15:56:18 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:56:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/02/03-hcls-irc 15:56:23 rrsagent, make logs public 15:56:28 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:56:30 Chair: David Booth 16:03:58 Topic: Issue 94 - Concept URIs 16:04:35 gaurav: Modified UTG repo to include prefixes. Not all of the info in the XML files in there get put into the node package. 16:04:49 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/94#issuecomment-1023370141 16:05:22 gaurav: I have links to SNOMED CT. Was able to put in prefixes for all but the last three. 16:06:06 ... MESH, PUbmed, and NCBI Nucleotide 16:06:25 ... Also working on FHIR JSON-LD repo, that EricP and James have been working on. 16:07:12 ... Package assumes that you have HL7 terminology package install. Then it goes through all the JSON files in the package collecting all the prefixes. Given a coding it will give you a concept URL by attaching a prefix. 16:07:40 ... It will also translate back by naively chopping off the code from the end of the URL. 16:07:55 ... Now working on other prefixes, and I'll add tests for them also. 16:08:29 ... Next need to write code to go into all of the FHIR examples, get a list of all systems and codes, and try converting all of them. 16:08:56 ... But also check them for prefixes that we cannot handle with a simple prefix. 16:10:08 ... Want to be added to FHIR JSON-LD repo. 16:10:36 https://github.com/fhircat/json-ld.org 16:14:28 gaurav: My test file: https://github.com/fhircat/json-ld.org/blob/63b1860e46c95382a93fc652743be3b833f9617f/fhirlib 16:15:05 brad: I think there's a more canonical SNOMED prefix, I saw in Harold's tutorial. 16:15:27 eric: Tempted not to bother with versions. 16:16:19 david: Agree. 16:16:54 eric: Importance of versioning diminished after protest about changes. 16:18:00 david: How prevalent is versioning in the system / code pairs? 16:18:13 https://github.com/fhircat/json-ld.org/blob/63b1860e46c95382a93fc652743be3b833f9617f/fhirlib/test/ConceptIRI.test.js 16:18:48 eric: A lot of what people care about in versioning are about which choices were available at time t. 16:19:04 ... So you need versions on valuesets but not concepts. 16:19:27 David: Do we have the same issue with valueset URIs? 16:19:38 eric: We don't talk about the URIs for valuesets. 16:21:28 gaurav: Next I need to pull system and code from FHIR examples, so that we know what's covered and not covered. 16:24:43 Topic: RDF lists and OWL 16:25:03 jim: Looking at Harold's tutorial, querying for cancer diagnoses. 16:25:22 ... Talked about looking at use cases for FHIR+OWL. What do we want to accomplish? 16:25:47 ... Discussed problems that RDF lists cause for OWL. What's our goal? 16:29:46 ... It would throw a big wrench to OWL if RDF lists were used. 16:30:38 eric: Should go back to the community. What would OWL apologists recommend we do? 16:31:01 david: Our goal is to make FHIR RDF easier to use. 16:31:26 jim: You'd have to introduce your own list. 16:31:55 eric: Could say a codeableconcept has a list of codings. 16:32:10 jim: That should work intuitively, but it's prohibited by the spec. 16:32:41 ... The OWL WG looked at, thought about it, and decided not to do it. 16:33:12 eric: Does it actually work in common reasoners, even if it isn't technically legal? 16:34:14 ACTION: Jim to see if RDF lists work in common reasoners (even if they're not technically legal) 16:34:49 jim: Deeper problem: You have to decide if lists hold either objects or literals -- not both. 16:35:37 Present: David Booth, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Dagmar, Ben McAlister 16:35:44 present+ Brad Simons 16:41:08 Topic: ShEx work for FHIR RDF 16:41:21 eric: Working on "extends" capability for ShEx. 16:43:44 Topic: FHIR Knowledge graph 16:44:12 dagmar: Might scare off some people who work with KGs, because it takes a lot of nodes to get anywhere. 16:44:38 ... Issues brought up by Harold in 2019 for improvement, such as fhir:value 16:44:58 ... Makes the KG too complicated. 16:45:38 david: That's issue 77: https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/77 16:47:48 eric: I'll be prototyping that in the playground. 16:50:11 dagmar: Could also transform the data before working with it. 16:50:16 ... For data science. 16:50:48 ... Got videos from last year's KG conference. 16:52:10 ... Could also transform to another RDF format to focus on the main knowledge of interest. 16:52:36 eric: Stan Huff's CIMI group put a lot of effort into this. Clinical models more of interest, rather than EMR models. 16:53:45 ... They'll have a blood pressure with systolic and diastolic directly. 16:54:12 eric: Working on grant involving transformation of data, clinical models to/from FHIR. 16:55:15 http://informatics.mayo.edu/CIMI/index.php/Main_Page 16:55:50 eric: lots of times people have tried to do this. OpenEHR also tried to do this. 16:56:29 ben: OpenEHR is still going. Some traction in some pockets. 16:56:47 ... Australia, South America. 16:57:12 ... Lots of connection with FHIR work. 16:57:57 Topic: EBMonFHIR and COKA 16:58:13 ben: Wanted to raise awareness about this: This is the group I was referring to the met the other week https://mobilizecbk.med.umich.edu/workgroups/standards-technical-infrastructure Brian Alper promoting the work of EBMonFHIR and COKA stuff https://confluence.hl7.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=97468919. Knowledge Catalog Vocabulary (KCat) idea something discussed by Jamie McCusker but no further details on can point to at the moment, just thought w 16:58:13 ould raise awareness of initiative 16:58:38 s/ould raise awareness of initiativ/... would raise awareness of initiativ/ 16:59:35 ADJOURNED 17:30:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:30:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/02/03-hcls-minutes.html dbooth