IRC log of ixml on 2022-04-26
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:18:12 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #ixml
- 14:18:12 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:18:21 [Steven]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 14:18:30 [Steven]
- Meeting: ixml Group Teleconference
- 14:18:46 [Steven]
- Date: 26 April 2022
- 14:18:53 [Steven]
- Chair: Steven
- 14:19:41 [norm]
- norm has joined #ixml
- 14:20:00 [Steven]
- Previous meeting:
- 14:20:26 [Steven]
- Agenda:
- 14:20:42 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:20:42 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven
- 14:21:42 [norm]
- Are you setting up to scribe today?
- 14:22:05 [Steven]
- Was I selected? I was just setting up the channel
- 14:22:22 [norm]
- I thought it was me, and I'm happy to do it. Ok. Cool. Me then. Unless someone else wants to do it :-)
- 14:22:33 [Steven]
- Be my gues ;-)
- 14:22:37 [Steven]
- guest
- 14:23:56 [norm]
- norm has changed the topic to: Identify minute taker
- 14:24:06 [norm]
- norm has changed the topic to: Invisible XML
- 14:24:26 [norm]
- Topic: Identify a minute taker
- 14:24:39 [norm]
- Norm is scribe
- 14:34:23 [norm]
- norm has changed the topic to: Review of action items
- 14:34:32 [norm]
- norm has changed the topic to: Invisible XML
- 14:34:37 [norm]
- Topic: Review of action items
- 14:34:39 [cmsmcq]
- cmsmcq has joined #ixml
- 14:34:41 [norm]
- ACTION 20220322-001: Michael to update schema for test catalogs to add dynamic error.
- 14:34:41 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
- 14:35:05 [tovey-walsh]
- tovey-walsh has joined #ixml
- 14:35:14 [john]
- john has joined #ixml
- 14:35:17 [norm]
- trackbot, bye
- 14:35:17 [trackbot]
- trackbot has left #ixml
- 14:36:30 [Tom]
- Tom has joined #ixml
- 14:36:41 [norm]
- Ignore that action
- 14:36:41 [norm]
- ACTION 20220405-003: Norm: Add the error code linkages to the spec (for issue #44).
- 14:36:49 [norm]
- Norm: completed
- 14:36:58 [norm]
- ACTION 20220405-004: Norm: to add prose specifying the namespace to use if error codes are given as qualified names (for issue #61).
- 14:37:11 [norm]
- Norm: completed
- 14:37:13 [norm]
- ACTION 20220412-001: Steven - to review MSM's proposed text on ambiguity text and where it should end up (for issue #26).
- 14:37:25 [norm]
- Steven: I moved the text, but I didn't check the proposed change.
- 14:37:28 [norm]
- Continued
- 14:37:44 [norm]
- ACTION 20220412-002: Steven - Steven to review the possibility using the names s and RS for optional and required space, respectively.
- 14:37:47 [norm]
- Steven: completed
- 14:37:54 [norm]
- ACTION 20220412-003: All - Review of the namespace proposal (for #66).
- 14:38:02 [norm]
- All claim to have reviewd it
- 14:38:06 [norm]
- s/wd it/wed it/
- 14:38:13 [norm]
- ACTION 20220412-004: Norm to produce some spec. prose on the version (conformance) issue (#63).
- 14:38:37 [norm]
- Norm: Completed. Michael proposed a change that I think is an improvement.
- 14:40:41 [norm]
- ACTION 20220412-005: Norm - Improve the README - what format - Markdown or HTML.
- 14:40:44 [norm]
- Norm: completed
- 14:41:12 [norm]
- ACTION 20220412-006: Tomos to ensure all can see the Balisage papers (
- 14:41:21 [norm]
- Tomos: completed
- 14:41:28 [norm]
- Topic: Status of implementations
- 14:41:53 [norm]
- John: My implementation now handles the ixml spec under the Earley parser in about 300ms.
- 14:42:30 [norm]
- ... It's a set of JavaScript files. It uses a custom parser for the input ixml, then an Earley parser that I wrote from scratch.
- 14:42:38 [norm]
- ... You can get the state chart, etc.
- 14:43:04 [norm]
- ... I haven't done serious testing yet or handling ambiguity yet.
- 14:44:38 [norm]
- ... Over the next few weeks I'll try to package that up better. I'm using the browser DOM to build the output.
- 14:45:32 [norm]
- Steven asks about the DOM. John says he parses to an internal representation, but uses the DOM to get the XML version.
- 14:45:48 [norm]
- John: It very much canonicalizes as it goes.
- 14:46:33 [norm]
- Norm: I’ve updated my processor to the (now current) grammar but I’m eager to see the other proposals adopted so I can update it again before making any sort of announcements about the changes.
- 14:47:11 [norm]
- Steven: I've updated mine to do the double ** and double ++.
- 14:49:47 [norm]
- Topic: Status of testing and test suites
- 14:50:38 [norm]
- Norm: I've updated the tests to the current grammar
- 14:50:56 [norm]
- Topic: Review and resolution of bug reports and technical issues
- 14:51:09 [norm]
- Topic: Change ~ to ! in character-set exclusions.
- 14:51:53 [norm]
- Steven: I'm ok with adding it, but not replacing it.
- 14:52:04 [norm]
- ... I don't think "!" is a good choice, I don't think it means "not".
- 14:52:33 [norm]
- ... In ixml, we're not using "not", we're using "complement of".
- 14:52:57 [norm]
- Tomos: I think it's about familiarity.
- 14:53:26 [norm]
- Some discussion of "^" instead of "!" or "~"
- 14:54:23 [norm]
- Bethan: The only issue I have with "~" is that it suggests "approximately" and I find it difficult to find "~" useful.
- 14:54:42 [norm]
- ... I imagine that most of our users may be in the same position.
- 14:55:33 [norm]
- Conclusion: there is no consensus to make the change; the status quo remains.
- 14:56:02 [norm]
- Topic: Use '=' and '|' exclusively.
- 14:56:27 [norm]
- Steven: I'm of the opinion that different languages are allowed to have different syntaxes. I added them as a sop to users who wanted them.
- 14:56:43 [norm]
- ... "=" doesn't mean "is defined as". It's not an equality relationship where we have it.
- 14:57:23 [norm]
- Bethan: Wait, you can't say that different languages can use different symbols and simultaneously that "=" doesn't mean something.
- 14:58:01 [norm]
- Tomos: I think the use case for "=" is less compelling than the use case for "|" because ";" and "," are harder to distinguish
- 14:58:11 [norm]
- Bethan: There seems to be a lot of support for defining a single character.
- 14:59:20 [norm]
- Norm: I think that's true. I thought the unnecessary syntactic variation is weird.
- 14:59:31 [norm]
- John: Does ";" get used as alternates compared to "|"?
- 14:59:50 [norm]
- Michael: It depends on how you count. The tradition of grammar notations that includes ALGOL-68 and friends uses ":" and ";".
- 15:00:34 [norm]
- ... I've always found them appealing on that basis. But I think it's fair to say that YACC and it's workalikes are more used than any other notation and they tend to use "|".
- 15:00:39 [norm]
- ... I think YACC may well use ":"
- 15:01:08 [norm]
- Some discussion of "::=" and it's alternatives.
- 15:01:34 [norm]
- Bethan: I find the ";" very hard to read as an "or" separator.
- 15:01:47 [norm]
- Tomos: I think objectively, semicolons are harder to read.
- 15:02:22 [norm]
- Steven: There are several things going on here. Do we want a single syntax or do we want to allow people to use the things they want to use?
- 15:02:30 [norm]
- ... I personally don't see what's damaging about allowing a choice.
- 15:04:02 [norm]
- Norm: I think that cuts both ways, if authors use different characters it makes the grammar harder for a reader.
- 15:05:07 [norm]
- Norm: Using two characters instead of four saves us two characters for later
- 15:05:25 [norm]
- John: It sounds like we could remove "=" without too much objection.
- 15:05:46 [norm]
- ... The advantage of getting that out of the way would allow us to reserve it for later.
- 15:06:10 [norm]
- ... I don't think it matters from a performance point of view.
- 15:06:36 [norm]
- Tomos: I don't think it matters too much about the "=" used elsewhere. The characters have meaning contextually.
- 15:07:05 [norm]
- ... I was ready to say that we should standardize on one or the other. But the more we talk about it, the less convinced I become.
- 15:07:25 [norm]
- John: Equally well, it's not just what the punctuation syntax is. It's the layout of the grammar, etc.
- 15:07:39 [norm]
- ... Style matters as much as the particular punctuation characters.
- 15:08:21 [norm]
- Steven: May I also bring to your attention the whole point of ixml isn't the syntax, it's the data that matters.
- 15:08:46 [norm]
- Bethan: What I'm talking about isn't the person writing the grammar, it's about using grammars written by others.
- 15:09:01 [norm]
- Tomos: It should be a small step to normalize it to your preferred representation.
- 15:09:06 [norm]
- Bethan: Or we could not have to do that!
- 15:10:11 [norm]
- Steven: The two basic options are, we agree that there should be one representation or we let users do what they want.
- 15:11:09 [norm]
- John: I think what we should do is permit what we currently have.
- 15:11:16 [norm]
- Norm: I don't detect consensus forming here.
- 15:11:29 [norm]
- Conclusion: there is no consensus to make this change.
- 15:11:46 [norm]
- Topic: Add a version declaration
- 15:12:00 [norm]
- Agreed.
- 15:12:47 [norm]
- ACTION-20220426-01: Norm to propose spec and grammar changes for a version declaration.
- 15:13:07 [norm]
- Topic: Change ^ to + in literal insertions.
- 15:13:27 [norm]
- Tomos: Could we allow either?
- 15:13:47 [norm]
- Some discussion of how the specification currently describes them.
- 15:14:13 [norm]
- Michael: I applaud the attempt to make them parallel. I found it very problematic because I find it impossible to relate the behavior of marking tagging a nonterminal as an insertion.
- 15:14:27 [norm]
- ... I think they are conceptually different.
- 15:15:53 [norm]
- Norm: My difficulty is that it removes the explicit mark that is the opposite of "-" for literals.
- 15:16:18 [norm]
- Michael: I think that having a character to mark the default explicitly is a standard feature of language design.
- 15:16:46 [norm]
- ... You should be able to specify all defaults expicitly.
- 15:16:55 [norm]
- Steven: I don't like the fact that "+" gets two different uses.
- 15:17:54 [norm]
- Tomos: Grammatically, it's quite distinct because one is a prefix and one is a postfi.
- 15:17:57 [norm]
- s/fi./fix/
- 15:18:00 [norm]
- s/fix/fix./
- 15:18:05 [norm]
- Steven: I can live with it.
- 15:18:32 [norm]
- Norm: I'd like to do it.
- 15:18:40 [norm]
- Steven: So a tmark is now ^, -, and +.
- 15:18:50 [norm]
- ... And mark is ^, -, and @
- 15:18:54 [norm]
- Consensus: make this change
- 15:19:07 [norm]
- ACTION 20220426-02 Steven to change ^ to + for insertions.
- 15:19:18 [norm]
- John: Are insertions limited to strings?
- 15:19:33 [norm]
- Steven: No, it can be hex as well, but not a charset.
- 15:19:41 [norm]
- Micheal: "literal" but not "charset"
- 15:20:08 [cmsmcq]
- s/heal/hael/
- 15:20:09 [Tom]
- Tom has joined #ixml
- 15:20:15 [norm]
- Topic: #44 Adopt proposal 3 for error codes.
- 15:21:43 [norm]
- Steven: Why do the error codes have to be in the spec?
- 15:22:06 [norm]
- Norm: Because we shouldn't make users go around the houses to find the prose.
- 15:22:17 [norm]
- John: I'm fine with the index, but I'd still expect to find the error *names* in the prose where they occur.
- 15:23:20 [norm]
- Bethan: Firstly, if you go from the index to the text, you can't expect users to magically know what sentence is about the error.
- 15:23:39 [norm]
- ... Also, users are going to google the error codes, it would be nice if they got taken to the right part of the spec.
- 15:24:03 [norm]
- Steven: I'm happy to look up the error codes.
- 15:24:13 [norm]
- Tomos: Which would would you prefer?
- 15:24:27 [norm]
- Steven: My preference was the superscript.
- 15:25:33 [norm]
- Bethan: I'm having trouble understanding what's intrusive about the error coes.
- 15:25:35 [norm]
- s/coes/codes/
- 15:25:53 [norm]
- Steven: Why do we want error codes? So that we could make implementations testable.
- 15:26:19 [norm]
- Bethan: If a user does something wrong, they're going to get back an error code.
- 15:26:28 [norm]
- Steven: They shouldn't have to, the get a message.
- 15:26:56 [norm]
- John posts an example from the XPath spec.
- 15:27:09 [Tom]
- 15:27:35 [norm]
- John: I think something like this at each error condition is what we need.
- 15:28:01 [norm]
- ... These kinds of messages give me precision.
- 15:29:15 [norm]
- Bethan: A lot of StackOverflow questions are about the messages.
- 15:29:20 [norm]
- Steven: I can live with three
- 15:30:04 [norm]
- Consensus: Adopt positon 3.
- 15:30:55 [norm]
- ACTION-20220426-03 Norm to update the spec with error codes.
- 15:31:01 [norm]
- Adjourned
- 15:31:07 [cmsmcq]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 15:31:12 [norm]
- rrsagent, publish minute
- 15:31:12 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'publish minute', norm. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 15:31:16 [norm]
- rrsagent, publish minutes
- 15:31:16 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate norm
- 15:31:22 [norm]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:31:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate norm
- 15:31:23 [cmsmcq]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:31:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate cmsmcq
- 15:31:57 [norm]
- Present: Steven, Tom, John, Bethan, Michael, Norm
- 15:32:00 [norm]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:32:00 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate norm
- 15:51:16 [liam]
- liam has joined #ixml