13:31:21 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:31:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/08/05-silver-irc 13:31:23 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:31:24 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:31:50 agenda? 13:32:04 present: 13:32:04 chair: jeanne 13:32:04 present+ 13:32:04 zakim, clear agenda 13:32:04 agenda cleared 13:32:05 rrsagent, make minutes 13:32:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/05-silver-minutes.html jeanne 13:32:05 q? 13:32:16 regrets+ Shawn 13:33:45 agenda+ WCAG3 topics at AG next Tuesday 13:34:46 agenda+ Writing process next steps 13:35:34 regrets+ Todd, Wilco, Makoto 13:59:19 janina has joined #silver 14:00:33 present+ 14:01:18 Azlan has joined #silver 14:01:52 present+ 14:02:52 present+ 14:05:24 scribe+ 14:05:56 zakim, take up item 1 14:05:56 agendum 1 -- WCAG3 topics at AG next Tuesday -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:06:26 The AG meeting this week will be mostly focussed on 2.2 14:06:28 ... Access to WCAG 3 Google docs 14:06:28 ... Subgroup status reports 14:07:10 zakim, next item 14:07:10 agendum 2 -- Writing process next steps -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:08:50 jeanne: Shawn had a great idea. To take what we have about the silver writing process and adapt it to the new maturity levels for WCAG3 that has been agreed. SO that we converge the Silver process to be an agile process and put it in the maturity level it should go with. 14:09:04 ...do people think this is a good idea? 14:09:27 janina: To clarify this refers to the categorisation such as exploratory label 14:09:49 jeanne: This allows people to give feedback in a more iterative way. 14:10:18 ...I have set up an overview document 14:10:24 Overview of Writing Process by Maturity Level -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iu3-vr2vMoDxr0YjwSEQsuOMjTzQxh1ODgRd57Ea-i8/ 14:12:34 Takes links to references to maturity levels and references to the Silver writing process categorisation and migration folder in google docs 14:13:04 Jem has joined #silver 14:13:15 present+ 14:13:23 agenda? 14:13:43 rrsagent, make miniutes 14:13:43 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make miniutes', Jem. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:13:54 rrsagent, make minutes 14:13:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/05-silver-minutes.html Jem 14:14:38 ...summary of the maturity levels (placeholder, exploratory, developing, refining, mature) 14:14:43 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 14:15:17 ... there are sections for each level. The idea is to go through the writing process and see how this fits 14:17:00 For placeholder information it should include a link to the document of the breakdown of each success criteria we are migrating 14:18:02 janina: Suggests to try one as an example to help understanding 14:19:28 Folder of SC Migration exercise -> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t9H47G5gIUUSONx-Aly3UGCfQ7G0NI_V 14:20:36 Try it out with 1.4.2 Audio Controls -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oXqNZ22r1qDToD1mP0-0h3dOe9JqHkO09o9o2vcWJYc/edit 14:20:56 Taking audio controls to demonstrate https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oXqNZ22r1qDToD1mP0-0h3dOe9JqHkO09o9o2vcWJYc/edit 14:22:35 jeanne: Suggest we could have preliminary functional needs, units and test type, and the sub guidelines for placeholder 14:23:24 janina: what kind of controls are included? 14:23:48 jeanne: auto-play, adjust independent volume 14:24:56 janina: playing longer than 3 seconds contradicts the first guideline so we should put it in placeholder 14:25:31 jeanne: I think this starts to go into exploratory thinking about the conflicts 14:25:56 janina: Wouldn't this go higher as it is no longer controversial? 14:26:46 jeanne: we can base on what already existed but this could be new. 14:30:10 SuzanneTaylor: assuming we make the sub guidelines placeholder, what would be the process? 14:30:54 Jem: based onprevious experience this was done in github 14:31:28 ...people didn't look at the actual content but picked up on the placeholder 14:32:17 ...how do we clearly understand the migration and let people know 14:32:27 Maturity Level Process Chart -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G-h2JHIFZtQklMMmRaoZYEjJeX1WcVaRBafNUmQk7NQ/ 14:33:40 janina: So if there are things missing what is the process? 14:34:16 jeanne: I think the best thing is to update the document and add comments so people know when they start the placeholder they know whats missing 14:36:27 Jem: Indicates we really need somebody that knows that SC. We should have an expert involved 14:37:48 jeanne: placeholder just states we have started looking at this item. Exploratory state we have a group (including some with deep knowledge). What would we want to do next to say this is the exploratory content? 14:38:18 Jem: hearing when we have a new SC this is the new process. Is this for new SC or for existing? 14:38:58 jeanne: both - may need adaptation a little but should work for both. We want to re-examine and fix the existing SCs 14:39:54 SuzanneTaylor: If we challenge the groups at each stage even if they are just putting placeholder content then we time box it and then we can add value at each stage 14:40:33 jeanne: placeholder is what they are given. Exploratory is when work has begun 14:41:29 Jem: would that be refinement? 14:41:57 SuzanneTaylor: if it's a copy paste from google doc to github then timebox and it will get us further 14:42:22 kirkwood has joined #silver 14:42:28 jeanne: for exploratory we review the functional needs, user needs then in exploratory we identify the types of tests needed and sketch them out 14:42:45 ...the methods should go in developing 14:44:21 SuzanneTaylor: think it should be done at each phase. First pass is placeholder and next is exploratory. I'd put everything in an exploratory 14:44:36 MichaelC has joined #silver 14:45:25 Agreement from janina and Jem 14:56:47 rrsagent, make minutes 14:56:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/05-silver-minutes.html jeanne 14:57:18 Jeanne: To Dos 14:57:29 ... Do we write Outcomes before tests? 14:57:29 ... Whether to use functional needs or user needs to develop the Exploratory material? 14:58:02 zakim, bye 14:58:02 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jeanne, janina, MichaelC, Azlan, Jem 14:58:02 Zakim has left #silver 14:58:20 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/08/05-silver-minutes.html Azlan 17:44:35 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 20:19:01 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 22:11:38 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 23:01:44 kirkwood_ has joined #silver 23:18:17 kirkwood__ has joined #silver 23:38:31 kirkwood_ has joined #silver