12:01:43 RRSAgent has joined #wot 12:01:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/29-wot-irc 12:01:49 meeting: WoT-IG/WG 12:02:10 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:02:17 present+ Meiyu_Hao 12:02:38 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:04:11 topic: regrets 12:04:22 present+ Erich_Barnstedt, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:04:24 seb: Daniel and Ege are not available 12:04:30 zakim, who is on the call? 12:04:30 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Meiyu_Hao, Erich_Barnstedt, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Lagally, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:04:51 topic: guests 12:05:01 no guests 12:05:11 topic: minutes review 12:05:26 seb: review June 22 minutes 12:05:47 i|review|-> https://www.w3.org/2022/06/22-wot-minutes.html June-22| 12:05:58 i/no guests/scribenick: McCool_/ 12:06:48 matsuda has joined #wot 12:07:33 seb: (reviews minutes) - cancellations, TPAC, wide review, testfest schedule, impl report updates and fixes 12:07:44 mm: issues in profile have been fixed, BTW 12:08:05 seb: Japanese CG, CG charter discussion, TF updates 12:08:37 seb: asking for comments on WoT CG charter, will discuss next week in Marketing calll 12:09:16 mm: ideally join the Marketing call next week, will discuss WoT CG charter then 12:09:22 seb: any objections to publishing? 12:09:28 ... hearing none, will publish 12:09:34 topic: updates 12:09:51 seb: testfest conflicts with holiday in Japan 12:10:06 cris_ has joined #wot 12:10:09 present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda 12:10:54 sebastian has joined #wot 12:11:06 mm: no holidays the week of 25th in Japan or Europe 12:11:23 proposal: Change date of Testfest to occur during the week of July 25 12:11:44 resolution: Change date of Testfest to occur during the week of July 25 12:14:28 q? 12:14:28 seb: next, joint call with SDW-WG 12:15:01 mm: working on updating proposal, but as a heads-up I intend to propose a geolocation ontology for WoT in the next charter 12:15:16 seb: next, draft charter, needs to be updated 12:15:26 kaz: talked to PLH, working on it, and process 12:16:03 seb: next, cancellations 12:16:16 mm: will create update for next Jul 19 DTDL meeting 12:16:45 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi 12:17:07 mm: what should we do to prep for the DTDL meeting? 12:17:09 q+ 12:18:21 eb: already sent link to latest spec in presentation I sent, we should start there 12:18:45 seb: I did already a comparison a while ago, I will have to find these slides and update 12:19:20 ack s 12:19:26 ... but I think was based on DTDL 1.0, so needs to update; but will bring to meeting 12:19:37 q? 12:19:41 q+ mlagally 12:19:45 ack m 12:20:06 ml: did a quick search for DTDL on web; but when will 3.0 be available, and under what licensing terms? 12:20:43 present+ David_Ezell 12:20:49 mm: in general this group cannot do NDAs, so we have to wait for it to be public 12:22:42 eb: DTDL 3.0, have asked product team, but expect release date only in Sept (but not confirmed) 12:22:47 ml: same license? 12:22:51 eb: that is the plan 12:23:01 topic: TPAC 12:23:15 q+ 12:23:25 seb: looking at doodle, looking for slots that will work 12:23:41 ... would be good to have more input 12:23:42 q+ 12:23:44 https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e3lEqLpa 12:23:46 i|look|-> https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e3lEqLpa doodle to identify good slots| 12:23:52 q- later 12:25:16 ack m 12:25:47 mm: suggest we grab the early morning times on Monday and Wednesday as proposed 12:26:45 seb: suggest we make a decision and put into the calendar 12:27:36 ... would like to wait until next week to ask Ege and Daniel 12:27:52 mm: would prefer to do it now, to head off conflicts 12:28:05 kaz: already got a reminder from the event team 12:28:16 ... also need to identify slots for joint calls 12:29:04 mm: suggest we prioritize joint calls during TPAC 12:29:40 (and group internal discussion during the previous week) 12:30:27 proposal: Request timeslots for WoT group meetings during TPAC on Monday Sept 12 from 8-10am Pacific and Wednesday Sept 14 from 8-10am Pacific. 12:33:17 resolution: Request timeslots for WoT group meetings during TPAC on Monday Sept 12 from 8-10am Pacific and Wednesday Sept 14 from 8-10am Pacific. 12:34:45 action: kaz to create a wiki page for TPAC 2022 12:35:05 mm: we can use the wiki to start tracking who will be there in person 12:35:12 seb: joint calls 12:35:23 ... SDW-WG not at TPAC 12:35:38 ... McCool to contact DID, Sebastian to contact JSON-LD 12:35:57 ... JSON-LD looking at signing, but also YAML support 12:36:23 ... and also RDF* constructs 12:36:33 ... kaz will contact Automotive 12:36:46 s/will contact/is talking with/ 12:37:00 mm: registration is still not open for TPAC 12:38:16 topic: publications 12:40:01 mm: architecture ready for CR candidate? 12:40:13 ml: some pending PRs, let's defer to next week 12:40:28 seb: regarding wide review, not seeing anything 12:40:41 q? 12:40:42 ack k 12:40:48 seb: regarding TD WD update publication, have static version now 12:41:09 ... see TD PR #780 12:41:40 seb: think we are ready to move forward to CR transition 12:41:59 i/architecture ready/subtopic: Architecture/ 12:42:13 i/regarding wide/subtopic: Wide reviews/ 12:42:27 i/regarding TD/subtopic: Thing Description/ 12:42:32 mm: when should we call the question for CR transition? 12:42:50 seb: in one or two weeks, can discuss in TD call. 12:43:15 mm: I personally would be ok with two weeks 12:43:35 q| 12:43:41 s/q|// 12:43:42 q+ 12:43:56 seb: then would like to have a resolution in two weeks for CR transition 12:44:02 ... for TD spec 12:44:44 mm: issue is right now there are still a lot of at-risk items 12:45:24 s/#780/#1517/ 12:45:30 ... if we wait until after testfest would be better, e.g. July 30 or so 12:45:45 i|think we are|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/pull/1517 PR 1517 - Create CR Candidate Working Draft for publication| 12:46:04 ack k 12:46:14 mm: or rather, Aug 3 if we want to use results from testfest 12:48:03 seb: also think we should aim for Aug 3 for the other specs 12:48:16 mm: agree; Discovery is also in good shape for that 12:49:37 ... but cleaning up testing still needed 12:50:00 mm: as for other testing things, implementation reports are improved 12:50:08 seb: but still some issues with testing TMs 12:50:23 mm: will discuss details in testing call 12:50:34 topic: charter extensions 12:52:10 https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/978 12:52:22 mm: suggest we start collecting topics on the TPAC wiki when it is ready 12:52:31 ... please still use the issue to add suggestions 12:52:39 topic: OPC UA meeting 12:52:39 s/https/-> https/ 12:52:49 seb: planned for Friday, there is first version of pres 12:52:54 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/main/liaisons/opcf/2022-07-01-OPC-UA-WOT-Pre-Meeting.pdf 12:53:02 s/978/978 wot Issue 978 - Goals and Deliverable Discussion for WoT WG 2023 Proposed Charter/ 12:53:20 seb: please if you have any comments, please speak up 12:53:29 s/https/-> https/ 12:53:35 ... still need to work on logistics, e.g. irc channel 12:53:36 s/pdf/pdf Sebastian's slides/ 12:54:01 q+ 12:54:34 https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1020 12:55:13 mm: I need to make some changes, focus on binding and move other topics (e.g Discovery) to a "possible" list 12:55:33 kaz: for IRC, I propose we use "#wot" 12:55:50 ... also, might be easier if you could move slides under "PRESENTATIONS" 12:56:49 q? 12:56:53 ack k 12:57:02 mm: also I plan to merge the technical descriptions after updates 12:57:14 topic: WoT CG 12:57:24 seb: meeting planned for July 5 12:57:59 mm: please at least comment on the issues if you cannot make that call 12:58:08 topic: action items 12:58:45 seb: accessibility joint meeting? 12:58:50 mm: would be a good idea 12:59:09 ... but need actionable outcomes 12:59:39 ... and voice interfaces are important for IoT in general, not just for "accessibility" 13:00:56 kaz: having a joint meeting during TPAC would be a good starting point 13:01:04 topic: TF reports 13:01:04 topic: TF reports 13:01:08 s/topic: TF reports// 13:01:16 i/having/scribenick: kaz/ 13:01:23 scribenick: McCool_ 13:01:30 mm: in security, cleaned up TLS/DTLS version usage in Arch, will discuss tomorrow 13:01:49 ... and merged various improvements to discuss security and privacy wide review input 13:02:13 seb: adjourn 13:06:25 rrsagent, make log public 13:06:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:06:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/29-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:09:57 Fady has joined #wot 13:12:22 Mizushima has left #wot 15:03:13 kaz has joined #wot 15:13:03 Zakim has left #wot 16:06:09 bkardell_ has joined #wot