19:46:35 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 19:46:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/09-webauthn-irc 19:46:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:46:39 Meeting: Web Authentication WG 19:46:42 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2022Mar/0024.html 19:55:16 Jfontana has joined #webauthn 20:04:40 tony: no meeting on the 23rd, IETF week 20:04:42 nadalin: No meeting March 23, IETF 20:04:54 matthewmiller has joined #webauthn 20:05:29 tim: June 9 for meeting in San Francisco hosted by MSFT 20:05:49 tony: draft charter? 20:06:01 wendy: hoping for something by end of March 20:06:44 wendy: question that came from Advisory committee 20:07:08 ...licensing issues. Charter uses less permissive w3c doc license 20:07:20 ...can't copy to make specification. anti-forking 20:07:58 ...LE, if something goes wrong, can we still be under a license. Not likely outcome. 20:08:20 ...helping the in discussion. AC asking should we re-license specs? 20:08:31 ...this group has non-forking license 20:08:37 ...raising question here 20:08:55 ...should we bring back discussion to AC discussion? 20:08:59 \...let me know 20:09:38 ...can send your legal folks to come to W3C meeting 20:09:46 tony: do we do anything? 20:09:49 wendy: no 20:10:38 agl: if it is not disrupting, my choice, most permissive license 20:11:09 wendy: would could update without a big production 20:11:16 tony: would be part of new chater 20:11:21 wendy: pissibly 20:11:41 possibly 20:11:57 -> Document License https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/doc-license 20:12:05 tony: what was your choice 20:12:15 -> Software and Document License https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/copyright-software-and-document 20:12:19 ...no need to be overly restrictive 20:12:30 tony: any other preferences 20:12:56 wendy: there was some preference for anti-forking 20:13:06 ...so there should be one spec 20:13:56 tony: how do we proceed? 20:14:13 ...change, update, adopt new licensing? 20:14:22 wendy: I can put details into github issue 20:14:28 tony: OK 20:15:27 wendy: could make change without another review 20:15:33 tony: OK open an issue 20:16:01 tony: open PRs 20:16:26 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1704 20:17:09 elundberg: nothing to do here. 20:18:44 jeffH: we don't explain use cases. 20:19:34 shane: comes down to policy of the RP 20:19:47 ...that is subtly missed 20:20:40 elundberg: do we need to make it more apparent 20:20:49 shane: not sure it is the right place to do that. 20:23:46 jeffH: in create, the RP can set it; client decides what to send, it can be used or not used 20:24:33 shane: we can write a reply on the PR 20:24:55 ...and see if the commenter has their question answered 20:25:14 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1695 20:25:19 tim: I did a few updates. 20:27:44 tony: discussion? 20:32:28 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1425 20:32:51 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1703 20:34:10 matt: from google point of view, we will get on this PR 20:34:33 Matt: PR in rough state so far 20:34:48 ...not sure of next steps. 20:37:01 martin: should return objects. 20:37:09 agl: can we reasonably do that? 20:37:28 martin: we can reasonably support that 20:37:56 matt: I am optimistic 20:42:45 present+ wseltzer, timcappalli, agl, davidturner, emlundberg, jeffh, johnbradley, Jfontana, johnpascoe, nadalin, martinkreichgauer, matthewmiller, sbweeden 20:44:21 tony: will you work on this one? 20:44:56 matt: will work on this 20:48:39 ...I was hoping to define return values 20:48:50 ...with specific internals 20:49:05 ... do we need to deal with something like that? 20:52:17 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1696 20:52:59 tony: what is the action here 20:53:31 shane: unless there is intent to implement, looks like not, so maybe don't spend time on it. 20:53:34 tony: don 20:53:47 ...don't hear talk to get on this 20:54:14 agl: I don't see action on this issue 20:54:22 tonuy: close? more time? 20:54:32 ...any concerns? 20:54:53 ...we don't have good feedback 20:55:10 jeffH: are we thinking this is speculative, but interesting 20:55:19 ...doesn't seem to be interest in L3 20:55:41 agl: is interesting, but not near the top 20:56:01 tony: could move to futures. 20:56:06 agl: sure 21:18:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:18:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/09-webauthn-minutes.html wseltzer 21:18:26 chair: Nadalin, Fontana 21:18:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:18:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/09-webauthn-minutes.html wseltzer