13:47:58 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:47:58 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/04/01-silver-irc 13:47:59 inviting RRSAgent 13:48:00 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:48:01 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:49:08 present: 13:49:08 chair: jeanne 13:49:08 present+ 13:49:08 zakim, clear agenda 13:49:08 agenda cleared 13:49:09 rrsagent, make minutes 13:49:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/01-silver-minutes.html jeanne 13:49:09 q? 13:49:18 regrets: Shawn 13:52:48 agenda+ Requirements Issues Editorial PR 619 13:53:04 agenda+ Requirements issue 427\ 13:53:26 agenda+ Requirements issue 451 13:53:35 agenda+ recap and continue the AGWG guidelines exercise 13:56:15 Scribe List -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Scribe_List 13:56:15 janina has joined #silver 13:56:21 rrsagent, make minutes 13:56:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/01-silver-minutes.html jeanne 13:56:42 present+ 14:01:23 shadi has joined #silver 14:02:31 sarahhorton has joined #silver 14:02:40 present+ 14:03:47 maryjom has joined #silver 14:03:58 scribe: sarahhorton 14:04:24 zakim, take up next 14:04:24 agendum 1 -- Requirements Issues Editorial PR 619 -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:04:34 uxjennifer_ has joined #silver 14:04:36 present+ 14:04:47 present+ 14:04:53 present+ 14:05:19 https://github.com/w3c/silver/pull/619 14:05:24 jeanne: Getting to end of requirements, wrap up today hopefully 14:05:35 ... editorial issues all in 1 PR 14:06:19 ... need to look at some, others are typos 14:06:40 ... look at rewording issues 14:07:01 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 14:08:42 https://github.com/w3c/silver/pull/619/commits 14:08:46 ... [working through GitHub issues] 14:08:51 https://github.com/w3c/silver/pull/619/commits/6b863d15412307378fe1cdfa9d7af2d9252c40ae 14:09:07 present+ 14:09:08 Makoto has joined #silver 14:09:21 ... rewording under measurable guidance [reads old, new, changes] 14:09:34 ... introduction to measurable guidance 14:11:04 q+ 14:11:09 ... trying to include more user needs 14:11:16 Certain accessibility guidance is quite clear and measurable. Others, far less so. Some needs of people with disabilities, especially cognitive and low vision disabilities, are not well served by guidance that can only be measured by a true/false statement. If we allow Multiple means of measurement, in addition to true/false statements, then we may include new accessibility guidance that 14:11:16 benefits groups that may have been underserved in the past. 14:11:27 ... any suggestions? 14:12:17 ... used to talk about SCs as pass/fail, changed to true/false, still want pass/fail but not only true/false statements 14:12:42 ack shad 14:13:02 Chuck has joined #silver 14:13:08 present+ 14:13:16 shadi: Likes direction, suggestion to remove first 2 sentences, change especially to such as, change underserved to less served 14:13:37 q+ to say...Perhaps the last phrase could be "that addresses additional user needs previously not covered in WCAG". 14:13:41 ... rationale from last time? 14:14:02 q+ janina 14:14:13 Some needs of people with disabilities, such as cognitive and low vision disabilities, are not well served by guidance that can only be measured by a true/false statement. If we allow multiple means of measurement, in addition to true/false statements, then we may include new accessibility guidance that benefits groups that may have been underserved in the past. 14:14:14 ack mary 14:14:14 maryjom, you wanted to say...Perhaps the last phrase could be "that addresses additional user needs previously not covered in WCAG". 14:14:34 maryjom: Need to say underserved? Not that, but want to cover additional user needs 14:14:40 +1 to MaryJo 14:15:02 +1 to Mary Jo 14:15:13 ack jan 14:15:42 Some needs of people with disabilities, such as cognitive and low vision disabilities, are not well served by guidance that can only be measured by a true/false statement. If we allow multiple means of measurement, in addition to true/false statements, then we may include new accessibility guidance that benefits more people. 14:16:15 jeanne: Send editorial comments to email, review, note objections 14:16:32 ... significant rewrites on this one, appreciate suggestions 14:17:12 Rachael: Sending email about new email list to talk through WCAG 3 issues, all issues, including editorial, pass resolutions from subgroup to list, approve through email where possible 14:17:30 zakim, take up next 14:17:30 agendum 2 -- Requirements issue 427\ -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:17:54 https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/427 14:18:41 jeanne: Org sent spreadsheet of comments, want to add instruction videos and how-tos 14:19:14 ... concerns, want to use where available, not sure we can commit to it everywhere 14:19:23 q+ 14:19:27 q+ 14:19:28 ... thoughts? 14:19:36 ack chuck 14:20:04 Chuck: No chair, wonderful, goes where we don't have expertise, not ready to commit to it at this time 14:20:27 ack shadi 14:21:08 shadi: Agree, also intrigued, hard work and can't be added easily 14:21:34 ... powerful way for people to learn, consider in design knowing might be in future 14:21:44 q+ to answer shadi 14:21:49 +1 to Shadi. 14:21:55 +1 14:21:55 ... think of it when designing UI 14:21:56 q+ 14:21:56 ack jeanne 14:21:57 jeanne, you wanted to answer shadi 14:22:05 +q 14:22:27 jeanne: Design for how-to includes links to existing EO or other vetted video/illustration 14:22:27 q+ 14:22:50 q+ 14:22:57 ... worry about committing, include in response, want to include videos where possible but can't commit for all guidelines 14:23:04 ack mary 14:23:34 maryjom: Not sure focus is they want us to provide videos/illustrated how-tos, make what we provide understandable to non-technical people 14:23:46 ... people trying to consume, finding it difficult 14:24:07 ... Silver focus include making it more understandable 14:24:19 ... applies to anything we provide 14:24:39 ... goal to be consumable by non-experts 14:25:24 jeanne: Commented include language from requirements, added the instructional videos/how-tos 14:26:14 Makoto: Tough to create videos, having graphic example helpful for non-English speakers, tough for Japanese committee to understand and translate 14:26:23 ack mako 14:26:33 ... having only text barrier for wider range of audience to understand 14:26:34 +1 to Makoto China has also had difficulty understanding some criteria. 14:27:23 janina: Clearly state in text that's easier to make understandable, easier to meet internationalization requirement 14:27:42 ... some might have videos, alternative media would need to be included 14:27:43 q+ to say having an understanding doc and understanding video would be AWESOME! Maybe explore for some. 14:27:52 ack shadi 14:28:42 shadi: Currently not in scope, pursue in future, be clear in response 14:29:13 ... different from providing links to other videos, with current design opportunity not to divide into org structure 14:29:25 ... WAI producing video can integrate into same UI 14:29:41 The core guidelines are understandable by a non-technical audience. Text and presentation are usable and understandable through the use of plain language, structure, design and link to instruction videos and how-to where available. Creation of new videos amd illustrations are outside the scope of this project at this time. 14:29:44 ... note to be aware, might be possibility, don't add to scope 14:29:57 ... many benefits, can't add to scope now 14:30:23 https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0-requirements/#design_principles 14:30:43 KimD has joined #silver 14:30:50 Present+ 14:31:03 jeanne: In design principles section, maybe? Will look at it 14:31:03 ack janina 14:31:08 present+ 14:31:36 Chuck: Imagining understanding doc and video, great idea, worth exploring 14:32:00 q+ 14:32:02 ... very supportive, might be side project, sounds awesome 14:32:04 ack Ch 14:32:04 Chuck, you wanted to say having an understanding doc and understanding video would be AWESOME! Maybe explore for some. 14:32:10 +1 to chuck's comments 14:32:41 +1 14:32:54 +1 for Jeanne's language 14:33:04 The core guidelines are understandable by a non-technical audience. Text and presentation are usable and understandable through the use of plain language, structure, design and link to instruction videos and how-to where available. Creation of new videos amd illustrations are outside the scope of this project at this time. 14:33:07 s/amd/and/ 14:34:58 The core guidelines are understandable by a non-technical audience. Text and presentation are usable and understandable through the use of plain language, structure, and design. They link to instruction videos and how-to where available. Creation of new videos and illustrations are outside the scope of this project at this time. 14:35:09 +1 14:35:12 +1 14:35:20 +1 Wish more graphic examples (including illustrations) though 14:35:32 jeanne: Acceptable? Send wordsmith suggestions to Jeanne 14:35:51 The core guidelines are understandable by a non-technical audience. Text and presentation are usable and understandable through the use of plain language, structure, and design. They link to instruction videos, illustrations and how-to where available. Creation of new videos and illustrations are outside the scope of this project at this time. 14:36:09 +1 14:36:12 +1 no objections 14:36:15 +1 14:37:00 porposed RESOLUTION: Accept wording "The core guidelines are understandable by a non-technical audience. Text and presentation are usable and understandable through the use of plain language, structure, and design. They link to instruction videos, illustrations and how-to where available. Creation of new videos and illustrations are outside the scope of this project at this time." 14:37:07 RESOLUTION: Accept wording "The core guidelines are understandable by a non-technical audience. Text and presentation are usable and understandable through the use of plain language, structure, and design. They link to instruction videos, illustrations and how-to where available. Creation of new videos and illustrations are outside the scope of this project at this time." 14:38:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Video-Based_Resources/WCAG_Requirements 14:38:23 shadi: What is process for recording as wishlist/future work? Previous attempt to map out potential videos for each SC 14:38:37 ... stopped for reasons, potential for future 14:38:54 ... hearing interest, off table now but what do we do to record for future? 14:39:05 jeanne: Page of future ideas 14:39:15 ack me 14:39:28 ... on wiki homepage, ideas section 14:39:56 ... add under potential guidelines 14:40:00 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Potential_Guidelines_in_Silver 14:40:39 janina: Talking about CBT, Computer Based Training, building accessible ones, associate with how-tos? 14:41:26 jeanne: Added, hopefully we will get to it, link to good work outside orgs do 14:41:47 ... orgs affiliated that do training videos, link to their work (might be reasons) 14:42:00 janina: Companies could submit, might be value 14:42:08 zakim, take up next 14:42:08 agendum 3 -- Requirements issue 451 -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:43:06 https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/451 14:43:33 jeanne: ITI comments on FPWD, emailed, answered questions in status document 14:43:46 Are there additional Design Principles and Requirements that should be included in the WCAG 3 project? 14:43:46 Yes - inclusion of a compliance level or mechanism that only depends upon automated/automatable tests rather than needing human judgement and review. Sites need to be able to approach some level of conformance without manual effort, or with minimal manual effort on a limited number of key outcomes. This would, of course, not be a desired end-point for any content, but this is sufficiently 14:43:47 important for many large and highly dynamic sites that it merits mention in the requirements document. 14:45:01 jeanne: Conformance options discussing, huge issue, should address with chairs, do we want to comment? Good phrasing of issue, merits discussion 14:45:17 ... chairs pop in if want to postpone/address differently 14:45:21 q+ 14:45:40 Chuck: Have to have the conversation 14:45:45 ach Ch 14:46:10 jeanne: Conformance options discuss adding level below bronze, automatable tests 14:46:55 ... wouldn't meet regulatory requirement but would be under that, provide way for large/dynamic to maintain check on pages/site knowing more testing required 14:47:01 q+ 14:47:10 ack Ch 14:47:38 ... anything automateable and not fixed should not pass 14:48:06 ... manual test would have more leeway if not critical error 14:48:11 q+ 14:48:47 q+ 14:48:48 ... make it more acceptable, so much can't be tested by automated test, understands large orgs need it 14:48:52 ack jani 14:49:46 janina: Part of problem, creating page user sees happens in many places, content injected at "edge" different from similar content at same source, localized, regionalized 14:50:11 +1 to janina - I often see content that is injected by location 14:50:13 ... content delivery networks injecting content, wouldn't catch without automated test 14:50:19 q+ 14:50:22 ... flag things, becomes important 14:50:41 ack chuck 14:50:44 q+ 14:51:04 Chuck: Thinking of meta, not solving it now, deciding what our answer would be for comment 14:51:28 ... will make these considerations, set expectation that will be conversation when tackle conformance 14:51:44 +1 to Chuck. 14:51:47 ack chu 14:51:50 ack shadi 14:52:02 shadi: Agree need to discuss, nervous about this 14:52:31 ... breaking down requirements, adding more testability to smaller chunk requirements, what's testable, what's not 14:52:50 ... suggestion to add compliance/conformance here, not looking at user perspective 14:53:06 ... below what policies take up, how do we know what policy makers will do? 14:53:19 +1 to nervousness of reducing meeting user needs 14:53:25 ... nothing stops companies from setting up policies 14:53:41 ... tough discussion, not fully in line, that's fine 14:54:00 jeanne: Was an interesting idea, remembered, not a proposal 14:54:02 ack mary 14:54:50 maryjom: Claiming automated test, single page will have 100+ errors, trying to keep up to make sure 100% fixing everything thing, that may not have effect on user 14:55:12 +1 to MaryJo 14:55:28 ... will still be bugs with automated tests, will still have to decide what to do, remaining issues 14:55:38 ack mako 14:56:07 Makoto: Understand intent of comment, not easy to do, accept auto-tested conformance means accept inaccessible digital content 14:56:38 ... cause problems with insufficient or inappropriate alternative text or keyboard inaccessible or bad caption videos, challenging 14:56:45 q+ to ask the question if we are evaluating an answer of "yes but not for this specific example?" 14:56:50 ... exploring how to make it happen, going to be tough 14:57:04 ack ch 14:57:04 Chuck, you wanted to ask the question if we are evaluating an answer of "yes but not for this specific example?" 14:57:32 Chuck: Still at meta-level, exploring, yes, we will consider, or yes, not this one or, no, not at all. Focused on answer 14:57:48 ... don't want to try to solve here, focus on what answer should be 14:58:18 ... might need to explore to figure out answer 14:58:31 ... don't go too far down that path 14:58:34 Suggested: "We expect we will need to explore and account for automation in WCAG 3 conformance." 14:59:03 Comment: We have received similar requests for an automated test level. There are some complex issues associated with this, including the problems of reducing the accessibility at that level. We are going to address this issue when we have a more detailed conversation on Conformance. 14:59:34 including the challenges of reducing 14:59:54 Comment: We have received similar requests for an automated test level. There are some complex issues associated with this, including the problems of reducing the accessibility at that level. We intend to make WCAG3 testing more granular to support automated testing. We are going to address this issue when we have a more detailed conversation on Conformance. 15:00:12 +1 to Jeanne 15:00:28 jeanne: Finish up next week! 15:00:33 We have received similar requests for an automated test level. There are some complex issues associated with this, including the challenges of reducing the accessibility at that level. We intend to make WCAG3 testing more granular to support automated testing. We are going to address this issue when we have a more detailed conversation on Conformance. 15:00:47 rrsagent, make minutes 15:00:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/04/01-silver-minutes.html jeanne 17:07:13 janina has joined #silver 18:00:03 MichaelC_ has joined #silver 20:28:24 MichaelC has joined #silver 23:56:59 MichaelC_ has joined #silver