20:05:13 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 20:05:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-dxwg-irc 20:05:21 rrsagent, make logs public 20:05:45 chair: Caroline_ 20:05:54 annette_g has joined #dxwg 20:06:04 regrets+ PWinstanley; DaveBrowning 20:06:51 Present+ 20:06:56 present+ 20:06:57 present+ 20:11:24 plh has joined #dxwg 20:11:32 scribe: annette_g 20:11:38 scribe: annette_g 20:12:23 https://www.w3.org/2022/05/24-dxwg-minutes 20:12:33 Caroline_: proposed: accept last week's minutes 20:12:36 +1 20:12:40 +1 20:12:43 +1 20:12:51 +0, not present 20:12:57 Nobu_OGURA has joined #dxwg 20:13:17 present+ 20:13:24 +1 20:13:31 resolved: accept last week's minutes 20:14:51 q+ 20:14:56 ack riccardoAlbertoni 20:15:02 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1502 20:15:03 Caroline_: update on DCAT? 20:15:25 https://github.com/w3c/a11y-request/issues/31 20:15:26 riccardoAlbertoni: we completed the accessibility checklist and submitted to the accessibility group 20:15:41 ... they already replied that it looks fine, so we can close that issue. 20:15:44 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1506 20:16:20 ...every checklist is its own issue, so it's just a matter of closing the github issue. 20:16:46 ...okay to close? 20:17:02 Caroline_: you can close it 20:17:30 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1507 20:17:46 riccardoAlbertoni: we are still waiting for review for the security and privacy group. 20:18:43 ...for internationalization, we are looking into DCterms:language. Addison, who is the person who had the issue, suggested we have a warning in the editorial draft. 20:19:05 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/959, 20:19:11 ... We asked him about if he had an objection to closing the issue a few days ago. 20:19:48 ... The idea is that we close the issue, and the related checklist needs to be submitted to the internationalization subgroup, which I will do after this meeting. 20:19:52 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1515 20:20:00 ...Andrea completed the checklist for the TAG. 20:20:23 ... It's not clear to me whether it's finished or he needs to do more. 20:20:46 Caroline_: Great! You're right on schedule. 20:20:59 riccardoAlbertoni: I can ask Andrea about the status. 20:21:39 ... probably he hasn't had the opportunity to finalize it yet. I'll send him a reminder. 20:21:46 Caroline_: thank you 20:22:22 riccardoAlbertoni: we have many issues still open, but most of the regulars at the meeting are on vacation now. And I'm getting married in two weeks (!) 20:22:45 ...We can use this time to receive feedback and finalize the internationalization review. 20:23:04 ...Early September/August is our deadline. 20:23:50 Caroline_: We should discuss summer vacations (winter for me) at the end 20:24:12 Caroline_: Phillipe, do you have an update on the charter? 20:24:56 plh: I will send a message to request official approval. We can keep working as usual. 20:25:21 Caroline_: will be online next week? 20:25:29 plh: yes, next Thursday 20:25:49 Caroline_: does anyone want to add a topic to discuss? 20:26:15 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1502 20:26:36 q+ 20:27:13 plh: did we send the request for review to group leads? 20:28:34 riccardoAlbertoni: we have just closed the issue from Addison, I can send them our checklist. 20:28:43 ack Pierre-Antoine 20:29:31 Pierre-Antoine: question regarding the charter, last time we checked where we were on the questionnaire there were not many votes. It looks like we have 17 now. I think we need a minimum percentage of members to vote. 20:29:46 plh: It's not part of the process, and we allow for exceptions as well. 20:30:05 ...My rule of thumb is 5% 20:30:28 ...But this is maintenance, so stopping the group at this point doesn't seem a good solution either. 20:31:50 Caroline_: this might be a nice indicator that it would be good to try and attract some new members to the group. We're really happy that Nobu joined, but we could use more. 20:32:00 --> https://www.w3.org/Guide/process/charter.html "Create a Charter" 20:32:14 "Generally, the Director will expect to receive reviews for Charter proposals from at least 5% of the Membership, and will generally not approve Charters without a margin of favorable reviews equal to 5% of the Membership." 20:32:18 Pierre-Antoine: Or at least get the people listed as participants more engaged, as there are quite a few of them. 20:32:19 +1 to have participants listed involved 20:32:44 --> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2014JulSep/0018.html New practice regarding charter approvals 20:33:27 Caroline_: sometimes people are more involved at the beginning and then they leave. It's a good idea to reach other people, maybe new members. Maybe Alan Bird and Karen Meyers could keep an eye out for new recruits. 20:34:07 plh: When you ask if people are interested, people tend to say yes but then they don't engage. 20:34:36 +q 20:34:52 q+ 20:34:55 ack riccardoAlbertoni 20:35:13 Pierre-Antoine: the EU regulations explain some of that. 20:35:57 riccardoAlbertoni: DCAT AP folks have epressed interest, but maybe they are not able to join. 20:36:05 ack riccardoAlbertoni 20:36:06 ... they are contributing in the github. 20:36:08 ack Pierre-Antoine 20:36:30 Pierre-Antoine: There was a workshop 2 weeks ago in Lyon about metadata, and DCAT was mentioned. 20:36:53 ... maybe I should reach out to this community, let them know that we are about to get rechartered. 20:37:38 ... Maybe another idea would be to have an agenda at some point that is less focused on ongoing work but maybe more open, where people that are not deeply involved in the working group would recognize themselves. 20:38:18 Caroline_: In the past, maybe at TPAC, we tried to do that. It was nice but only a few people participated. 20:38:56 ... It was to construct the charter. It was an open agenda, just some questions that we came with. Maybe we could come back to that, see what we had in the minutes. 20:39:06 ... I think it's a really nice idea, your suggestion. 20:39:29 ... Maybe it could be unstructured, explaining DCAT or whatever, and then putting "open topics". 20:39:52 +q 20:39:53 Pierre-Antoine: maybe a call to implementations, some self advertisement 20:40:23 plh: I think we shouldn't get too hung up on this either. Once you get into maintenance, it's normal for excitement to ebb. 20:40:47 ... We see the same pattern in other groups. 20:40:55 ack riccardoAlbertoni 20:41:43 riccardoAlbertoni: I agree with Pierre-Antoine's idea, getting people to implement DCAT. We'll need that. In terms of opening new requirements, I don't think we're in a stage where we can open a lot in terms of new requirements. 20:42:00 ... At the moment we're struggling to close DCAT 3. 20:42:25 ... After we close it, we can restart with new energy, so that will be a good moment for new requirements. 20:42:49 ... At the moment I think we are a bit low on energy. 20:43:40 Caroline_: let's discuss summer/winter break 20:44:18 riccardoAlbertoni: I won't be available during August. I will be available 2 weeks in July. Others in DCAT subgroup have similar schedules. 20:44:49 ... Simon and Alejandra I think are the same, but I'm not sure. 20:45:07 ... What we can do is ask specifically about availability. 20:46:00 ... I will be back in September, and they will probably be available again then. 20:46:21 Caroline_: anyone else have thoughts? 20:46:31 quietness 20:47:30 Caroline_: Maybe we could go through the second week of july and then take vacation until September. What do you think? 20:47:38 riccardoAlbertoni: yes 20:47:49 Caroline_: next week, is there a subgroup meeting? 20:47:53 riccardoAlbertoni: I don't think so. 20:49:19 Caroline_: Regarding the plenary, we have one on June 21, another on July 5, we would come back on September 13, and the subgroup could come back September 7. 20:49:39 riccardoAlbertoni: Maybe we should have one plenary in July. 20:50:10 Caroline_: should we skip June 21? 20:50:25 riccardoAlbertoni: I won't be available June 21 or July 5. 20:50:49 12Th 20:50:52 Caroline_: It would be better to have the next plenary on July 12. 20:51:18 ... does that work for everyone else? 20:51:56 ... So we have another plenary July 12 and come back on September 13. 20:52:18 ...You can decide if you want to have a subgroup meeting on September 7. 20:52:32 riccardoAlbertoni: We should send around an email. 20:52:51 riccardoAlbertoni: At the starge we're at now, I don't think we'll need a meeting sooner. 20:53:16 nobody disagrees 20:53:41 Caroline_: I will send the email 20:54:03 Caroline_: anything else? 20:54:33 plh: Are you interested in being there when managment talks about the data exchange charter, Pierre-Antoine ? 20:54:59 plh: It will be at 9 am boston time 20:55:04 Pierre-Antoine: okay 20:55:58 meeting adjourned 20:57:24 rrsagent, generate minutes 20:57:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-dxwg-minutes.html annette_g 20:58:22 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 20:58:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/06/07-dxwg-minutes.html Caroline_ 20:58:23 annette_g has left #dxwg