19:59:22 RRSAgent has joined #webauthn 19:59:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/01/12-webauthn-irc 19:59:24 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:59:25 Meeting: Web Authentication WG 20:00:33 wseltzer has changed the topic to: Agenda 12 January https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2022Jan/0024.html 20:00:37 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webauthn/2022Jan/0024.html 20:00:42 chair: nadalin, fontana 20:01:01 selfissued has joined #webauthn 20:01:46 present+ 20:02:06 tara has joined #webauthn 20:03:24 tara has left #webauthn 20:04:50 jfontana has joined #webauthn 20:06:53 tara has joined #webauthn 20:07:40 dveditz has joined #webauthn 20:07:50 does not look like this will resolve anytime soon. 20:07:58 could impact what we want to get done. 20:08:11 Wendy can you shed some light on us. 20:08:25 tony: I don't want to get into trouble 20:08:38 wnedy: still under esisting charter, we are free to work on 20:08:44 the FO was rasied to re-charting 20:09:05 ...it is not about any specific to the group 20:09:21 ...spinning up a council to handle the FO (formal objection) 20:09:44 ...working with advisory board and TAG to make process efficient 20:09:56 ...hope to conclude in a few months 20:10:10 tony: so this slows work on level 3 20:10:29 wendy: can't go outside the current charter 20:10:40 tony: there are other groups going through this 20:10:47 nsteele has joined #webauthn 20:10:57 present + 20:11:02 agl: we had items in charter for level 3. 20:11:11 ...if you read level 2 everything is in that scope 20:11:36 tony: we could say that almost anything 20:11:45 ...my concern if people come back and say this is not right 20:12:01 agl: it says we are in scope if you read it. 20:12:13 ...nothing in level 3 is going outside of that 20:12:45 ...I think it is plausible that we have a lot in scope 20:12:55 jeffH: I think adam has a good point 20:13:15 tony: there are things we could do, but some are fairly major items 20:13:28 agl: I think it is the chairs call 20:13:40 ...are thing that are essentially not level 2, but 3 20:14:03 tony: I would say backup and recovery are fairly major. 20:14:17 agl: conditional UI, how do you feel about that 20:14:41 tony: ambivalent about that, likely. I would say that is OK to contiue to work on 20:14:48 ...not a lot of new technical work 20:15:11 agl: device-bound key proposal is part of that, guess we have to pause that? 20:15:29 tony: if people don't agree, lets find that out 20:15:45 DWaite: work that is in conflict is the work we sould avoid . 20:16:16 ...other features I don't see objection to other parts of charter 20:16:41 NSteele: feal there are channels we can continue to work on 20:17:02 q+ 20:17:11 tony: the draft charter is out there. 20:17:12 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/webauthn2021/results 20:17:42 tony: the objection is not about our charter. It is just some procedure that has to go on to eliminate the FO 20:17:48 s|https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/webauthn2021/results|Charter review ->https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/webauthn2021/results | 20:18:16 present+ 20:18:25 present+ 20:18:54 selfissued has joined #webauthn 20:19:30 wendy: we are called out in objection, but not specific to the contents of our charter 20:19:57 tony: seeing these objections being raised and then have them come back and say we were out of our charter 20:20:43 akshay: is it is snapshot or does it cover anything. 20:20:51 ...when will charter be finalized. 20:21:01 wendy: goal to get it done before march 20:21:04 ...plausible 20:21:35 present+ 20:21:46 tony: my opinion would be to discuss things have issues, but now a PR on these issues. not merge 20:21:53 ...that was my interpretation 20:22:11 jeffH: working on pull requests are OK, but they don't land anywhere. 20:22:13 Could someone resend the objection link? My IRC crashed. 20:22:44 s|Could someone resend the objection link? My IRC crashed.|| 20:22:49 mmiller: charter process? how can this be derailed by one person. 20:22:53 ...how did this happen 20:22:58 tony: it is the process 20:23:22 tony: some of it is about equality 20:23:32 wendy: could be a feature or a bug 20:24:16 ...twist here, W3C is evolving process from TBL conclusion to have a solution that goes beyond the current format 20:24:20 s/could be a feature or a bug 20:25:02 mmiller: if we follow letter of this, will we see anything on this before the issue is solved. 20:25:03 s/could be a feature or a bug/Our process requires us to address every formal objection/ 20:26:17 tony: questionable state between level 2 and new level 3 charter. 20:27:03 ...we are on a bit of an edge here 20:27:06 matthewmiller has joined #webauthn 20:27:09 ...I stick to my proposal 20:27:18 agL: I am OK with that 20:27:39 ...can't land in editors draft until this is resolved. 20:27:51 tony: I don't think we can get a formal review on this 20:28:36 dwaite: I feel OK proceeding the way Tony laid it out 20:29:12 ...things that are dealing with export of keys and other issues, just can't land work 20:29:22 selfissue: that sounds pragmatic to me. 20:29:40 tim: could take a big hit, may impact FIDO 20:29:46 tonuy: I see david and rae are on. 20:30:03 tony: there will be impact. 20:30:17 tony: 3 or 6 month delay could happen 20:31:07 tony: if no one objects than I think we should proceed as we have talked about 20:31:29 wendy: I will keep the group posted as we make progress 20:32:03 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1663 20:32:12 jeffH: chipping away at this 20:32:37 ...I have some remaining items. 20:33:10 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1576 20:33:16 jeffH: I think that is ready to go. 20:33:28 tony: we can do reviews and get sign-offs 20:33:45 agl: is conditional UI within scope? 20:33:49 tony: I would be fine with that. 20:34:11 jeffH: this has been reviewed as we have been going along 20:34:22 ...still need some reviews. 20:35:44 tony: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/1425 20:37:01 elundberg: take a look at last couple of comments in #1640 20:37:22 ...it looks like we could unlock some things as browser features 20:37:50 ...thing this could also be tied to an authenticator feaure 20:37:54 ...feature 20:38:44 dwaite has joined #webAuthn 20:39:36 tony: we have some un-triaged issues 20:39:50 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1687 20:39:58 jeffH: minor, editorial 20:40:48 elundberg: I can do this in the next couple of days. queue it up 20:41:13 tony: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1688 20:42:31 shane: concern here is passkey issue. for RPs, the idea of supporting log-in where root of trust is cloud provider account alone is a scary thought 20:42:44 ...more of a state of mind. who has control of account? 20:44:12 ...ifd I am an RP that is adverse to passkeys, because losing control, then how do I do it with webauthn 20:44:44 alg: RPs that want some complexity in risk score, the solution is there in passkey. 20:45:21 ...things that are platform bound today will continue to be that 20:47:36 ...I understand the approach, but it would mean attestation is compulsory 20:52:11 agl: RPs that want to get extra stuff have to do more work, but think that is the right way 20:52:23 shane: I accept that point of view 20:52:46 ...I expect we will see more push back on this. 20:54:02 agl: this can be a big change. device bound key extension. still getting all things together. 20:59:09 tony: leave this one hanging right now. 20:59:29 shane: it looks destine to a close with an explanation. 20:59:47 tony: what is cadance for meetings. every two weeks? 21:00:03 Nsteele: two weeks is good for Web Authn CG 21:00:08 agl: keep it is same 21:00:23 ...stay in sync with FIDO TWG 21:01:09 [adjourned] 21:02:05 rrsagent, make logs public 21:02:20 rrsagent: draft minutes 21:02:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/01/12-webauthn-minutes.html jfontana 21:02:51 Zakim, list attendees 21:02:51 As of this point the attendees have been selfissued, jeffh, jfontana 21:04:58 Additional attendees: M. Miller, N.Steel, D.Waite, M. Jones, W. Seltzer, Tony Nadalin, 21:05:13 Chairs: Nadalin, Fontana 21:05:55 *web page updated with minutes 21:06:08 Zakim, bye 21:06:08 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been selfissued, jeffh, jfontana 21:06:08 Zakim has left #webauthn 21:06:25 rrsagent, bye 21:06:25 I see no action items