IRC log of silver-conf on 2022-02-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:50:02 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf
16:50:02 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:50:27 [janina]
Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup
16:50:35 [janina]
date: 10 feb 2022
16:50:39 [janina]
chair: janina
16:50:45 [janina]
rrsagent, make log public
16:50:49 [janina]
16:51:08 [janina]
regrets: Todd_Libby
16:52:35 [janina]
Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items
16:52:35 [janina]
agenda+ User Scenarios: Additional Considerations
16:52:35 [janina]
agenda+ Other Business
16:52:35 [janina]
agenda+ Be Done
16:52:37 [janina]
16:59:13 [janina]
rrsagent, make minutes
16:59:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate janina
16:59:37 [shadi]
shadi has joined #silver-conf
16:59:54 [janina]
17:00:03 [GreggVan]
17:00:27 [shadi]
17:01:23 [DarrylLehmann]
DarrylLehmann has joined #silver-conf
17:01:46 [PeterKorn]
PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf
17:02:01 [PeterKorn]
17:02:33 [DarrylLehmann]
17:02:38 [MichaelC]
17:03:11 [Wilco]
Wilco has joined #silver-conf
17:03:20 [Azlan]
Azlan has joined #silver-conf
17:03:33 [Azlan]
17:03:38 [Wilco]
17:03:41 [Wilco]
scribe: Wilco
17:03:50 [Wilco]
zakim, take up next
17:03:50 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from janina]
17:04:16 [Wilco]
Janina: Had some additional comments, some from me, some from Jeanne.
17:04:24 [Wilco]
... Thanks to Shadi for helping to put them in.
17:05:00 [Wilco]
... TPAC planning continues. We'll start asking who might be there in person.
17:06:09 [Wilco]
zakim, take up next
17:06:09 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- User Scenarios: Additional Considerations -- taken up [from janina]
17:07:19 [shadi]
17:07:25 [Wilco]
Shadi: I dropped a summary of the comments in the talk page
17:07:44 [Wilco]
... Going to situation 9 heading
17:07:54 [Wilco]
... Would suggest lack of AT support should factor in.
17:08:25 [Wilco]
... Two example, one on limited support for accessibility; immersive environments.
17:08:48 [Wilco]
... 9.2 talks about experiences that can not easily be translated.
17:09:13 [Wilco]
... I'd like to suggest a 9.3 highlighting the lack of accessibility support
17:09:35 [Wilco]
... Graphs, there isn't really a way to visualise that.
17:10:06 [Wilco]
... There could also be something like music, where music notes and words are side by side that is not easily rendered by AT.
17:10:21 [PeterKorn]
Would we want to use the phrase "Accessibility Supported" for this/these scenarios?
17:10:45 [DarrylLehmann]
+1 Janina and Shadi example addition
17:10:47 [Wilco]
... Question to the group is do we add such example?
17:11:02 [Wilco]
17:11:07 [Wilco]
17:11:08 [janina]
17:11:18 [DarrylLehmann]
17:11:28 [Wilco]
Shadi: We'd have to phrase that carefully, accessibility support related to technology.
17:11:48 [Wilco]
Janina: little nervous about accessibility support. It may get controversial. I'd rather phrase it another way.
17:12:28 [Wilco]
... If we get a standard for doing something. The process is usually we get a spec, and then over time we get AT support for that.
17:13:29 [Wilco]
Darryl: Another example is WebGL, online 3D. There is basically no support.
17:13:56 [Wilco]
... There was a 3D model online which had labels, we replicated that with a 3D printed model with braille
17:14:19 [Wilco]
Janina: The only place we have accessibility support built into graphics is SVG 2
17:14:26 [shadi]
17:14:56 [Wilco]
Gregg: If you had graphs with lines, would it be more useful to have a table?
17:15:14 [Azlan]
17:15:16 [Wilco]
... We have the ability to take a picture of a chart and give a table with the data.
17:16:31 [Azlan]
17:16:36 [Wilco]
Janina: Tables if you concentrate well you can get the picture, but there's a reason for charts.
17:16:47 [PeterKorn]
[I need to step away; be right back]
17:16:48 [Wilco]
... Things communicate more quickly
17:17:00 [Wilco]
Gregg: I would suggest diagram of a heart, instead of lines on a graph.
17:17:08 [Wilco]
Shadi: Sounds good
17:18:55 [Wilco]
Shadi: Janina mentions an APA note on how to approach real-time calls. I had further discussions on that.
17:19:19 [PeterKorn]
[I'm back]
17:19:52 [Wilco]
... WCAG 2 already has different requirements for live vs prerecorded media. One of the things Janina raises is synchronisation of captions, and the transition from live to prerecorded.
17:20:21 [Wilco]
... Suggestion is to add this to the guidance section.
17:21:22 [Wilco]
Gregg: There's a task force looking at real-time text in ISO, which could have impact.
17:21:36 [janina]
17:21:36 [Wilco]
... I don't think we want to add requirements, but we could have examples.
17:21:48 [Wilco]
... For example you can have word by word live captions.
17:22:05 [Wilco]
... There is also caption synchronisation software.
17:22:46 [Wilco]
... In life captions is behind as you won't know what someone will say, but after it should be put in sync.
17:22:58 [shadi]
ack jan
17:23:23 [Wilco]
Janina: We've been living this. Many things happen on Zoom, but then are put on YouTube hours later.
17:23:47 [Wilco]
.. We can leave it to policy how much someone needs to do.
17:24:12 [Wilco]
Gregg: If we can put tools in the understanding docs so people can find them.
17:24:25 [Wilco]
... Saying they exist doesn't help, putting a link does.
17:25:29 [Wilco]
Shadi: Hearing agreement
17:26:07 [Wilco]
... The next item is on situation 2. There is a new bullet from Janina.
17:27:17 [Wilco]
... It occurred to me that maybe framing, the question is does all content need to be accessible.
17:27:33 [Wilco]
... There is an upon request, but there is also content that is not essential.
17:27:43 [Wilco]
q+ Gregg
17:28:11 [Wilco]
... It's not about relevance. It's under which condition can you say pieces will not follow all the requirements.
17:28:13 [janina]
17:28:20 [Wilco]
... There is a role for policy here.
17:28:24 [Wilco]
ack g
17:28:51 [Wilco]
Gregg: If it's important enough to post it for anybody, it shouldn't be not important for some people.
17:29:27 [PeterKorn]
17:29:52 [Wilco]
... If you have a huge archive, what we'll do if we need it we'll be responsive, I hate for us to say some things don't need to be accessible because they're not used much.
17:30:27 [Wilco]
... I'd rather we make a comment on policy.
17:31:03 [Wilco]
Shadi: Some content won't have the highest priority. It's being phrased as relevant.
17:31:34 [Wilco]
ack j
17:32:02 [Wilco]
Janina: We should not perpetuate the assumption that we'll do everything for all content. It gets in the way.
17:32:43 [Wilco]
... This is about prioritisation. You should be able to do it.
17:32:46 [PeterKorn]
17:32:49 [PeterKorn]
ack pko
17:32:53 [PeterKorn]
17:33:22 [Wilco]
Shadi: I'll go forward and rephrase that in terms of priority.
17:34:14 [Wilco]
Shadi: Under the heading Overall comments. Jeanne and I feel we need another section.
17:34:28 [maryjom_]
maryjom_ has joined #silver-conf
17:34:35 [PeterKorn]
17:34:36 [PeterKorn]
17:34:47 [Wilco]
... The key datapoint is that 98% have fewer than 100 employees. There was more in the comment here. From that I have a few suggestions.
17:34:50 [maryjom_]
17:35:17 [PeterKorn]
17:35:24 [Wilco]
Peter: We have examples of this in the US today. We might note that this has already been done in accessibility laws
17:36:08 [janina]
17:36:35 [PeterKorn]
No objection; I think it makes a lot of sense - especially because this is already practice
17:36:38 [Wilco]
Shadi: Also in EU legislation, EAA exempts micro organisations. Still is there any downside, would anybody object to a situation of a small business who have difficulty finding the right professionals, tooling, knowledge.
17:36:39 [Wilco]
17:37:08 [Wilco]
Janina: I think the concern to consider, are we saying enough that a small business is likely to rely on a scripted website provider.
17:37:21 [Wilco]
... Are these number big enough that we need to say more?
17:37:52 [Wilco]
... We've covered a lot of user generated, but third-party HTML / CSS. Apparently that's been on a rapid rise.
17:38:39 [PeterKorn]
17:38:50 [DarrylLehmann]
17:39:16 [Wilco]
Shadi: This is the first of several additions to address small business. This particular suggestion on situation 11.
17:39:17 [shadi]
ack janina
17:40:04 [Wilco]
... I want to mention that policy makers should consider the size and capability of the content provider.
17:40:29 [Wilco]
... It's one thing to say for a small shop that they can't make all images accessible. That's a policy question.
17:40:49 [Wilco]
... Policies will now exempt small businesses, and sometimes have reasonability concepts built in.
17:41:24 [Wilco]
Darryl: I agree adding this example is useful. Just the fact that there is a lack in the space to creating accessible content.
17:41:39 [Wilco]
... Companies should find good specialists, that'd kind of the problem as well.
17:42:26 [janina]
17:42:44 [Wilco]
Shadi: There is a strong dependance on tools. In 4.1 we have an example; website that allows users to create their own website. It's written from the perspective of the tool provider.
17:43:29 [Wilco]
... The suggestion is to create a similar example under 5; I created a website using a tool that creates websites. That tool has limitations and I'm dependant on what that tool can provide.
17:43:36 [Wilco]
17:43:43 [maryjom_]
17:43:51 [Azlan]
17:44:09 [Wilco]
Shadi: No objections; I'll get that drafted.
17:44:36 [Wilco]
... Following that we can add guidance around selecting appropriate tools.
17:44:58 [Wilco]
... EO is working on a list of authoring tools supporting accessibility.
17:46:29 [Azlan]
17:47:06 [DarrylLehmann]
17:47:16 [Wilco]
Janina: There's an implicit guarantee, if you get in trouble over not being accessible. You should be able to duck out of it.
17:47:41 [Wilco]
Peter: We have two proofs in this space, architects in the ADA, and now web business that promise overlays fix problems.
17:47:57 [Wilco]
... I would not go down this road other than to say this is all about policy.
17:48:16 [Wilco]
... This can suck our time.
17:48:28 [Wilco]
Shadi: If we can phrase this as a consideration rather than a solution?
17:49:23 [janina]
17:49:23 [Wilco]
Azlan: It's quite the can of worms. One thing I've been working on is an authoring tool. Needing to provide enough tooling for someone to create whatever they want. I don't want to be too restrictive, but still protect them from causing issues.
17:49:33 [Wilco]
... Where do you draw the line of who's responsible?
17:49:42 [shadi]
ack azlan
17:49:53 [Wilco]
Janina: I think this would be a win if we get this in appropriately.
17:50:10 [shadi]
ack jan
17:50:37 [Wilco]
Gregg: I think we should say people need to put it in the contract. If you don't put it in the contract, you can't get out of it.
17:51:08 [Wilco]
Janina: I'm not sure that's true. They may not know they need to think about it.
17:51:29 [Wilco]
Gregg: That's why we need to tell people to put it in their contract, and that they have it checked.
17:51:49 [PeterKorn]
17:52:46 [Wilco]
Shadi: I'll see what I can do with that. I'm hearing we don't want to get into detailed solutions, but maybe there's something on considerations for tool providers.
17:54:28 [Wilco]
... We have situation 6. Janina has a point where she says we need to be clear that bugs do happen, so that we make a strong case. There's no bug-free software.
17:54:45 [PeterKorn]
17:55:10 [Wilco]
Peter: I wonder if we can say something between "will" and "can". Virtually all software has bugs.
17:55:56 [Wilco]
Janina: I'd love to see us cite some things.
17:56:24 [maryjom_]
17:57:57 [Wilco]
Shadi: Situation 5 is on dependencies on other services. There's maybe more interlinking between sites than people think.
17:58:16 [Wilco]
... We didn't have any specific suggestion / conclusion. Maybe we can get back to it next week.
17:58:17 [janina]
17:59:11 [Wilco]
Janina: I think we need to be comprehensive when we return with third-party to AGWG. We have a good start, but there is a lot more going on, but someone has to be responsible.
17:59:40 [Wilco]
... It goes a lot further than I had realised. Hopefully we can think more globally on how to draw lines.
18:00:58 [Wilco]
zakim, end meeting
18:00:58 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been janina, GreggVan, shadi, PeterKorn, DarrylLehmann, MichaelC, Azlan, Wilco, maryjom_
18:01:00 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
18:01:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Zakim
18:01:03 [Zakim]
I am happy to have been of service, Wilco; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
18:01:08 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #silver-conf