13:46:43 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:46:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/20-silver-irc 13:46:45 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:46:47 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:46:56 present: 13:46:56 chair: Shawn, jeanne 13:46:56 present+ 13:46:56 zakim, clear agenda 13:46:56 agenda cleared 13:46:57 rrsagent, make minutes 13:46:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/20-silver-minutes.html jeanne2 13:46:57 q? 13:47:03 ack ra 13:47:16 agenda+ Continuation of guidelines breakdown 13:57:08 JF has joined #silver 13:57:15 Present+ 13:57:44 Chuck has joined #silver 13:57:56 janina has joined #silver 14:02:29 maryjom has joined #silver 14:03:20 Lauriat has joined #silver 14:04:42 present+ 14:04:46 present+ 14:04:55 present+ 14:05:41 scribe: maryjom 14:06:19 zakim, next item 14:06:19 agendum 1 -- Continuation of guidelines breakdown -- taken up [from jeanne2] 14:07:44 janina: Judy talked to us in the WAI Coordination Call that across all groups we have a lot of virtual meetings 14:08:12 janina: Alot with back-to-back meetings and a break is needed to keep our performance high. 14:08:24 Present+ 14:08:48 janina: So there is a goal for groups to end their meetings at 50 minutes in length (10 before the top of the hour) 14:09:22 spreadsheet of SC done -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tXIaJxQCyuOTkvLcJR5QgTN13h6dIgtUlE7H9CUCvew/ 14:09:43 jeanne: We have made a lot of progress and have a list of completed items. 14:10:03 jeanne: Makoto took several guidelines and wrote them up himself and we reviewed in the meeting. 14:11:11 jeanne: This may be a good approach, and if we can get people to volunteer to work on specific criteria outside of the meeting and review in the meeting. 14:11:17 q+ 14:11:29 + to to working asynchronously and reviewing the results in the meeting 14:11:30 q+ 14:11:58 ack Chuck 14:12:01 q+ to say I like the group for discussion 14:12:17 Chuck: Working in breakout rooms during the meetings makes sure we are actively working. I have a concern that we may not be able to manage time to do work outside of the meeting. 14:12:32 q- 14:12:36 ack jan 14:12:40 For some definition of "we", yes, at least! Makoto has, so others may as well. 14:12:44 janina: It is useful to have a conversation over the SC which you wouldn't get if working alone. 14:13:11 jeanne: +1 14:13:45 jeanne: We're splitting into 2 groups to work on two SC's. 14:14:29 q+ 14:14:36 jeanne: 1.4.3 and 1.4.6 had been worked on with the first public draft of silver. User needs were analyzed, but not the testing. 14:15:07 jeanne: Link purpose can be another. 14:15:08 ack Chuck 14:16:27 Contrast doc -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eTHyoqhdO42KlCeFbwhC6MzL9vF6lMF5oPVMP3IFfu4/edit 14:16:32 jeanne: We'll go with one group today instead, as some attendees won't have full attention on the activity the whole time. 14:16:44 q+ 14:17:15 jeanne: We may decide to split this into multiple criteria. 14:17:16 ack janina 14:17:53 Color Contrast Subgroup Wiki -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Visual_Contrast_of_Text_Subgroup 14:18:30 janina: One of the requirements that bubbled up in Indie UI that there may not be a need to apply contrast to absolutely everything. We may want to have some language for such cases. 14:19:10 [working in the mapping document] 14:19:33 We are switching to group exercise, which will be noted in doc (above) and is unnecessary to scribe. 14:20:41 Understanding -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/contrast-minimum.html 14:33:17 +1 to breaking out 14:52:58 rrsagent, make minutes 14:52:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/20-silver-minutes.html maryjom 14:53:19 zakim, bye 14:53:20 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jeanne, JF, maryjom, Chuck, janina, Lauriat 14:53:20 Zakim has left #silver 15:03:22 stevelee has joined #silver 16:08:40 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 16:41:19 stevelee has joined #silver 18:49:25 maryjom has joined #silver 19:54:09 MichaelC_ has joined #silver