Meeting minutes
Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements.
JW: Asks about publishing and review periods
We have the SAUR ready for a descision - about whether we publish a working draft or make it ready for wide review.
If you are not keen on publishing let us know
+1 Scott and Steve
+1 from Janina - also to wide public review
SH: Acks Steves great work
JOC: +1 from me
JS: Is the 6 weeks necessary
JW: We did propose 6 weeks review time but can be adjusted
JS: <Discusses messaging etc>
Earlier in May for publishing would be good.
SN: I'm fine with that
JS: Lets do the 13th?
JW: What would we like?
SH: Mentions Easter Holidays globally..
RESOLUTION: RQTF will publish SAUR https://
JS: Will flag this to Roy, that we have permission to update public working drafts
Lets update the drafts and get messaging ready to roll - Shawn will see the update working draft
JS: Hands off Github for now
JW: Any final comments?
Accessibility of Remote Meetings.
JW: I'm the one with the report here..
I've opened some issues after a review - had some discussion with Scott. Have created some PRs.
Scott has reviewed, thanks.
JW: <Gives overview of PRs>
Mostly editorial but some may be more substantive
SH: Great work Jason
Happy to have that input on testing video
JOC: Here are the PRs https://
JW: Any other comments?
<GH banter>
JW: Had Judy been asked to review?
SH: Yes
Review of draft ethical machine learning consultation document.
JW: I've some comments on this..
The link to the latest draft in agenda
There are meetings next week - with two sessions run by Machine Learning group
APA will be attending a session - I'll do another. Am meeting with MattTA to review his draft
If anyone has input here, we can feedback to them
JS: Anyone can attend Monday April 4th, 6am Eastern, and April 5th at 16:00 UTC
JW: Any other comments? Or we can take our thoughts to those meetings.
Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.
JW: Once we get some of the other publications under control we can get this to the top of the agenda.
If there have been updates let us know..
JOC: Has no subterranean updates
JW: Its good to have the walkthru of the COGA issues done.
JW: We can re-engage with MITRE also.
JW: Lets discuss next week.
JW: Final words?
Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA.
JW: There was a meeting with Cloudflare last week?
LW: We had a good meeting with Cloudflare - they are commited to helping with our agenda.
CAP is the technology that we see as a replacement for CAPTCHA..
LW: They mentioned privacy pass - they are interested in unblocking traffic and reducing friction
As well as Zero knowledge extentions - support privacy and get user agents to support
Tara Whelan is involved in privacy and security
LW: I've been reading up on standards etc
Janina is to reach out to WebAuthen - to also cover attestation
We dont want to go too far with only one companies stack.
JS: Thats important
JS: There are terms that are not in our document that we should track
There is privacy and security jargon that we should mirror
Important for implementors to see
JW: We could cite relevant issues.
JS: We may have a new layer on historical or legacy tech that we dont recommend are used.
JS: I will send a new reference to the list
LW: I can add to the minutes
LW: <talks about CSUN experience with Sign Language>
Miscellaneous topics.
JW: I want to say that the maturity model discussion is continuing, the co-chairs of APA aims to bring this into that group.
Language identifiers
<Lionel_Wolberger> Lionel adding to the minutes some more details on the discussion with CloudFlare:
JS: In pronunciation, it is a good research question - would like validation
<Lionel_Wolberger> While currently CAP relies on Webauthn attestation, CloudFlare is proposing a ZK-based extension to Webauthn that will not rely on Webauthn attestation
<Lionel_Wolberger> (ZK = zero knowledge)
<Lionel_Wolberger> - The IETF Privacy Attestation Tokens (https://
JS: It seems BC47 spec relates to an IETF doc RFC 5646
<Lionel_Wolberger> Tara who is on W3C privacy WG, will read, comment, edit the CAPTCHA W3C paper
<Lionel_Wolberger> Lionel to read PrivacyPass (https://
Regarding ancient languages.. some are to be supported by extensions
<Lionel_Wolberger> Thibault (from CloudFlare) to advise on what other companies/corporations could implement CAP. RQTF and W3C is always very pleased to see multiple companies involved.
But if we want to specify a language there are different issues..
Variations in regional pronunciation etc
JS: We need some time based way to specify where we have rules to distinuish English over different time periods.
Same with ancient languages - vernacular etc
Is this accurate? That our language identifiers dont support language variation in historical contexts.
JS: Would like us to look at adding time/context considerations into these languages.
JW: Thats clear.
JOC: Good catch, time is another axis.
JW: I'll have a look - lets discuss more.
JS: Something useful for TPAC.
JW: I've got some insight into a related group and can share.
<SteveNoble> one resource that mentions some ancient language codes: https://