14:55:29 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 14:55:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/07/07-silver-conf-irc 14:55:41 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 14:55:50 Date: 7 Jul 2022 14:56:01 Date: 07 Jul 2022 14:56:07 Chair: Janina 14:56:12 rrsagent, make log public 14:56:55 agenda? 14:56:56 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 14:56:57 agenda+ Tieing up loose ends 14:56:57 agenda+ Other Business 14:56:57 agenda+ Be Done 14:57:08 rrsagent, make log public 14:57:14 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/07-silver-conf-minutes.html janina 15:52:28 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 15:54:26 agenda? 15:55:57 rrsagent, make minutes 15:55:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/07-silver-conf-minutes.html janina 15:57:27 GreggVan has joined #silver-conf 15:57:50 present+ 15:59:24 shadi has joined #silver-conf 15:59:32 present+ 15:59:49 present 15:59:52 present+ 16:00:19 present+ 16:01:02 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 16:01:21 DarrylLehmann has joined #silver-conf 16:01:34 scribe: shadi 16:01:35 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 16:01:41 present+ 16:01:43 present+ 16:02:08 agenda? 16:02:14 Wilco_ has joined #silver-conf 16:02:21 present+ 16:02:32 zakim, take up next 16:02:32 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from janina] 16:03:06 Janina: objective for today is to tie up lose ends 16:03:28 ...still not sure which stage we can get to 16:03:48 ...but hope to be able to finish up in the coming week or two 16:04:23 ...chairs want us to finish this iteration of work 16:04:58 ...chairs want to turn focus to TPAC preparations 16:05:28 q+ 16:06:02 Jeanne: several groups starting 16:06:12 ...these have short timeframes 16:06:15 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/subgroups-2022-06/ 16:06:36 ...will be discussed during Tuesday AGWG call 16:07:28 Darryl: how to I contribute as a non-W3C member? 16:07:37 s/to I/do I 16:08:28 Jeanne: Silver surveys should be open to the Silver CG 16:08:29 SusanaPallero has joined #silver-conf 16:08:33 present+ 16:08:54 ...please let the chairs know if you don't get access to a survey 16:08:59 group-ag-plan@w3.org 16:09:29 zakim, take up next 16:09:29 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, shadi 16:09:35 queue= 16:09:36 zakim, take up next 16:09:36 agendum 2 -- Tieing up loose ends -- taken up [from janina] 16:10:00 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2022Jul/0003.html 16:11:13 Gregg: hardly any changes to the examples themselves 16:11:29 ...most edits to the recommendations after that 16:11:44 ...many of them were repetive and generic 16:12:06 ...created a new section called "Universal Recommendations" 16:12:18 ...to have these things only once 16:12:37 present+ 16:12:37 ToddL has joined #silver-conf 16:12:43 present+ 16:13:00 q? 16:13:31 ...after hearing concerns from Judy, also revised sections on policy guidance 16:14:21 ...rolled that section into the guidance documents section 16:15:38 q+ 16:15:57 q? 16:16:02 q+ 16:16:19 ...tried to keep all content from the original document 16:16:45 q+ to disagree that there are no ways that technical can help #1. Also disagree thatt setting priority is not done in technical 16:17:17 scribe: Wilco 16:17:17 ack sh 16:17:25 scribe+ janina 16:17:38 shadi: Likes overall enhancements ... 16:18:37 shadi: Concerned putting policies under guidance -- we're not telling what to do, but the considerations that should go into policies 16:18:56 shadi: liked that we separated use cases and recomendations 16:19:14 shadi: wonders whether we should consider whether we have consensus on use cases? 16:19:57 shadi: Unsure "universal" section is all that useful because not that much in it 16:20:30 MichaelC_ has joined #silver-conf 16:21:44 Janina: we already separated out the use cases before going to AGWG 16:22:29 Gregg: changed "Universal Recommendations" to "Generic Recommendations" 16:22:34 q+ to respond 16:22:40 Use Cases without recommendations or solutions -> https://w3c.github.io/silver/use-cases/ 16:22:50 q- 16:23:26 Gregg: sometimes use cases had some implicit argumentation 16:24:03 present+ 16:24:06 ...if we want to move forward with the use cases, then we should take a pass 16:24:56 ack me 16:24:56 jeanne, you wanted to disagree that there are no ways that technical can help #1. Also disagree thatt setting priority is not done in technical 16:25:00 ack jean 16:25:24 Jeanne: concerned about not providing a prioritization like A, AA, and AAA in WCAG currently 16:25:39 ...think there are other technical aspects as well 16:26:13 ack jan 16:26:16 Janina: concerned about other statements in the document that seem overly binary and simplistic 16:26:46 Gregg: this is not the final document, happy to discuss 16:26:49 q? 16:27:22 q+ 16:27:25 q+ 16:28:19 ...agree with having overall categories but was concerned with some of the text 16:30:03 q+ to describe the results of the research study that Silver did where they took each SC and tried to prioritize it by blocker, and found that almost every SC was a blocker to some disability group. The recommendation was that we do not use "blocker" as a way of prioritizing 16:30:49 shadi: mixed response -- happy to clarify; e.g. at least label 16:31:19 shadi: But "that's enough" wan't there before ... 16:32:15 shadi: emphasis on transparency, not accessible vs. not accessible 16:33:17 +1 Shadi 16:33:30 shadi: hoping we can build more nuance in; not sure how to achieve that, but we can work on it 16:34:00 Janina: some aspects of metadata missing in my view 16:35:31 ...labeling is important to get help, for example 16:36:01 ack jan 16:36:09 ack sha 16:36:14 ack jea 16:36:14 jeanne, you wanted to describe the results of the research study that Silver did where they took each SC and tried to prioritize it by blocker, and found that almost every SC was a 16:36:17 ... blocker to some disability group. The recommendation was that we do not use "blocker" as a way of prioritizing 16:37:21 Jeanne: take away was to look at things in context 16:37:32 https://w3c.github.io/silver/use-cases/ 16:38:12 ...suggest we try to focus on the use cases ahead of TPAC 16:38:25 ...and circle back to recommendations after TPAC 16:38:29 q? 16:38:40 q+ 16:39:17 q+ 16:39:22 Gregg: labeling still in there 16:40:08 ...question if this is technical/normative vs informative/guidance? 16:40:27 ...would labeling be a way of making it accessible 16:44:14 shadi: suggest a reframing -- instead of each sc critical to someone -- suggest instead consider how to restructure WCAG to better capture nuances 16:45:25 shadi: notes constraints of partial conformance 16:45:44 shadi: so we could do better by labeling without judging accessible or not 16:46:12 q? 16:46:16 queue= 16:46:35 Janina: do we have agreement on the use cases? 16:46:39 q+ 16:46:48 topic: Use Cases Only Review 16:46:55 Use Cases Only -> https://w3c.github.io/silver/use-cases/ 16:47:13 ack gr 16:47:14 q+ 16:47:40 Gregg: don't think we can review these in the coming 15 minutes 16:47:53 ...need to review offline 16:47:59 ack sh 16:48:19 shadi: q to Jeanne ... 16:48:50 shadi: Believe there are some changes in GV's intro text we could pick up; also some retitling of situations from AGWG presentation (live) 16:48:54 q+ 16:48:54 q+ 16:49:06 q? 16:49:13 ack ma 16:49:15 Jeanne: not addressed, need to look at those 16:49:30 MaryJo: problem description is duplicated 16:50:25 ...also wall of text 16:50:35 ...GitHub pull requests OK? 16:50:44 Gregg: would these collide? 16:51:08 MaryJo: could start with GV comments and pass on the pull request for others to review 16:51:13 ack g 16:51:50 q? 16:51:59 Gregg: introduction describes structure that is not there anymore 16:52:13 Janina: want to focus on the use cases next week 16:52:32 ...good set of situations to set context 16:52:40 q+ to ask which paragraph to delete 16:52:42 ...then come back to recommendations 16:53:41 https://www.w3.org/TR/saur 16:54:31 q+ 16:55:17 Janina: could draw potential requirements from SAUR 16:55:32 https://w3c.github.io/silver/use-cases/ 16:55:51 Jeanne: last sentence in the intro is different in each copy 16:56:36 zakim, end meeting 16:56:37 As of this point the attendees have been GreggVan, janina, shadi, jeanne, Azlan, DarrylLehmann, Wilco_, SusanaPallero, ToddL, maryjom 16:56:39 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:56:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/07/07-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 16:56:42 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:56:47 Zakim has left #silver-conf 18:21:04 MichaelC has joined #silver-conf