12:25:30 RRSAgent has joined #eo 12:25:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/25-eo-irc 12:25:32 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:25:32 Zakim has joined #eo 12:25:34 Meeting: Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference 12:25:34 Date: 25 March 2022 12:25:42 Chair: Brent 12:26:03 Regrets: Shawn, Kevin, KrisAnne 12:27:43 present+ 12:28:08 Brent has joined #eo 12:29:48 shadi has joined #eo 12:31:18 present+ 12:32:07 Leticia has joined #eo 12:33:14 github-bot has joined #eo 12:34:20 Michele has joined #eo 12:34:28 MarkPalmer has joined #eo 12:34:37 present+ 12:34:48 present+ 12:35:22 Scribe: Sharron 12:36:25 Laura has joined #eo 12:36:28 Topic: Accessibility Tools List 12:36:29 present+ 12:37:03 regrets+ Estella, Vera 12:37:40 present+ 12:37:48 Chair: Brent 12:37:51 present+ 12:38:32 Current prototype: https://master--wai-evaluation-tools-list.netlify.app/list-of-evaluation-tools/ 12:38:45 BrianE has joined #eo 12:39:12 present+ Daniel 12:39:24 Present+ 12:39:29 Present+ 12:40:22 Charlotte: I will share my screen to highlight some of the new features. I've been working with Vera and Eric on the project since September. We want to share the newest iteration based on the user testing we did last week and we found overall our users we happy with the general design, made some suggestions for small improvements. 12:41:48 ,,,half of our users were accessibility beginners, a few were lecturers and our user group had various levels of experience in accessibility with technical skills from nearly none to expert. 12:41:59 ...shares prototype 12:43:47 Charlotte: We have implemented some of the feedback we got from our tests. They mostly were very complementary of the design, one comment about "wall of text" but understanding of what the needs were. They liked the filtering system but many overlooked it - we changed the color pattern to make it more visible. 12:45:00 Howard has joined #eo 12:45:07 present+ Howard 12:47:22 ...the filter assistant has been changed since we last shared it. Using the tool actually helped some of them understand that there was more to accessibility than they has assumed. A big issue was that people who were unfamiliar with the Guidelines (like the desingers) felt that the tool was very technical and was not really meant for them. Example "progressive enhancement" mentioned in A-checker 12:49:51 ...they did not see terms that they did recognice (example clor/contrast) We thought about how to make newbies feel more welcome. May ask pvendors to talk about their tool in words that are easier to understand. May not be feasible for all vendors but might be good to encourage planin language, short sentences. Any suggestions from this group? 12:49:55 q+ 12:50:01 q+ 12:51:08 ack Laura 12:51:24 Laura: Speaking to your question, what is under 'sort by'? 12:52:31 Charlotte: Alpha, most recently updated, etc Most people are looking for most recently updated 12:53:57 ...it was rejected as a solution because it could be a way for vendors to rig the system. 12:54:32 q+ 12:54:34 Sharron: Still seems the best solution to me 12:54:38 Laura: +1 12:54:40 ack shadi 12:55:31 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?currentsidebar=%23col_customize 12:56:16 - Role: Designer, Developer, QA, Learning/Teachning 12:56:36 q+ 12:57:03 Shadi: Thanks for all this work - it looks great! On your specific question if we would resort by recent updates, it might be better. You seem to be collecting data as you test. Eric (previous editor) had a filter by role - have you consdiered doing that? Roles like teaching, developer, designer, QA. It may be a filter that is presented differently like a tab or something that allows people to 12:57:03 identify? 12:58:26 Charlotte: (shows a previous filtering option) Like this perhaps? We tried this and those users were a bit skeptical, what if the filter chooses the wrong things for me? 12:58:27 +1 to allow filtering by job role 12:59:03 q- 12:59:23 Shadi: Maybe changing the wording to instead of it being my identity it may be more freindly to identify the task. 13:00:39 s/freindly/friendly/ 13:00:42 Charlotte: Vera had a suggestion to choose filters in that way roles/task baced. We also considered to maybe let two vendors provide those roles or a difficulty rating. Some of the ideas we are considering. 13:00:44 q+ 13:00:45 +1 to sorting by role 13:00:53 ack mark 13:01:38 Vicki has joined #eo 13:02:12 Mark: What you've done here is fantastic! +1 from me for the filter moved to the top. We may have people who don't fall into those roles precisely - also need to think about a procurement role, maybe able to select more than one role. 13:03:16 ... we are so locked down what we can use, we need to see if it works in the one browser that we are able to use in government. I do see the need for the job role filter but may need to expand it. 13:03:46 ...maybe as Shadi said, maybe it is task based, what are you trying to do. 13:04:46 ...some may not know what box they fit into, the roles may not mean that much to them. 13:05:08 Charlotte: We will explore roles, vs tasks and option to filter along those lines. 13:05:32 ...if anyone wants to suggest anything, we will add that to the weekly survey. 13:07:50 ack MarkPalmer 13:08:24 ack shadi 13:10:48 Shadi: Mark I don't thisnk this is only government I think role defintion is always hard. Another thought I had was the distinguish between role/task and the level of expertise. We need to keep these separate. Second thing was have you considered a way to skip any of the questions in the filter assitant? Maybe rather than the banner across the top for the role/task make it part of the filter 13:10:48 assistant, like a Swiss army knofe. 13:11:54 Charlotte: Ww do have the capability to skip a question but participants did not use it. They tended to do extra work, need to explain the skip capacity. 13:12:19 Shadi: It was also not clear to me that at any point in the filtering process you can show results. 13:14:58 Charlotte: Also wanted to share with you the changes to the filter list. We noticed that several of the filtering terms are unclear. We may need to add many more info buttons. Vera and I are not accessibility experts ourselves and may need some guidance about the exact input for the info boxes. If anyone would like to volunteer to help us, we want to be sure it is correct and informative since 13:14:58 the info boxes are used a lot. 13:16:05 Charlotte: The accessibility checks are now based on beta 2.1 and there may some things that are not well named so we will ask a question about that in teh survey. Media type was not undertood at all - text, vidoe, audie, etc. 13:16:31 s/ vidoe, audie/ video, audio 13:16:52 s/undertood/understood 13:16:56 q+ 13:17:03 ...will ask for input about that. 13:17:09 ack brian 13:17:48 q+ 13:18:05 BrianE: In the ask for help with the tool tips, I am not a content expert but I can provide technical suggestions. 13:18:15 ack dm 13:18:57 Daniel: Appreciate the work, it is looking so good. I agree with Brian that it needs technical support for accessibility. 13:20:24 ...especially the heading structure. 13:25:11 Charlotte: We will implement this (showing screen) and want to be sure that people use it in the way we expect. 13:25:40 ...we show the toggle on 'and' when we choose more than one 13:26:36 q+ 13:27:03 Brent: What's the use case for 'or' 13:27:45 Charlotte: We are not sure we will find much use of it, but we wanted to be sure people understand that this works differently. 13:28:27 Jade has joined #eo 13:28:32 ack shadi 13:28:39 ...want to be sure that the filters list includes all the checks and not necessary to do them one at a time. 13:29:16 Shadi: If I remember correctly, the QuickRef presents 'or' vs 'and' visually differently. 13:30:08 Shadi: (shares QuickRef screen) 13:32:51 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?currentsidebar=%23col_customize 13:33:41 q+ 13:34:24 Charlotte: Lecturers have asked for tools that test a prototype or design that is not yet online. Want to know if such a tool exisits. 13:34:46 ack shadi 13:34:48 s/exisits/exists 13:35:08 Shadi: At this point I am not aware of such tools being submitted to the list. 13:36:29 Brent: Do we have a way to suggest a category that are not currently listed? 13:36:50 Charlotte: Maybe so, example VR accessibility tools 13:37:46 Shadi: Prototypes might be hard to meet, may be more of a wish list, don't see how the implementation would work. 13:38:07 Charlotte: More tools could be added for designers but are not there yet. 13:38:25 present+ 13:39:16 Shadi: Good point like designer tools (IBM, Adobe) that are plugins to authoring tools. May be a way to add such plugins to the Tools List. 13:40:13 Charlotte: Would anyone know how to search for it - authoring plugin? We would like to improve the link between the Tools List and other WAI resources. We would like suggestions for which resources and where to put them. In the filter assistant? 13:40:43 ...maybe helping them to know more about how to do manual tests. 13:42:22 Brent: Any additional questions for Charlotte? 13:44:29 Topic: WAI Curricula Content Author Modules 13:45:24 Previous work 13:45:24 -> https://content-author-topics--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/text-alternatives/ Text Alternatives 13:45:24 -> https://content-author-topics--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/data-visualizations/ Data Visualizations 13:45:25 Proposal: 13:45:25 -> https://content-author-modules--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/images/ Images 13:45:25 -> https://content-author-modules--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/content-author-modules/data-tables/ Data Tables 13:45:26 e 13:47:10 Daniel: This is a question on the inclusion of the concpet of data visualization. The modules are meant to help content authors, editors, not just writers. We tried two different modules one that covers short image description and another one for more complex image content. 13:48:21 ...we realized last week that it was not working. One issue was that splitting it into two separate modules breaks the previous pattern. Another issue is that not all complex images can be understood as data visualization. 13:51:43 ...with that in mind, the TF recommends to change the name and scope of the two modules. 13:54:17 ... had discussed text alternatives in two separate modules in two separate modules. Have redefined so all text alternatives will be discussed in one module. The reference to data visualization will be referenced in both images module (including simple and complex) and in the data tables module. 13:54:49 s/in two separate modules in two separate modules/in two separate modules 13:56:24 Daniel: Still a rough draft and need to allow EO to weigh in. 13:56:44 Sharron: Makes sense to me now that I understand it. 13:57:23 Brent: So the links are to previous and current and we will ask if it is OK with everyone to move forward with this structure. 13:59:50 Daniel: The first question is does this make sense? Second is other than cross referncing what other ideas do you ahve about addressing data visualization and how we can help instructors to teach this complex topic? 14:00:05 s/ahve/have 14:00:27 s/referncing/referencing 14:06:43 Brent: Any other comments? 14:08:13 Daniel: We'll have Starfish survey by next week and menawhile will put a couple of questions in the weekly survey 14:08:37 Topic: EOWG Face to Face meeting 14:09:41 Brent: Two meetings in consdieration, will make both of them fully hybrid meetings for inclusion of remote participation. First is in May at AccessU in May and second in Vancouver in September for TPAC. 14:10:48 ...have confirmed the dates for May, highest selected days were the Friday and Saturday after the conference. Wanted to chack in with those who will join remotely. 14:12:36 ...May 13 and 14 seem to be th dates that have risen to the top. 14:14:28 +1 what Mark said 14:15:24 q+ 14:16:52 q- 14:17:12 Brent: Hearing the problematic nature of Friday (afternoon and evening in Europe) and Saturday as part of the weekend. 14:18:01 Sharron: Also will try some of the asynchronous methods we are using for AccessU to provide a more immersive experince for those participating remotely. 14:21:32 Brent: Review of locations. Look at survey and feel free to suggest others 14:25:49 Daniel: It will be difficult to particpate remotely during a weekend time and friday evening too. 14:26:14 Topic: Wrap 14:27:12 Sharron: Please watch for the weekly survey there will be a few items for review and input and look at W4TW. Thanks all, have a good weekend, bye 14:27:27 trackbot, end meeting 14:27:27 Zakim, list attendees 14:27:27 As of this point the attendees have been Sharron, shadi, Leticia, Michele, Laura, Brent, Daniel, MarkPalmer, BrianE, Howard, stevelee 14:27:35 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:27:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/25-eo-minutes.html trackbot 14:27:36 RRSAgent, bye 14:27:36 I see no action items