12:43:44 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-protocols 12:43:44 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/11-wcag3-protocols-irc 13:22:56 ShawnT has joined #wcag3-protocols 13:51:25 agenda+ Explore ways to evaluate whether the protocol was done https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gT2DV8x5Y_m_j3TwoM8VaIMRmS5biAyGUTgJLtMDW64/edit# 13:51:37 agenda+ Explore ways to evaluate how well the protocol was followed 13:51:46 agenda+ x agenda+ Explore ways to evaluate the quality of the results 13:51:59 agenda? 13:52:06 agenda- 3 13:52:17 agenda+ Explore ways to evaluate the quality of the results 13:59:04 jennifer has joined #wcag3-protocols 13:59:09 present+ 14:00:09 Chuck has joined #wcag3-protocols 14:00:12 agenda? 14:00:13 zakim, take up item 1 14:00:17 agendum 1 -- Explore ways to evaluate whether the protocol was done https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gT2DV8x5Y_m_j3TwoM8VaIMRmS5biAyGUTgJLtMDW64/edit# -- taken up [from Rachael] 14:00:18 present+ 14:00:23 present+ 14:00:28 present+ 14:01:16 JakeAbma_ has joined #wcag3-protocols 14:01:21 present+ 14:02:01 shadi has joined #wcag3-protocols 14:02:11 present+ 14:02:14 scribe: shadi 14:03:27 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gT2DV8x5Y_m_j3TwoM8VaIMRmS5biAyGUTgJLtMDW64/edit# 14:03:31 RMB: last week we looked at ways to evaluate protocols 14:03:53 ...agreed on examplars such as plain language 14:04:04 ...not coming up with a protocol yet 14:04:12 ...or any fixed answer 14:04:21 ...just working through one to explore 14:04:46 ...Jake's proposal for organizations to state the protocols used 14:04:56 ...John also suggested a compliance report 14:05:17 q? 14:05:23 ...for someone external to evaluate how a protocol was done 14:05:45 q+ 14:05:50 JG: thinking each protocol would define criteria 14:06:00 ...detailed criteria for compliance 14:06:18 ...that would be requirement for protocol 14:06:21 q+ to ask "minimum viable protocol"? 14:06:35 ack Jennifer 14:06:36 jaunita_george has joined #wcag3-protocols 14:06:55 JS: what is it we want to do during today's call? 14:07:57 CA: my understanding is that thought exercise is open 14:08:05 ...but not necessarily need to go deep 14:08:24 ...might be early to develop specific criteria at this stage 14:08:27 q? 14:08:28 It's my understanding that we are doing the exercise to collect information, and afterwards we would go into the actual trying to define it. 14:08:29 ack Ch 14:08:29 Chuck, you wanted to ask "minimum viable protocol"? 14:08:42 ...are you suggesting a minimal viable protocol? 14:08:49 JG: yes, along these lines 14:09:07 JS: agree with that approach 14:09:18 q? 14:09:21 ...need to keep an open time at this stage 14:09:32 s/open time/open mind 14:09:47 q+ to ask clarifying question 14:09:47 q- 14:09:47 q+ to ask clarifying question 14:10:03 RMB: might want to get back to criteria when assessing the quality of protocols 14:10:09 q- 14:10:33 ...don't want to lose that thought 14:11:10 CA: step 1 we could call complete 14:11:13 q? 14:11:40 CA: step 2 could be around process 14:11:47 q? 14:11:53 ...how well the process is implemented 14:12:17 q+ 14:12:21 RMB: done step 1 14:12:22 ack Jau 14:12:55 q+ 14:13:00 ack ch 14:13:06 JG: how effective is a protocol if the process is not adequately followed? 14:13:18 CA: trying to channel John 14:13:45 ...thinking trying to give us a structure to address the non-measurable 14:14:20 ...my opinion is that there would be separate guidance 14:14:21 q+ 14:14:33 ack Jake 14:14:42 ...maybe protocols themselves don't need to house the guidance as well 14:14:59 q? 14:15:20 JA: exactly that void 14:15:30 ...to measure the end-result 14:15:41 q+ 14:15:45 +1 to JakeAbma 14:15:53 ...it is often about the effort and demonstrating intent and such 14:16:03 ...not really about the end-results 14:16:41 ...for example, when organizations do more than the WCAG criteria only 14:16:47 ...like training etc. 14:17:02 ...maturing the adoption of inclusive practices 14:17:08 +1 to Jake about having it relate to the program 14:17:43 q+ https://www.dol.gov/general/plainwriting/2021AnnualComplianceReport 14:17:50 q+ to say I don't support the idea, but I think it should be listed 14:17:51 I'd feel more comfortable if it's more "extra credit" or related to the maturity model work 14:17:52 q- https://www.dol.gov/general/plainwriting/2021AnnualComplianceReport 14:17:56 q+ to say https://www.dol.gov/general/plainwriting/2021AnnualComplianceReport 14:18:13 ...giving space for the more subjective requirements to be also on the agenda 14:18:37 ...but if we can't check the end-result per se 14:18:57 ...then would be good to get the companies to speak about them at least 14:19:23 ...seeing explosive growth of improvements in The Netherlands 14:19:36 q? 14:19:38 ack Michael 14:19:43 ...including people getting more involved and excited 14:19:51 ...going in the right direction 14:19:52 +1 to having it "in addition to" more objective standards 14:20:06 +1 to Rachael's Department of Labor link above. 14:20:22 MC: might be moving away from the intended exercise 14:20:39 ...suggest not trying to define a protocol at this stage 14:21:00 ...could be as simple as company saying the follow some guidance 14:21:20 ...but doesn't have to be so binary, could be more nuanced 14:21:27 q+ 14:21:36 ...maybe have different levels of adhering to a protocol 14:21:48 ack Ch 14:21:48 Chuck, you wanted to say I don't support the idea, but I think it should be listed 14:22:15 CA: maybe stay more on brainstorming level 14:22:19 Can we use a pinup board? 14:22:31 ...not judge any ideas at this stage 14:22:33 q? 14:22:37 ack Rach 14:22:37 Rachael, you wanted to say https://www.dol.gov/general/plainwriting/2021AnnualComplianceReport 14:22:38 https://pinup.com/hkh5VWnQJ 14:22:38 ...just get them out there for now 14:22:54 q+ 14:22:59 RMB: could shift from discussion to brainstorm 14:23:48 agenda? 14:23:58 zakim, take up item 2 14:23:58 agendum 2 -- Explore ways to evaluate how well the protocol was followed -- taken up [from Rachael] 14:24:11 RMB: John had referred to plain language, for example 14:24:29 ...this has organizational points 14:24:38 q? 14:24:41 ack Jenn 14:24:51 ...could help define different levels of implementation 14:24:59 q+ to ask "what does it look like when trying to do it"? 14:26:09 JS: evaluator documents assessment in a report 14:26:21 ...another evaluator might have a very different assessment 14:26:30 q+ to ask "what is a public statement"? 14:26:58 ...suggest going through the exercise of trying it out 14:27:15 ...trying too hard to make things failure proof 14:27:30 ...thereby moving away from the issue itself 14:27:48 q+ 14:27:58 ...try out sample pages and compare our own results 14:29:13 ack Jaun 14:29:15 ...comfortable with the ambiguity and worried about trying to remove that 14:29:42 Poll: Can we use a pinnup? 14:29:57 JG: [demonstrates use of pinup tool] 14:30:01 +.5 14:30:03 0 14:30:07 Need clarity on what a pinup tool is. 14:30:33 Is it like Mural or Miro or Jamboard? 14:30:38 Google has Jamboard. 14:31:06 JG: yes 14:31:07 I think we can use the Google doc, just as well. 14:31:25 0 14:31:31 https://pinup.com/hkh5VWnQJ 14:31:32 q? 14:31:55 ack Ch 14:31:55 Chuck, you wanted to ask "what does it look like when trying to do it"? and to ask "what is a public statement"? 14:32:31 CA: speaking about ways of how a protocol was done 14:32:53 ...sometimes we talk about a public statement 14:33:04 ...but I don't know what a public assertion is 14:33:09 q? 14:33:10 q+ 14:33:13 ack Jake 14:33:40 JA: seems inline with what Michael was saying 14:33:49 ...first step is to say you've done it 14:33:55 ...then add more levels to that 14:35:21 q? 14:35:38 julierawe has joined #wcag3-protocols 14:35:42 present+ 14:36:24 Hi, folks, joining late—interested to hear how your experiment is going! 14:36:56 q+ to ask Jennifer about "just do it" 14:36:59 ...not easy to create a framework 14:37:22 ack Shawn 14:37:31 ...define activities that could be part of the statement 14:37:45 ST: is this similar to VPAT? 14:37:54 q+ 14:38:04 ...if so, is this something we want to look into? 14:38:09 ack Ch 14:38:09 Chuck, you wanted to ask Jennifer about "just do it" 14:38:44 CA: should we try out a specific example? 14:39:18 q? 14:39:23 Present+ 14:39:31 ack Jake 14:40:16 JA: I had suggested an approach in a previous email 14:40:23 q+ to dive into vpat example as interesting line of thought. 14:40:24 ...not about product assessment 14:41:07 ...filling the gap between WCAG and VPAT 14:41:09 Evaluating a program Jake? 14:41:16 ...positive-driven approach 14:41:37 agenda? 14:41:50 q? 14:41:53 ack Rach 14:41:53 Rachael, you wanted to dive into vpat example as interesting line of thought. 14:42:22 RMB: issue with the VPAT is the "partially comply" 14:42:31 q? 14:42:32 ...could mean many different things 14:42:37 q+ Chu 14:42:42 https://www.nascio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/NASCIO_-Accessability_In_IT_Procurment_Part_2a.pdf 14:42:48 ...trying to avoid that pitfall here 14:43:16 https://mn.gov/mnit/assets/Policy%20Driven%20Adoption%20for%20Accessibility%20%28PDAA%29%20CSUN-Public_tcm38-61817.pdf 14:43:30 https://mn.gov/mnit/about-mnit/accessibility/pdaa-faq-government-agencies.jsp#:~:text=What%20is%20PDAA%3F,accessibility%20best%20practices%20within%20operations. 14:43:39 CA: should we try out a specific example? 14:43:48 ...helps me understand best 14:43:54 q? 14:43:56 ack Ch 14:44:32 Can we do a poll on @jennifer's idea "just to it"? 14:45:55 q+ that we shoudl start a new google doc if we want to use it as a brainstorm 14:46:06 q? 14:46:13 q+ 14:46:49 q+ 14:47:00 JS: agree to just try it out 14:47:08 ...might each come to different results 14:47:18 ...would help us understand what to do 14:48:24 ack Rach 14:48:51 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oQT-ttvcLwN4E0ABjsMXzRPEQDhOMT8_Gc78N_8QZzw/edit# 14:48:55 RMB: might need a different document for an open brainstorm 14:49:00 q? 14:49:03 q? 14:49:04 ...this was more for meeting summary 14:49:06 ack Jau 14:49:32 JG: not sure how much we should tie this to courts 14:49:50 ...possibly create lots of loopholes 14:50:06 ...advocating for lower barrier to entry 14:50:19 ...John was speaking of extra credit 14:50:38 ...or very narrowly defined aspects 14:50:50 q? 14:52:00 CA: suggest a poll 14:52:04 Poll: PIck a site and a protocol and go through the exercise of evaluating 14:52:13 +1 14:52:19 0 14:52:25 +.5 14:52:25 +1 14:52:29 +1 14:52:53 +1 14:53:17 RA: happy either way 14:54:23 +1 14:54:27 CA: plain language and department of labor? 14:54:42 ...no objections, so let's try that 14:54:46 agenda? 14:54:57 Topic: Next Meeting 14:55:01 CSUN next week 14:55:02 poll: skip next week? 14:55:06 +1 14:55:06 +1 14:55:10 Also at CSUN 14:55:10 +1 14:55:14 +1 14:55:31 I'm OOO the week following as well (3/25) 14:55:33 q+ 14:55:43 ack Sha 14:56:54 shadi: It's an outsourcing of requirements we are not able to write. Today's discussion are things that exist in the maturity model. Unclear how that maps in. 14:57:29 shadi: shouldn't spend to much time trying to define what it is, but in terms of communication, every time I hear protocols described, its a different description. It makes it hard for somebody to be involved and help. 14:57:31 q+ 14:57:32 q+ 14:57:58 CA: yes, going through the exercise 14:58:10 ack Ch 14:58:12 ...trying to define what a protocol is 14:58:34 RA: sounds like switching gears 14:59:51 zakim, end meeting 14:59:51 As of this point the attendees have been jennifer, Chuck, Rachael, ShawnT, JakeAbma_, shadi, .5, julierawe, jaunita_george 14:59:53 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:59:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/11-wcag3-protocols-minutes.html Zakim 14:59:57 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:00:01 Zakim has left #wcag3-protocols 15:01:45 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:10:56 ShawnT has joined #wcag3-protocols