IRC log of webcomponents-cg on 2021-10-18

Timestamps are in UTC.

06:43:38 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #webcomponents-cg
06:43:38 [RRSAgent]
logging to
06:43:41 [dom]
RRSAgent, stay
06:43:43 [dom]
RRSAgent, make log public
14:32:44 [dandclark]
dandclark has joined #webcomponents-cg
14:56:51 [alangdm]
alangdm has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:02:25 [masonf_]
masonf_ has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:03:01 [masonf]
masonf has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:05:03 [lea]
lea has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:05:21 [jamesn]
jamesn has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:05:29 [kito99]
kito99 has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:05:31 [Jordan_Austin]
Jordan_Austin has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:05:50 [jordanaustin]
jordanaustin has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:05:51 [kevin_schaaf]
kevin_schaaf has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:06:06 [PaulG]
PaulG has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:06:10 [PaulG]
15:06:29 [heyMP]
heyMP has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:06:48 [smaug]
smaug has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:06:51 [tidoust]
tidoust has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:08:17 [Richard_Lea]
Richard_Lea has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:11:05 [castastrophe_]
castastrophe_ has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:11:52 [Westbrook]
Westbrook has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:13:03 [Westbrook]
Community Group GitHub repo:
15:13:23 [Westbrook]
Community Group Slack Channel:
15:14:09 [Westbrook]
Conversations we've lead around Community Protocols:
15:14:34 [Westbrook]
Early draft of the report we are presenting today:
15:14:49 [hunterloftis]
hunterloftis has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:24:56 [Louay_]
Louay_ has joined #webcomponents-cg
15:25:08 [Louay_]
Present+ Louay_Bassbouss
15:26:32 [dom]
-> 4. Constructable Stylesheets & adoptedStyleSheets
15:26:36 [dom]
15:26:48 [dom]
-> issue 468 in WICG/WebComponents
15:27:19 [dom]
-> 5. CSS Module Scripts
15:29:25 [dom]
-> 6. Scoped Element Registries
15:31:09 [dom]
-> 7. Declarative Shadow DOM
15:32:18 [dom]
-> Declarative Shadow DOM on
15:38:11 [dom]
Dom: how do you position the Web Components CG wrt OpenUI? WhatWG/WICG?
15:38:44 [dom]
Westbrook: OpenUI CG is looking at expanding existing elements whereas we're looking at the web components capabilities themselves
15:39:05 [dom]
... we're looking at the best way to leverage our realities wrt realities of Web browsers
15:39:17 [dom]
... incl funnelling Web developers priorities
15:39:26 [dom]
... if we can help support prioritization or reprioritization, that's great
15:39:41 [dom]
... having a more direct connection with web developers producers & consumers
15:40:09 [dom]
Owen: in terms of relations to WHATWG - we link to the underlying github issues and discussions
15:40:18 [dom]
... based on sometimes years of conversations
15:40:37 [dom]
... our draft refers to all of those
15:42:42 [tidoust]
dom: Two ways to use Web components: encapsulation and "browser-grade" components, where you're trying to standardize around components. Needs are probably different in both cases. Is that something you've seen as well?
15:44:12 [tidoust]
... Open UI develops what I call "browser-grade" components. There are doing this for a number of use cases. That is also something that developers may want to do for specific use cases.
15:44:41 [tidoust]
... Designing components that work "as well as" native elements.
15:45:48 [tidoust]
Gray_Norton: Those things do get discussed in the CG, so I encourage you to join. There may be things that are more important for browser-grade vs. other types of components.
15:47:34 [tidoust]
Will_Riley: We're also looking to support broader HTML environments. Example of declarative Shadow DOM to remove the dependence on JS in some cases.
15:53:17 [dom]
masonf: very useful input on prioritization - thank you all
15:53:29 [dom]
olli: +1 - sometimes some features are really hard to get implemented
15:53:42 [dom]
masonf: useful to have evidence of needs / usage for these features
15:54:13 [dom]
owen: thanks, good feedback for us to provide prototypes / examples
15:54:46 [dom]
PaulG: I've developed Chrome extensions before where the lack of x-browser implementations no longer matter
15:55:18 [dom]
... there is no access to CE registry in web extension context - seeing that would help demonstrating usage of custom elements
15:55:42 [dom]
masonf: I'm not a Web Extensions expert - I thought there was ways to hook to it somehow
15:56:40 [dom]
owen: in terms of follow up & next steps - what's the best way for us to bring e.g. a potential spec on declarative shadow dom?
15:57:03 [PaulG]
PaulG has left #webcomponents-cg
15:57:17 [dom]
westbrook: in general, what are good ways for us to better surface these priorities on a year long basis?
15:57:45 [dom]
masonf: keeping that doc up to date would be helpful
15:58:04 [dom]
... having more documentation on the motivations for the prioritization also helps
15:59:33 [dom]
Westbrook: is there anything we can do to support the browsers speaking to their community talking about their prioritization?
15:59:47 [dom]
... even outside of the top 6 issues
15:59:59 [dom]
owen: maybe we should add to the report that moving forward will need proof of concepts
16:00:05 [dom]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
16:00:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dom
18:58:14 [castastrophe_]
castastrophe_ has joined #webcomponents-cg