16:20:23 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 16:20:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/12/02-silver-conf-irc 16:20:27 Zakim has joined #silver-conf 16:20:36 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 16:20:42 Date: 02 Dec 2021 16:20:46 Chair: Janina 16:20:52 rrsagent, make log public 16:20:57 agenda? 16:21:02 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 16:21:02 agenda+ Advancing Conformance and Compliance Glossary Definitions https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Glossary_Candidates 16:21:05 agenda+ Followup re Shadi's and Gregg's proposals 16:21:07 agenda+ Sampling & Reporting -- Use Cases https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgiOg3CZz-LAVxRT0CWUTWHzyVa3UrjqdU4NvoyUZ_8/ 16:21:10 agenda+ Other Business 16:21:13 agenda+ Be Done 16:58:21 ToddL has joined #silver-conf 17:00:12 shadi has joined #silver-conf 17:01:36 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 17:01:45 present+ 17:02:15 present+ 17:02:34 GreggVan has joined #silver-conf 17:02:57 scribe: shadi 17:03:02 present+ 17:03:35 present+ 17:03:46 Darryl has joined #silver-conf 17:03:50 agenda? 17:04:02 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 17:04:11 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 17:04:11 present+ 17:04:14 zakim, take up next 17:04:14 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from janina_] 17:04:16 present+ 17:04:43 JS: meeting next week and the week after, then end-of-year break 17:06:51 Jeanne: will speak tomorrow about Friday call plans 17:06:54 zakim, take up next 17:06:54 agendum 2 -- Advancing Conformance and Compliance Glossary Definitions https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Glossary_Candidates -- taken up [from janina_] 17:07:50 Janina: emphasis on conformance and compliance 17:08:22 ...seems AGWG chairs had plans to discuss definition of conformance 17:08:35 ...might be good to introduce compliance too 17:08:43 q+ 17:08:46 ...and use consistently in all WCAG documents 17:09:15 ...which may help better address our thoughts 17:09:40 Wilco has joined #silver-conf 17:09:45 q? 17:09:45 ...are we ready with these terms? 17:09:46 present+ 17:09:52 ack GreggVan 17:09:56 ...or maybe add "exploratory" tag to any? 17:10:32 Gregg: don't comply with a standard, you comply with a law 17:10:52 q? 17:10:57 q+ 17:11:15 ...except 508, which is a regulation that includes its own standards 17:11:34 ...other regulations have separate standard 17:11:45 q+ 17:12:27 q+ 17:12:32 Janina: sometimes need to distinguish exactly that aspect 17:12:48 ...for example to set out considerations for policy makers 17:13:02 ...might simplify what we put in our conformance standard 17:13:25 ack janina_ 17:13:32 ack GreggVan 17:13:42 Gregg: understood, makes sense 17:13:55 q? 17:14:09 Darryl has joined #silver-conf 17:15:10 shadi: At the time didn't specifically have the glossary in mind but the other document may include considerations for laws. This sets it out more clearly. 17:15:14 ack pet 17:15:53 q+ 17:15:57 Peter: if not comfortable as own term for now, could bring it into the conformance section and add the term there 17:16:31 q? 17:16:36 +1 to PeterKorn's statement 17:17:08 Jeanne: noticed in AGWG that Judy said she didn't want to see some terms defined 17:17:23 ...maybe this is one of them 17:17:31 Janina: don't recall that 17:17:36 Wilco: me too 17:17:41 ack gr 17:17:58 q+ 17:18:22 Gregg: think was about narrow definition and overlaps with other areas 17:18:36 ...but could also consider Understanding documents or such 17:18:53 ...as long as we do not overstep into defining other space 17:19:04 ...can define it for ourselves for now 17:19:44 Janina: there is an effort to look through all definitions 17:20:38 Wilco: think AGWG was discussing technologies 17:20:56 ...reluctant to have definition of a term we don't use 17:21:15 ...like Peter's suggestion of working it into the text 17:21:33 ...also not very clear why we are having this conversation 17:21:39 ...and who benefits 17:21:48 Also w.r.t. a glossy entry for "Conformance", another route is to define "Conformance to WCAG" - a more narrow task that need not bleed over to other W3C specs. 17:21:54 Janina: think it may help untangle things 17:22:11 q+ 17:22:26 ack w 17:23:06 MaryJo: also have concern with some of the terms we are defining 17:23:15 ...may exist in other standards already 17:23:24 ...need to harmonize across standards 17:23:27 Q+ to say "defs are normative - so agree with Wilco" "Good to have them somewhere because it allow us to place issues - ideas someplace rather than say "out of scope". 17:24:17 ...not very sure about "Substantial Refresh" 17:24:26 Google Doc is at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MDW5ja90OVuCSbirmOLfKcnHdgEKOUvqFy5icPwGsdY/edit?usp=sharing 17:24:29 HTML version is at https://www.w3.org/2021/09/draft-wai-glossary 17:24:32 17:24:38 Janina: only considering "Conformance" and "Compliance" for now 17:25:03 MaryJo: agree with this, I see people using them interchangeably 17:25:17 q? 17:25:21 Janina: that's exactly the intend, to get clearer on these two terms 17:26:05 ack mar 17:26:08 ack gr 17:26:08 GreggVan, you wanted to say "defs are normative - so agree with Wilco" "Good to have them somewhere because it allow us to place issues - ideas someplace rather than say "out 17:26:11 ... of scope". 17:26:39 Gregg: definitions are normative and also only for terms used normatively 17:26:42 q+ 17:27:15 ...agree there is confusion in this space 17:27:20 q? 17:27:28 ...maybe need a separate document, to explain the two 17:28:28 ...another reasons to consider this, is because we sometimes say "this is for policy makers" 17:28:43 ...which sounds like "not our job" or so, which is not the intent 17:29:00 ...may make it easier to describe these parts 17:29:35 Janina: I like dictionaries, there is an art to it 17:30:21 q? 17:30:24 q+ 17:30:53 I'm hesitant, but won't object to adding it as a definition 17:30:59 ...concerned that if we throw it into the Glossary, it would become part of the WAI-wide glossary 17:31:33 q+ 17:31:37 ...first question, is it useful to make this distinction? 17:31:46 ...does it help advance our standard 17:32:06 q+ 17:32:39 q? 17:32:43 ack jan 17:32:45 ack pet 17:32:48 q+ to say "I'm ok with that as long as you talk to Judy first" and " I think we should stop discussion here until after checking with Judy" 17:33:20 q? 17:33:26 Peter: I don't think we spent enough time within our group to move it forward 17:33:36 ...also not as experimental 17:34:00 ack gr 17:34:00 GreggVan, you wanted to say "I'm ok with that as long as you talk to Judy first" and " I think we should stop discussion here until after checking with Judy" 17:34:24 Gregg: ^^^ 17:35:07 ...also agree with Peter that we need to first vet within our group 17:36:03 Janina: agree with holding this for now 17:37:06 q? 17:37:34 Jeanne: thought this may be coming back next week? 17:37:48 Janina: not sure, I may have misread 17:38:08 q? 17:38:18 Wilco: my impression was also not necessarily next week 17:38:26 ...it was until this group is ready 17:38:50 q? 17:38:58 Jeanne: could discuss tomorrow in Silver 17:39:03 Janina: we could 17:39:19 ack shad 17:41:12 shadi: we should agree on these examples and then we can cross the bridge when we get there. We don't know if we will use these terms. 17:41:50 q? 17:41:59 Janina: will check on red flags with Judy and others 17:43:06 ...should be bring to Silver TF tomorrow? 17:43:25 [prefer not from several attendees] 17:43:28 zakim, take up next 17:43:28 agendum 3 -- Followup re Shadi's and Gregg's proposals -- taken up [from janina_] 17:43:52 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 17:45:11 q? 17:45:46 q+ 17:46:16 shadi: when discussed, the examples were present but not the subsections role of the technical standard and role of the accessibility policy. This intends to bring together the challenges discussed previously and the considerations required to address these things. 17:46:48 q+ to say "Technical is to define what is accessible or not. Policy is to define when it needs to be applied and how and if exceptions -- as well as "equiv facilitation". 17:47:18 shadi: Some overlap with what GreggVan has been looking at 17:48:23 janina_: the most successful way is to take time in the meeting 17:48:56 ack gr 17:48:56 GreggVan, you wanted to say "Technical is to define what is accessible or not. Policy is to define when it needs to be applied and how and if exceptions -- as well as 17:48:59 ack GreggVan 17:49:00 ... "equiv facilitation". 17:49:32 q+ 17:49:38 GreggVan: suggest to vote in next meeting 17:51:02 GreggVan: definitions are in the right direction. "Levels of or minimum accessibility". Policy determines which rule to meet. Facilitation refers to techniques. 17:51:16 ack PeterKorn 17:51:27 ack pet 17:51:52 PeterKorn: Should policy and accessibility exist up at the top vs per example? 17:52:01 GreggVan: Yes to global scope 17:52:48 q? 17:52:54 q+ 17:53:24 PeterKorn: agrees with the way the document sets our technical vs policy. Would be great to bring to AGWG requests thoughts beyond a "vehicle" to gain understanding from AGWG - where does this go? 17:53:39 q+ to say "this item with examples is great. we need to have more arguments done with examples - they really help with understanding." 17:53:52 ack janina_ 17:54:11 q? 17:54:15 ack gr 17:54:15 GreggVan, you wanted to say "this item with examples is great. we need to have more arguments done with examples - they really help with understanding." 17:55:04 q? 17:55:14 GreggVan: examples and counter examples should help us come to consensus 17:55:30 q+ 17:55:42 ack sh 17:55:44 ack shadi 17:55:52 q? 17:56:12 q+ 17:56:48 Darryl: see this useful as a signpost and check we are heading in the right direction. 17:57:31 ack ToddL 17:57:37 ack tod 17:57:49 ToddL: Like the direction this is going 17:57:54 q? 17:58:31 q+ 17:58:55 GreggVan: how to add comments? 17:59:22 ToddL has left #silver-conf 17:59:34 q- 17:59:35 shadi: Make it clear with initials for comments or use the discussion page if more appropriate 18:00:04 zakim, take up next 18:00:04 agendum 4 -- Sampling & Reporting -- Use Cases https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgiOg3CZz-LAVxRT0CWUTWHzyVa3UrjqdU4NvoyUZ_8/ -- taken up [from janina_] 18:00:33 [deferred] 18:00:35 zakim, take up next 18:00:35 agendum 4 was just opened, shadi 18:01:08 zakim, end meeting 18:01:08 As of this point the attendees have been Azlan, shadi, GreggVan, ToddL, PeterKorn, maryjom, Wilco 18:01:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:01:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/12/02-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 18:01:13 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:01:17 Zakim has left #silver-conf