16:42:59 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 16:42:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/10-silver-conf-irc 16:43:06 rrsagent, make log public 16:43:17 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 16:43:22 Date 10 Mar 2022 16:43:27 Chair: Janina 16:43:57 Regrets: Todd_Libby 16:44:27 agenda? 16:44:32 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 16:44:32 agenda+ User Scenarios Review https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 16:44:35 agenda+ Next Steps: Strategy Presenting to AG 16:44:38 agenda+ Other Business 16:44:40 agenda+ Be Done 16:44:50 rrsagent, make minutes 16:44:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/10-silver-conf-minutes.html janina 16:48:22 present+ 16:58:50 shadi has joined #silver-conf 16:59:19 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 16:59:40 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 17:01:49 KimD has joined #silver-conf 17:01:56 Present+ 17:01:59 DarrylLehmann has joined #silver-conf 17:02:07 present+ 17:02:10 present+ 17:04:29 scribe: jeanne 17:04:46 zakim, take up next 17:04:46 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from janina] 17:04:47 Wilco has joined #silver-conf 17:04:50 present+ 17:05:00 present+ 17:05:01 present+ 17:06:19 JS: We need to think about how to present this to AGWG. I timed my screenreader which took 45 minutes to read. I think we need to think about a summary and how to handle details. 17:06:45 JS: Should we meet next week? It is the CSUN week. 17:06:52 WF: not available 17:07:13 PK: would want to leave early, 17:07:34 JS: We aren't presenting to AGWG until the 29th. 17:07:44 +1 on schedule 17:07:49 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 17:08:04 ... propose skipping next week, meeting on the 24, presenting to Silver on the 25th. 17:08:06 present+ 17:08:13 +1 to inviting Judy again 17:08:15 SAZ: We may want to invite Judy again 17:08:52 JS: Shadi sent her an update a week ago 17:09:18 ... we should hear her concerns 17:09:55 SAZ: We have addressed her concerns, now we should look at her recommendations for next steps 17:10:14 JS: I will followup with Judy 17:10:21 zakim, take up next 17:10:21 agendum 2 -- User Scenarios Review https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios -- taken up [from janina] 17:10:54 JS: I love the way it reads with the latest updates 17:11:38 SAZ: I think the Intro part is very important 17:11:49 ... 1) walk through the changes 17:11:51 q? 17:11:59 ... 2) look at 8 & 9 17:12:07 SusanaPallero has joined #silver-conf 17:12:31 present+1 17:12:37 ... 3) go up a level and think about the order of situations and examples, especially what we lead with. First impressions are important 17:12:39 q+ 17:13:30 JS: I had a structural thought on presenting it to AG. If we named the examples and built the table of contents so they would cluster under the section which would give a better sense of what we are proposing 17:13:37 ack ja 17:14:46 ack PeterKorn 17:14:49 q? 17:14:59 SAZ: I didn't address every comment but I did take the major comments 17:15:47 SAZ: The Approach section is improved 17:15:53 q? 17:15:59 ... all the "can" to "might" 17:16:25 ... made "accessible" more consistent. Removed "partial conformance" 17:17:14 ... used "conforming" to apply to standards 17:17:17 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 17:17:24 present+ 17:17:52 ... In situation 2, when content is rarely used. I kept the weather forecast report. 17:18:38 q+ 17:18:44 ... I separated the content into "outdated content" and "current content rarely used" 17:19:37 q+ with some minor nits on the Intro 17:19:50 ack pe 17:19:52 q+ to say some minor nits on the intro' 17:20:42 PK: Outdated vs Current: the important example in situation 2 is that content that is generated contemporaneously, but we don't know when it will be meaningful. 17:21:10 ... Outdated doesn't fit with it, but we don't know it is important until we want to look back on it 17:21:21 SAZ: That would make it too close to Situation 3 17:21:34 +1 to agree a different accumulating example might communicate better than weather; but weather will do until we have a better one! 17:23:26 PK: Trying to look at this with a critical eye, when we say "library" it is a place where everything should be accessible. A better example would be searching for exoplanets where there are thousands of photos and we rarely every go back to. We archive them in real-time because we will only look at them again if necessary. 17:24:31 ... this feels more like "content rarely used" than "content accumulating too rapidly". We have no idea if we are going to use the information that is being captured very rapidly. 17:25:50 SAZ: (reads) Example 2.2 - current content that is rarely used: An organization is continuously archiving thousands of electronic titles, including of digital books, video and audio recordings, scanned documents, and more. It ensure that those presented to the general public, for example displayed in an exhibition, conform to the technical standard. However, the majority of titles are 17:25:50 archived and very rarely used. Occasionally, researchers, collectors, and others may be interested in the one or other title for particular reasons. These rarely accessed titles are marked to all users as archived, for example in a banner that conforms to the technical standard. The organization decides not to prioritize retrofitting archived titles, to make them conform to the technical 17:25:51 standard. The organization indicates in an accessibility statement that archived titles may have accessibility issues, and describes the types of issues that tend to occur in these titles. The organization also provides a mechanism for users to request conforming versions of archived titles, for example for research purposes. 17:27:32 PK: It uses "digital books, video and audio". Digital books should be accessible. We are trying to capture the concept that we don't know if it needs to be accessible until we go back later. 17:27:48 q+ 17:27:48 q- 17:28:17 DL: We could replace the word "digital books" with "point form notes" 17:28:34 ... I really like the improvements 17:28:49 q- 17:29:08 JS: Astronomical observatory 17:29:42 scribe: janina 17:29:57 jeanne: Like how the doc has developed; it's direction and examples 17:30:05 jeanne: Only concern is how long it takes to read 17:30:43 jeanne: perhaps a presentation format for AGWG where we describe hiding much of the detail 17:30:49 q+ 17:30:50 jeanne: also have another use case, but later 17:31:01 scribe: jeanne 17:31:50 SAZ: I'm running out of ideas of how to make it more readable 17:32:15 DL: I think it has a lot of potential to help out the broader group 17:32:47 ... maybe we could hide out the technical and policy sections with dropdowns 17:33:04 q+ 17:33:13 ack da 17:33:15 ack pe 17:33:21 ... maybe we could go into the first example in details, with less detail in the later doc 17:34:00 PK: Rather than adding to the main document, putting a summary in advance with an invite to read the details 17:34:19 ... we could use expand/collapse more 17:35:01 SAZ: Expand/collapse can increase more usability issues 17:35:11 q+ 17:35:22 ... we could put it in a survey in breakdown so people can read it. 17:36:07 JS: The calligrapher example needs more work to fully explain what we want to accomplish. 17:36:45 SAZ: I want to look at the order so that the first example has the most interest to the group so that they want to read more 17:36:58 ack ja 17:36:59 ack jan 17:37:46 SAZ: HOMEWORK: Take a look at the Introduction section and make it clearer. On list or offlist or pidgeon 17:37:55 topic: situations 8 and 9 17:37:56 Topic: Situation 8 17:39:45 SAZ: We only have one example. The 8.2 example was removed because it really was a technical issue and fit better in section 9 17:40:01 q+ 17:40:52 SAZ: the real-time example could fit into 9, and couild have a shorter document. 17:40:55 ack pe 17:41:36 PK: I had more examples for real-time: Plain language and language simplification which cannot be done in real-time 17:42:09 q- 17:42:15 ... when it is in multiple languages, you have to wait for the translater first, then the caption. That makes real-time captioning much more difficult. 17:42:45 JS: I am open to either option, and also open to changing the order 17:43:11 ... what principle we use to reorder is important. 17:43:21 q+ 17:43:25 +1 on merge for page size 17:43:35 scribe: janina 17:43:40 jeanne: Like them separate 17:43:57 jeanne: the Real Time aspect is important to keep separate from current limitations 17:44:08 jeanne: could live with it -- but ... 17:44:23 scribe: jeanne 17:44:46 scribe: janina 17:44:59 shadi: the real time would still be there 17:45:16 jeanne: 9 is broader -- applies across more technologies 17:45:23 jeanne: 8 is unique for RTC 17:45:43 jeanne: Feels a bit lost in 9 17:46:03 +1 to what Jeanne said. I think these are separate conceptual situations. 17:46:26 PeterKorn: could we do it via example in 9? 17:46:28 jeanne: yes 17:46:44 PK: Could we put it into the title, that way it addresses the problem of it getting lost 17:47:12 +1 to merging AND +1 to adjusting the heading in 9 17:47:13 MM: Technology and time are different concepts, but addressing it with labeling is fine 17:47:52 Topic: Ordering the Use Cases 17:48:36 q+ 17:48:43 SAZ: The order is just what occured to me as I wrote them, so it may be subconscious. I don't have a suggestion of how to reorder it. 17:48:45 ack jea 17:49:27 ... Janina suggests adding the example headings to the table of contents 17:49:33 ack pe 17:49:52 ... then the order of the examples is more important 17:50:27 PK: We want to put the most common and least controversial at the top 17:50:46 ... we don't want to exempt for all time, but they are not controversial today 17:51:06 ... the standards change is another one that will resonate with AGWG 17:51:18 q- 17:51:19 ... I like the idea of closing with small business at the end 17:51:20 q+ 17:51:28 ack da 17:51:41 jsp: +1 to Peter's suggestion to reordering 17:52:14 DL: So many companies depend on outside services, example 4 should go further forward 17:53:04 PK: I disagree. I see the list as everything that needs to be considered, but it is more controversial, and we want to get people onboard before they confront more controversial material 17:53:31 DL: Buy-in is important, then we could address the more nuanced material 17:54:18 SAZ: What would the top be? 17:54:28 +1 for Real-time / Current tech limits early in list 17:54:30 +1 on realtime 17:54:31 JS: I think real-time: 8 & 9 first 17:55:00 I'd keep 6/Bugs in later half of doc 17:55:14 Nothing new from me 17:55:15 GVH: I will read it again 17:55:57 I like the idea of putting 1 and 3 next to each other, as both are speaking to "large volumes of content" 17:56:09 SAZ: "realitive accessibility" still needs more work, so Gregg, please come up with some proposals on. 17:57:10 q+ 17:57:15 GVH: I don't have good solutions. It would be a tragedy if pages about accessibility were inaccessible. Instead of making them a priority, we could address them as "of course, the accessibility pages have ot be accessible" 17:57:20 ack pe 17:57:37 s/come up with some proposals/look at this in particular 17:58:06 KimD has left #silver-conf 17:58:10 PK: The example might be a service like ParaTransit. A service that is specifically aiming at people with disabilities. It needs to be at the top of the list. 17:58:23 q+ to talk about another use case 17:59:14 GVH: we don't want to say that something is a second priority or a lower priority, just that accessibility of accessibility has to be an "of course" 18:00:16 scribe: example use case was a third party pushing updates faster than they can be tested 18:00:37 Jeanne - maybe a new example in section 5? 18:00:39 GreggVan has joined #silver-conf 18:00:46 present+ 18:01:13 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/10-silver-conf-minutes.html jeanne 18:01:26 zakim, bye 18:01:26 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been janina, KimD, DarrylLehmann, shadi, Wilco, jeanne, PeterKorn, maryjom, 1, Azlan, GreggVan 18:01:26 Zakim has left #silver-conf 18:01:30 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/10-silver-conf-minutes.html janina