13:28:28 RRSAgent has joined #adapt 13:28:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/08-adapt-irc 13:28:30 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:28:30 Zakim has joined #adapt 13:28:32 Meeting: WAI Adapt Task Force Teleconference 13:28:32 Date: 08 August 2022 13:28:43 chair: Sharon 13:28:49 agenda? 13:30:12 agenda+ CfC for Content Module 1.0 CR Status, Issues raised by the W3C Director upon their review [1] Exit criteria, [2] TAG Response Resolution [3] BCI 13:30:29 agenda+ Respond to issue #203 (Janina) 13:30:30 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n. 13:31:09 agenda+ BCI Registry Implementation 13:31:23 agenda+ TPAC 12-16 September 2022 preparations 13:31:41 agenda+ Discuss @rel vs. purpose/destination/action -- add to the explainer 13:32:12 agenda+ Content Module Implementations Status 13:32:24 agenda? 13:32:26 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n. 13:54:07 janina has joined #adapt 13:54:11 agenda? 13:54:13 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n. 13:54:15 present+ 14:01:39 Matthew_Atkinson has joined #adapt 14:04:04 becky has joined #adapt 14:04:09 present+ 14:04:13 Link to current draft of CR exit criteria: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bNEUCqE7SxwkhmENIO620yVTjeAnhn_5Bi4AY8oQJEA/edit?usp=sharing 14:04:18 present+ 14:04:46 scribe+ janina 14:05:06 zakim, next item 14:05:06 agendum 1 -- CfC for Content Module 1.0 CR Status, Issues raised by the W3C Director upon their review [1] Exit criteria, [2] TAG Response Resolution [3] BCI -- taken up [from 14:05:09 ... Sharon] 14:05:20 Link to current draft of CR exit criteria: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bNEUCqE7SxwkhmENIO620yVTjeAnhn_5Bi4AY8oQJEA/edit?usp=sharing 14:05:24 rrsagent, make minutes 14:05:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/08-adapt-minutes.html Matthew_Atkinson 14:05:32 Matthew_Atkinson: Above is inprocess draft of Exit Criteria 14:05:42 mike_beganyi has joined #adapt 14:05:47 present+ 14:06:02 Matthew_Atkinson: Compared with other specs, as well as process doc 14:06:40 Matthew_Atkinson: which includes two independent implementations; noting that have 205 value pairs 14:06:50 Roy has joined #adapt 14:06:53 Matthew_Atkinson: believes that means 2 implementations for each of those 205 14:06:58 present+ 14:07:06 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:07:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/08-adapt-minutes.html Roy 14:07:10 Matthew_Atkinson: thinking primarily of browser extensions 14:07:31 Matthew_Atkinson: all implementations need not be in a given extension--can be across multiple implementations 14:07:46 Matthew_Atkinson: expect we will need a test page with all 205 pairs 14:08:21 Matthew_Atkinson: one way might be content with and without our ml 14:08:27 q+ to say combine tables 14:08:35 Matthew_Atkinson: that can create side-by-side comparison 14:08:40 q+ to mention 2nd CR relation 14:08:52 q+ to define UA 14:09:33 ack MichaelC 14:09:33 MichaelC, you wanted to say combine tables and to mention 2nd CR relation and to define UA 14:09:41 MichaelC: need to come up with overall strategy -- is this one? 14:09:51 Matthew_Atkinson: yes, proposal of how to test; still working on reporting 14:10:18 Matthew_Atkinson: expecting a table with 205 rows and each implementations a column 14:10:36 MichaelC: yes, could be pass/fail value 14:10:46 MichaelC: should have more to explain 14:11:13 MichaelC: also here to talk strategic process 14:11:24 MichaelC: knowing we have a second CR coming 14:12:20 michael: looks at what the expectations of 1 cr are 14:13:19 janina: explains expecting to request permanent reserved prefix from what-wg 14:13:39 MichaelC: yes, and we should explain that in our transition request 14:14:35 q+ 14:14:46 ack me 14:14:53 ack MichaelC 14:15:07 ~~janina: recalls need to define user agent as well as authoring reqs 14:15:09 q+ 14:15:17 janina: ua would have RFC2119 MUST statements 14:15:20 ack Matthew_Atkinson 14:15:28 MichaelC: we should carefully define UA to our advantage 14:15:46 Matthew_Atkinson: there need to be some reqs 14:15:57 Matthew_Atkinson: would we say react to all 205? 14:16:25 q+ to say don´t require all 14:16:34 Matthew_Atkinson: gave internal presentation and heard question on how this would apply to apps, native desktop or mobile 14:16:43 Matthew_Atkinson: people are thinking that way 14:16:48 ack me 14:16:57 ack MichaelC 14:16:57 MichaelC, you wanted to say don´t require all 14:17:08 MichaelC: would encourage avoiding expecting all values to be implemented 14:17:09 q+ 14:17:28 Matthew_Atkinson: characterize as here's this attrib, and here its values 14:17:51 ack janina 14:18:44 MichaelC: janina: notes typical approach is to segregate into normative and informative sections of the spec 14:19:00 /michael// 14:19:15 Matthew_Atkinson: still working on it and will be on it this week 14:19:25 Matthew_Atkinson: will report on list 14:19:34 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #adapt 14:19:41 s/MichaelC: janina:/janina:/ 14:19:50 regrets+ Lionel 14:20:07 Lionel is lurking, on another meeting. Waves hello to all. 14:20:26 subtopic: prospective meetup with TAG 14:20:34 rrsagent, make minutes 14:20:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/08-adapt-minutes.html Matthew_Atkinson 14:21:24 janina: Notes that's on the planning subtopic: bci 14:22:36 q+ to say add the bliss topic to 2nd cr explanation 14:22:53 ack MichaelC 14:22:53 MichaelC, you wanted to say add the bliss topic to 2nd cr explanation 14:23:13 MichaelC: given we have a second cr, normative references could go there and not the first CR 14:23:21 MichaelC: suggests a note for now 14:25:46 MichaelC: suggesting even excel is for 2nd, but point to pdf for now 14:25:58 MichaelC: we don't need to gate 1st cr on the registry work 14:26:11 MichaelC: we should look for registry in TR by 2nd Adapt CR 14:26:36 s/TR/FPWD/ 14:27:13 MichaelC: the registry would need to be final by the time Adapt is finalized, but should be OK for 2nd CR 14:27:46 MichaelC: Roy and I will chat and come up with approach to Director 14:27:58 zakim, next item 14:27:58 agendum 2 -- Respond to issue #203 (Janina) -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:27:59 https://github.com/w3c/adapt/issues/203 : Unclear how the Bliss symbol examples should work with i10n/i18n. 14:28:06 janina: not done 14:29:11 zakim, close this item 14:29:11 agendum 2 closed 14:29:12 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:29:12 3. BCI Registry Implementation [from Sharon] 14:29:15 zakim, next item 14:29:15 agendum 3 -- BCI Registry Implementation -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:30:16 janina: Reached out to Russell 14:30:27 sharon: also Lionel working on implementations 14:30:30 zakim, next item 14:30:30 agendum 4 -- TPAC 12-16 September 2022 preparations -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:30:56 janina: So TAG meeting 14:31:33 Matthew_Atkinson: many meetings we're organizing have some relation to Adapt 14:31:51 Matthew_Atkinson: Suggest updating slides and doing breakout 14:32:17 Matthew_Atkinson: develop an elevator pitch 14:32:54 Matthew_Atkinson: updating slides should be easy because we already have them from last year 14:35:24 Matthew_Atkinson: was asked by this TF to come up with a page where MQ5 would be insufficient, but Adapt would 14:35:34 Matthew_Atkinson: getting there with that page, but not ready yet 14:35:47 Sharon: yes, element level metadata, not just page level 14:36:49 zakim, next item 14:36:49 agendum 5 -- Discuss @rel vs. purpose/destination/action -- add to the explainer -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:37:18 janina: we're recalling this came up in a conversation between Lionel and Tzviya 14:37:23 Sharon: a few more times, too 14:37:44 Sharon: adding explanation to our Explainer is what we agreed is the way to address 14:38:08 Sharon: want to hold on this for Lionel, as he had the conversation 14:38:15 zakim, next item 14:38:15 agendum 6 -- Content Module Implementations Status -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:38:36 Sharon: have not heard from Phil re IBM implementation; he's been out 14:38:44 Sharon: Lionel has committed to doing one 14:41:16 janina: suggests all 205 pairings won't come from just the ADA complaint form 14:41:53 Matthew_Atkinson: we can't rely on a published site using all 205, or close to; therefore the test page 14:43:12 Matthew_Atkinson: testing is going to be laborious; visual 14:43:26 Matthew_Atkinson: thinking aloud about mechanisms to automate part of it somehow 14:44:01 s/Phil/Phill 14:44:10 Matthew_Atkinson: looking forward to how others have approached this, e.g. ARIA 14:47:24 janina: notes benefits to screen reader and lo vision magnification users whose tech does "soda straw" ivews of content; so less is more! 14:48:13 topic: Future meetings 14:48:15 scribe+ Matthew_Atkinson 14:48:32 janina: There are likely three weeks off in September (Labor day, TPAC, and the week after). 14:48:43 zakim, bye 14:48:43 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been janina, becky, Matthew_Atkinson, mike_beganyi, Roy 14:48:43 Zakim has left #adapt 14:48:56 rrsagent, make minutes 14:48:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/08-adapt-minutes.html janina