17:55:12 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 17:55:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/10-waicc-irc 17:55:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:55:17 Meeting: WAI Coordination Call Teleconference 17:55:17 Date: 10 August 2022 17:55:19 agenda? 17:55:22 clear agenda 17:55:49 Matthew_Atkinson has joined #waicc 17:55:57 GeorgeK_ has joined #waicc 17:57:56 GeorgeK_ has joined #waicc 18:01:38 agenda+ Scribe, agenda additions, add present+ 18:01:38 agenda+ Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts 18:01:38 agenda+ New work? Cross-WAI review requests? 18:01:38 agenda+ TPAC questions, travel reminders, joint meeting status/issues 18:01:39 agenda+ Systemetizing SOTD publication sections to maximize usability for commenters and for comment reviewers 18:01:40 agenda+ Cross-group issue tracking labels 18:01:42 agenda+ Rechecking after one month: Update on Community Group activity scanning 18:01:44 agenda+ Continued: getting enough outreach, dissemination, and feedback opportunities (in person, hybrid, virtual)? 18:01:49 agenda+ More public info on legal entity transition, any questions? 18:02:56 shawn has joined #waicc 18:03:00 present+ 18:03:08 present+ 18:03:09 present+ 18:03:15 present+ 18:03:16 scribe+ 18:03:19 scribe+ Matthew_Atkinson 18:03:26 agenda? 18:03:33 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #waicc 18:03:40 present+ 18:04:58 zakim, drop item 7 18:04:58 agendum 7, Rechecking after one month: Update on Community Group activity scanning, dropped 18:05:14 zakim, drop item 1 18:05:14 agendum 1, Scribe, agenda additions, add present+, dropped 18:05:26 zakim, take up next 18:05:26 agendum 2 -- Publication plans, announcements https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts -- taken up [from Judy] 18:06:03 Chuck has joined #waicc 18:06:28 shawn: Just added WCAG 2.2 CR and WAI-Adapt CR. Both dates uncertain. 18:07:09 Judy: I understand December for WCAG 2.2. 18:07:12 Chuck: *agrees* 18:07:32 shawn: Note: WCAG 2.2 CR is the upcoming one. 18:07:54 janina has joined #waicc 18:07:57 Chuck: We are going to address some concerns and re-CfC 18:07:58 present+ 18:09:50 Judy: Any questions from the team, e.g. around issues that must be addressed before or after CR? 18:10:05 MichaelC: Discussions continuing, no problems at the moment. 18:10:30 q+ to say have been watching... for my timing planning, CR likely when? 18:10:53 Judy: It's a good idea to plan for ideal dates; this can help ensure we make progress. 18:11:09 shawn: Are we still thinking we may get to CR in August, or after TPAC? 18:11:11 ack me 18:11:11 shawn, you wanted to say have been watching... for my timing planning, CR likely when? 18:11:23 Chuck: Likely after TPAC. 18:11:38 Judy: This puts PR by the end of the year at risk. 18:12:07 Judy: *will follow up with others regarding timelines* For now we're aiming for the end of the year for 2.2. Does the site need updating? 18:12:12 shawn: It's up to date in all four places. 18:12:14 q+ 18:12:52 Chuck: 2.2 is our priority. No other publications. 18:12:59 ack Ch 18:13:08 Judy: Lots of good work on 2.2; will be good to get it out of the door. 18:13:26 janina: From APA: Maturity Model looks like FPWD late August/early September. CfC currently open. 18:13:39 janina: First draft of the messaging went into the wiki in the past hour. 18:15:06 Judy: re CAUR (~collaborative tools accessible user requirements)... sounds like "cower" when spoken. Could shawn help with this? (ACK that *AUR is a series of documents) 18:15:41 shawn: We refer to the *AURs as *AURs internally, but most of the documents don't even have the acronym in the title. Will think on it, but if we stick with not using the acronym in the title that could be a solution. 18:15:54 q+ to mention sidenote 18:16:13 Judy: APA and RQTF refer to these documents by acronym 18:18:47 janina: Have lined up some help with the vehicular accessibility document. 18:19:00 q? 18:19:35 shawn: We don't have good findability for the *AURs; setting up a page, and looking for feedback on where it should go. 18:19:55 janina: There's a comprehensive list in the RQTF wiki. Hear the question, though. 18:20:06 zakim, next item 18:20:06 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Matthew_Atkinson 18:20:08 q? 18:20:11 ack shawn 18:20:11 shawn, you wanted to mention sidenote 18:20:12 zakim, next item 18:20:12 agendum 3 -- New work? Cross-WAI review requests? -- taken up [from Judy] 18:20:57 janina: (as above) 18:22:08 GeorgeK_: Accessibility summary is likely to move from a MUST to a SHOULD. The objection was that millions of titles would need to have a human-readable summary created. 18:22:40 ... It will be a SHOULD, for use if the publisher has anything additional they wish to add to the existing metadata. E.g. "We have added extended descriptions to the content" 18:23:40 Judy: This sounds like a very significant change that may reduce concerns from any large existing repositories. 18:24:26 GeorgeK_: This will reduce the amount of work needed to meet the European accessibility act. The act requires that information be exposed. We are advocating translating the metadata into human-readable phrases. We have existing maps already (and more to come). 18:24:54 GeorgeK_: Essentially, every retailer is going to have to grab the metadata and convert it to a presentation in their catalogs. 18:25:49 Judy: Is this something that you're relatively confident you'll be reaching consensus on, and something you'd like to be messaging publicly? 18:26:53 GeorgeK_: I see messaging going out about fixed layout; there's a lot more that can be expressed there. I contacted EPUB chairs about it. 18:27:07 Judy: Sounds like this subject is a little premature, but we could be looking at messaging for the future. 18:27:16 GeorgeK_: There's a lot more we can do on messaging. 18:27:33 Judy: If shawn's helping, she'll need clear points as to where to start. 18:27:53 GeorgeK_: The WG hasn't come to consensus on this change yet. Looks likely, from voting so far. 18:28:24 Judy: Could someone update us on the next WAICC? 18:28:34 GeorgeK_: I can't. Tzviya may be able to if she's here. 18:28:54 zakim, next item 18:28:54 agendum 4 -- TPAC questions, travel reminders, joint meeting status/issues -- taken up [from Judy] 18:29:50 Judy: Want to check that groups that need joint meetings are getting them. Starting with APA, which has I think the most challenging joint meeting planning. 18:30:20 janina: We've still got more work to do, but going well so far. We should have sent all initial requests in the next day or so. We think we're going to get most of the meetings we want to have. 18:31:11 janina: We may be joining more meetings on days that APA is not scheduled, but we should be fine with this. 18:31:14 +1 18:31:48 janina: We have 11 meetings [actually 12 now --Matthew] 18:31:59 Judy: We've had more people register for in-person than we expected; good news. 18:32:14 Lionel_Wolberger: Is there possiblity of more rooms becoming available at the conference rate? 18:33:10 Judy: My latest understanding is there are some rooms available at nearby hotels, but W3C has been unable to negotiate a block rate due to oversubscription of events at this time, and uncertainty on numbers. (I could be wrong.) 18:33:32 zakim, next item 18:33:32 agendum 5 -- Systemetizing SOTD publication sections to maximize usability for commenters and for comment reviewers -- taken up [from Judy] 18:34:16 Judy: The boilerplate section can in some circumstances even be misleading about the status of the document. 18:34:42 janina: Some of us have been discussing this. Rachael has a Google Doc (I've not read). We're getting to some consensus that we can do something meaningful. 18:34:56 ... We can tease out what the needs are at both ends in order to support people who use different tools. 18:35:19 ... We can describe the outcomes that are desirable, if we get something we can't work with, we can negotiate with the parties involved. 18:35:43 ... Had fruitful conversations with Lisa regarding how things can be delivered to be clear. 18:36:46 Judy: this is good, but for the next agendum. Unless they're the same. 18:36:49 q+ 18:37:01 Here's an example of a horizontal review dashboard that APA uses. I showed this to COGA and there was some interest in it - might this be of help? https://w3c.github.io/horizontal-issue-tracker/?repo=w3c/a11y-review 18:38:52 ack mat 18:39:04 Matthew_Atkinson: I got the impression it would be helpful. We just agreed to use a COGA label for issues; could we make a trial of a dashboard like this? 18:39:53 MichaelC: Phillipe runs this tool. It may be difficult to do, becuse this is specific to horizontals, and COGA is under APA. However, we could maybe fork the tool and use a version for COGA. I don't know how easy that would be. 18:40:33 Judy: Would you be able to carry this dicussion forward with Phillipe? 18:40:50 MichaelC: If the APA chairs formulate a request, I can take it to Phillipe. 18:41:09 janina: We have some questions to address. 18:41:59 s/formulate a request/can discuss it further/ 18:42:11 Judy: Complexity may change if this is to be used for tracking issues from other groups. 18:42:16 agenda? 18:43:08 Judy: Sounds like APA chairs will discuss further and seek comments from COGA. 18:43:24 janina: Happy to continue the discussion. 18:43:27 +1 18:43:50 Judy: Important to bear in mind that COGA needs to be able to intersect smoothly with all the WAI groups. 18:44:28 +1 to EOWG to weigh in before FPWD, thanks, Janina! 18:44:42 janina: E.g. RQTF has just specifically invited COGA to review the CAUR. 18:45:18 Judy: Common ground between COGA and DPUB? 18:45:30 GeorgeK_: With the personalization aspect in particular, yes. 18:45:58 Judy: I sense there may be many other areas, and maybe this system would help evolve those? 18:46:07 GeorgeK_: Yes. Though we don't address modification of language in the specs. 18:47:03 Judy: Do you give voicing options for different words? Plain language? Other accomodations? 18:47:26 GeorgeK_: We're very interested in the Pronunciation work when it's agreed upon, and it may be longer before it's agreed upon. 18:47:45 janina: I think it's gonig to come in pieces. 18:48:24 GeorgeK_: If it comes in the form of specific parts that can be implemented, great. If it's a waterfall that takes a long time to come, that may be challenging. 18:48:52 Judy: A broadly available label is therefore better. 18:48:58 agenda? 18:49:09 zakim, drop item 6 18:49:09 agendum 6, Cross-group issue tracking labels, dropped 18:49:19 janina: *agrees* [as do others --Matthew] 18:49:53 zakim, take up item 9 18:49:53 agendum 9 -- More public info on legal entity transition, any questions? -- taken up [from Judy] 18:50:50 Judy: It's progressing. It's complex to turn several international entities into one. Some things may be staggered. 18:50:54 q+ 18:51:45 Lionel_Wolberger: Best wishes for the transition. We have an accounting problem and have not been able to get support with it. 18:52:02 Judy: Please loop me in and I will check where it's going and will try to get a response. 18:52:18 GeorgeK_: Are the people who're putting their names forward for the board publicly declared? 18:52:52 Judy: I think it's intended to be. I haven't been watching the entire process. 18:53:16 Judy: Suggest checking with Coralie. Will try to find out. 18:54:21 GeorgeK_: Does the AB see it? I think the composition of the Board is going to be strategically critical. 18:54:41 Judy: There have been extensive discussions about the composition of the Board. 18:55:02 Judy: I'll look into this question for you. 18:55:02 hard stop for me at top of hour. Could use earlier departure. 18:56:21 rrsagent, make minutes 18:56:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/10-waicc-minutes.html Matthew_Atkinson 18:57:32 chair: Judy 18:57:36 regrets+ Brent 18:57:44 [ to answer George: Nominations and statements for the election for the Board of Directors of W3C, Incorporated https://www.w3.org/2022/08/bod-nominations.html ] 18:57:48 regrets+ Tzviya 18:58:01 rrsagent, make minutes 18:58:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/10-waicc-minutes.html Matthew_Atkinson 18:58:29 zakim, bye 18:58:29 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, Chuck, Judy, Lionel_Wolberger, Janina, spectranaut, shawn, GeorgeK_, Matthew_Atkinson 18:58:29 Zakim has left #waicc 19:01:06 shawn has left #waicc