13:45:30 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:45:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/05/06-silver-irc 13:45:33 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:45:34 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:46:01 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:46:01 present: 13:46:01 chair: Shawn, jeanne 13:46:01 present+ 13:46:02 zakim, clear agenda 13:46:02 rrsagent, make minutes 13:46:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/06-silver-minutes.html jeanne 13:46:02 q? 13:46:02 agenda cleared 13:46:20 Scribe List -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Scribe_List#Scribe_List 13:46:43 agenda+ Complete the Exploring Alternate Structure and Charter Approach Survey 13:46:51 agenda+ Continuation of guidelines breakdown 13:49:14 janina has joined #silver 13:56:33 Lauriat has joined #silver 13:56:35 agenda? 13:56:40 Present+ 14:00:45 present+ 14:01:13 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Scribe_List 14:01:24 shadi has joined #silver 14:01:32 present+ 14:01:43 scribe: Rachael 14:02:17 zakim, take up first item 14:02:17 I don't understand 'take up first item', jeanne 14:02:26 zakim, take up next 14:02:26 agendum 1 -- Complete the Exploring Alternate Structure and Charter Approach Survey -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:02:37 s/ zakim, take up first item// 14:02:59 Makoto has joined #silver 14:04:01 present+ 14:04:55 ToddL has joined #silver 14:05:03 present+ 14:05:19 JF has joined #silver 14:05:30 Lauriat: Please fill out the Exploring Alternate Structure and Approach survey. 14:05:32 agenda? 14:05:39 Present+ 14:05:43 ...It is closing out at the end of Monday. 14:05:58 Traditionally that means midnight Boston time 14:06:27 Zakim, take up next item 14:06:27 agendum 2 -- Continuation of guidelines breakdown -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:06:45 APA attempts to disambiguate by saying "23:59 Boston Time" 14:07:26 Jeanne: For the groups who worked last week, are any of you at a point where you can move on? 14:07:28 Not Consistent Identification, we haven't started tests, yet. 14:07:45 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pixL2TUGuskgH0ZfT8zmJpM1-Q2qEr-y9H7RpNslxSc/edit 14:07:57 Jeanne: Are you identifying tests or writing tests? 14:08:20 Lauriat: We've identified tests and units, which was an interesting exercise. We haven't finished filling out the subguidelines. 14:08:45 jeanne: My understanding is that is for the guidelines where the guidelines itself needs to break it down. 14:08:45 q+ 14:09:23 ack Rachael 14:09:24 ...My understanding is to take everything and load it into a database. I think writing the tests is not necessary 14:11:12 RBM: The goal is to put it into a database, but the subguideline break down different categories of tests. 14:11:32 Lauriat: I was thinking of writing tests. We likely are close to done then. 14:12:07 Consistent Identification -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pixL2TUGuskgH0ZfT8zmJpM1-Q2qEr-y9H7RpNslxSc/ 14:12:20 ...example, higher level test case of consistently meet design style guide. View or user process level aggregate of similar, are they consistent. Unit levels of how are they identified. 14:12:36 ...I don't think we need to go lower than that. 14:12:46 Jeanne: How about abbreviations? 14:12:53 Abbreviations -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/14CBwo74SrVkwinN5YWeKIjLqvr1K7cNX9CulXwbFIUM/ 14:13:37 Shadi: I think Mike Gower, Shadi, Chuck, and John last week 14:14:04 Jeanne: If you can add who was attending the group in the notes section at the bottom. 14:14:12 s/Mike Gower/Makoto 14:14:14 ...Are you (abbreviations) done or do you need more time? 14:14:36 Makoto: I'm not sure if we are done. 14:14:41 Q+ 14:15:04 Jeanne: The last one is interruptions. 14:15:04 ack JF 14:15:54 JF: Done? I don't know. There was a concern raised where the section user needs. There was discussion about the "first time its used" That needs to be defined better. Does that need to be flushed out more? 14:16:01 Jeanne: More granular than we need right now. 14:16:09 Please capture those insights in notes though 14:16:35 ...Solving the problems we find can be done when we are writing the SC. Please capture in notes. 14:16:37 Interruptions -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HSl8bUEVrfyYem9555z7kzX5s1LWLwj_Wad-ko2mOeI/edit 14:17:12 jeanne: Who was working on interruptions? 14:17:30 Rachael: We coudl benefit from a little more time. 14:17:47 Jeanne: Any one who wants to work on interruptions will go to that room. 14:18:00 maryjom has joined #silver 14:18:22 ...We have two other rooms for those previously working on Abbreviations and consistent identification. 14:18:38 present+ 14:18:52 ...1.2.4 Captions (live) AA, 1.2.5 AA, and 1.3.5 Input purpose AA need to be done. 14:19:04 ...Also 1.4.2 Audio Control A 14:19:15 ...Is there anyone who has a preference? 14:19:17 present+ 14:19:25 Present+ 14:20:00 I won't be able to do much, if anything, I have a work meeting in 10 minutes 14:20:22 ...Group 2 will be audio controls. I've set up a document 14:20:45 Silver Group 2 Audio Controls -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oXqNZ22r1qDToD1mP0-0h3dOe9JqHkO09o9o2vcWJYc/ 14:20:45 ...rename the document Audio controls or I can fix it later. 14:21:27 Group 3 Input purpose 14:21:39 ...input purpose doc link: 14:21:43 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QhyVAua1nV8JMpJCdjQ2Y38GsaXpDw9BMGKbU7Vh3xk/edit#heading=h.vx20z4iqr83a 14:22:10 scribing pausing here as we are going into break out rooms. 14:51:52 scribing is picking up post breakout rooms. 14:54:25 Jeanne: Welcome back. Interruptions first. 14:54:45 Rachael: Led to a good break down and identifying gaps 14:54:52 Shadi volunteered Maryjo 14:54:53 kirkwood has joined #silver 14:55:21 MaryJo: We got through it all. Break it down into 3 sub guidelines. I think its good. 14:55:56 ...pretty clear how to break audio controls one down. There is some assumptions such as assistive technology is in use. 14:56:13 ...its not always easy to tell how the functional needs plays. Make assumptions about who uses assistive technology. 14:57:01 ...there is some language differences. With WCAG 3 trying to have more positive language. Need changes to the language. Instead of "Don't interfere with..." To something more positive "Allow a user to focus without interference..." Not yet sure how to do that. 14:57:06 Jeanne: Input purpose 14:58:04 Lauriat: Interesting discussion because as a part of talking through functional and user needs, it should be for both 1.3.5 and 1.3.6. It's the same guidance but a slightly different scope and overall documentation of how to do each of the things. We added references to help work through things from here. 14:58:48 JF: As we started looking at the AA requirement. We realized the correlation between the AA and AA exisitng. I believe other SC have a similar relationship. Color contrast for example. High level approach has value as well. 14:58:53 Jeanne: Thank you everyone. 14:59:25 s/correlation between the AA and AA exisitng/correlation between the AA and AAA existed 14:59:47 ...its good to get some good work and making progress. I would like to ask for help. One of the things I found while preparing, is that we have 3 different locations that those that are done are listed. We'd like to map a consistent list and get all the information into Notiion. Can someone volunteer to help us do that? 14:59:58 ...need help getting it straightened out. 15:00:21 Lauriat: I have been updating the spreadsheet linked to the email. 15:00:42 jeanne: I will look at that too. If someone can help, please let me know outside the meeting. Have a good weekend. 15:01:10 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:01:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/05/06-silver-minutes.html Rachael 16:06:01 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 16:09:47 laura has joined #silver 16:11:46 jeanne has joined #silver 18:21:22 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 21:03:43 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver