IRC log of silver on 2021-11-05
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:45:28 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #silver
- 13:45:28 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:45:30 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, make logs Public
- 13:45:31 [Zakim]
- Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group
- 13:45:54 [Lauriat]
- agenda+ Clock change reminder
- 13:45:58 [Lauriat]
- agenda+ Blameless post-mortem summary and next steps
- 13:45:59 [Lauriat]
- agenda+ Sub-group updates
- 13:46:02 [Lauriat]
- Present+
- 13:50:23 [sajkaj]
- sajkaj has joined #silver
- 13:57:57 [kirkwood]
- kirkwood has joined #silver
- 14:00:24 [Rachael]
- present+
- 14:00:45 [SuzanneTaylor]
- SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver
- 14:03:04 [shadi]
- shadi has joined #silver
- 14:03:30 [Lauriat]
- 14:03:52 [ToddLibby]
- ToddLibby has joined #silver
- 14:04:17 [sajkaj]
- present+
- 14:04:46 [jeanne]
- zakim, please pick a victim
- 14:04:46 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Rachael
- 14:04:55 [Rachael]
- scribe: Rachael
- 14:04:58 [JF]
- JF has joined #silver
- 14:05:06 [JF]
- Present+
- 14:05:10 [Wilco]
- Wilco has joined #silver
- 14:05:13 [Wilco]
- present+
- 14:05:26 [JF]
- agenda?
- 14:05:30 [Lauriat]
- Zakim, take up next item
- 14:05:30 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Clock change reminder -- taken up [from Lauriat]
- 14:05:33 [sajkaj]
- scribe: sajkaj
- 14:06:07 [SuzanneTaylor]
- A11y for Children TPAC video recording: All TPAC breakout recordings:
- 14:06:12 [Lauriat]
- Zakim, take up item 2
- 14:06:12 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Blameless post-mortem summary and next steps -- taken up [from Lauriat]
- 14:06:14 [sajkaj]
- shadi: Reminder--We'll be to usual offsets next week for most people as North America goes back to standard time
- 14:06:37 [ToddLibby]
- present+
- 14:06:46 [SuzanneTaylor]
- present+
- 14:06:46 [sajkaj]
- s/shadi/sl/
- 14:07:00 [sajkaj]
- sl: RReview of discussion ...
- 14:07:36 [Lauriat]
- 1. When participation lowers, it can reduce diversity of perspectives & voices, and the number of people aware of the details of the work
- 14:07:48 [sajkaj]
- sl: notes there's a mix of process goofs, and also other issues
- 14:07:54 [Lauriat]
- 2. One person, unfamiliar with the details, can enter a group and shift direction unexpectedly
- 14:08:18 [Lauriat]
- 3. A few prominent voices can end up represented above other perspectives present
- 14:08:36 [Lauriat]
- 4. Work should not have gone to a second attempt-at-consensus
- 14:08:49 [Lauriat]
- 5. The inconsistent results of those attempts shows a lack of certainty in that consensus
- 14:09:19 [Lauriat]
- 6. Surveys prompt a closer look from the larger group who haven't looked at it before; shows potential gaps in keeping the group in the loop and our overall process of review may have missing steps
- 14:09:52 [Lauriat]
- 7. Chairs mishandled results of mistake in bringing to second vote
- 14:10:14 [Lauriat]
- 8. The groups do not view themselves as a cohesive unit. AGWG’s role as the approving body causes friction with Silver, particularly when work does not move forward. Silver members see themselves as workers without a representative voice in the approval process. This results in frustration which leads to Silver members leaving.
- 14:11:01 [sajkaj]
- Lauriat: Noting again some are straight forward fixes--follow process
- 14:11:09 [sajkaj]
- Lauriat: Others not so straight forward
- 14:11:43 [sajkaj]
- Lauriat: Suggesting discussion on how to resolve; also noting the issue has been seen more than once
- 14:12:03 [Rachael]
- q+
- 14:12:17 [sajkaj]
- Lauriat: Also that our resolutions need to engage the parent AGWG, not just Silver
- 14:12:27 [kirkwood]
- present+
- 14:12:40 [sajkaj]
- Lauriat: Suggests importance of keeping discussion blameless
- 14:13:11 [sajkaj]
- Rachael: Agreeing with importance of AGWG wider involvement in resolutions
- 14:13:24 [Lauriat]
- Zakim, take up next item
- 14:13:24 [Zakim]
- I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Lauriat
- 14:13:40 [Lauriat]
- ack Rachael
- 14:13:41 [Lauriat]
- Zakim, take up next item
- 14:13:42 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Clock change reminder -- taken up [from Lauriat]
- 14:13:48 [Lauriat]
- Zakim, take up item 3
- 14:13:48 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- Sub-group updates -- taken up [from Lauriat]
- 14:13:52 [Lauriat]
- 14:13:57 [Wilco]
- q+
- 14:14:05 [Lauriat]
- ack Wilco
- 14:14:22 [sajkaj]
- Wilco: Reliability SG temporarily halted on programmatic lang
- 14:14:46 [sajkaj]
- Wilco: working on a process doc on how to write reliable outcomes for WCAG3
- 14:15:00 [sajkaj]
- Wilco: hoping to have something here in a few weeks
- 14:15:07 [sajkaj]
- Wilco: Aim is a step by step guide
- 14:16:12 [JF]
- Q+
- 14:16:31 [JF]
- Q+ to discuss Protocols Sub Team
- 14:19:17 [Rachael]
- scribe: Rachael
- 14:19:34 [Rachael]
- sajkaj: Stepped back yesterday.
- 14:19:59 [Rachael]
- ....noting that as we dive into use cases and look at what we've presented, things like user generated have internal ways they can maybe fit into different buckets.
- 14:20:15 [Rachael]
- ...working towards a more useful taxonomy. Many third party situations to cover.
- 14:20:49 [Rachael]
- ...talked about those. User generated is coming in the next working draft. Even user generated depends. A massive video provider is different than an individual.
- 14:20:56 [shadi]
- present+
- 14:21:39 [Rachael]
- ...looser requirements for individuals than a major provider. Wrestling with coming an understanding in hopes that it can demonstrate that it is reasonable expectations vs. exemptions
- 14:22:04 [shadi]
- 14:22:06 [Rachael]
- ...making it clearer who is functioning as publisher vs author.
- 14:22:23 [Rachael]
- ...hoping to help platforms that offer environments put requirements on users.
- 14:22:42 [Rachael]
- ...difference between conforming to technical standard vs. complying with policy/law.
- 14:22:46 [JF]
- +1 to conformance versus compliance
- 14:22:47 [Rachael]
- ...compliance vs. conformance
- 14:22:48 [jeanne]
- present+
- 14:23:02 [Rachael]
- ...we will have less to say about compliance than conformance.
- 14:23:42 [shadi]
- qq+
- 14:23:45 [Rachael]
- much is enough and how much is too much. At some point conformance hands off ot compliance by the government.
- 14:23:48 [Lauriat]
- +1
- 14:24:01 [Rachael]
- is helpful.
- 14:24:34 [Rachael]
- ...effort in wider web accessibility initiative. Referenced above by Shadi
- 14:25:08 [Rachael]
- ...wider project than AGWG and Silver. Useful to use the same terms within WAI or W3C.
- 14:25:21 [Rachael]
- ...aim for harmonization across WAI and W3C
- 14:25:32 [Lauriat]
- ack shadi
- 14:25:32 [Zakim]
- shadi, you wanted to react to Wilco
- 14:25:34 [sajkaj]
- scribe: sajkaj
- 14:26:17 [sajkaj]
- shadi: Noting intent not to change direction in what I raised, but trying to reframe some existing discussion in hope that fresh perspective might assist progress
- 14:27:51 [Rachael]
- Is this it?
- 14:28:05 [Rachael]
- Janina: Gregg also sent out a conformance summary (See above)
- 14:28:05 [sajkaj]
- sajkaj: Notes new GV docjf: re protocols
- 14:28:07 [Lauriat]
- ack JF
- 14:28:07 [Zakim]
- JF, you wanted to discuss Protocols Sub Team
- 14:28:27 [sajkaj]
- jf: did convene again this morning ...
- 14:28:54 [sajkaj]
- jf: struggling to come up with a definition for "protocol" and how it might integrate into the larger effort
- 14:29:43 [sajkaj]
- jf: Key distinction agreed we will measure the measure evidence not outcomes
- 14:29:56 [sajkaj]
- jf: that seemed a useful decision today
- 14:30:20 [sajkaj]
- jf: notes many mentions of iso9001 which is a process definition
- 14:30:42 [sajkaj]
- jf: so not quite ready to present, but making progress
- 14:31:09 [Rachael]
- scribe: Rachael
- 14:31:18 [Rachael]
- Lauriat: Any other updates?
- 14:31:51 [Rachael]
- ...We may have reached the end of the list
- 14:31:57 [Rachael]
- Jeanne: Could Michael give an update on functional needs?
- 14:32:04 [Rachael]
- ...and I can give a Mobile udpate.
- 14:32:18 [Rachael]
- MichaelC: The main focus right now is taking Jake's proposal and fill in the details.
- 14:32:54 [Rachael]
- ...We have a structure but want to see how well it works. We have a working session scheduled Monday. Not sure if we will complete then but that's our next step. That will lead to gap analysis with the guidelines.
- 14:33:02 [Rachael]
- Lauriat: Sounds good.
- 14:34:09 [Rachael]
- Jeanne: I met yesterday with the mobile accessibility taskforce. They have a few members who are working to start taking the SC in WCAG 2.1 that originated from the mobile accessibilty taskforce and use the templates to migrate them to WCAG 3. Yesterday I did a detailed walkthrough of the new methods template - work done by reliability template. This work was done by the reliability subgroup to make the testing and template more
- 14:34:09 [Rachael]
- consistent/reliable.
- 14:34:32 [Rachael]
- ...they have 2 guidelines they are working on that they've gone through the process of identifying the user needs and functional needs and are starting methods.
- 14:35:30 [Rachael]
- ...Summary is that we have groups actively working and moving forward. Most are in conformance area. Most of our content groups are on hiatus while conformance is being worked out.
- 14:35:41 [Rachael]
- ...Work is continuing.
- 14:35:49 [Rachael]
- Lauriat: Anyone else here who I missed?
- 14:36:01 [Rachael]
- ...if not, 25 minutes back
- 14:36:17 [Rachael]
- ...Thank you all. Have a great weekend.
- 14:38:01 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:38:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate sajkaj
- 14:38:14 [sajkaj]
- zakim, bye
- 14:38:14 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Lauriat, Rachael, sajkaj, JF, Wilco, ToddLibby, SuzanneTaylor, kirkwood, shadi, jeanne
- 14:38:14 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #silver
- 14:38:23 [sajkaj]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:38:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate sajkaj
- 14:39:12 [ToddLibby]
- ToddLibby has left #silver
- 15:04:48 [stevelee]
- stevelee has joined #silver
- 15:54:23 [stevelee]
- stevelee has joined #silver