14:55:37 RRSAgent has joined #cogapanel 14:55:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/21-cogapanel-irc 14:55:57 q+ 14:56:02 scribe: Jennie 14:56:04 ack Rain 14:56:05 present+ 14:56:12 trackbot, start meeting 14:56:12 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 14:56:13 scribe: Jennie3 14:56:16 present+ 14:56:36 RRSagent, make minutes 14:56:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/21-cogapanel-minutes.html Rain 14:57:01 RRSagent, make logs public 14:58:30 tzviya has joined #cogapanel 14:58:53 LisaSeemanKest_ has joined #cogapanel 15:00:39 julierawe__ has joined #cogapanel 15:00:44 present+ 15:01:07 SamK has joined #cogapanel 15:01:39 becky has joined #cogapanel 15:01:42 stevelee has joined #cogapanel 15:01:48 avneeshsingh has joined #cogapanel 15:01:51 present+ 15:02:09 present+ 15:02:54 Slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YeqvkeE6xbh8yAAUvliA6v4MqbLsj28dFxzRcMyGTz0/edit#slide=id.p 15:03:44 Rain: Welcome to the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Making Content Usable Panel 15:03:45 Kim_patch has joined #cogapanel 15:03:54 Rain: This session is meant to be a conversation. 15:04:03 ...You may have questions that reveal some of your stories. 15:04:22 ...We want to give a chance for anyone concerned about recording to state that now. 15:04:33 ...And is it ok to make this recording public after TPAC? 15:04:37 q? 15:04:50 Rain: No concerns have been shared. 15:05:03 Rain: (reviews agenda) 15:05:13 ...Slides will be available to reference at another time. 15:05:13 cweidner has joined #Cogapanel 15:05:31 Rain: We will review the objectives, and go through some with panelists. Then we will open up to questions. 15:05:39 ...We will then talk about what's next. 15:05:47 ...You can submit your questions through IRC 15:06:11 ...You can cue in IRC using the letter q then the plus sign 15:06:25 kirkwood has joined #cogapanel 15:06:33 ...3 panelists today: Lisa Seeman - co-facilitator 15:06:52 ...John Kirkwood is also a member of the COGA task force 15:07:11 ...David Fazio - also a member of the COGA task force 15:07:25 ...panelists are coga users 15:07:37 ...I am Rain Michaels, and a co-facilitator of the task force 15:08:01 ...Include this as part of everything you do 15:08:16 ...Latest statistics: 930 million people worldwide are a part of this group 15:08:23 ...This does not count those that are undiagnosed 15:08:35 Jemma has joined #cogapanel 15:08:38 ...About 12% of the US population are estimated to have cognitive disabilities 15:08:55 ...Between 12 and 20% of people show signs of dyslexia 15:09:11 ...Looking at these numbers show this is not niche - it is part of our global population 15:09:13 present+ 15:09:20 ...Cognitive accessibility is imperative 15:09:36 ...Especially in light of COVID: digital experiences are important 15:09:54 ...Some of the functional needs include attention, language and literacy 15:10:03 ...learning, mental health 15:10:14 ...Reviewing the slides will share more about the diagnoses 15:10:18 ...The slides have more information 15:10:41 ...The slide shows a working father, with 2 children with him at the table while he is trying to work 15:10:56 ...Cognitive needs can be situational or temporary, example fatigue and others 15:11:02 ...Shifting gears 15:11:05 ...What is COGA? 15:11:15 Joshue108 has joined #cogapanel 15:11:17 ...Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force 15:11:24 present+ 15:11:29 JustineP has joined #cogapanel 15:11:35 ...Goal: improve web accessibility and usability for people with cognitive and learning disabilities and differences 15:11:56 ...There are many myths and biases - causes people to misunderstand, misjudge the numbers 15:12:06 ...The task force has 2 parent working groups 15:12:12 ...APA WG and AG WG 15:12:24 ...We also have a community group which is independent of the task force 15:12:35 ...We invite attendees to join this commnity group 15:12:53 ...COGA recently published Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities 15:13:02 ...We are collaborating with the Silver Task Force for WCAG 3 15:13:11 ...We are also working on a mental health literature review 15:13:30 ...We plan to release 2.0 of Content Usable, learn more about mental health, and more emphasis on internationalization 15:13:32 cweidner has joined #Cogapanel 15:13:44 ...Making Content Usable: aim is to remove cognitive barriers 15:13:50 ...This document has many sections 15:14:10 ...Objectives, user stories, design guide, user testing, and personas 15:14:20 Present_ Lisa Seeman 15:14:27 Present+ Lisa Seeman 15:14:35 Present+ John Kirkwood 15:14:40 Present+ Rain Michaels 15:14:47 Present+ David Fazio 15:14:59 Rain: we are going to start with the 1st objective: what things are, how to use them 15:15:12 ...I am going to turn to John Kirkwood to talk about this 15:15:20 present+ 15:15:21 q? 15:15:30 John K: I have a cognitive disability due to a brain aneurysm 15:15:44 ...This has similarities to the impact on a person who is agining 15:15:52 ...agingn 15:15:56 Judy has joined #cogapanel 15:16:08 ...Helping users understand what things are and how to use them is something a lot of people feel sometimes 15:16:08 Fazio has joined #cogapanel 15:16:17 ...This is similar to the issues with flat design 15:16:18 present+ 15:16:19 jcraig has joined #cogapanel 15:16:28 ...An aging family member may encounter a flat design 15:16:39 rrsagent, make minutes 15:16:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/21-cogapanel-minutes.html jcraig 15:16:50 ...And they may not find the interactive elements because some of the visuals indicating something is a button are not there 15:16:58 ...People can be lost from a cognitive perspective 15:17:16 ...This cna be a difficult area for people with cognitive issues 15:17:17 the COVID 19 Small Business Administration disaster loan relief site for federal US government had this problem 15:17:21 Rain: Thank you John 15:17:28 ...This reminds me of the concept of affordances 15:17:39 ...areas of a something to inform you on how to use it 15:17:49 saliency 15:17:53 ...An affordance does not exist if the person perceiving it does not recognize it 15:18:05 Rain: there are ways to ensure the important factors are visible 15:18:30 David F: This is important when I was looking at the Disaster Loan Programs 15:18:33 Francis_Storr has joined #cogapanel 15:18:40 ...There is one for small businesses hurting during the pandemic 15:18:40 present+ 15:18:52 ...There are lots of images that look like buttons, but they are not all buttons 15:18:55 present+ 15:19:08 ...In order for any user to understand what needs to be done - the image needs to have saliency 15:19:14 ...It needs to differentiate itself. 15:19:24 ...And it needs to communicate that something needs to be done with it 15:19:34 ...For people with cognitive disabilities, this needs to be really clear 15:19:50 ...Some of us do not always know what to do with some of these 15:19:58 ...Memories are neural patterns 15:20:04 ...If we forget them, we lose out on that opportunity 15:20:14 Rain: That is a good segway to the next object - #2 15:20:19 ...Helping users find what they need 15:20:40 Rain: Lisa has an important story about not being able to find what you need 15:20:43 you can still go to the SBA's EIDL site and see what I mean 15:20:49 Lisa: I have an impaired visual memory, among other things 15:20:59 ...The word recognition thing people can do is difficult for me 15:21:13 ...When my daughter was in pre-school 15:21:20 ...They used to send a really long newsletter 15:21:30 ...It had lots of information that was nice, but not urgent 15:21:38 ...As a slow reader I would not read the whole thing 15:21:57 ...One week they had important information down in the content: the kindergarten was closing early for an event in the evening 15:22:05 ...I was not going to get to it 15:22:12 ...I showed up at the typical time 15:22:16 ...And this was late 15:22:34 ...I had asked for an accommodation - for information that was important presented earlier 15:22:48 q? 15:22:48 ...This is something important to remember: put important information right at the top 15:23:06 ...Short, helpful headings that can bring to people's attention the information they need 15:23:14 ...Both in the information, and the structure of the site 15:23:27 Present+ Tzviya Siegman 15:23:31 HCI studies show all users scan web pages for information they're looking for. This is called top down attentive selection with a pre-attentive set )bias of what it should look like) 15:23:48 Lisa: These user needs and being taken into account as part of a specification, it can make it really strong 15:24:01 Rain: Thank you. The next objective: use clear and understandable content 15:24:09 ...Lisa you have another good story about this 15:24:14 Lisa: My late father had dementia 15:24:24 ...when he was still able to live alone with some support 15:24:34 ...He had an upgraded heating/air conditioning unit 15:24:45 ...The interface had the word "mode" to switch between heating and cooling 15:24:56 FredrikFischer has joined #cogapanel 15:24:59 ...He could manage pretty well. Someone came in, turned on the air conditioning, and left 15:25:11 ...He couldn't turn it back to heating once alone - mode did not mean anything to him 15:25:26 ...Learning a new interface was not something he could remember for longer than a half hour 15:25:34 ...New information, new jargon, was not going to work for him 15:25:38 ...He got hyperthermia 15:25:48 ...Thank goodness my sister arrived and took him to the emergency room 15:25:59 ...This was the point we decided to have a live-in care giver for him 15:26:20 multiple deliveries of information is important (text + image) 15:26:23 ...This word, if it had said "heating/air conditioning" he may have been able to stay independent for another 6 months - year 15:26:42 ...This group is likely to rise in numbers, and the care costs will also increase 15:27:02 ...Familiar vocabulary and interfaces can increase their ability to remain independent for longer 15:27:04 use the 1st question is free rule 15:27:06 Rain: thank you Lisa 15:27:19 ...The next objective: helping users avoid mistakes and know how to correct them. 15:27:29 if a question is asked twice it's time for a visual device 15:27:31 Present+ Juanita George 15:27:37 Present+ Julie Rawe 15:27:45 Present+ Sam Kanta 15:27:46 q+ 15:28:07 Rain: David has some good stories on paying taxes 15:28:20 q? 15:28:38 David F: Our brain can only take in so much during a day 15:28:51 ...When we sleep, anything we have not added into neural patterns get pushed out 15:29:00 ...Taking in more information during the day is why we get tired 15:29:19 ...Working through forms, making mistakes...adds to our stress, makes us less able to formulate new memories 15:29:37 ...You continue to make the same mistake over and over 15:29:56 ...It can impact your life in a serious way, like trying to pay your taxes, or make a deadline to pay a bill 15:30:12 ...Once a person with a cognitive disability forgets something, it is gone! 15:30:19 [Judy is finding the panel discussion excellent and extremely informative, but was concerned to hear WCAG characterized as only covering issues of visual perception. It is broader than that. Perhaps toward the end of the presentation it may be possible to comment on that.] 15:30:32 q? 15:30:59 John K: This is important. Banking, other services are all moving on line 15:31:05 q? 15:31:33 John K: This can make people visually overwhelmed, visually overwhelmed - to help people prepare for the process 15:32:52 Judy: I am loving the panel discussion. Thank you for both the content and different perspectives 15:32:56 attenvisual masking and inattentional blindness cause this also 15:33:07 ...I would like to express some nervousness about how the WCAG guidelines were characterized. 15:33:15 ...I think it is broader in terms of disability coverage. 15:33:21 cweidner has joined #Cogapanel 15:33:31 ...There are many, many issues that we want to be covering much better in the language and learning areas. 15:33:44 ....I am greatful for the work being done. 15:33:51 Rain: that was not our attention. 15:33:58 ...I appreciate the correction. 15:34:14 ...What I was trying to communicate was the degree of difference when considering understandability 15:34:27 ...when thinking about cognitive differences 15:34:30 ...Thank you both for that correction Judy. 15:34:44 David F: To put it into context most of the world we take in is visual 15:34:50 ...Magic tricks is an example 15:35:06 ...There is visual masking: you look at something, something else happens, you don't notice a portion changing 15:35:13 ...There is also attentional blindness 15:35:20 ...This is how magicians do their tricks 15:35:28 ...This happens when completing an onling form 15:35:47 ...An advertisement can capture your attention, it can wipe your memory clean, and you don't remember what you were doing before 15:35:56 ...This can cause people to make mistakes 15:36:11 Rain: David you did just describe our next objective which is help users maintain focus! 15:36:26 Lisa: All these issues being described might be overwhelming. 15:36:43 ...In Making Content Usable we have identified bad patterns, but also shared good design 15:36:57 ...Example at the beginning of a task telling people what they need - that is one example 15:37:14 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#summary 15:37:14 ...We are really trying to help people identify why people are abandoning tasks 15:37:29 ...so these types of issues don't arise in the first place, especially when developing new technologies 15:37:43 A lot of these patterns/objectives effect one another 15:37:52 Rain: thank you. Good discussion on helping users avoid mistakes. And David introduced the distraction concept 15:37:57 ...I have my own example of this 15:38:10 I do that a lot too 15:38:12 ...I was in the middle of trying to pay something really important, something distracted me 15:38:35 ...My focus was taken away, I never did the final submit! I ended up being late, and had expensive penalties 15:39:01 ...All that the content created needed to do for something important in the flow - don't distract the user from taking the final step 15:39:11 ...The next objective: ensuring that processes do not rely on memory 15:39:24 Present+ Becky Gibson 15:39:29 Present+ Bev Corwin 15:39:31 q? 15:39:35 ack Jennie3 15:39:38 ack Judy 15:39:39 Present+ Kim Patch 15:39:45 we got this into a WCAG 2.2 Success Criteria, Redundant Entry (do not rely on memory) 15:39:49 Present+ Steve Lee 15:40:06 Lisa: After I lock myself out of my accounts, I send an email to my accountant and she can help me 15:40:16 ...Sometimes I drive to the bank, and they can be quite nasty about it 15:40:29 ...Another person shared with me that they rely on their caregiver to help with this 15:40:35 ...This can be a real security breach! 15:40:42 ...Others write down their passworc 15:40:50 ...password, and this can be less secure 15:41:09 ...As people make things more secure, when they don't include these user needs, they are making them less secure 15:41:30 ...Having a few user stories and scenarios could have improved the process 15:41:43 ...While this is getting better, it could still be improved 15:41:55 Rain: If you were only to do one thing and nothing else, this one is the most important 15:42:10 ...To provide help and support - to help those that are blocked, to get the help that they need 15:42:20 Present+ Francis Storr 15:42:25 Present+ cmarte 15:42:31 Present+ Chris Weidner 15:42:40 Lisa: The data with smart cities was another pattern we found 15:42:46 q? 15:42:53 ...People are using an app for parking, and it is WCAG accessible 15:43:07 ...It has lots of words, there are ads to sell you car insurance, and other things 15:43:16 ...Those that are aging and have age related memory loss 15:43:26 ...They tend to put money into the machine instead of using the app 15:43:41 ...They don't want to commit to using something, they are avoiding using the app 15:43:54 ...This group is now excluded as part of the user group, as part of the decision making 15:44:14 ...For things like how long lights last, other decisions being drawn through the data from this app 15:44:20 super important point Lisa +1 15:44:25 ...When people cannot manage the app groups are being invisible 15:44:34 ...You won't even know you are missing data - who is not there? 15:44:55 Rain: people becoming invisible - it is not that they are not trying to use the tool, but they are blocked 15:45:11 John K: The importance of having that findable area of help, no matter where you are, or throughout a process 15:45:25 ...Sometimes it is the 3rd time you have done it, but having one specific place that is ever-present 15:45:38 ...That allows a user to get the help they need - makes a better experience for everyone 15:45:43 ...The place is clear, findable 15:46:04 ...As a developer or designer, you may not know the abandonnment on page 5 takes time, or has a visual overload for some 15:46:18 ...Indicates why there is abandonnment at that time due to something like processing speed 15:46:42 David F: I have an anecdote from user research on whether people would purchase for a major fast food chain 15:46:59 ...These individuals were in their late 50s or 60s. They had not made an online purchase 15:47:17 ....They reported that they were not sure of what they were doing - they did not feel confident 15:47:30 ...that they were doing the right thing. So they had never made a purchase anywhere 15:47:37 ...Even though they had smartphones 15:47:47 ...If there had been ways to get help, they may have made these purchases 15:48:01 Present+ Rashmi Katakwar 15:48:16 Rain: the final objective: support adaptation and personalization 15:48:30 ...I rely on large phones, text to speech extension, and reduced motion 15:48:51 ...When my settings or extensions are blocked by an interface, I am unable to visually process the information and my brain shuts off 15:49:02 ...What we are talking about is not needs for a niche group of people 15:49:14 ...I am an interaction designer, we are part of the work force, part of the day to day 15:49:28 ...We are the people for whom the specification is being designer for 15:49:35 ...We are ready for questions 15:49:36 q? 15:49:42 ...Please use the IRC or Zoom chat 15:49:54 don't be shy 15:50:17 Lisa: Personalization is an excellent example of where the W3C can be part of the solution 15:50:33 ...From distractions, to unfamiliar symbols, to can you highlight the right thing 15:50:37 q? 15:50:39 ...These can be part of good semantics 15:50:45 ...and well designed specifications 15:50:50 Very good session, it completely booked my full attention, a great model for for other groups to follow. And of course great information conveyed through personal stories. 15:51:10 q? 15:51:20 John K: These parameters for cognitive accessibility have been looked at a lot, by lots of different companies 15:51:28 ...Companies are doing conversation design 15:51:42 ...There is lots going on around keeping information clear and concise - like phone trees 15:52:01 ...They have examined interaction designs for phone trees that could be brought over into the other spaces 15:52:28 ...Cognitive principles - you can get to the information in a quick way, just like designing for mobile 15:52:41 ...These parameters can really help from a cognitive design perspective 15:52:44 q? 15:52:55 David F: Many social media companies are looking into this 15:53:06 ...Help users have a positive experience 15:53:19 ...When a user enjoys doing something, this creates dopamine bursts in the brain 15:53:32 ...It helps us refocus, reduces our stress, helps us have an easier time 15:53:43 ...Focus on the positive aspects, and delight people as they move through the process 15:54:09 Rain: That is an interesting point, David. I have been reading that when something is novel or unexpected 15:54:19 ...it increases their ability to focus 15:54:30 John K: Unfortunately, this also applies to pop up ads 15:54:37 Lisa: and something this works against us too 15:54:52 Rain: Exactly! The confetti bursts can interrupt cognitive 15:55:04 ...In content usable we have an entire section on testing with users 15:55:24 ...working with an inclusive group of people, and finding out how they respond so you can find that balance 15:55:33 ...between what is supportive, and captures the interest 15:55:50 ...David also helps us remember that individuals may have cognitive skills they are not able to use 15:55:58 ...Maybe someone has challenges with task following 15:56:08 ...But they may also have strengths in other cognitive skill areas 15:56:19 ...This can play into specifications as we think about multi-modality 15:56:26 ...What cognitive skills do these require? 15:56:39 q? 15:56:40 ...Can someone use another cognitive skill that maybe they are better at using 15:56:50 Rain reminder: Ask if OK to share the recording publicly. 15:56:53 ...Please feel free to reach out to us 15:57:13 Rain: I would like to remind attendees that we just covered some of the topic. This is very complex 15:57:25 ...There are only 3 panelists here describing their specific experience. 15:57:39 ...Please take time to look at the resources included in the slides 15:57:50 ...What can you do for cognitive accessibility? 15:57:54 ...1. Work with COGA 15:58:04 ...2. Add some of these user needs to your work 15:58:10 ...3. Ask us to review your work 15:58:32 ...We want to help you reach out to us! There are recordings of the session on how to work with COGA 15:58:39 ...And we want to raise awareness! 15:58:58 ...Tell people about the task force, about our community group, share feedback on Content Usable document, and join us! 15:59:11 ...Email the co-chairs 15:59:46 David F: having animals in the work place is positive! 15:59:52 Our email addresses: lisa.seeman@zoho.com and rainb@google.com 15:59:54 John K: I agree with that! 16:00:08 ...and bring cognitive thinking in early, especially designers 16:00:17 ...People are excited about this 16:00:27 ...This is an important part of design thinking 16:00:39 Lisa: We are starting to work on mental health which has a huge overlap 16:00:50 I forgot to thank Julie Rawe for incredible help with building this deck! 16:00:55 ...If anyone is interested in that area as well, we will be publishing an update 16:01:02 And thank you Jennie for scribing! 16:01:18 Lisa: This is important in times of stress and crisis 16:01:38 Rain: we are at time. Thank you Lisa, John, David. 16:01:45 ...Thank you Judy for the correction 16:01:57 ...Thank you Julie Rawe for helping with the deck, Jennie for subscribing. 16:02:09 ...One more ask: is everyone ok with this being posted publicly? 16:02:19 (no objections received) 16:02:26 Rain: looking forward to the join sessions 16:02:42 rrsagent, make minutes 16:02:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/21-cogapanel-minutes.html Jennie3 18:02:06 Zakim has left #cogapanel 19:59:20 Rain has left #cogapanel 20:04:09 Francis_Storr has joined #cogapanel 21:31:36 Francis_Storr has joined #cogapanel 23:14:49 Francis_Storr has joined #cogapanel