15:03:43 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:03:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/17-coga-irc 15:03:44 zakim, choose a victim 15:03:45 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:03:45 Zakim has joined #coga 15:03:46 present+ 15:03:47 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:03:47 Date: 17 February 2022 15:03:57 present+ Rain, Rashmi, Le 15:04:08 present+ lisas_ 15:04:17 present+ David-Swallow, Jennie 15:04:31 present+ JohnRochford, julierawe, Roy 15:04:40 zakim, choose a victim 15:04:40 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose lisas_ 15:04:44 present+ Fazio 15:04:49 zakim, choose a victim 15:04:49 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Rashmi 15:04:50 present+ JustineP 15:05:27 present+ ShawnT 15:05:31 scribe: JustineP 15:05:58 present+ kirkwood 15:06:08 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 15:06:20 topic: coga call actions 15:06:33 actions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc 15:07:00 regrets+ E.A., Julie, Albert, Kris Anne 15:07:13 Lisa: Let's review action items. 15:07:25 present+ 15:07:36 ...EO, working on how people with disabilities use the web. Handling as a subgroup meeting. 15:08:09 Rain: For mobile TF, we sent working document and will have a conversation. 15:09:03 Lisa: EO wrote back in response to our feeedback. 15:09:04 q? 15:09:18 johnkirkwood has joined #COGA 15:09:32 Rain: Some feedback may not belong in Github. Should we have a meeting to discuss? 15:09:59 Lisa: Let's have a conversation with them. 15:10:20 Michael: We should interact in the most efficient way. Let's take to planning. 15:10:26 Q? 15:11:33 Jennie, image subgroup - We scheduled the meeting and will discuss with designer. 15:12:13 Julie: Haven't made a lot of progress. Looking for ways to have TF and community group submit info for clear language. 15:12:33 ...Is it essential to support submitting screen scrabs vs. putting in text? 15:12:34 q+ 15:12:34 q? 15:12:42 q+ 15:12:47 ack r 15:12:49 q+ 15:13:07 +1 15:13:11 +1 15:13:14 q+ 15:13:18 Rain: Would be good to offer screen grabs as an option since in some cases examples may not be evident via text alone. 15:13:30 agree with screen grab but maybe we could describe as well 15:13:48 ...We want to make it as easy as possible. Let's not require screen grabs. 15:14:33 John K: In certain cases, screen grabs might be necessary due to complexity of descriptions. 15:14:39 ack L 15:15:38 Lisa: We made a form for mental health lit review and received mixed feedback. Consider Google doc for free-flowing thoughts or sending info via email. 15:15:51 +1 to Lisa’s alternative as well 15:15:52 +1 to alternative, enable people to provide the information the easiest way for them (form or Google doc, individual has the choice) 15:16:04 Julie: We should have more than 1 way for people to submit. 15:16:16 q+ 15:16:21 ...Is community group using a separate but similar form? Any benefit to having two forms? 15:16:42 q+ 15:16:45 ack jo 15:17:26 John R: I prefer web addresses. 15:18:01 +1 to URL and screenshot 15:18:01 ack next 15:18:02 q+ 15:18:06 Jennie: We should consider people who have difficulty describing in words. In those cases, URL and screen shot might be the best option. 15:18:08 q- 15:18:15 ...We should support multiple communication styles. 15:18:15 ack next 15:18:36 q- 15:18:40 Rain: Addressing Julie's question. Community group has a form that they are still working on. 15:19:02 ...When complete, that form might serve our need. 15:19:23 ...Form is still receiving feedback and will not be ready before March 3. 15:19:44 ...Form is intended to collect good and bad examples of all experiences. Will not be specific to clear language. 15:20:23 ...Rashmi mentioned that the form is geared toward collecting bad examples, so community group is looking at supporting both good and bad examples. 15:20:32 ack next 15:20:33 q+ 15:21:14 Rashmi: Screen grabs might be helpful for referring to later. We can provide text for images. 15:21:21 ack next 15:21:45 q+ 15:21:55 John K: I'm weary of publishing live/bad examples. Is that an issue for the W3C? 15:22:25 q+ 15:22:34 Lisa: Good point. Our screen shots shouldn't be made public. 15:22:44 ack next 15:22:45 +1 and that will support designers using those to help with designs 15:22:45 q- 15:22:55 Rain: We've locked down spaces so only our TF has access. 15:23:38 topic: AG update 15:23:40 Lisa: Rachael, can you update us on AG? 15:23:48 q- 15:24:06 Rachael: We are primarily looking at WCAG 2.2 and visible controls. Third party use cases will be addressed. 15:24:26 ...The following week, we'll focus on the charter and WCAG 3.0. COGA should prioritize attending on March 3. 15:24:33 topic: work statement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m7-BSm9IFWN9tszIf24oVnFRpq-4n27CKCiXXxMqaYs/edit#heading=h.mzlp67fqhcve 15:24:59 Lisa: We provisionally approved work statement and anticipate comments from group chairs. 15:26:21 ... Looking at objective for subset of mental health conditions. 15:26:47 ...There were concerns that it was too vague. People won't know who is included. 15:27:16 ...We wrote a subset of mental health conditions that have clear research and can be integrated into Content Usable. 15:27:38 ...We might be able to add more user needs, personas, or design guides. 15:28:29 q? 15:28:34 ...Any questions/concerns? 15:29:36 ...Adding the word "intent" gives us leeway in terms of level of publishing. 15:30:44 ...Adjusting "publish as a note" and removed "published as a W3C statement". 15:31:36 ...We intend to advance to a W3C statement. 15:31:46 q? 15:32:33 ...Used "create and propose a working draft" rather than "publish a working draft". 15:32:44 q+ 15:32:49 ...Makes it so we don't have to publish as an independent working draft. 15:32:54 ack next 15:33:06 Rachael: To put something in a charter, we need a draft. 15:33:12 ...Timing works out very well. 15:33:49 Lisa: We haven't told parent working groups of our intention. 15:34:03 ...If we get a draft in a year, that's when AG begins the rechartering process. 15:34:36 ...We can also publish through APA. We can publish as part of APA, AG, or both. 15:34:50 q? 15:35:02 Michael: I don't think rules prohibit publishing through both. If published through only one group, TF would not receive credit. 15:35:42 q+ 15:36:22 John K: Would we have to publish through both groups for COGA to receive credit? Seems fine if we are prepared for that. 15:36:33 Michael: That's an unofficial interpretation on my part. 15:37:13 Lisa: Its good to get feedback from chairs to ensure they are on-board with our plans. 15:37:38 are we happy with the reviced work statment 15:37:43 +1 15:37:49 +1 15:37:51 +1 15:37:57 +1 15:38:00 +1 and thank you to all that worked on it! 15:38:03 +1 15:38:05 +1 15:38:12 +1 15:38:15 +1 15:38:21 ...Should we send to the list? 15:38:38 Fazio has joined #coga 15:38:39 Send it to the list, this is the final version 15:38:42 pls send to the list 15:38:47 q+ 15:38:57 ack next 15:39:12 Rachael: Its the final version from chair's view. We should run by groups. 15:39:33 Michael: A CfC is not required based on my interpretation. 15:40:05 topic: timelines https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JXa94s2lbzJ0v9FHasxxws3CsOcljHHBdlQ2VOxYqAQ/edit#heading=h.ykqwx9vsxdya 15:41:02 Lisa: We aren't including coordinated work with other groups since that is based on their timelines. 15:41:10 ...These are things COGA will work on by ourselves. 15:41:49 ...Column 1 includes things for Content Usable. Column 2 is research aspects. 15:42:15 ...Divided into rows for 6 months-1 year stages. 15:42:48 ...Next year, we will finish mental health and images, as well as community feedback. 15:43:02 ...Also include considerations for structural changes. 15:43:38 ...We have a draft of the paper for research module. 15:44:11 ...Did an initial literary review and it is now out-of-date. 15:44:56 ...Issue papers include bots, wayfinding. Most is almost ready to publish. 15:45:43 ...There are other issues we need to handle before publishing an update. 15:46:22 ...We suggest limiting subgroups to 6 items. 15:47:07 ...For Content Usable, we will edit, develop new patterns/personas, and address internationalization. 15:47:47 ...We'd begin a lit review of research modules since we will have finished mental health. 15:48:18 ...Then work on any missing content and releasing a working draft. 15:48:30 Q? 15:48:38 ack next 15:48:46 Lisa: Any questions? 15:48:50 q+ 15:49:16 Jennie: You did a great review. It is a lot of work that needs to be completed/tracked/managed/editied. 15:49:24 s/editied/edited 15:49:47 ...only request is that when we move to different components, can we divide into sections that can be assigned to folks? 15:50:55 Lisa: We want information from issue papers to go into Content Usable. 15:51:28 Jennie: Reminds me of editing Content Usable. I didn't fully understand how much time it would take to do a full edit. 15:51:43 ...When we get to those pieces, can we assign out smaller components of work? 15:51:45 Lisa: Yes. 15:52:10 ...Any questions about what we'll be doing? Do we agree with the scope? 15:52:36 ...The only way we can do this is to set a time limit and move on to next topic. 15:53:13 ...Its a compromise between time on task and how long a task really needs to take. 15:53:18 ack Jennie 15:53:58 ...This is hard but doable. We'll move on to next stage even if previous step isn't fully complete. 15:54:36 +1: happy, 0 more time, -1 unhappy 15:55:01 +1 15:55:11 +1 15:55:23 +1 15:55:24 +1 15:55:45 +1 15:56:01 ...If you need more time, please put in 0. 15:56:42 John K: I'd like to see a summary in IRC of what we are voting on. 15:57:06 ...I want to ensure we're able to manage the workload and follow through. 15:57:21 0 15:57:59 Lisa: Anyone else feel the same? 15:58:17 Agree with John K - maybe a little more detail will help me vote. 15:59:18 ...Jennie and John K. have a point. We might need to work on this some more. 16:00:36 Jennie: Having measurable goals will be helpful. For example, a lit review of 5 papers. 16:01:00 John K: That works for me. 16:01:25 present+ 16:01:31 rrsagent, publish minutes 16:01:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/17-coga-minutes.html lisas_ 16:01:35 Have a good weekend, everybody! 16:01:44 Have a good week everyone! 16:02:11 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 16:02:30 I am interested in the Mental Health work, but I can't make the follow-up meeting. 16:08:34 topic: mental health subgroup 16:08:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Subgroups/Mental_Health 16:08:37 Jan_ has joined #coga 16:08:52 actions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit# 16:09:34 form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeGrqJKV7RluoYrKHJN8cBJH3w9sDx7lAlAhcV0BeBTUVybkw/viewform 16:09:58 google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XWmikm5Ein5CQ02knEJ5iGzO1YJMilTMBJ_aLVCTzs0/edit#heading=h.bc4vqyklmnk0 16:11:09 q? 16:11:58 sorry had to drop having a building issue right now 16:17:58 brb 16:22:33 back 16:26:17 google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XWmikm5Ein5CQ02knEJ5iGzO1YJMilTMBJ_aLVCTzs0/edit#heading=h.cbnvyftc12j3 16:34:28 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11920-016-0746-6 16:54:43 ++ rashmi https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0272431613501083?journalCode=jeaa& 16:54:50 Issue papers suggestions : 16:54:50 Safety/ privacy and apps 16:54:50 Algorithms 16:54:50 missing out people with coga or mental health conditions or 16:54:51 hurting people with coga or mental health conditions , such as maneuvering the political feelings and fears and insecurities tailored to the weak points of the user 16:54:52 Provision for global settings to avoid trumer (as individual trigger warnings makes it more art of their identity ) 16:54:55 Maybe if the user has the information, they can make better disions on what to use 18:30:23 lisas has joined #coga 18:30:23 lisas_ has joined #coga 18:32:53 Zakim has left #coga