20:40:05 RRSAgent has joined #dxwgdcat 20:40:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-irc 20:40:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:40:29 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:40:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni 20:40:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:41:23 meeting: DXWG DCAT subgroup 20:41:36 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:41:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni 20:54:10 Nobu_OGURA has joined #dxwgdcat 20:57:11 present+ 20:59:59 present+ 21:03:11 AndreaPerego has joined #dxwgdcat 21:03:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:03:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:03:41 DaveBrowning has joined #dxwgdcat 21:03:45 present+ 21:03:54 present+ 21:05:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:05:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:06:17 present+ 21:06:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:06:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 21:07:04 scribenick: AndreaPerego 21:07:06 Chair: RiccardoAlbertoni 21:07:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:07:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:07:28 topic: approve last meeting minutes 21:07:34 PROPOSED: approve last meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2022/01/25-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:07:42 +1 21:07:46 +1 21:07:50 +1 21:07:56 +1 21:08:05 RESOLVED: approve last meeting minutes https://www.w3.org/2022/01/25-dxwgdcat-minutes 21:08:09 topic: approve agenda 21:08:11 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2022.02.08 21:08:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:08:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:08:24 +1 21:08:55 Nobu_OGURA: I have a few questions I would like to ask. 21:09:31 riccardoAlbertoni: Thanks, Nobu_OGURA. Agreed. 21:09:47 topic: Nobu's presentation 21:09:50 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:09:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:11:50 Nobu_OGURA: [Introducing the Data Society Alliance - DSA] 21:14:28 Nobu_OGURA: DSA developed an extension to DCAT covering notions as "data jacket", "data detail", "data terms of use". 21:16:28 Nobu_OGURA: We are now in the process of moving to DCAT2, but there are a few things whose use is not completely clear. 21:17:07 ... One of the them is the use of dcterms:hasPart with dcat:Catalog - semantics and cardinality not clear. 21:17:57 ... Another one is dcat:Distribution and dcat:DataService - difference not clear. 21:18:41 ... Third point is about dcat:CatalogRecord, especially property dcterms:conformsTo - not sure about the definition. 21:19:36 ... Last point is about dcat:Dataset and properties related to spatial and temporal resolution - what about other kinds of resolution, e.g., for grid data? 21:20:50 q+ 21:21:08 ack AndreaPerego 21:24:48 riccardoAlbertoni: Thanks, Nobu_OGURA. 21:25:22 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg 21:26:47 AndreaPerego: About the last point, we included only those types of resolutions since they are relevant across domains. Domain-specific types of resolution are supposed to be addressed by specific DCAT profiles / extensions. E.g., GeoDCAT-AP extends DCAT by supporting the different types of spatial resolution supported in ISO 19115. 21:27:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:27:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html DaveBrowning 21:27:21 topic: Pending PRs 21:27:21 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1437 21:27:24 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1437 21:28:05 riccardoAlbertoni: The issue is about the duplication of dcat:accessURL and dcat:downloadURL in some examples. 21:29:13 ... The discussion however also introduced other interesting aspects related to profiles. 21:29:47 ... But, IMO, these aspects should not be part of the DCAT spec - they should be addressed in profiles. 21:30:09 ... We should not further restrict the use of properties. 21:30:46 riccardoAlbertoni: Do you agree to close this issue via the related PR, and not further restrict DCAT? 21:30:48 +1 21:30:54 +1 21:30:56 +1 21:31:15 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:31:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:31:46 resolved: close issue https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1437 21:31:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:31:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:32:25 riccardoAlbertoni: We need to finalise versioning and dataset series. 21:32:39 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1442 21:32:54 riccardoAlbertoni: There's a PR on versioning ^^ 21:33:11 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/pull/1451 21:33:25 “The version indicator (name or identifier) of a resource.” 21:33:49 riccardoAlbertoni: The issue is about making it explicit that we support both numbers and text as a version indicator. 21:34:01 s/^^// 21:34:32 riccardoAlbertoni: Some of the comments were suggesting not using "version" in the definition. 21:35:59 ... IMO, using "revision" instead of "version" may limit the ontological commitment. 21:37:13 ... The problem is that the explicit use of the notion of "revision" in the normative part would restrict the use the versioning properties. 21:37:13 "dcat:version = a number or text that identifies a particular revision of the resource" 21:37:17 q+ 21:37:24 ack AndreaPerego 21:45:43 Let’s keep “version” as The use of the world version in the normative part leave open to other kind of versions than revision. And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without evidence that version = revision at this stage. 21:47:11 q+ 21:47:23 ack dave 21:47:27 ack DaveBrowning 21:47:59 s/Let’s keep “version” as The/proposed: Let’s keep “version” as The/ 21:48:06 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:48:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:49:32 DaveBrowning: I agree to keep the two aspects separated - the explicit support to text in version numbers and the use of "revision" instead of "version". 21:50:33 +1 21:50:41 +1 21:50:41 +1 21:50:51 +1 21:51:10 resolution: Let’s keep “version” as The use of the world version in the normative part leave open to other kind of versions than revision. And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without evidence that version = revision at this stage. 21:51:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes 21:51:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 21:51:24 Dataset series and inheritance issue #1273 21:52:07 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1273 21:52:09 riccardoAlbertoni: This is about possible inheritance of properties and their values in dataset series. 21:53:52 ... Annette raises the issue of updating existing metadata, which may result in inconsistent or outdated records. 21:55:37 ... I wonder whether the problem here is that there is a use case where datasets in a series are maintained by different curators / organizations. 21:57:17 q+ 21:57:24 ack AndreaPerego 22:01:12 AndreaPerego: Actually, the purpose of the section was mainly to give some indication of what the metadata of a series should be based upon those of its datasets. 22:01:58 ... The idea was not to require that dataset series metadata be updated. 22:02:14 https://github.com/w3c/dxwg/issues/1395 22:03:12 riccardoAlbertoni: There is also another issue about the fact that dcat:DatasetSeries is a subclass of dcat:Dataset ^^ 22:04:34 proposal: close issue 1273 as we think no other costraints are need 22:05:49 +1 22:06:22 +1 22:06:22 +1 22:06:26 +1 22:07:00 resolve :close issue 1273 as we think no other inheritance constraints are need 22:07:17 s/costraints/inheritance constraints/ 22:07:17 s/resolve/resolved 22:07:30 s/are need/are needed/ 22:07:30 s/are need/are needed/ 22:07:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:07:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:08:01 topic: AOB? 22:08:40 [meeting adjourned] 22:08:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:08:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html AndreaPerego 22:16:44 s/neededed/needed 22:16:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:16:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni 22:22:14 s/Let’s keep “version” as The use of the world version in the normative part leave open to other kind of versions than revision/Let’s keep “version” as the use of the word version in the normative part leaves open to other kinds of versions than revisions. 22:22:22 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:22:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni 22:23:23 s/. And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without evidence that version = revision at this stage./And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without full evidence that version = revision at this stage. 22:23:33 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:23:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni 22:24:42 s/And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without evidence that version = revision at this stage./And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without full evidence that version = revision at this stage. 22:24:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:24:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni 22:26:21 s/And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without evidence that version = revision at this stage./And we do not want to restrict the ontological commitment without full evidence that version = revision at this stage. 22:26:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:26:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/08-dxwgdcat-minutes.html riccardoAlbertoni