13:44:47 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 13:44:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/03/09-rqtf-irc 13:44:49 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:44:52 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 13:44:52 Date: 09 March 2022 13:44:59 chair: jasonjgw 13:45:01 present+ 13:45:02 agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. 13:45:02 agenda+ Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA. 13:45:02 agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. 13:45:04 agenda+ Accessibility of Remote Meetings. 13:45:08 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 13:45:16 zakim, clear agenda 13:45:16 agenda cleared 13:45:19 agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. 13:45:19 agenda+ Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA. 13:45:19 agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. 13:45:19 agenda+ Accessibility of Remote Meetings. 13:45:21 agenda+ Miscellaneous topics. 13:50:07 scott_h has joined #rqtf 13:54:36 JPaton has joined #rqtf 14:00:19 janina has joined #rqtf 14:00:22 present+ 14:00:27 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 14:00:27 present+ 14:00:31 zakim, take up item 5 14:00:31 agendum 5 -- Miscellaneous topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:00:37 present+ 14:00:54 scribe: SteveNoble 14:01:55 janina: Meeting is next hour on proposed work to set up more sustainable structure for W3C 14:02:41 janina: Connection information can be provided by Janina 14:03:04 scott_h: Will a recording be available? 14:03:22 janina: No; but minutes will be available 14:03:22 present+ 14:03:53 jasonjgw: Also....the maturity model work is being taken on by APA 14:04:29 janina: Do we want this work done in RQTF? 14:04:45 janina: Answer does not need to be today 14:05:19 janina: Next question...many groups are not meeting next week due to CSUN 14:05:46 janina: We can meet or not meet, as the group decides 14:06:26 janina: Also remember that the US moves time back by one hour, so next week's meetings will be shifted 14:07:20 jasonjgw: It there anyone who won't be available next week? 14:07:51 Lionel: no problem if we want to meet 14:08:09 jasonjgw: Looks like the consensus is to meet next week as usual 14:10:34 zkim, list agenda 14:10:58 zakim, agenda? 14:10:58 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda: 14:10:59 1. Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw] 14:10:59 2. Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA. [from jasonjgw] 14:10:59 3. Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw] 14:10:59 4. Accessibility of Remote Meetings. [from jasonjgw] 14:10:59 5. Miscellaneous topics. [from jasonjgw] 14:11:09 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #rqtf 14:11:10 zakim, take up item 2 14:11:10 agendum 2 -- Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:11:11 present+ 14:12:15 Lionel_Wolberger: Main focus has been to get a meeting with CloudFare, but we have not yet got the meeting worked out 14:13:48 jasonjgw: Perhaps check back in 2 weeks? 14:14:59 https://github.com/w3c/captcha-accessibility/issues 14:15:52 jasonjgw: anything else on Captcha? 14:16:18 zakim, take up item 1 14:16:18 agendum 1 -- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:17:19 JW: We have a proposal to add a note 14:17:48 Relating to framerates - brief note 14:18:16 SN: I think a general reference to framerate would be good in the opening section 1.2 14:18:22 scribe: Joshue108 14:18:28 SN: Thats a part of the intro 14:18:47 Later on in the doc, we get into use cases - and sync impact on users of AT 14:19:05 Framerate impacts e'thing - so should be near the top IMO 14:19:45 q+ 14:19:57 If framerate is too low - how closely you sync it, then becomes moot - e.g with lipsyncing you can see movement, so the frames need to be sufficient to see the movement etc 14:20:09 We want to keep the doc focussed 14:21:01 The ability to sync something is dependent on framerate - and we can point to the RAUR - RTC A11y User requrements for more as it is covered there 14:21:40 https://www.w3.org/TR/raur/ 14:22:04 SN: 14:23:12 q? 14:23:32 ack Jan 14:23:46 JS: This is a good idea - I'll relate this to Timed text 14:23:51 Can't see an objection 14:24:26 We are waiting to hear back from them - lets keep the emphasis on syncing - and flag the importance of framerate. 14:24:35 ack Raja 14:25:03 RK: Just to add, when we talk about framerate - that clarifies, good. Regarding latency.. 14:25:19 We did discuss this before - making sure that was indicated? 14:25:35 JS: I'm not sure if this is part of the SAUR - this relates more to presentation stuff 14:26:00 We talk about this more in the RAUR (RTC A11y User Requirements doc - see link above) 14:26:13 Better to reference that from the SAUR etc 14:26:31 Makes managing docs easier - procedural concern there 14:26:57 JW: We can turn that into a draft - Steve, will I take your text and add it to sec 1.2 in a new branch? 14:27:01 SN: yes great stuff 14:27:14 Happy to see a general note on frame rate and the link to the RAUR 14:27:37 SN: I'll take that bit focussed on caption syncing etc 14:27:42 JW: I'll get that started 14:28:06 That way we get all the changes, comments? 14:28:17 JS: Sounds good 14:28:55 JS: I'm open to things we need to say differently and happy to version docs also 14:29:27 JW: Final comments on SAUR? 14:29:57 JS: This work is impacting on the Silver work 14:30:53 Realtime vs pre-recorded media 14:31:26 scribe: SteveNoble 14:31:57 zakim, take up item 3 14:31:57 agendum 3 -- Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:32:18 Thanks, Josh 14:32:46 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/naur_coga_edits_2022/naur/index.html#cross-disability-support 14:34:06 +1 to rcoss disability support 14:34:24 Joshue108: Need to discuss - started incorporated COGA requirements, but shifted to discussing as "cross disability" 14:34:58 Joshue108: Looking at a continuum of support 14:35:17 Was hoping for a review of that approach 14:35:30 s/rcoss/cross 14:36:26 jasonjgw: One aspect is that knowing the cognitive needs of an audience cannot be easily determined 14:37:02 q? 14:37:25 jasonjgw: What is adequate help, for example, may vary widely due to cognitive needs 14:38:34 janina: Also...knowing your audience expected familiarity with the topic is an issue 14:39:23 janina: General principles such as help given in content (not just a TOC of the help section) 14:39:53 jasonjgw: Anything else on this item? 14:41:06 Raja: thumbs up 14:41:18 thanks Raja! 14:41:20 zakim, next item 14:41:20 agendum 1 -- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:41:31 zakim, take up item 4 14:41:31 agendum 4 -- Accessibility of Remote Meetings. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:42:16 Anything to be said? 14:42:42 Scott: should be in a position to discuss next week 14:43:22 jasonjgw: Let's discuss next week assuming the changes get made 14:43:51 janina: We could also discuss even before the changes get made 14:45:44 janina: Can also start thinking about prepping for messaging 14:46:48 jasonjgw: Let's start with messaging we used last time and go from there 14:47:48 jasonjgw: We are making good progress on several documents at the same time 14:48:41 zakim, bye 14:48:41 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, SteveNoble, Joshue, scott_h_, janina, scott_h, Lionel_Wolberger 14:48:41 Zakim has left #rqtf 14:48:48 rrsagent, make minutes 14:48:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/03/09-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 14:58:41 janina has left #rqtf 15:01:23 becky has joined #rqtf