IRC log of silver-functional on 2022-01-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:00:23 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #silver-functional
- 13:00:23 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:00:48 [Joshue108]
- trackbot, start meeting
- 13:00:48 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.
- 13:00:51 [JF]
- JF has joined #silver-functional
- 13:01:33 [Joshue108]
- Meeting: Silver functional
- 13:02:12 [Joshue108]
- present+ John F
- 13:02:26 [Joshue108]
- present+
- 13:02:50 [JF]
- s/John F/JF
- 13:04:48 [JF]
- present+ Todd Libby
- 13:04:59 [JF]
- Present+ Jake Abma
- 13:05:41 [JakeAbma]
- JakeAbma has joined #silver-functional
- 13:05:43 [JF]
- Topic: Deceptive patterns
- 13:05:45 [JakeAbma]
- present+
- 13:06:19 [JF]
- Todd to add content to document. Any progress?
- 13:06:26 [JF]
- Todd: needs edit accesss
- 13:06:38 [Joshue108]
- deceptive patterns doc
- 13:11:28 [Joshue108]
- jakes asks JF about personalization work
- 13:12:03 [Joshue108]
- and extracting outcomes adding to matrix
- 13:12:25 [JF]
- "Module 1" -
- 13:13:10 [Joshue108]
- could we get this on agenda for next couple of weeks?
- 13:13:15 [Joshue108]
- jf: sure
- 13:13:28 [Joshue108]
- <john gives overview of work>
- 13:14:13 [Joshue108]
- JA: This would be a good exercise for this group
- 13:14:27 [Joshue108]
- To see what has the right fit
- 13:14:54 [Joshue108]
- JA: I think a large part of the future of a11y is in the area of customization and personalization
- 13:15:42 [Joshue108]
- JS: I'm having a problem with some SC's being a part of operable
- 13:16:17 [Joshue108]
- Where does customisation/personalisation fit?
- 13:16:17 [JF]
- "Module 2" -
- 13:16:31 [Joshue108]
- JF: Isn't sure what Jake is asking.
- 13:16:35 [JF]
- "Module 3" -
- 13:16:36 [Joshue108]
- JOC: I know what Jake is saying..
- 13:17:03 [Joshue108]
- JOC: There is a bunch of things which may need to be under a new Guideline IMO>
- 13:17:29 [Joshue108]
- JF: do look at the docs, there are some new attributes suggested
- 13:17:42 [Joshue108]
- Fixed values => taxonomy
- 13:18:15 [Joshue108]
- JF: A tool can take that information and do modality transformation
- 13:18:35 [Joshue108]
- The personalization spec is aimed at identifying solutions
- 13:18:58 [Joshue108]
- happy to see if these problems are captured in the matrix
- 13:19:19 [Joshue108]
- TOPIC: Review of Personalization modules
- 13:19:33 [Joshue108]
- JF: Discusses this module 1 doc
- 13:20:17 [Joshue108]
- Some of this maps to the COGA principles of making things easier to find
- 13:21:47 [Joshue108]
- JA: tries to figure out relationship between user need and functional need in this context
- 13:22:53 [Joshue108]
- Solutions may be action attributes with certain values
- 13:23:12 [Joshue108]
- ARIA or personalization documents for example
- 13:23:40 [Joshue108]
- need to work out placing..
- 13:23:48 [JF]
- <button data-action="undo">Revert</button>, <button data-action="undo">Scrap that</button>, <button data-action="undo">Go Back 1 step</button>
- 13:23:52 [Joshue108]
- i'd like to have clear outcomes
- 13:24:19 [Joshue108]
- jf: shoes personalization example and discusses
- 13:25:40 [Joshue108]
- JOC: that seems like an unrealistic example - especially where you have <button data-action="undo">Revert</button>
- 13:26:07 [Joshue108]
- Maybe if it was <SOME DIV THAT LOOKS LIKE A BUTTON data-action="undo">Revert</SOME DIV THAT LOOKS LIKE A BUTTON> - that would be better?
- 13:26:45 [JF]
- <button data-action="undo">Gobbledy-gook</button>
- 13:27:27 [JakeAbma]
- 13:27:34 [JakeAbma]
- 13:28:06 [Joshue108]
- <button div data-action="undo">Revert</button div >, <button div data-action="revert_the_undo_">Scrap that</button div >.... i dont know what the last one is for..
- 13:29:42 [Joshue108]
- Joc: so can JF do a review of our matrix in the light of what is in personalization spec?
- 13:29:48 [Joshue108]
- JA: yeah
- 13:31:34 [Joshue108]
- JOC: So you are talking about a reserved keyword taxonomy that does stuff machine understand?
- 13:31:37 [Joshue108]
- JF: Yup
- 13:32:42 [Joshue108]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 13:32:42 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Joshue108
- 13:32:43 [JF]
- 13:35:18 [Joshue108]
- JOC: This doc is useful, as there is an interesting heading structure here that reflects a nice list of 'features' for personalization that could be useful for our matrix
- 13:37:37 [Joshue108]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 13:37:37 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Joshue108
- 13:53:02 [JF]
- zakim, end meeting
- 13:53:13 [JF]
- scribe: JF
- 13:53:20 [JF]
- zakim, end this meeting
- 13:54:36 [JF]
- rrsagent, please part
- 13:54:54 [JF]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 13:55:05 [JF]
- rrsagent, please part
- 13:55:05 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items