IRC log of smart-cities on 2021-10-21
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 07:11:08 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #smart-cities
- 07:11:08 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 07:11:10 [dom]
- RRSAgent, stay
- 07:11:14 [dom]
- RRSAgent, make log public
- 12:01:19 [Jay]
- Jay has joined #smart-cities
- 12:55:38 [Jay]
- Jay has joined #smart-cities
- 13:28:57 [Karen]
- Karen has joined #smart-cities
- 13:29:18 [kaz]
- kaz has joined #smart-cities
- 13:29:27 [kaz]
- rrsagent, bye
- 13:29:27 [RRSAgent]
- I see no action items
- 13:29:35 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #smart-cities
- 13:29:35 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:29:49 [kaz]
- meeting: Smart Cities Breakout - Day 2
- 13:53:19 [kirkwood]
- kirkwood has joined #smart-cities
- 13:54:50 [McCool]
- McCool has joined #smart-cities
- 13:58:45 [kaz]
- present+ Kaz_Ashimura__W3C
- 13:58:57 [Hirata]
- Hirata has joined #smart-cities
- 14:00:17 [ota]
- ota has joined #smart-cities
- 14:01:39 [Mizushima]
- Mizushima has joined #smart-cities
- 14:02:26 [takashi]
- takashi has joined #smart-cities
- 14:02:54 [ktoumura]
- ktoumura has joined #smart-cities
- 14:05:34 [kaz]
- -> workshop page
- 14:05:46 [kaz]
- -> workshop report
- 14:06:03 [kaz]
- -> proposed IG Charter
- 14:06:38 [kaz]
- i/workshop page/topic: Discussion/
- 14:06:56 [McCool]
- kaz: introduces charter and workshop
- 14:07:09 [McCool]
- ... charter has been updated to reflect discussion during workshop
- 14:07:24 [McCool]
- ... updated use cases and scope
- 14:07:33 [kaz]
- Survey on the existing technologies and standards for Smart Cities (Technology Landscape)
- 14:07:33 [kaz]
- Best Practices on what technologies, e.g., WoT, Automotive, Geospatial, VR/AR, Speech and Semantic Web, to be applied for what kind of Smart Cities applications, e.g., improved accessibility, visitor guidance and energy management.
- 14:07:34 [kaz]
- Use cases and requirements for Smart Cities
- 14:07:47 [McCool]
- ... proposed main purpose is survey of existing technologies and standards
- 14:08:20 [McCool]
- eric: reviewed this draft, was thinking scope should include "identification of stakeholders"
- 14:09:00 [McCool]
- kaz: would like to give background, then summarize first session, then we can discuss improvements
- 14:09:11 [McCool]
- kaz: (reviews first session minutes)
- 14:09:29 [McCool]
- kaz: eric already mentioned outreach
- 14:10:10 [dom]
- dom has joined #smart-cities
- 14:10:40 [McCool]
- mccool: another point that showed up in the last session was making sure services were accessible, i.e. to people without computers
- 14:11:19 [McCool]
- kaz: based on discussion in first session we are also looking at updating the charter e.g. to list stakeholder
- 14:12:29 [McCool]
- mccool: I believe I also mentioned coordination with smart building WGs and SDOs
- 14:12:51 [McCool]
- kaz: (reviews existing list of SDOs and groups in charter)
- 14:14:06 [McCool]
- eric: looking at the country list?
- 14:14:20 [McCool]
- kaz: not actually a list of countries, but orgs; ASEAN, etc.
- 14:14:47 [McCool]
- eric: ASEAN is southeast asia; do want to communicate importance of Japan, Taiwan, etc.
- 14:15:19 [McCool]
- ... proposing that that area is where we should initially focus, as they are most open to coordinated effort
- 14:16:24 [McCool]
- mccool: also noticed the "Smart Cities Council" is not there; but agree that asian cities are a good starting point
- 14:16:41 [McCool]
- kaz: right; but to be clear, I just wanted to review the last session and the current status
- 14:16:54 [Ryuichi]
- Ryuichi has joined #smart-cities
- 14:17:30 [McCool]
- kaz: although regarding asian cities, I live in Japan and can work with the Japanese government
- 14:18:02 [McCool]
- ... and we already have relationship with Singapore
- 14:18:23 [McCool]
- kaz: would also like to point out discussion of accessibility issues
- 14:18:36 [McCool]
- ... including cognitive issues
- 14:19:01 [McCool]
- kaz: would like to ask participants here for further comments
- 14:19:03 [kaz]
- q+ daniel
- 14:19:07 [kaz]
- ack d
- 14:19:19 [McCool]
- dersen: nordic chapter, sweden
- 14:19:39 [McCool]
- ... involved in a test for climate neutral smart city project
- 14:19:53 [McCool]
- ... e.g. making parking, heating, etc. more efficient
- 14:20:18 [McCool]
- ... very clear connection between climate crisis and smart cities
- 14:20:33 [McCool]
- ... connection should be made in the charter
- 14:20:35 [McCool]
- q?
- 14:20:37 [McCool]
- q+
- 14:20:47 [kirkwood]
- sorry I had to jump off session, I am in NYC and v involved w/ gov’t in creation of our digital technology environment. unfortnunately needed to drop. woked for environmental protection & on cognitive accessibility task force
- 14:21:13 [kaz]
- q+ kirkwood
- 14:21:14 [McCool]
- ... have partner cities throughout the world
- 14:21:17 [kirkwood]
- I am in New York, NY, USA
- 14:21:36 [clauspopp]
- clauspopp has joined #smart-cities
- 14:22:04 [McCool]
- ... also TMforum
- 14:23:30 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:23:35 [McCool]
- McCool has joined #smart-cities
- 14:23:48 [kirkwood]
- yes
- 14:23:54 [McCool]
- ... EU project is called "Viable Cities"
- 14:24:24 [McCool]
- ... I also noticed that Larsen joined, has been working on similar projects
- 14:24:38 [McCool]
- larsen: let me give a short introduction
- 14:24:44 [ryuichi]
- ryuichi has joined #smart-cities
- 14:24:47 [Eric_Siow]
- Eric_Siow has joined #smart-cities
- 14:24:47 [McCool]
- ... I am with RISE research
- 14:24:48 [kaz]
- qq+ clauspopp
- 14:24:50 [RobSmith]
- RobSmith has joined #smart-cities
- 14:24:52 [kaz]
- ack cl
- 14:24:52 [Zakim]
- clauspopp, you wanted to react to daniel
- 14:25:03 [McCool]
- ... working with cities on how to build up capacity to collect and share data
- 14:25:14 [McCool]
- ... working with 18 cities, including all the large ones
- 14:25:30 [McCool]
- ... started with a minimum technical framework: data, platform, services
- 14:25:37 [McCool]
- ... APIs, data models
- 14:25:59 [McCool]
- ... also principles around openness
- 14:26:18 [McCool]
- ... really difficult part is not technical, but organizational; for example, who owns the data
- 14:26:34 [McCool]
- ... if supplier owns it, they can't share it, have to worry about classification, etc.
- 14:26:59 [McCool]
- ... then all the problems with finance, business models
- 14:27:04 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:27:16 [McCool]
- ... regarding W3C, sounds interesting what you are doing
- 14:27:41 [McCool]
- kaz: main purpose of this group is asking stakeholders for input and defining pain points and requirements
- 14:27:55 [McCool]
- ... what are the gaps?
- 14:28:01 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:28:03 [kaz]
- ack mc
- 14:28:10 [kaz]
- mm: sustainability
- 14:28:19 [kaz]
- ... belong somewhere in charter
- 14:28:20 [kaz]
- ... +1
- 14:28:30 [kaz]
- ack kirk
- 14:28:36 [McCool]
- mccool: strongly agree that sustainability belongs somewhere in the charter
- 14:28:52 [McCool]
- kirk: in US, NYC
- 14:29:27 [McCool]
- ... one issue right now is making sure we have high-speed access to poorer areas
- 14:29:39 [McCool]
- ... has become especially important with COVID-19
- 14:29:55 [McCool]
- ... have replaced most of our phone booths with access points
- 14:30:14 [McCool]
- ... important to get kids online so they can participate in classes
- 14:30:29 [McCool]
- ... distributed (and had to track) thousands of ipads, as well
- 14:31:16 [McCool]
- ... also worked in Taipei for a while; currently involved in Accessibility WG
- 14:31:51 [McCool]
- ... cognitive important both for neuroatypical and aging communities
- 14:32:50 [McCool]
- kaz: for student access, not only hardware, but all the applications and all the data
- 14:33:06 [McCool]
- ... probably hard for existing teachers to access
- 14:33:18 [zkis]
- zkis has joined #smart-cities
- 14:33:47 [McCool]
- kirk: should also mention we also do real-time translation into 7 languages
- 14:34:05 [McCool]
- ... using Microsoft
- 14:34:19 [McCool]
- q?
- 14:34:46 [McCool]
- mccool: priorities are also important
- 14:34:58 [McCool]
- kaz: to kirkwood; do you have priorities?
- 14:35:17 [McCool]
- kirk: equal access to all despite financial differences
- 14:35:38 [McCool]
- ... especially for teaching, but also environmental area
- 14:35:40 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:35:53 [McCool]
- ... also worked on GIS for water supply, for example
- 14:36:39 [McCool]
- kaz: Mohammad, did you have any opinions here?
- 14:37:03 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:37:47 [McCool]
- mccool: what are the factors that affect accessibility?
- 14:37:50 [kirkwood]
- Look forward to the potential to continue discussion, sorry needed to drop.
- 14:37:54 [kaz]
- qq+ Rob
- 14:38:01 [kaz]
- ack r
- 14:38:01 [Zakim]
- Rob, you wanted to react to kirkwood
- 14:38:49 [kaz]
- qq+ McCool
- 14:38:53 [kaz]
- ack m
- 14:38:53 [Zakim]
- McCool, you wanted to react to Rob
- 14:39:04 [kirkwood]
- I will follow in IRC.
- 14:39:27 [McCool]
- smith: simple answer is interoperability; website that follows standards is better than app with proprate
- 14:39:51 [McCool]
- ... apis, models, open; browser, widely available, not tied to specific devices
- 14:40:03 [McCool]
- ... also business models
- 14:40:11 [kaz]
- q+ Eric_Siow
- 14:40:15 [kaz]
- ack e
- 14:40:20 [McCool]
- eric: interesting issue about availablility of data
- 14:40:41 [McCool]
- ... but how do we resolve the difference in policies around privacy in different countries
- 14:40:44 [kaz]
- s/availablility/availability/
- 14:41:18 [kaz]
- q+ McCool
- 14:41:25 [kaz]
- ack m
- 14:41:32 [McCool]
- ... some are more restrictive, some governments require access to all data
- 14:41:58 [McCool]
- ... also supplier ownership, also information can be inferred from what seems like innocus data
- 14:42:09 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:42:47 [McCool]
- smith: there have been some examples where roads in military bases were revealed by exersise tracking data
- 14:42:58 [kaz]
- q+ claus
- 14:43:01 [kaz]
- ack c
- 14:43:09 [McCool]
- larsen: are you assuming there will be some access control
- 14:43:13 [McCool]
- q+
- 14:44:48 [McCool]
- mccool: I'd like to point out the Solid CG work, who are looking at mechanisms to share private data in a controlled way
- 14:45:04 [McCool]
- ... but are two issues, technical and policy
- 14:45:46 [McCool]
- larsen: who owns data is an issue; right now EULAs tend to state this
- 14:46:00 [McCool]
- ... sometimes in ways that are a little troubling
- 14:46:06 [kaz]
- q+ Eric_Siow
- 14:46:09 [kaz]
- ack m
- 14:46:11 [kaz]
- ack e
- 14:46:31 [McCool]
- eric: excellent point, and makes it clear why we need to get cities involved so we can understand the legal ramifications
- 14:47:27 [McCool]
- kaz: also mentioned these kinds of issues during workshop; have included some points about data governance
- 14:47:52 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:47:57 [McCool]
- ... and the point of the group is not to generate standards itself, but to gather pain points, requirements, and priorities
- 14:48:11 [kaz]
- q+ claus
- 14:48:13 [kaz]
- ack c
- 14:48:27 [McCool]
- larsen: is it part of the IG to understand what other SDOs are doing?
- 14:48:46 [McCool]
- kaz: yes, we have a list of other SDOs we need to collaborate with and review
- 14:49:14 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:49:27 [McCool]
- eric: one of the things we struggled with 2-3 years ago; we were looking at IoT ecosystem, which is a total mess
- 14:49:55 [McCool]
- ... lack of coordinate and common language is a big problem in IoT, and will hold back Smart Cities too
- 14:50:17 [McCool]
- ... we need to figure out the focus that W3C can make the most impact
- 14:50:35 [McCool]
- ... we *don't* want to duplicate work already done elsewhere
- 14:51:03 [RobSmith]
- Spatial Data on the Web recently published a guidance document on location data privacy:
- 14:51:14 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:51:21 [RobSmith]
- q+
- 14:52:11 [McCool]
- kaz: W3C WoT is working in the area of IoT; Smart Cities arose out of some use cases in IoT but is a much broader topic
- 14:52:22 [kaz]
- ack r
- 14:52:37 [McCool]
- smith: spatial data on the web, now a WG
- 14:52:44 [McCool]
- ... interested in location side of this
- 14:52:51 [McCool]
- ... we published a Note on location data
- 14:53:11 [McCool]
- ... and its privacy considerations, e.g. where you are and where you aren't
- 14:53:39 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:53:52 [kaz]
- topic: Wrap-up
- 14:54:00 [McCool]
- mccool: next steps?
- 14:54:23 [McCool]
- kaz: we should at least update draft charter based on discussions in these breakouts
- 14:54:36 [McCool]
- ... and we need to reach out to other smart citie stakeholders
- 14:55:57 [kaz]
- 14:56:01 [McCool]
- mccool: I suggest we create some issues in github around some of the issues raised, eg. sustainability
- 14:56:38 [McCool]
- kaz: not we are using the w3c/wot report for now; create issues and label them with "Smart Cities"
- 14:56:52 [kaz]
- q+ Eric_Siow
- 14:56:54 [kaz]
- ack e
- 14:57:10 [McCool]
- eric: did anyone attend the sustainability breakout? there is a separate conversation whether this should be a horizontal requirement
- 14:57:48 [McCool]
- ... current formal objects to DIDs is bitcoin mining is very expensive; blockchain is expensive
- 14:58:20 [kaz]
- q?
- 14:58:24 [McCool]
- ... consumption of electricity is not the same as carbon emission; and there are other things like video that also consume a lot of power
- 14:59:08 [McCool]
- ... if we include sustainability, those issues will come up
- 14:59:33 [McCool]
- mccool: although I think sustainability would have some up anyway, e.g. distributed energy management
- 14:59:51 [McCool]
- kaz: we should clarify our expectations
- 15:00:05 [kaz]
- <>
- 15:00:13 [McCool]
- ... so please give your comments on a github issue, or if you would prefer send me a private email
- 15:00:31 [McCool]
- kaz: unfortunately, time to close thanks to all the attendees!
- 15:00:55 [kaz]
- [adjourned]
- 15:01:03 [kaz]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 15:01:07 [kaz]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 15:01:07 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate kaz
- 15:13:59 [ktoumura]
- ktoumura has left #smart-cities
- 15:39:56 [Karen]
- Karen has joined #smart-cities
- 15:44:48 [m_]
- m_ has joined #smart-cities
- 15:45:03 [m_]
- m_ has left #smart-cities
- 15:58:11 [dom]
- dom has left #smart-cities
- 16:23:55 [Karen]
- Karen has joined #smart-cities
- 17:00:11 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #smart-cities