standards 15:57:42 ... which means we may end up with more as a result 15:57:44 This is the link Roy gave for the Ethics community at W3C: https://www.w3.org/community/pwe/ 15:57:52 q+ 15:57:57 Lisa: advantage is that then we can publish in a journal 15:58:08 agenda? 15:58:20 Julie: now that I understand more, this isn't the survey we'd want to hold up for publishing 15:58:26 ack julierawe 15:58:40 ... if we were to go the ethics route, it'd be protocols for doing user testing or something like that 15:58:44 sorry must drop 15:59:09 Lisa: question is, does anyone care? 15:59:21 agenda? 15:59:32 I have to drop 15:59:34 I agree with Rain--I vote for not going through the ethics committee 15:59:38 rain: it will also make it more complex 15:59:57 not sure what the gain is 16:00:00 +1 to Rain 16:00:26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.bls0z8ekj5k3 16:00:29 Lisa: one more point, we made an original plan for a review 16:00:40 ... please look it over and make comments 16:01:52 thanks everyone 16:01:59 thank you! 16:02:14 RRSAgent, publish minutes 16:02:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-coga-minutes.html Lisa 16:03:01 trackbot, end meeting 16:03:01 Zakim, list attendees 16:03:01 As of this point the attendees have been Jennie, rashmi, Rain, Lisa, julierawe, aaronchu, Roy, ShawnT, Fazio, Maya, David, Klaus, EA, Becca_Monteleone, Michal_Lahav, Le, kirkwood, 16:03:04 ... MichaelC, Rachael, Kiki 16:03:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:03:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/25-coga-minutes.html trackbot 16:03:10 RRSAgent, bye 16:03:10 I see no action items