IRC log of rqtf on 2021-11-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:48:58 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
12:48:58 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:49:00 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
12:49:00 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rqtf
12:49:02 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
12:49:02 [trackbot]
Date: 03 November 2021
12:49:06 [jasonjgw]
chiar: jasonjgw
12:49:10 [jasonjgw]
12:49:16 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Accessibility of remote Meetings.
12:49:16 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements.
12:49:16 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements.
12:49:16 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ W3C Statements: Implications for Task Force publications.
12:49:16 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Upcoming workshop on professional media production on the Web.
12:49:18 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Automotive accessibility.
12:49:21 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ The future of accessibility APIs: possible privacy-related RQTF work.
12:49:23 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ RQTF and COGA: potential research topics.
12:49:36 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Miscellaneous TPAC 2021 observations.zakim, list agenda
12:49:57 [jasonjgw]
zakim, remove agendum 9
12:49:57 [Zakim]
agendum 9, Miscellaneous TPAC 2021 observations.zakim, list agenda, dropped
12:50:25 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Miscellaneous TPAC 2021 observations.
12:50:39 [jasonjgw]
zakim, list agenda
12:50:39 [Zakim]
I see 9 items remaining on the agenda:
12:50:40 [Zakim]
1. Accessibility of remote Meetings. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:40 [Zakim]
2. Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:40 [Zakim]
3. Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:40 [Zakim]
4. W3C Statements: Implications for Task Force publications. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:41 [Zakim]
5. Upcoming workshop on professional media production on the Web. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:41 [Zakim]
6. Automotive accessibility. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:42 [Zakim]
7. The future of accessibility APIs: possible privacy-related RQTF work. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:42 [Zakim]
8. RQTF and COGA: potential research topics. [from jasonjgw]
12:50:42 [Zakim]
10. Miscellaneous TPAC 2021 observations. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:04 [jasonjgw]
zakim, list agenda
12:51:04 [Zakim]
I see 9 items remaining on the agenda:
12:51:05 [Zakim]
1. Accessibility of remote Meetings. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:05 [Zakim]
2. Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:05 [Zakim]
3. Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:05 [Zakim]
4. W3C Statements: Implications for Task Force publications. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:06 [Zakim]
5. Upcoming workshop on professional media production on the Web. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:06 [Zakim]
6. Automotive accessibility. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:07 [Zakim]
7. The future of accessibility APIs: possible privacy-related RQTF work. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:07 [Zakim]
8. RQTF and COGA: potential research topics. [from jasonjgw]
12:51:07 [Zakim]
10. Miscellaneous TPAC 2021 observations. [from jasonjgw]
12:53:00 [janina]
janina has joined #rqtf
12:53:06 [janina]
12:53:10 [janina]
13:00:02 [scott_h]
scott_h has joined #rqtf
13:00:15 [Raja]
Raja has joined #rqtf
13:03:24 [SteveNoble]
SteveNoble has joined #rqtf
13:03:31 [SteveNoble]
13:03:36 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:03:36 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- Accessibility of remote Meetings. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:05:53 [Joshue108]
scribe: Joshue108
13:06:14 [Joshue108]
JS: We need a new due date for comments
13:06:21 [Joshue108]
The announcements didn't go out.
13:06:30 [Joshue108]
I suggest a Friday in Dec
13:07:08 [Joshue108]
I suggest both go into Dec
13:07:23 [Joshue108]
JW: Mid to late Dec is that ok?
13:07:33 [Joshue108]
SH: Janina mentioned a Friday
13:07:39 [Joshue108]
JS: We will accept late comments
13:08:20 [Joshue108]
Lets make them both Dec 10th (deadline for comments)
13:08:34 [Joshue108]
JS: We expect comments on the NAUR and remote meetings
13:08:44 [Joshue108]
SH: The feedback has been good thanks.
13:08:46 [Joshue108]
13:08:57 [Joshue108]
SH: Good experience
13:09:11 [Joshue108]
ack me
13:09:38 [jasonjgw]
Josh: will coordinate on messaging/announcements.
13:10:23 [Joshue108]
with Shawn
13:10:34 [Joshue108]
JS: There were minutes on remote meetings.
13:11:08 [Joshue108]
JS: There were back to back COGA issues, and it meant several group meetings were lumped together.
13:11:25 [Joshue108]
JS: I can try to get them
13:12:10 [Joshue108]
JW: When we get that done, we can look at this and discuss revisions
13:12:15 [Joshue108]
SH: Sounds good.
13:12:53 [Joshue108]
JW: We can do that and close out issues as we go.
13:13:20 [Joshue108]
JW: Any other preference?
13:13:24 [Joshue108]
SH: Takes action
13:14:01 [janina]
13:14:04 [Joshue108]
JS: I've got the URI
13:15:03 [Joshue108]
JS: <Discussion on a11y issues with Github>
13:15:09 [Joshue108]
<and Google docs>
13:15:36 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:15:36 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:16:02 [Joshue108]
JW: The meeting on this was a Voice Interface meeting
13:16:14 [Joshue108]
I attended one, and other colleagues were there.
13:16:41 [Joshue108]
There was a chance to socialise the document
13:16:53 [Joshue108]
No comments yet but it was raised and into IRC and minutes
13:17:25 [Joshue108]
JW: There were highlights, interest in a W3C workshop on speech and language interfaces.
13:17:40 [Joshue108]
This has been on the cards for a while, years.
13:17:55 [Joshue108]
Speech backed interfaces offer great potential
13:18:07 [Joshue108]
It was suggested there needs to be a rebalancing
13:18:16 [Joshue108]
There is an active community group
13:18:35 [Joshue108]
I noted the doc, and that it is available for comment.
13:18:38 [Joshue108]
13:18:39 [JPaton]
JPaton has joined #rqtf
13:18:49 [Joshue108]
13:19:34 [Joshue108]
JS: Looking at the APA TPAC wiki, it is a good place to gather things.
13:19:43 [Joshue108]
If you want to add that, go for it.
13:20:01 [Joshue108]
JW: We should gather these
13:20:15 [Joshue108]
JS: There are issues with what is supported etc
13:20:33 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:20:33 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:20:59 [Joshue108]
JW: This was a well attended and productive meeting
13:21:16 [Joshue108]
We have minutes etc and we can extract issues and work on the draft
13:21:19 [scott_h]
13:21:26 [Joshue108]
13:21:40 [Joshue108]
JW: We have some work to do on this.
13:21:49 [Joshue108]
JS: The due date for comments is Friday
13:23:35 [Joshue108]
JW: Steve where would you like to go with the feedback we got?
13:23:52 [Joshue108]
SN: I need to subscribe to issues list
13:24:28 [Joshue108]
JS: We can then create URIs that will show issues
13:25:07 [Joshue108]
JW: From minutes we will extract issues and write issues from them.
13:25:27 [Joshue108]
SN: If you want to review them and ping me - we will work out what to do.
13:25:37 [Joshue108]
JW: Then we will take action to review the draft
13:25:52 [Joshue108]
Next week we are at the WAI CooP project symposium
13:25:56 [Joshue108]
14 CET
13:26:08 [Joshue108]
13:26:25 [Joshue108]
JW: So no RQTF meeting next week. Back on the 17th of Nov
13:26:40 [Joshue108]
JS: Then the following week - day before Thanksgiving?
13:27:16 [Joshue108]
JS: I expect that Weds the 24th will not have meetings
13:27:26 [Joshue108]
JS: We can skip it ok
13:28:09 [JPaton]
13:28:11 [Joshue108]
If we are making good progress then we may not need the meeting time.
13:28:51 [Joshue108]
JW: 17th is the next
13:28:54 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:28:54 [Zakim]
agendum 4 -- W3C Statements: Implications for Task Force publications. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:29:27 [Joshue108]
JW: I've linked to the new process doc
13:29:42 [Joshue108]
Details of what this entails are in the 2021 W3C Process document:
13:29:42 [Joshue108]
13:30:02 [Joshue108]
JW: <Gives overview>
13:30:17 [Joshue108]
Now that process is in place we have discussed using this new process for our docs
13:30:42 [Joshue108]
JS: It would elevate the impact of the document
13:31:02 [Joshue108]
It is only a note at the moment - so the statement is more powerful.
13:31:30 [Joshue108]
A W3C Statement is a Note that has been endorsed by W3C as a whole
13:32:01 [Joshue108]
Cloudflare have interesting research on this, that we could introduce into the document
13:33:01 [Joshue108]
SH: Very happy to help
13:33:22 [Joshue108]
JW: Sounds like a good idea
13:33:25 [Joshue108]
Any concerns?
13:33:46 [Joshue108]
13:33:53 [Joshue108]
JW: Seems like agreement
13:34:29 [Joshue108]
RESOLUTION: RQTF will resume editing Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA with the goal of advancing to W3C statement status
13:35:31 [Joshue108]
JW: Open issues?
13:35:42 [Joshue108]
JS: No - they should be all responded to.
13:36:15 [Joshue108]
s/RESOLUTION: RQTF will resume editing Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA with the goal of advancing to W3C statement status/
13:36:18 [Joshue108]
RESOLUTION: RQTF will resume editing Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA with the goal of advancing to W3C statement status
13:36:20 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:36:21 [Zakim]
agendum 5 -- Upcoming workshop on professional media production on the Web. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:37:26 [Joshue108]
13:38:43 [jasonjgw]
Josh: there will be an accessibility-related presentation at the workshop, and a discussion of next steps that will include authoring tool accessibility issues.
13:39:18 [jasonjgw]
Josh: notes the relevance of the Synchronization Accessibility User Requirements.
13:39:27 [Joshue108]
13:40:05 [jasonjgw]
The focus is on media production, hence synchronization issues are not entirely in scope - though some aspects are.
13:42:30 [Joshue108]
JS: We are talking about in the can content
13:42:55 [Joshue108]
So lets start authoring ASL etc, as the HTML spec will support as many as you have translations for
13:43:04 [Joshue108]
Same for descriptions of video
13:43:11 [Joshue108]
13:43:23 [Joshue108]
JS: These descriptions don't always have to be audio
13:43:46 [Joshue108]
Nigel M - has flagged that he has written a library and descriptions can be added just as text
13:44:06 [Joshue108]
This text track can be provided, Nigel could talk about that
13:44:21 [Joshue108]
We have some big opportunity
13:45:01 [Joshue108]
SN: I was looking at the website
13:46:45 [Joshue108]
<co-ordinating involvement>
13:47:07 [Joshue108]
<Gives overview of Sync issues>
13:48:02 [Joshue108]
<Wrangles over time>
13:49:37 [Joshue108]
JW: Janina will take this up in APA
13:49:45 [Joshue108]
JS: Can Raja get involved?
13:50:52 [Joshue108]
We will follow up with him
13:51:25 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:51:25 [Zakim]
agendum 6 -- Automotive accessibility. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:51:41 [Joshue108]
JW: This was an interesting meeting
13:51:54 [Joshue108]
Dont recall major actions - if you know any lets discuss
13:52:14 [Joshue108]
Where this hits the UI is the question..
13:52:19 [Joshue108]
How is the question..
13:52:24 [Joshue108]
Can we come back to this?
13:52:25 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:52:25 [Zakim]
agendum 7 -- The future of accessibility APIs: possible privacy-related RQTF work. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:52:26 [Joshue108]
JS: Yes
13:53:07 [janina]
13:54:02 [Joshue108]
JW: There were two sessions on this
13:54:21 [Joshue108]
The most relevant outcome was interest in developing a privacy related analysis
13:54:59 [Joshue108]
and the way privacy is impacted (by A11y API development)
13:55:24 [Joshue108]
JS: The outcome seemed to be why are RQTF/ APA not working on this.
13:55:44 [Joshue108]
There are people to recruit Lionel W - has a lot of experience in privacy
13:56:14 [Joshue108]
There are also issues on future directions - there were things that fell into place around the ePub session.
13:56:20 [Joshue108]
Regarding ePub
13:56:59 [Joshue108]
Regarding interleaved communication - there were comments around snipping off features
13:57:10 [Joshue108]
such as multi track recording environments
13:57:19 [Joshue108]
Could be multiple tracks of meta data etc
13:57:31 [Joshue108]
XML, or Next Gen specs for music
13:57:38 [Joshue108]
Could support multiple lines of text
13:58:14 [Joshue108]
<Janina gives further examples of classical music interleaving etc>
13:58:48 [Joshue108]
Why not do this by abstracting the output of music into an ebook (by removing the music)
13:58:57 [Joshue108]
JS: Should I write this up?
13:59:10 [Joshue108]
Next Music XML markup
14:00:12 [Joshue108]
14:00:20 [Joshue108]
14:00:29 [Joshue108]
JS: There is a nexus here.
14:00:34 [Joshue108]
SN: I'm also a part of that.
14:01:31 [Joshue108]
SN: Teaches music at Louisville, Kentucky
14:01:38 [Joshue108]
JOC: Sounds facinating
14:01:39 [jasonjgw]
zakim, bye
14:01:39 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, janina, SteveNoble, scott_h, Joshue, JPaton
14:01:39 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rqtf
14:01:45 [jasonjgw]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:01:45 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jasonjgw
14:01:49 [Joshue108]
14:02:58 [janina]
14:03:02 [janina]
janina has left #rqtf
14:06:27 [SteveNoble_]
SteveNoble_ has joined #rqtf
16:01:57 [becky]
becky has joined #rqtf