13:30:02 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:30:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/20-epub-irc 13:30:05 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:30:06 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe_ 13:30:16 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 13:30:21 Chair: dauwhe 13:31:13 dauwhe has changed the topic to: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2022May/0026.html 13:39:43 Karen has joined #epub 13:56:57 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 13:57:07 present+ 13:58:25 AvneeshSingh has joined #epub 13:58:37 present+ 13:59:10 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:59:16 present+ 14:00:10 present+ 14:02:01 dlazin has joined #epub 14:02:50 zheng_xu_ has joined #epub 14:03:04 present+ 14:03:08 duga has joined #epub 14:03:09 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 14:03:17 present+ 14:03:18 present+ 14:03:22 scribe+ 14:03:24 q+ 14:03:56 ack dl 14:04:03 Dave: big topic of the day is testing. Now that we are in CR we must show that our spec is implementable? 14:04:20 AUbbink has joined #epub 14:04:50 present+ 14:05:31 q? 14:05:33 Dave: Internationalization had to re-review and re-approve, had to iterate with secutiry and privacy, but all got resolved 14:06:31 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13wgptApSVbQbYzi2L5VXe3D_1QLzJOTGySUAtOxn4sA/edit#gid=0 14:06:38 https://tinyurl.com/epub-tests 14:07:08 Dan: These links are long and short URLs for the tests 14:07:23 We need people to write tests 14:07:46 ... 63 missing tests 14:07:53 ...some are untestabfle 14:08:22 q? 14:08:38 ...descriptions are in column D 14:08:50 ...put your name in column E 14:09:05 https://w3c.github.io/epub-tests/ 14:09:14 ...just need to whittle down the number and get the easy tests out of the way 14:09:18 https://w3c.github.io/epub-tests/contributing 14:09:36 ...this link is instructions for how to write a test 14:10:46 dlazin@google.com 14:10:57 CharlesL1 has joined #epub 14:11:26 ...we have a Slack channel or you can email me and I'll walk you through the process 14:11:29 present+ 14:11:55 q? 14:13:20 ...complete the metadata too so an RS evaluator can understand the test 14:14:04 q+ 14:14:07 ...and link the spec to the test 14:15:20 ...make sure the EPUB validates 14:16:31 ...when done, fork the repo for the spec tested. unique anchors are already populated 14:16:46 ack zh 14:18:32 Zheng Xu: There are two specs, EPUB and RS - do we need both or just RS? Do we need to test all Reading Systems? 14:18:55 Dan: just create the test, don't worry about testing in the RS 14:21:59 q? 14:22:05 q+ 14:22:23 ack duga 14:22:32 ...if a test fails EPUBcheck (intentionally), there is metadata for that. or maybe we still need to add that. 14:22:52 tzviya has joined #epub 14:23:04 Brady: one thing that worries me about writing test is that we need to be aware of copyright 14:23:35 if you use fonts media, text, we need to make sure our licenses match W3C's licenses 14:24:19 Dan: current core media tests have stuff you can repurpose 14:24:44 q? 14:24:50 ...didn't check in font license to test, so may need to reconsider 14:25:07 we can swap out for licensed fonts later 14:26:12 Brady: consider a AHEM for fonts 14:26:37 https://github.com/Kozea/Ahem 14:28:08 Brady: these instructions are great, thanks Dan 14:28:16 q? 14:28:45 Dan: take a quick look at existing tests before you make one 14:29:58 q+ 14:30:06 ack zh 14:30:28 Dave: Zheng, you had additional agenda items? 14:30:55 Zheng: once I send pull request, do I close my issue? 14:30:59 Dan: yes 14:33:09 Zheng: pcg meeting second week of each month 14:33:33 ...we could recruit testers 14:33:43 q+ 14:34:11 ack tz 14:34:50 Tzviya: if we're trying to get the CG to help the WG, it might be easier to bring the WG to the CG 14:35:56 q? 14:36:45 q+ 14:37:09 ack av 14:37:44 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AStatus-Deferred 14:37:55 q? 14:38:10 Avneesh: WG should prepare a list of issues that were deferred from EPUB 3.3 like HTML vs XHTML. That would be a good topic for discussion with community group 14:38:24 q+ 14:38:31 ack tz 14:39:14 Tzviya: we try to present as problems we want to solve as opposed to solutions 14:39:22 q? 14:40:46 Use cases for html vs xhtml: Use of the shelf tools for content creation, use popular scripting libraries, better align with other standards 14:40:52 q+ 14:41:18 ack dlazin 14:42:31 Dan: when preparing tests, please use as opportunity to improve the spec if you find something that is not clear 14:43:29 Zheng: wouls like to share use cases from community group 14:45:14 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/27 i 14:46:48 q? 14:46:51 ...perhaps WG would want to standardize these use cases to be RS agnostic 14:47:03 better to discuss Media Overlays advancements on sync media community group 14:47:11 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/33/ 14:48:47 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/34/ 14:52:21 Dave: having a separate navigation document is a foundational pillar of EPUB, so hesitant to move away from that unless we can be sure of benefits 14:53:35 q+ to ask about TPAC rooms 14:55:18 ack duga 14:55:18 duga, you wanted to ask about TPAC rooms 14:56:53 Brady: cheap rooms for TPAC are almost gone. Is there a block of rooms for W3C? 14:57:11 Dan: will ask Ivan 14:57:29 Tzviya: I'l try to look into it 14:58:56 zakim, end meeting 14:58:56 As of this point the attendees have been dauwhe, AvneeshSingh, MasakazuKitahara, toshiakikoike, zheng_xu_, duga, BenSchroeter, AUbbink, CharlesL 14:58:58 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:58:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/20-epub-minutes.html Zakim 14:59:01 I am happy to have been of service, dauwhe; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 14:59:05 Zakim has left #epub 14:59:15 CharlesL1 has left #epub 15:04:55 rrsagent, goodbye 15:04:55 I'm logging. I don't understand 'goodbye', dauwhe. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:05:01 rrsagent, bye 15:05:01 I see no action items