13:04:28 RRSAgent has joined #wot 13:04:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-irc 13:04:36 meeting: WoT-IG/WG 13:05:10 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:05:18 McCool has joined #wot 13:05:22 present+ Daniel_Peintner 13:05:47 present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda 13:06:10 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#24_November_2021 13:07:14 topic: minutes review 13:07:15 dape has joined #wot 13:07:25 seb: from nov 17 13:07:36 i|17|-> https://www.w3.org/2021/11/17-wot-minutes.html Nov-17| 13:08:06 present+ Ben_Francis 13:08:19 mlagally has joined #wot 13:08:33 present+ Michael_Lagally 13:10:28 matsuda has joined #wot 13:12:48 mm: section on WG charter is a little confused, pls rename to WG Extension and Rechartering since we discussed both 13:12:51 kaz: done 13:12:57 topic: quick updates 13:13:06 seb: mm to speak at IoT Tech Expo 13:14:04 mm: note 40 panel, 4 people, I will have only about 10m 13:14:32 seb: editor sync up, various cleanup topics 13:14:44 ... want to avoid some contradictory assertions 13:15:06 i/mm to/subtopic: IoT Tech Expo on Nov 30/ 13:15:08 ... and also align and consolidate terminology and use cases into the appropriate document 13:15:27 i/editor sync/subtopic: Editors sync-up call/ 13:17:00 mm: note I was not able to attend due to timeslot but I did review the minutes and put topics on the discovery TF agenda 13:17:34 i|editor sync|-> https://www.w3.org/2021/11/23-wot-ed-minutes.html Nov-23 (Member-only)| 13:17:37 ml: would also be useful to have use cases for scripting, e.g. application runtime 13:19:15 ml: also discovery vs. profiles 13:20:59 ml: would be good for profile to insist that devices using the profile all support .well-known endpoint 13:21:27 ml: then we also remembered that we need a TD Ontology doc... 13:22:21 q+ 13:22:46 ack k 13:23:12 mm: we also need to discuss whether is should be frozen, how we deal with versions and bug fixes, etc 13:23:34 kaz: the topic needs more discussion, so the conclusion during the Editors call was also discussing that during the TD call separately 13:23:50 s/kaz: the topic needs more discussion, so the conclusion during the Editors call was also discussing that during the TD call separately// 13:24:02 seb: new (tentative) arch call at 5am EST/10am UTC 13:24:13 i|we also|kaz: the topic needs more discussion, so the conclusion during the Editors call was also discussing that during the TD call separately| 13:25:14 q+ 13:25:50 ml: going forward we may want to do another doodle... 13:26:19 ack k 13:28:31 topic: charters 13:28:36 rrsagent, make log public 13:28:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:28:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:29:13 seb: for IG charter, have prepared, got some feedback, did some updates, found some more typos, now have another update... 13:30:04 ... in general IGs do not create specifications, only documents 13:30:10 i/arch call at/subtopic: Architecture call/ 13:30:13 ... so various wording changes to address that 13:30:27 i/topic: charters/subtopic: WoT-JP CG update/ 13:30:37 ... we also removed the 3mo wide review; and no CR process 13:31:01 ... and fixed the name change for ECLASS 13:31:12 i/topic: charters/mizu: discussion on how to run the group's discussion, e.g., using projects. after getting conclusion, would like to have an online event to start actual work./ 13:31:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:31:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:31:34 q+ 13:32:16 kaz: note there are two PRs updating the IG charter, one from Ralph, one from PLH 13:32:34 ... probably better to merge the one from PLH first, which addresses the "Marketing TF" 13:33:27 ... also added a plugfest history section 13:33:34 ack k 13:34:01 https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1006 13:34:21 proposal: after merging PR #1006 and #1008, resubmit the updated IG charter draft to W3M for approval 13:35:37 resolution: after merging PR #1006 and #1008, resubmit the updated IG charter draft to W3M for approval 13:36:09 topic: wg extension 13:36:48 seb: last week we agreed on 12mo extension, but W3M noted that we technically have to update the charter 13:36:55 ... small updates only, to the dates 13:37:13 q+ 13:37:40 q+ 13:37:42 ... but also to the patent policy 2020; AC review will take place 13:37:56 q- later 13:39:14 q- 13:39:44 mm: note that we can do editor's drafts for new deliverables during the extension, and technically can do publications for TD2.0, since it is in the current charter already 13:40:01 ack k 13:40:30 kaz: I will make the changes to the charter 13:40:41 seb: do we need another resolution? 13:41:04 kaz: prev resolution was during arch call, so it would be best to have one today in the main call 13:46:24 proposal: group agrees to proceed with the 12month charter extension for the WoT WG with the requested changes from W3M following the recharter processes. 13:47:04 resolution: group agrees to proceed with the 12month charter extension for the WoT WG with the requested changes from W3M following the rechartering processes. 13:47:20 action: kaz to work on the updated WG Charter with new end date 13:48:31 topic: decision process 13:48:58 bf: have a proposal, #1005, to allow us to resolve PRs without waiting for a call 13:49:11 i|have|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/1005 wot PR 1005 - Asynchronous Review Process for Specification Changes| 13:49:15 ... this would be specifically for specs, using github code review tools 13:49:53 ... this is in line with the charter, which actually favors async decisions (calls are supposed to be provisional) 13:50:09 q? 13:50:16 ... would like to get feedback from the group, timescale on when this can be applied, etc. 13:50:34 seb: my view is that I would agree in general, but depends on details 13:50:46 q+ 13:50:57 ... makes sense especially for smaller editorial items 13:51:31 ... and tools also help us to document the decision, e.g. why we decided 13:51:51 ... on the other hand, if there is a complex decision to be made, the meetings are useful to get agreement 13:52:03 q+ 13:52:05 q? 13:52:13 q- later 13:52:44 bf: thanks for the comments; have proposed two different processes for informative and normative changes 13:52:58 i|have a proposal|-> https://github.com/benfrancis/w3c-wot/blob/patch-3/proposals/asynchronous-review-process.md rendered proposal| 13:53:37 present+ Fady_Salama 13:53:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:53:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:54:32 ... some things do need sync discussions; basically that is the fallback plan if consensus cannot be 13:54:48 mm: details do matter, but in principle agree 13:54:55 ... what is timeline? 13:55:06 bf: don't really want to wait for the new charter 13:55:27 ... would be helpful to speed up our current process, but understand people need time to review and update 13:55:50 q+ 13:55:58 ack mc 13:56:17 ack k 13:56:26 mm: perhaps we can aim for mid-Jan to adopt, but after some discussion and review? 13:56:38 ml: is a good idea to discuss and formalize the review rules 13:56:59 ... currently have no good rules, e.g. about how many reviewers we need, etc. 13:57:03 i/ml:/kaz: agree with McCool (that we need a clear process definition)/ 13:57:36 q+ 13:57:41 ack ml 13:57:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:57:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:58:09 ml: and let's try out the process on this PR in particular 13:58:11 chair: Sebastian/McCool 13:58:17 +1 McCool 13:58:32 i/the topic needs more/scribenick: kaz/ 13:58:45 i/we also need to discuss/scribenick: McCool/ 13:58:52 mm: agree, and let's aim for mid-Jan to capture input and put it on the table again 13:58:57 i/discussion on how to run/scribenick: kaz/ 13:59:06 i/for IG charter,/scribenick: McCool/ 13:59:08 seb: will also discuss in main call 13:59:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:59:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:59:32 q+ 13:59:41 i/agree with M/scribenick: kaz/ 13:59:54 i/is a good idea/scribenick: McCool/ 13:59:56 q? 13:59:58 ack b 14:00:00 seb: definitely I agree that small changes should follow an async process 14:01:16 mm: I also think the issue closing process can be improved 14:02:24 ... also TFs could start apply some bits of the proposed process informally, at the discretion of the TF (consensus needed) 14:02:51 seb: ok, we will talk about this more in the TD call, would also be good to discuss in Arch and Profiles 14:03:21 topic: marketing 14:03:32 seb: new wiki pages, less space, same content 14:03:46 q+ 14:04:52 seb: regarding liaisons, WISHI call next week, will attend, present TMs 14:05:08 ... regarding OPC-UA, meeting with Jeff Jaffe planned 14:05:30 ml: section in use cases document for liaisons, some placeholders 14:05:54 ... regarding wiki page reconstructions 14:05:56 q+" 14:06:39 ml: might be good to make it easier to find the main call, perhaps main web page 14:06:53 mm: agree, let's discuss in marketing 14:07:04 seb: let's start testing at 15 past 14:07:09 seb: adjourn 14:07:56 ktoumura has left #wot 14:07:59 [adjourned] 14:08:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:08:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:17:50 Mizushima has left #wot 14:56:23 Fady has joined #wot 15:02:14 JKRhb has joined #wot 15:10:31 regrets+ Ege 15:10:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:10:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/24-wot-minutes.html kaz 15:15:00 stevelee has joined #wot 15:16:16 stevelee_ has joined #wot 16:27:12 Zakim has left #wot 17:16:19 kaz has joined #wot