15:10:21 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 15:10:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/18-silver-conf-irc 15:10:34 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 15:10:41 Date: 18 Nov 2021 15:10:46 Chair: janina 15:10:50 agenda? 15:11:16 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 15:11:16 agenda+ Analyzing conformance Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Short_Summary_Strawdog 15:11:19 agenda+ Glossary Initial Draft Definitions https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Glossary_Candidates 15:11:22 agenda+ Sampling & Reporting -- Initial Use Cases https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgiOg3CZz-LAVxRT0CWUTWHzyVa3UrjqdU4NvoyUZ_8/ 15:11:25 agenda+ Other Business 15:11:27 agenda+ Be Done 15:13:16 present+ 16:40:54 Rachael has joined #silver-conf 16:55:37 shadi has joined #silver-conf 16:57:06 ToddLibby has joined #silver-conf 16:57:27 rrsagent, make log public 16:57:33 agenda? 16:57:44 zakim, who's here? 16:57:44 Present: janina 16:57:46 On IRC I see ToddLibby, shadi, Rachael, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, MichaelC, trackbot 16:58:25 present+ 16:58:38 present+ 16:58:40 scribe: shadi 16:58:45 GreggVan has joined #silver-conf 16:59:50 regrets: Aslan, Jeanne 17:00:59 zakim, who's here? 17:00:59 Present: janina, shadi, ToddLibby 17:01:01 On IRC I see GreggVan, ToddLibby, shadi, Rachael, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, MichaelC, trackbot 17:02:59 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 17:03:02 present+ 17:03:20 JF has joined #silver-conf 17:03:28 zakim, take up next 17:03:28 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from janina] 17:03:30 Present+ 17:04:21 [Janina walks attendees through the agenda] 17:04:58 q+ 17:06:18 JS: Shadi also has a partial write-up on the wiki which we can review in the coming weeks 17:06:40 ...no meeting next week, several will be comatozed by Turkey 17:06:54 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 17:08:32 SAZ: first pass, all examples are there for discussion 17:08:43 ...not sure how to get first reviewed 17:08:57 JS: will come back to this on 2nd Dec meeting 17:09:15 GV: coming back to the sampling 17:09:25 ...also need to talk about mass sampling 17:09:43 ...testing massive number of pages 17:09:57 ...maybe a different discussion item for the future 17:10:20 JS: agree, we will probably need to tackle this 17:10:33 ...but might not be able to get to it this year 17:10:35 ack gr 17:10:40 zakim, take up next 17:10:40 agendum 2 -- Analyzing conformance Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Short_Summary_Strawdog -- taken up [from janina] 17:11:13 GV: was not intended as a proposal 17:11:30 ...just an attempt to find a common thread 17:11:43 ...what is it that we're trying to do? 17:11:56 ...understand the different needs and desires 17:12:13 Q+ 17:12:29 ...the second part is to summarize the understanding 17:12:46 ...initially doing it for myself 17:13:08 ...first parts is the higher-level goals 17:13:44 ...in WCAG 2.x tried to have Level AAA 17:13:45 Wilco has joined #silver-conf 17:13:52 ...but that mostly just got cut away 17:13:53 present+ 17:14:00 ...and people didn't do it 17:14:23 q? 17:14:26 ...another goal is to get accepted by other regulatory and standards groups 17:15:02 maryjom has joined #silver-conf 17:15:40 ...third goals is what content can influence and what it can't 17:16:06 present+ 17:16:15 ..for example, can't be responsible for the accessibility of emails written by users of a webmail site 17:16:45 ...fourth goal is that page that is part of a process needs to be considered together 17:17:06 ...like a checkout page in a shopping site to complete the transaction 17:17:31 ...fifth is to recognize there is no absolute accessibility 17:17:53 ...then lastly, to make it as simple as possible 17:18:09 ...already complaints about the currently complexity of WCAG 17:19:06 q+ 17:19:11 ...sometimes even debates within the Working Group about what something means 17:19:20 ack jf 17:19:33 JF: agreement with much of this 17:20:15 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Short_Summary_Strawdog 17:20:52 JF: propose goal for bronze level to encourage people to implement things like COGA guidance 17:21:17 GV: sounds like a how, rather than a goal 17:21:27 ...maybe part of the first goal? 17:21:40 JF: looking for something more specific 17:21:50 JS: concerned we can get into the weeds 17:22:00 ...for example, which level and such 17:22:14 ...discussion in process, let's not define it that specifically 17:22:35 GV: why is the first goal not sufficient 17:22:58 ack pet 17:22:59 JF: want people to actually do these things 17:23:40 PK: goal 4 seems overly page-centric 17:23:43 +1 17:23:58 ...later on you speak of parts of a process, which is less page-centric 17:24:26 PK: another goal was to better reflect the lived experience of people with disabilities 17:24:56 ...to reduce definition of requirements that do not really impact accessibility 17:25:33 JS: technical violation that doesn't really have a real impact, like empty iframe? 17:25:51 q? 17:25:53 PK: yes but trying to stay higher-level than that level of detail 17:25:56 zakim, who's here? 17:25:58 Present: janina, shadi, ToddLibby, PeterKorn, JF, Wilco, maryjom 17:25:58 On IRC I see maryjom, Wilco, JF, PeterKorn, GreggVan, ToddLibby, shadi, Rachael, RRSAgent, Zakim, janina, MichaelC, trackbot 17:26:08 q? 17:26:20 PK: might be other goals from Silver research work 17:26:30 ...would be good to look back at these 17:26:45 https://www.w3.org/community/silver/draft-final-report-of-silver/ 17:27:42 GV: now numbered goals, and added new goal #5 to address your latest comment 17:28:19 PK: not very settled on the language 17:29:04 q+ 17:29:18 Suggested alternate text for #5: "That something that fails technically, but which does not have any real world impact on the lives of people with disabilities, can still conform" 17:29:18 GV: would be good to re-review these 17:30:08 q? 17:30:17 ack wil 17:30:35 WF: how do we define "objective"? 17:30:57 GV: something is objective when it has a high inter-rater reliability 17:30:58 if we are wordsmithing, then I'd like to see #1 modified to: "Will get web designers to do more than what has been able to be put into WCAG 2.x" 17:31:14 ...people who know what they are doing agree to a large degree 17:31:19 i.e. do more than just "look" - DO 17:32:40 WF: agree with high inter-rater reliability as a goal 17:32:56 q? 17:32:57 Q+ to note that US federal government sites TODAY have to apply Plain language 17:34:11 ack jf 17:34:11 JF, you wanted to note that US federal government sites TODAY have to apply Plain language 17:34:47 JF: understand the difficulty and the many attempts of trying this 17:35:11 ...governments have to do this today 17:35:19 GV: which law is that? 17:35:30 JF: plainlanguage.gov 17:35:32 Q+ 17:35:35 GV: will check it out 17:35:47 JS: not sure we need this deep dive now 17:36:01 q? 17:36:13 ack wil 17:36:59 A HUGE +1 to Wilco 17:37:06 this is *exactly* my concern 17:37:08 q? 17:37:22 WF: one thing that may raise concerns, is that things that are testable will make into regulations and other things will be on a level not required by law 17:37:36 ...not sure if this moves us forward from the current situation 17:38:11 q? 17:38:25 GV: concerned about reducing testability may rule out adoption by policy makers 17:38:46 ...do people think we can get passed this? 17:39:04 @Gregg, I *DO* believe we can get there 17:39:14 q? 17:39:17 q+ 17:39:29 q+ 17:39:40 ack pet 17:39:49 JS: working some kind of an understanding to get more requirements 17:40:05 PK: lack of clear testability is a huge problem 17:40:16 ...like the idea of medals or such 17:40:41 ...think that the level for requirements will depend on the nature of the product 17:41:03 ...what is within reason or outside reasonable control 17:41:28 ...for example, healthcare might be different from entertainment 17:41:48 ...does not change the definition of what technically conforms 17:42:03 ...but maybe which levels of conformance are acceptable for each 17:42:17 ack wil 17:42:18 ...not convinced that 3 is the magical number 17:42:48 WF: don't think we can put normative requirements that can't be tested reliably 17:43:01 Q+ to disagree cite: ISO 9001 17:43:06 ...the question is why can't we figure out how to make these more testable 17:43:21 q+ to respond to JF 17:44:57 GV: added definition for objective and testable 17:45:07 ack jf 17:45:07 JF, you wanted to disagree cite: ISO 9001 17:45:30 JF: disagree with Wilco, you can't test or measure ISO 9001 17:45:32 q- 17:45:50 GV: you can absolutely test and measure ISO 9001 17:46:02 ...and you can get certification and such 17:46:41 WF: not based on sloppy unit tests 17:47:03 s/WF/JF 17:47:06 q+ 17:47:43 JF: different way of looking at conforming 17:48:09 GV: is ISO 9001 required by law? 17:48:29 JF: no but adopted by companies 17:48:44 scribe: PeterKorn 17:49:10 SA: discussion of process-based standards, that would be a separate standard. 17:49:45 q? 17:49:49 ack sh 17:49:49 ...maturity model could be that separate standard. Feel comparison between a bulding code & ISO 9001 is Apples & oranges 17:50:00 scribe: shadi 17:50:41 q? 17:50:43 GV: very big difference between voluntary and regulatory standards 17:51:18 ...as soon as requirements are going to be regulated, a whole set of different requirements come in 17:51:32 https://blog.libryo.com/iso-9001-2015-legal-requirements 17:51:40 s/requirements come in/rules come in 17:51:56 q? 17:51:56 q+ 17:52:08 ack wil 17:52:50 WF: would love several more people debating this 17:53:00 ...seems only few of us discussing it 17:53:37 q+ 17:53:53 DL: my first time here, hello everybody 17:54:03 ...from Toronto area 17:54:23 ...education and digital publishing 17:54:43 ...previously involved with IDPF and now W3C on digital publishing 17:55:17 MJM: first time I've seen this proposal 17:55:36 ...not sure it addresses web content and web apps 17:55:51 ...always have bugs, and WCAG has been all or nothing 17:55:55 +1 I think there are important things not yet in this doc., and they are things we have been working on previously in this group. 17:56:12 ...not conducive to progressing accessibility 17:56:35 ...also some things are not easily testable 17:56:46 ...becomes daunting on large-scale websites 17:56:56 q? 17:57:08 q+ 17:57:33 ...would be helpful for developers to show progress over time 17:57:41 ...would help get more buy-in 17:57:47 ack todd 17:58:06 TL: conversation is great, don't have much to add to it today 17:58:14 @Gregg: The Plain Writing Act of 2010 requires federal agencies to write “clear government communication that the public can understand and use.” https://www.dni.gov/index.php/plain-language-act 17:58:23 ack peter 17:58:25 zakim, take up next 17:58:25 agendum 3 -- Glossary Initial Draft Definitions https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Conformance_Glossary_Candidates -- taken up [from janina] 17:58:34 A potential missing goal is around helping / inventing continual improvement. 17:58:48 JS: let's try to advance the terms "conformance" and "compliance" 17:59:09 ...helps us to distinguish these two concepts 17:59:26 ...what we expect from a technical spec vs regulation 17:59:39 https://www.w3.org/2021/09/draft-wai-glossary 17:59:41 ...hopefully not controversial concept 17:59:50 ...but need to work on the definitions 18:00:40 ...tried to integrate existing definitions 18:00:49 ...will discuss in 2 weeks 18:00:51 q+ 18:01:29 GV: we ought to get some definitive decisions on the goals 18:01:55 I've got to get to another meeting. Thanks, everyone. 18:02:10 ...if we can't get agreement then will go in circles 18:02:43 ...need clarity if regulation requires testability or not 18:03:06 PK: invite folks to look at the other doc shared at the beginning of the call 18:03:18 PK: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Substantial_Conformance/Example_Scenarios 18:03:52 present+ 18:03:52 We have evidence today of a regulation with Unmeasurable requirements: https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/PLAW-111publ274 18:08:00 rrsagent, make minutes 18:08:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/18-silver-conf-minutes.html shadi 18:08:08 zakim, end meeting 18:08:08 As of this point the attendees have been janina, shadi, ToddLibby, PeterKorn, JF, Wilco, maryjom, GreggVan 18:08:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:08:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/18-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 18:08:13 I am happy to have been of service, shadi; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:08:17 Zakim has left #silver-conf 18:08:29 rrsagent, bye 18:08:29 I see no action items