16:02:36 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-scoping 16:02:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/08-wcag3-scoping-irc 16:02:44 present+ 16:02:50 present+ 16:02:58 jspellman has joined #wcag3-scoping 16:03:03 thbrunet has joined #wcag3-scoping 16:03:08 objective vs subjective document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vLuxeNwdgkSS0wenjAcm9eQlYMSGtwCHP125QYbSOKI/edit#gid=0 16:03:15 present+ 16:03:18 Present+ 16:03:36 Francis_Storr has joined #wcag3-scoping 16:03:43 https://github.com/w3c/silver/wiki/Scoping 16:04:11 Wilco_ has joined #wcag3-scoping 16:05:55 scribe: Rachael 16:06:00 reviewed wiki page 16:10:57 Jenne is referring to https://www.notion.so/nomensa/633121a1bcc94120833db2df302d8794?v=818fb138d19f42648d6d784ca90de239 16:11:06 s/Jenne/Jeanne 16:16:39 q+ 16:19:40 q+ to ask about creating an example outcome 16:19:43 mbgower: walks through work to date. 16:20:24 Jeanne: Test reliability is trying to make outcomes more precise than WCAG 2 SC. Currently testing out process. 16:21:57 q? 16:22:37 mbgower: Is what we are doing redundant with test reliability group? 16:22:53 Jeanne: Trying to avoid contradictory work. 16:23:03 ..already know they could be more objective. 16:23:25 mbgower: There is not a lot of agreement that current SC are not objective. 16:23:27 q+ 16:25:11 Rachael: I think there is value in showing that the current guidelines have a certain level of subjectivity 16:25:13 q- 16:25:27 inter-rater reliability 16:25:34 Some people think objective = high inter-rater reliability 16:25:48 ...may be a definition problem. 16:26:18 also inner-reater reliability. Same person gets same result. Inter-rater reliability = many people test and all get the same result 16:26:22 inner-rater reliability = can the same person get the same result (do the same thing) 16:26:27 ...we mean objective as is there any judgement call. 16:26:41 I think it's intra-rater rather than inner-rater. 16:26:52 s/inner-rater/intra-rater 16:27:09 this reminds me of the Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them document: https://www.w3.org/TR/accessibility-conformance-challenges/ 16:28:28 -1 16:29:08 q+ 16:29:42 q- 16:29:52 Rachael: can we get a list of agreed upon terms for these conversations 16:30:21 Michael adds problem statement 16:30:24 We lack defined terms for discussing testing concepts, which makes it difficult for us to all be talking about the same thing – or agreeing we are. 16:30:53 Jeanne suggests we go back to look at research from research development working group, symposium summary paper 16:31:25 Jeanne to provide link 16:32:33 Reminds me of this information architecture article on defining things: https://abbycovert.com/writing/what-do-we-mean/ I'll dig through that and see what might be useful. 16:34:58 thbrunet: There are 3 things: 1. Completely objective, automatable. 2. Well defined through human intervention 3. Human interpretation 16:38:07 Rachael: Also maybe 4) implied (audio description has good timing, accessible name is a good name 16:38:49 https://www.w3.org/TR/accessibility-metrics-report/ 16:40:17 Web Accessibility Metrics Symposium-> https://www.w3.org/WAI/RD/2011/metrics/ 16:41:27 mbgower: Trying for a quick exercise to help move along work 16:41:33 wilco: May be test reliability more than this 16:41:57 q+ 16:44:00 q- 16:45:24 Rachael: Maybe review and revise the categorization content, Maybe write visible controls, need to work on terminology (both definitions and also for test types and scoping) 16:45:35 Wilco - test reliability may be able to take test terminology work. 16:47:57 https://www.notion.so/nomensa/633121a1bcc94120833db2df302d8794?v=818fb138d19f42648d6d784ca90de239 16:50:34 mbgower: Focus on a better set of terms. 16:54:06 testing concepts (objective, inter-rater reliability, etc) and test matrix terminology 16:56:52 https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1sugAtqie_x1XqHDZo1Im7ftDNllWeRV_ty4PULeoTV0/edit#heading=h.q6kvhdps0qv4 16:59:50 mbgower will continue to work on exercise as a double check to migration. 17:01:00 zakim, generate minutes 17:01:00 I don't understand 'generate minutes', Rachael 17:01:04 rrsagent, make minutes 17:01:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/08-wcag3-scoping-minutes.html Rachael 17:01:18 zakim, make logs world 17:01:18 I don't understand 'make logs world', Rachael 17:01:44 zakim, make log world 17:01:47 I don't understand 'make log world', Rachael 17:01:58 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:01:59 rrsagent, make log world 17:02:15 zakim, end meeting 17:02:15 As of this point the attendees have been mbgower, Rachael, thbrunet, jspellman 17:02:17 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:02:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/08-wcag3-scoping-minutes.html Zakim 17:02:20 I am happy to have been of service, Rachael; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:02:24 Zakim has left #wcag3-scoping 17:12:52 mbgower has joined #wcag3-scoping