15:49:18 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 15:49:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/04/07-silver-conf-irc 15:49:30 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 15:49:39 Date 07 Apr 2022 15:49:43 Chair: Janina 15:49:50 rrsagent, make log public 15:49:53 agenda? 15:49:57 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 15:49:57 agenda+ User Scenarios -- Which to refine? 15:49:57 agenda+ Next Steps 15:49:57 agenda+ Other Business 15:49:57 agenda+ Be Done 15:50:13 rrsagent, make minutes 15:50:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/07-silver-conf-minutes.html janina 15:54:53 present+ 16:00:25 DarrylLehmann has joined #silver-conf 16:00:41 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 16:01:15 shadi has joined #silver-conf 16:01:20 shadi_ has joined #silver-conf 16:02:31 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 16:02:39 present+ 16:02:44 present+ 16:02:55 present+ 16:04:24 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 16:04:58 Wilco has joined #silver-conf 16:05:02 present+ 16:05:03 present+ 16:05:09 scribe: Wilco 16:05:16 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 16:05:19 present+ 16:05:25 present+ 16:05:32 zakim, take up next 16:05:32 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from janina] 16:05:46 agenda? 16:05:50 SusiPallero has joined #silver-conf 16:06:08 present+ 16:06:16 janina: We want to focus on the outcome sections. 16:06:19 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 16:06:40 zakim, take up next 16:06:40 agendum 2 -- User Scenarios -- Which to refine? -- taken up [from janina] 16:06:49 zakim, who's here? 16:06:49 Present: janina, Azlan, DarrylLehmann, shadi, Wilco, maryjom, PeterKorn, jeanne, SusiPallero 16:06:51 On IRC I see SusiPallero, jeanne, Wilco, PeterKorn, Azlan, shadi, maryjom, DarrylLehmann, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, MichaelC, Rachael, trackbot 16:07:25 Azlan: No preference on which to focus on 16:07:41 Darryl: Me neither 16:07:58 Jeanne: Would like 2 and 3 16:08:05 +1 2 3 16:10:19 Shadi: Side comment, while going through this I spotted an issue in 2 and 4. 16:10:23 ... We can come back to that later 16:10:58 ... On which to select; I liked the approach of getting some type of criteria. It should have a mix of technical, 16:11:13 ... But also policy considerations, and additional content. 16:11:35 ... Another criterion is may to not raise third-party too early. 16:11:51 ... I could go with Jeanne's suggestion of 2 and 3 16:13:00 Gregg: I thought the ones we should do first are not the ones we've been debating before. 16:13:07 ... We should talk about new ones. 16:13:10 I agree with Gregg, and I would like to start with 2 16:13:41 GreggVan has joined #silver-conf 16:13:51 present+ 16:14:15 Wilco: No preference 16:14:18 Mary Jo: Same 16:14:31 Peter: I'll +1 to number 2 and 3 16:14:45 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 16:14:59 +1 to scenario 3 16:15:38 Susane: Vote for #2, I see a lot of concern to that kind of content, especially educational institutions 16:16:07 Janina: We're canvasing the group and pick the ones are most fruitful to refine. 16:16:19 q+ 16:16:41 Janina: I'm includes to 3 and 4. 16:16:59 ... I believe these can subsume much of the rest of the situations if we're careful 16:17:17 q+ 16:17:20 ... I don't think the firehose do much that isn't covered by standards from 3. 16:17:48 ... I don't see how 2 is a separate situation. 4 also subsumes 5, and several of the other ones. 16:18:20 ... A lot of what we talk about would come under 4, arguably, with the use of CMS 16:18:31 q+ to caution that we don't want to take on something too broad to start -- Recommend keeping it narrow. 16:18:39 Q+ to say " 2 and 3 seem to be the same -- or same enough that you will end up being repetitive. Also need to talk about changing all of the boilerplate responses -- to remove the technical standard part from many items 16:18:39 ... the only one of the 11 that isn't as clearly covered is where we don't know how to do it because the technology is new 16:18:46 q? 16:18:55 ack gr 16:18:55 GreggVan, you wanted to say " 2 and 3 seem to be the same -- or same enough that you will end up being repetitive. Also need to talk about changing all of the boilerplate 16:18:58 ... responses -- to remove the technical standard part from many items 16:19:05 Gregg: I agree, 2 and 3 are so close, you're better off discussing them together. 16:19:18 q? 16:19:19 ... I noticed a lot of our responses are boiler plate. It's the same response. 16:19:45 ... The other thing is, across all them we felt like we had to say something under technical but there's nothing that can be done. 16:20:14 ... If we feel under technical there isn't nothing we should say that. 16:20:14 q? 16:20:22 ack pe 16:20:50 Peter: I thought the assignment was to take a first stab at policy guidance, moving away from boilerplate. 16:21:00 ... I think there's an important difference between 2 and 3. 16:21:15 q+ 16:21:29 ... Situation 3 you'll get to it eventually, but situation 2 you'll never get to. Firehose does not slow down. 16:21:46 ... I think there's something connected to technical standards with 2, and perhaps with 3. 16:22:35 q+ to say "Ah - I see what you mean Peter. I now agree that they are different -- but we should switch the order so we talk about the one we will solve eventually first -- and the one where we never will catch up after that." 16:22:40 ... There's enough there to allow policy to say this part is a lot easier then another part. The policy might say to do this part before that part. But you can only do that if there's enough granularity in the technical standard 16:22:55 ... That's the thing the tech standard can do; have enough granularity for the policy. 16:23:00 ack jea 16:23:00 jeanne, you wanted to caution that we don't want to take on something too broad to start -- Recommend keeping it narrow. 16:23:31 Jeanne: I'd like to caution this not get too broad. Don't try to include too many things. 16:23:36 +1 - dive deeper first on one of them, rather than trying to stretch across multiple. 16:23:56 q+ 16:24:01 ... I agree with Gregg avoiding the boilerplate. But I think we pick things we know the problem space well, and write specific information for each one. 16:24:16 2 and 3 in particular will have a greater impact on the overall direction of WCAG 3. 16:24:37 ... They're all important, but not as consequential. They're narrow enough that we can dive into a lot of detail. 16:25:39 Janina: One thing that came up in the last call, our technical guidance can give them a nuanced understanding and steer them, outside the scope of what a standard would do. 16:26:00 ... I keep not understanding how 2 and 3 are so different. 16:27:13 q? 16:27:13 ... There may be controlled situations where a museum eventually gets all its content accessible. If we just add the word "all" in that time context, we pretty much have all the situations that'd be in the firehose. 16:27:42 ... Leaving out 4 or 5 leaves out third party for now, which I think would be a miss. 16:27:43 q? 16:27:48 ack ja 16:27:50 ack gr 16:27:50 GreggVan, you wanted to say "Ah - I see what you mean Peter. I now agree that they are different -- but we should switch the order so we talk about the one we will solve 16:27:53 ... eventually first -- and the one where we never will catch up after that." 16:28:16 Gregg: I agree that 2 and 3 are different, but they're in the wrong order. 16:28:23 q? 16:28:47 ... Something gets 100k letters that you can't sit on for a month. So you put them up. 16:29:07 ... It's something that has to be made available right away, but can't be done all at once. 16:29:35 ... The second case is 100k every day, or minute. This is a more extreme case that you can't eventually catch up. 16:29:55 q+ just to say "let's just get started, and start with 3" 16:30:01 q+ 16:30:54 Shadi: I feel it might reraise the discussions. It's a tough discussion I think we have to have, but leading with that discussion might be an uphill thing. 16:30:55 ack sha 16:31:11 ... There might be an easier one to get started with. Maybe #1 on bugs is the easier one. 16:31:31 Q+ to ask -- are we talking about the order we discuss internally? or the order in the document we present. I keep hearing both? 16:31:51 ... It's mostly a policy thing. But if WCAG had more granularity you could separate out what types of bugs occured. There are some technical aspects as well. 16:32:17 ... The issue isn't so controversial as content we won't get to. 16:32:40 Peter: Lets start with 3 and see where it takes us. 16:32:57 ... It seems there are enough people behind that. 16:33:11 +1 16:33:11 +1 to Peter. Let's not waste a whole meeting debating it 16:33:30 Janina: It's going to take us to defining things you really have to do. 16:33:54 ... We have this concept, if you haven't done everything you couldn't possibly conform. 16:34:21 ... We're in a world where you have to prioritise. Maybe then we go back to 2. 16:35:05 Janina: Hearing no objections to taking up 3 16:35:44 q+ 16:35:49 ack just 16:35:49 just, you wanted to say "let's just get started, and start with 3" 16:35:54 queue= 16:35:58 q+ 16:36:27 q+ 16:36:37 q+ 16:36:37 Janina: We may want to refine the name of the situation to include we might never get everything done. 16:36:51 zakim, take up next 16:36:52 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Wilco 16:36:59 q? 16:37:14 q+ to say not to include 2 in the discussion of 3 16:37:22 ack sh 16:37:38 Shadi: The response on exceptions was from one person. I don't know what plans are to get more responses. 16:37:43 ... There wasn't much time for discussion. 16:38:16 Janina: If we want a survey we should write questions. 16:38:20 Gregg: Survey what? 16:38:30 Janina: These 11 situations. We did not discuss that. 16:39:13 Shadi: I'm wondering about reactions on the page. 16:39:20 q? 16:39:35 ... I'm slightly concerned about going too far in a direction when we haven't taken the group with us. 16:39:50 ack pe 16:41:01 Peter: I suggest one of us work on an example; Museum receives a ton of letters. To support that in technical we want a small list of separable things, for example name and date of the letter and have the transcript be separate. 16:41:12 ... We can write up a few of those and see how they look and feel. 16:41:16 ack pe 16:41:17 ack gr 16:41:36 q+ 16:42:01 Gregg: I think exceptions should be held for things technically impossible. 16:42:25 ... When we say something can't be done immediately, it's good for us to say that rather than tackle them one at a time, it's better to triage. 16:42:56 ... I think we're better off doing 3 and then doing 2. Close one out before opening the other. 16:43:15 ack je 16:43:15 jeanne, you wanted to say not to include 2 in the discussion of 3 16:43:27 Jeanne: Lets keep it narrow. 16:43:44 ... Once we have more detail on 3, lets send that to AGWG as a survey and get their feedback, just on 3. 16:43:50 q+ 16:43:56 q+ 16:44:47 Shadi: There wasn't really time for discussion. We've seen this before. 16:44:57 ack me 16:45:09 Gregg: I concur. We should mention there's a separate one as a note. 16:45:14 Peter: Do we need to decide now? 16:45:54 q- 16:46:12 Janina: We'll work on 3, and when we're done we'll present to AGWG 16:46:53 q? 16:47:00 ack g 16:47:06 zakim, take up next 16:47:06 agendum 3 -- Next Steps -- taken up [from janina] 16:47:36 Peter: I think it might be most efficient if one of us takes a stab at it, rather than try to write it in committee. 16:47:57 Gregg: Agree, and I suggest responding in the list 16:48:26 I would like to take a stab at it. 16:48:53 Janina: I'll work with jeanne. 16:49:08 ... I propose there's no call next week. I'll be out, as is Peter. 16:49:14 ... We'll be back in two weeks. 16:49:23 Gregg: I'll be happy to respond 16:50:07 zakim, end meeting 16:50:07 As of this point the attendees have been janina, Azlan, DarrylLehmann, shadi, Wilco, maryjom, PeterKorn, jeanne, SusiPallero, GreggVan 16:50:09 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:50:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/07-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 16:50:13 I am happy to have been of service, Wilco; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:50:17 Zakim has left #silver-conf 17:00:11 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 17:14:13 janina has left #silver-conf 17:38:49 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 17:51:29 maryjom has joined #silver-conf