14:21:27 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 14:21:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-irc 14:21:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:21:49 Meeting ixml Group Teleconference 14:22:03 Date: 17 May 2022 14:22:09 Chair: Steven 14:24:05 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/05/10-ixml-minutes 14:24:53 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022May/0025 14:27:53 norm has joined #ixml 14:28:57 Present: Steven, Norm, John 14:29:12 john has joined #ixml 14:29:14 Regrets: Tomos 14:30:43 Present+Bethan 14:30:57 Present+Michael 14:31:36 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 14:31:50 Topic: Action items 14:32:09 Norm: JWL did the actions, and the fizxes have been pushed 14:32:18 s/fiz/fix/ 14:32:48 Topic: Status reports 14:33:12 Norm: My GLL implementation is partially working. 14:33:24 John: I am passing all the tests, plus insertions. 14:34:01 Steven: I thought there was a test with comments everywhere. 14:34:04 John: No. 14:34:35 Norm: Does sound familiar. 14:34:57 John: Insertions have been interesting. 14:35:22 Steven: Testing? 14:35:37 Norm: I've committed tests with newlines fixed 14:35:57 John: Newline handling -- some tests it adds more ambiguity 14:36:23 Norm: THat's a bug. Please let me know so I can fix it. 14:36:28 s/TH/Th/ 14:37:14 Topic: Issues 14:37:21 Steven: Working from https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2022May/0027 14:38:15 Steven: I am fighting with git. 14:38:21 Norm: I will commit it. 14:38:28 Steven: It's on my staging site. 14:39:39 Norm: I want to go back to calling it "attribute" not unstructured. 14:39:55 ACTION: Steven to revert wording to attribute 14:40:29 Norm: Forbidding xmlns as an attribute 14:40:42 Michael: we don;t need to 14:40:46 s/;/'/ 14:41:02 Norm: It would be clearer if we were explicit 14:41:22 ACTION: Steven to add wording forbidding xmlns 14:41:42 Norm: Issue 26, ambiguity 14:42:24 Michael: I'm sorry to raise this. The current wording troubles me. 14:42:36 ... the point is that conforming processors are allowed to behave differently 14:42:43 ... also the current wording is not true 14:43:33 ... none of the algorithms we mention defuine ambiguity. 14:43:39 s/uine/ine/ 14:43:56 s/raise/reraise/ 14:44:43 ACTION: Steven to insert Michael's ambiguity text 14:45:11 https://github.com/invisibleXML/ixml/issues/26 14:46:06 .... last comment on that thread 14:46:58 John: What is the meaning of ambiguity 14:47:25 Michael: We don't define that. There is a gap between the standard definition, and our spec. 14:48:10 ... if a rule produces empty in two different ways, is a matter of how you produce the parse tree. 14:50:38 77 174 255 237 14:51:02 Norm: I think we are closed for 1.0 spec, and sign off next week in time for Prague. 14:51:07 Michael: Great! 14:51:56 rrsagent, make minutes 14:51:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven 14:52:06 Topics: AOB 14:52:21 Michael: How do we make the best possible splash? 14:52:48 Bethan: Mascots! 14:53:54 Steven: And XML made of glass. 14:54:04 Bethan: A ghost animal? 14:55:38 Norm: We need a slot on the program. 14:55:47 ACTION: Contact Prague 14:55:58 ACTION: Steven to contact Prague. 14:56:30 Steven: We need a resources pointer -- where to get implementations, example grammars 14:57:20 Steven: I am giving the ixml tutorial at Prague 14:57:30 Bethan: Cheshire cat 14:57:35 ... npot in copyright 14:57:40 s/pot/ot/ 14:58:19 Norm: We plan to do a session at Balisage. We should do that. It's all virtual 14:59:36 ... we need to work on what we want to do for pubs and PR for Prague and Balisage 15:00:53 [ADJOURN] 15:01:09 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven 15:01:58 s/Meeting ixml/Meeting: ixml/ 15:02:01 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven 15:02:22 f/fixx/fix/ 15:03:08 s/77 174 255 237// 15:03:24 s/Topics:/Topic:/ 15:03:37 s/And XML/An XML/ 15:03:59 s/ACTION: Contact Prague// 15:04:13 rrsagent, make minutes 15:04:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven 15:04:56 s/fixx/fix/ 15:05:02 If you're stll there, Steven, I don't see the version declaration in the 17 May draft 15:05:10 rrsagent, make minutes 15:05:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven 15:05:39 OK. Did you add that, or was that a action for me? 15:05:42 I can add it 15:05:58 It was issue 78 which we agreed to last week, I thought you already had that acttion. 15:06:03 ACTION: Steven to add version declaration 15:06:21 (Last week or the week before, the text and grammar changes are in the pull request so it should be easy.) 15:06:37 Fab. Thank you. 15:06:44 rrsagent, make minutes 15:06:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven 15:07:21 s/fixx/fix/ 15:07:24 rrsagent, make minutes 15:07:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/17-ixml-minutes.html Steven