13:57:14 RRSAgent has joined #i18n 13:57:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-irc 13:57:21 Zakim has joined #i18n 13:57:31 trackbot, prepare teleconference 13:57:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:57:37 Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference 13:57:37 Date: 04 November 2021 13:57:43 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-i18n-core/2021Nov/0003.html 13:57:43 clear agenda 13:57:43 agenda+ Agenda Review 13:57:43 agenda+ Action Items 13:57:43 agenda+ Info Share 13:57:45 agenda+ RADAR Review 13:57:48 agenda+ TPAC Fallout 13:57:48 Chair: Addison Phillips 13:57:50 agenda+ AOB? 13:58:09 agenda+ Closing the loop on Payment Request 13:58:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html addison 13:59:34 topic #i18n Remember the time change!! 14:01:02 addison, i think you're an hour early 14:01:18 see https://www.w3.org/2017/09/i18n-meeting-info.html 14:02:20 :-) good job ! 14:07:49 agenda+ What time is this meeting at? 14:07:54 agenda+ Whither trackbot? 14:13:17 atsushi has joined #i18n 14:16:22 agenda+ security issues with bidi controls 14:17:18 regrets+ Felix 14:38:37 Najib has joined #i18n 14:53:12 xfq has joined #i18n 14:54:59 present+ 14:55:23 present+ Fuqiao 15:01:12 present+ Richard, Atsushi 15:01:27 David has joined #I18n 15:01:33 JcK has joined #i18n 15:02:09 present+ David 15:02:19 present+ Bert 15:02:52 agenda? 15:03:00 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:03:00 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:03:06 scribe: Bert 15:03:35 agenda+ IFD review 15:03:36 present+ JcK 15:03:42 present+ 15:03:48 zakim, agendum 2 15:03:48 I don't understand 'agendum 2', addison 15:03:58 zakim, take up agendum 2 15:03:58 agendum 2 -- Action Items -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:04:07 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open 15:04:38 action-1034? 15:04:38 action-1034 -- Addison Phillips to Triage awaiting comment resolution items -- due 2021-06-24 -- OPEN 15:04:38 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1034 15:05:11 action-1090? 15:05:11 action-1090 -- Addison Phillips to Reach out to apa about potential joint publication of t2s ruby requirements with i18n -- due 2021-11-04 -- OPEN 15:05:11 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1090 15:05:17 close action-1090 15:05:17 Closed action-1090. 15:05:36 action-1091? 15:05:36 action-1091 -- Atsushi Shimono to Create repo for ruby t2s doc -- due 2021-11-04 -- OPEN 15:05:36 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/1091 15:05:42 https://w3c.github.io/ruby-t2s-req/ 15:06:14 present+ Fatima 15:06:20 atsushi: I did. 15:06:27 close action-1091 15:06:27 Closed action-1091. 15:06:35 zakim, take up agendum 3 15:06:35 agendum 3 -- Info Share -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:06:40 q+ 15:06:48 ack xfq 15:07:02 https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/#changes-2020 15:07:06 xfq: On Tuesday, Process 2021 was approved. 15:07:20 ... There is a new registries track. 15:07:55 ... But not required. Can also still make WDs and RECs. 15:08:34 ... NOTEs track now separate from REC track. So NOTE drafts are not called WD anymore, but Note Draft. 15:08:58 ... And a NOTE can be endorsed and become a Statement. 15:09:14 present+ 15:09:41 r12a: Sounds like what we tried to avoid by publishing NOTEs instead of RECs... 15:10:16 addison: Also interesting in the process: horizontal review for updating RECs is sketchily described. 15:10:45 ... I hope we don't get any ‘I want to update my REC next week’ requests. 15:11:22 r12a: We need to talk more with Philippe and stress reviews at the start. 15:12:21 ... URL vs URI, what is the reference for URIs? 15:12:32 s/Note Draft/Draft Note/ 15:12:55 addison: The WHATWG spec on URL has a kind of profile for URI. 15:13:47 JcK: RFC 3986/3987 is maybe half, a little too focused on http. 15:14:06 agenda? 15:14:55 zakim, take up agendum 4 15:14:55 agendum 4 -- RADAR Review -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:14:56 Next week is 11 Nov, Armistice 1918 in France and the US. 15:15:02 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/projects/1 15:15:27 addison: No new review requests. 15:16:03 zakim, take up agendum 8 15:16:03 agendum 8 -- What time is this meeting at? -- taken up [from addison] 15:16:06 ... I'll need to move the comments of Payment Confirmation, which we decided last time. 15:16:27 addison: Current time OK? 15:17:13 david_clarke: time OK for now, but not sure what my new job will be like. 15:18:04 https://everytimezone.com/?t=61832280,384 15:18:45 zakim, take up agendum 9 15:18:45 agendum 9 -- Whither trackbot? -- taken up [from addison] 15:18:56 https://www.w3.org/2017/09/i18n-meeting-info.html 15:19:30 addison: Trackbot is being deprecated. GitHub is recommended. How do we do action items now? 15:20:05 trackbot, help? 15:20:05 Please see for help. 15:20:20 https://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc 15:21:46 David_clarke: 16 years. Long-running software is good. 15:22:10 xfq: If we still use it, they will still support it. 15:22:21 agenda? 15:22:43 r12a: That warning on the IRC page seems to have been there since 4 month. So we not be in imminent dager. 15:23:25 addison: Trackbot integration with IRC is nice. Could use a GitHub project board, but... 15:23:34 s/So we not be in/So we may not be in/ 15:23:36 zakim, take up agendum 11 15:23:36 agendum 11 -- IFD review -- taken up [from addison] 15:23:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html addison 15:23:57 https://w3c.github.io/IFT/Overview.html 15:24:13 https://www.w3.org/TR/PFE-evaluation/ 15:24:32 atsushi: spec based on a report. 15:24:53 ... They tried to transfer per glyph, not code point. 15:25:19 ... This spec tries to transfer code points. 15:25:31 ... But seems not to be working. 15:25:56 ... Some fonts have dedicated glyphs. 15:26:46 addison: Maybe if they also transfer all code points related to a given code point... 15:27:23 atsushi: Maybe we should ask them. 15:28:25 r12a: Chris and Myles [spec editors] should be aware of the issue. 15:29:01 addison: In indic scripts, e.g., you may need all the vowel-marked and conjuncts. 15:29:28 https://www.w3.org/TR/PFE-evaluation/ 15:30:13 ... I don't quite see how this can be used. Maybe for simple fonts, when code point = glyph. 15:31:06 r12a: The report shows some arabic glyphs. I cannot remember what my conclusions were when I read it :-( 15:31:42 addison: The report contains the sort of things we talked about, so they do know. 15:32:15 r12a: Then conclusion (section 6) has something. 15:32:31 s/Then/The/ 15:33:35 addison: What does the last para, about massive cost increase, mean? 15:33:50 david_clarke: Network latency? 15:34:58 atsushi: compared to rendering time [scribe missed] 15:35:12 addison: Do we have a question to ask them? 15:36:13 r12a: Seems good to have a section about its usage. Although it does already point to the report. 15:37:14 ... Maybe a summary of the report can be added to set the scope of the spec. It seems it is not to be used for scripts that need shaping, e.g. 15:37:56 xfq: It says there will be a separate document for other methods than Patch. 15:38:32 david_clarke: There may be an issue with fingerprinting: if you download specific pieces of a font. 15:39:10 r12a: Yes, that makes sense, for some kinds of small content. 15:40:00 Privacy section is entirely missing -> https://github.com/w3c/IFT/issues/31 15:40:58 atsushi: Web fonts and caching, may be hard to fingerprint. 15:41:33 addison: But I can place a rare glyph in a page and if you request it, I know you looked at the page. 15:41:53 ... atsush, do you want to draft comments? Do you need help? 15:42:22 s/atsush/atsushi/ 15:42:37 atsushi: I would first ask why they choose to base it on code points rather than glyphs. I can draft a comment on GitHub. 15:43:16 ... I will add it to our tracker. 15:43:39 addison: Don't wait to send it to them. 15:44:00 ... Should we raise a fingerprinting issue? 15:44:29 zakim, take up agendum 7 15:44:29 agendum 7 -- Closing the loop on Payment Request -- taken up [from addison] 15:44:34 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request/pull/971/files 15:44:40 r12a: We could, but maybe not as a WG, as it is a security question [not i18n] question. 15:45:42 r12a: pull request adds a note that seems to say all we asked for. 15:46:13 addison: Might avoid the word ‘may’, as it is a technical term. 15:47:20 r12a: I'd prefer not to avoid ‘may’ and rather style it specially when used normatively. 15:47:41 xfq: As a note, it is non-normative in essence. 15:48:32 addison: Shall I do a review and comment and approve? 15:48:41 r12a: Yes, I think so. 15:49:21 addison: Language negotiation is a separate thing. 15:49:37 r12a: And we don't expect to resolve that before they publish this. 15:49:39 agenda? 15:49:53 addison: OK, I will approve it then. 15:50:21 action: addison: file review approving payment request text plus personal comment on 'may' 15:50:22 Created ACTION-1092 - File review approving payment request text plus personal comment on 'may' [on Addison Phillips - due 2021-11-11]. 15:50:46 action: addison: ping localizable thread and seek to resolve next steps with whatwg 15:50:46 Created ACTION-1093 - Ping localizable thread and seek to resolve next steps with whatwg [on Addison Phillips - due 2021-11-11]. 15:53:01 addison: We should talk to TC39 about a datatype for localizable string. That's a slow process. Should I start it? 15:54:23 Discussion about the words localization vs localizable vs internationalization. 15:54:27 action: addison: start conversation with ecma-402 et al about webidl work 15:54:27 Created ACTION-1094 - Start conversation with ecma-402 et al about webidl work [on Addison Phillips - due 2021-11-11]. 15:54:42 agenda? 15:55:34 addison: r12, was there a response from Alan on CSS? 15:55:42 s/r12/r12a/ 15:55:56 ... I reserved a slot in my agenda. 15:56:18 Thanksgiving is the 25th. 15:56:57 zakim, take up agendum 6 15:56:57 agendum 6 -- AOB? -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:58:23 Zakim, end meeting 15:58:23 As of this point the attendees have been addison, Fuqiao, Richard, Atsushi, David, Bert, JcK, Fatima, r12a 15:58:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:58:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html Zakim 15:58:29 I am happy to have been of service, Bert; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:58:33 Zakim has left #i18n 16:01:32 Najib has left #i18n 16:01:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html addison 16:09:30 s/ addison, i think you're an hour early// 16:09:41 s/ :-) good job !// 16:09:49 s/ trackbot, prepare teleconference// 16:10:03 s/ topic #i18n Remember the time change!!// 16:10:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:10:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html r12a 16:12:13 s/addison, i think you're an hour early// 16:12:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:12:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html r12a 16:12:41 s/trackbot, prepare teleconference// 16:13:00 s/ :-) good job !// 16:13:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:13:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html r12a 16:13:32 s/ :-) good job !// 16:13:38 s/:-) good job !// 16:13:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:13:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/11/04-i18n-minutes.html r12a