06:42:25 RRSAgent has joined #stateofcss 06:42:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/18-stateofcss-irc 06:42:29 RRSAgent, stay 06:42:35 RRSAgent, make log public 07:55:36 alangdm has joined #stateofcss 10:51:59 foolip has joined #stateofcss 10:52:13 Hi dom, will you be the staff contact for my session? 10:52:21 I will 10:52:25 Neato! 10:53:01 Should I present my own slides? I'm in the meeting now and tried screen sharing, but it says it's disabled by the host. 10:53:19 yes, I'll make sure you can present your own slides 10:55:22 OK, I'll share the link here too before we start 10:56:53 if they're ready to share, maybe give me the link now and I'll add it to the session description? 10:57:17 I would also generate a PDF version for archival 11:39:31 Alright: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FIMa9TXTdGusG_oJBtMmQLSyOuF0xgHsrvn7CKZH7Yw/edit?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-cFnhzvjncEEQaOB426PXnw 11:39:41 But they're not done, so please no PDF yet :) 13:21:24 jeff_ has joined #stateofcss 13:47:50 foolip, can I pdf-ize the slides now? 13:49:45 dom: yes, let's call it done now :) 13:49:46 Meeting: State of CSS 2021 - TPAC 2021 breakout 13:50:52 Slideset: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2021Oct/att-0001/State_of_CSS_2021__TPAC_breakout_session.pdf 13:50:56 Chair: foolip 13:52:04 wolfgang has joined #stateofcss 13:54:33 Present+ 13:54:38 present+ 13:54:42 Present+ Wolfgang_Schindler 13:54:59 dom has changed the topic to: State of CSS breakouts - https://zoom.us/j/99461508942?pwd=a0ZTMDZzTjVSYm1GRHhtWUR1cUtLZz09 13:55:21 Present+ Jean-Yves_Perrier 13:55:38 Present+ Eric_Meyer 13:56:59 What's the passcode? 13:57:10 When I paste https://zoom.us/j/99461508942?pwd=a0ZTMDZzTjVSYm1GRHhtWUR1cUtLZz09 into my zoom.us app, it wants one 13:58:00 I tried a0ZTMDZzTjVSYm1GRHhtWUR1cUtLZz09 and that worked, it looks kinda base64-encoded so I wasn't sure 13:58:03 Present+ Emmett_Miller 13:58:21 Present+ Alan_Davalos 13:58:34 alangdm has joined #stateofcss 13:58:37 teoli has joined #stateofcss 13:59:49 Present+ Brian_Kardell 13:59:58 Present+ Jonathan_Kew 14:00:03 Present+ Rachel_Andrew 14:00:19 Present+ Phuc_Le 14:00:23 Present+ Brady_Duga 14:00:52 Ben has joined #stateofcss 14:00:57 Present+ PLH 14:01:01 Present+ Sophie_Yaniw 14:01:22 duga has joined #stateofcss 14:01:31 Present+ Ben_Tillyer 14:01:59 present+ 14:02:31 Present+ Lea_Verou 14:02:34 Present+ Atsushi 14:02:59 foolip: we're going to look at state of css survey 2021 results 14:03:01 atsushi has joined #stateofcss 14:03:09 ... I'm Philip, I work with the Chrome team and am involved in the survey this year 14:03:10 [slide 2] 14:03:19 ... Reminder we're operating under W3C CoC 14:03:22 [slide 3] 14:03:28 fantasai has joined #stateofcss 14:03:30 ... if you want to ask questions, please raise your hand in Zoom 14:03:50 Present+ Elika 14:03:54 Present+ John_Riviello 14:03:59 Present+ Ralph_Swick 14:04:02 Present+ Faraaz_M 14:04:06 Present+ Rob_Smith 14:04:10 Present+ Semesse 14:04:18 Present+ Mason_Freed 14:04:20 [slide 4] 14:04:28 scribe+ 14:04:33 Foolip: the survey is open until the end of october at StateOfCSS.com 14:04:47 ... Sacha Greif is the maintainer of that survey, 3rd year running 14:04:51 ... ~4,400 responses so far 14:05:01 ... the results are based on a snapshot of results 14:05:22 ... Sarah Fossheim has also been helping out, with a focus on accessibility both on the survey tool & content 14:05:24 [slide 5] 14:05:41 ... I don't want to influence the results in any way - we're using the results to set priorities for Chrome 14:05:57 ... great if you're asking people to fill the survey 14:06:05 ... but don't influence them based on what you'll hear today 14:06:17 ... I won't share anything about rankings & percentages 14:06:21 ... still hope this will be a worthwhile preview 14:06:23 [slide 6] 14:06:28 ... Accessibility changes made this year 14:06:30 [slide 7] 14:06:39 ... we added a new section on a11y in the survey 14:06:51 ... and improved the accessibility of the survey tool itself - thanks to Sarah! 14:07:08 ... In that section, we've asked e.g. "which accessibility features do you usually implement" 14:07:17 ... incl alt text, aria attributes 14:07:45 ... this included a more open ended question about "other accessibility features" in addition to the ones listed in the question 14:08:24 [slide 10] 14:08:34 ... focus handling was mentioned several times 14:08:49 [slide 11] 14:09:10 ... respecting font scaling - useful e.g. for low vision users; that takes special efforts 14:09:15 ... not sure how this can get tested 14:09:21 [slide 12] 14:09:54 ... one respondent suggested getting input from UX designers to order the DOM for screen reader flow 14:09:59 [slide 13] 14:10:04 ... Missing features 14:10:08 ... [slide 14] 14:10:24 ... a multi-select question asking what is currently missing from CSS, seeded by responses from last year 14:10:34 [slide 15] 14:10:41 ... also had an open ended question for that one 14:10:43 [slide 16] 14:11:02 ... parent selector made it there - the developer demand is strong on that one 14:11:05 [slide 17] 14:11:17 ... as well as other selectors, e.g. backward looking sibling selectors 14:11:19 [slide 18] 14:11:38 ... some requests related to grid - e.g. styling the lines of a grid 14:11:51 Present+ Bret_Little 14:12:10 ... All these quotes are from public data linked from the end of this presentation 14:12:18 Present+ Bruce_Miller 14:12:27 [slide 19] 14:12:37 ... Browser incompatibilities, the part of the survey I've been spending the most time on 14:12:40 [slide 20] 14:12:52 ... which features create the most difficulties due to interop issues? 14:12:58 Present+ Kazuhiro_Joya 14:13:00 Present+ MCF 14:13:08 Present+ Michael_Smith 14:13:28 Foolip: this question received the most responses 14:13:33 ... a sample of them follows 14:13:38 [slide 21] 14:13:49 foolip: subgrid was definitely on people's minds, like last year 14:13:58 Present+ siri 14:14:07 foolip: subgrid is only supported in Firefox 14:14:09 [slide 22] 14:14:27 ... this should encourage us to prioritize sub-grid in terms of implementations 14:14:44 ... Web developers demand for this is pretty big - was already last year, still this year 14:14:58 [slide 23] 14:15:29 Foolip: a new one emerged: backdrop-filter() 14:15:42 ... that one is missing only in Firefox (ignoring IE) 14:15:50 [slide 24] 14:16:09 ... illustration of what the feature does, a frosted glass effect above images 14:16:33 ... it has been identified as a site-compat issue in firefox, but no clear plans for implementation 14:16:35 [slide 25] 14:16:52 ... the :focus-visible pseudo-class 14:17:18 ... applied only when the browser would apply it by default - there are differences across platforms about when items get a focus ring, e.g. buttons 14:17:26 ... :focus-visible allows to match the defaults of the platform 14:17:31 ... not yet shipping in Safari yet 14:17:53 ... Igalia has been working on developing it in Webkit, following the open prioritization effort 14:18:18 ... not enabled by default, so not shipped in Safari (but available in Safari TP) 14:18:22 [slide 26] 14:18:27 s/... [/[/ 14:18:40 Foolip: another popular time - flex gap 14:18:53 ... it has shipped, but can't be depended on yet 14:19:08 ... it was in the MDN DNA report in 2019 14:19:15 ... and gained prioritization based on that 14:19:37 [slide 27] 14:19:50 ... a particular aspect to this is the challenge in feature detecting it 14:19:52 [slide 28] 14:19:57 ... another refinement 14:19:59 [slide 29] 14:20:17 ... initially, this came as grid-gap, then renamed as gap to work also with flex 14:20:43 ... the @supports(gap) feature detection has returned true before it became available for flex 14:20:48 ... which breaks feature detection 14:20:58 ... this has been discussed in the CSS WG, without too much of a conclusion 14:21:15 ... if a flex-gap alias had been added, this problem would have been different 14:21:21 ... it's probably too late to do that at this point 14:21:40 ... but that's an interesting insight, maybe for the CSS WG consideration 14:21:53 This kind of thing is quite likely to happen again, where a property is expanded to a new display type 14:21:57 ... considering an alias for feature detection, or avoiding to merge two features in one 14:22:17 [slide 31] 14:22:21 ... Questions about Pain points in CSS 14:22:23 [slide 32] 14:22:29 ... seeded with a set of options 14:22:37 [slide 33] 14:22:48 ... and an open ended question about "other CSS pain points" 14:22:55 [slide 34] 14:23:11 ... a couple of mention that CSS is hard to learn / remember 14:23:20 ... not surprisingly given the history & evolution 14:23:31 ... this echoes something I heard from developers e.g. on flexbox 14:23:52 [slide 35] 14:24:18 ... multiple comments related to the community mocking having challenges with CSS 14:24:36 ... related to the devaluation of the front-end skills, or the general discussion about whether CSS is a programming language 14:24:48 ... probably not a W3C problem per se, but it's interesting to seeing it emerge here 14:24:59 [slide 36] 14:25:19 ... one comment saying properties emerge from vendor needs rather than developer needs 14:25:42 ... lots of efforts in trying to collect developer input to drive prioritization 14:26:08 ... what should we do to change this and have a tighter feedback loop? 14:26:16 [slide 37] 14:26:24 .... WHat next? What are we going to do with these results? 14:26:41 ... the full results will come in a few weeks 14:27:01 Brian: I gather these are summaries of results 14:27:17 Foolip: these are the exact words from the responses, but sometimes just an extract 14:27:33 Brian: is there any way to follow up with people who've given these answers? 14:27:45 ... this would help to get to more specific needs 14:28:03 Foolip: re can we follow-up, I'll have to ask Sacha; I'm pretty sure this hasn't been done in past years 14:28:17 ... the survey can be filled anonymously, but you can optionally share you github or twitter account 14:28:38 ... but that will depend on what the survey promised in terms of data handling 14:28:56 Brian: we could also follow up through a twitter poll - e.g. do you agree with that perspective? 14:29:52 foolip: following up is a lot of work from past experience 14:30:08 ... also people may not have that strong an opinion once you start following up 14:30:26 ... in any case, I'll ask Sacha about possible follow up 14:30:29 [slide 38] 14:30:44 Foolip: I think the browser vendors should use the results of survey like that one as a prioritization signal 14:30:52 ... e.g. subgrid should gain higher priority 14:31:07 ... a feature I haven't mentioned is "container query" - my guess is that it will be even stronger 14:31:24 ... this also applies for standard makers prioritization 14:31:40 ... one way of doing that is in Compat 2022 effort 14:31:44 -> https://github.com/web-platform-tests/rfcs/pull/99 Compat 2022 effort 14:32:01 ... in the WPT community, trying to take a few areas and their test suites and prioritize their improvement over the course of next year 14:32:12 ... the same way we did that in 2021 - sticky, grid, flexbox 14:32:13 Container Queries is being prioritized, it's just a hard problem, so browsers have been laying down the groundwork for that for awhile. Chrome especially has put in a lot of work on the implementation side, exploring how to make it actually work. 14:32:45 ... maybe useful to present something to the CSS WG too - maybe some of the members of the group here can help me toward that 14:32:54 [slide 39] 14:32:55 Subgrid I think is one area where browser vendors did not prioritize for a long time, perhaps seeing it as not important enough. 14:33:02 (Aside from Firefox) 14:33:06 ... The data used for the presentation is available in the spreadsheet 14:33:21 -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wb-2olrwmFlDEUm98k5sCwtNzmxHGJsPlDEJ31imYEI/edit?usp=sharing State of CSS 2021 TPAC analysis 14:33:31 ... it's not complete, but quite a bit of work to put responses in relevant buckets 14:34:25 Topic: Discussion 14:35:09 Brian: once the results are complete and compiled, it would be great to come present that to the CSS WG 14:35:16 ... the chairs probably could figure that out 14:35:32 alangdm has joined #stateofcss 14:35:38 Foolip: I've been to CSS WG meetings at TPAC; I can ask indeed, either Tab or one of the chairs 14:35:48 Elika: just sending an email to Alan and @@@ 14:35:53 plh has joined #stateofcss 14:35:54 s/@@@/Rossen/ 14:35:58 Foolip: anything in particular that would be interesting to the CSS WG? 14:36:02 Semes has joined #stateofcss 14:36:03 ... there will be a lot of results 14:36:05 lea has joined #stateofcss 14:36:19 ... maybe I can throw a draft to someone to help filter it out 14:36:27 Brian: several of us here would be happen to have a look at it 14:36:45 Foolip: there have been lots of surveys, other research can be done 14:36:55 ... to what extent is that part of the CSS WG working mode? 14:37:06 ... e.g. test different CSS syntax with web developers 14:37:37 masonf has joined #stateofcss 14:37:54 fantasai: historically, mostly informal feedback through twitter, conferences, devrel conversations 14:38:07 ... like Jen or Rachel 14:38:30 ... we haven't done any kind of very broad outreach survey 14:38:43 ... the closest thing was in 2008 through the Web Standards Project 14:38:48 ... which came back with a very long list 14:39:00 brian: I remember some discussions where people saw things very differently 14:39:17 ... and we crafted a very specific kind of poll and asked everybody in the WG to promote it and get some feedback 14:39:26 fantasai: we've done that in a handful of times, but not very oftne 14:39:41 ... in terms of what to work on, that's everybody that comes ot the CSS WG that has ideas about that 14:39:58 ... what ends up being worked on depends on what people are ready to work on 14:40:15 lea: implementors have more influence than developers, that's the unfortunate reality 14:40:24 foolip: that matches one of the comments I mentioned earlier 14:40:46 ... this is where i suggest vendors should take into account more the signal from developers 14:41:29 rachelandrew has joined #stateofcss 14:41:40 Brian: part of the challenge is that some things, everybody ask for but they're very complex to do 14:41:58 ... and conversely, some things don't get asked for so much, but can really change what CSS can accomplish 14:42:17 Lea: people know the problem they have, but don't always know some of the features that can help solve them 14:42:40 Foolip: respondents did note they stay away from features that aren't x-browser implemented 14:42:43 ... e.g. flex gap 14:42:52 ... my question about the CSS WG was how to arrange this 14:42:59 marie has joined #stateofcss 14:43:02 ... I'm not aware that any other WG has a more formal approach 14:43:10 ... I'm not sure there is a need for a big fancy research thing 14:43:19 ... but I hope State of CSS can be useful to the WG and to the vendors 14:43:36 AlanD: re vendor prioritization 14:43:44 ... I've only gotten involved very recently 14:44:04 ... most users don't know what's coming, or when it's coming 14:44:16 ... if we could do better with signals about what features are being implemented, and when 14:44:22 ... it would help a lot mitigate that sentiment 14:44:31 ... esp since CSS is hard to polyfill 14:44:54 foolip: where would you be looking for this? 14:45:15 AlanD: all browsers have their own status pages; but it's not very clear how uptodate and accurate it is 14:45:20 ... having a centralized store might help too 14:45:49 Foolip: would you trust canIUse (or BCD) with information about the future? 14:46:05 ... getting promises from vendors before they ship is something no vendors want to do 14:46:17 ... but that problem aside, would caniuse be a place? 14:46:28 AlanD: yes, both caniuse and MDN would be relevant 14:46:43 ... I know exact dates would be difficult, but at least some signal of interest of implementation would be useful 14:47:02 Brian: I know this has been discussed in MDN and other places 14:47:17 ... when do we achieve a new level of compat across 3 engines 14:47:33 ... it's rare enough that it would be interesting to the broadest set of people 14:47:39 ... having some way to track that would be really helpful 14:47:54 ... we have several comments that there are so many things happening that it's hard to keep up 14:48:16 ... and you don't always need the said feature right at the moment, or you need some delay before you can apply it 14:48:27 ... the challenge is to find something with a high signal/noise ratio 14:48:46 foolip: a Web platform newsletter with what's new and usable on the Web - that seems very doable 14:48:55 ... but you still have the problem of the relevance of that 14:50:24 AlanD: worth trying; not sure what the right solution would be 14:50:31 ... but centralizing the information owuld help in the long term 14:50:43 lea: it looks like something that could be done automatically based on the canIUse data? 14:50:54 foolip: yes, that's what I've been looking to 14:51:07 ... but it needs some writing to decorate it 14:51:12 lea: we should decouple the two 14:51:26 ... just a notification of features that become x-browser usable would be useful 14:51:47 ... sometimes I discover a feature I had put aside has become x-browser compat a year after it happened 14:52:16 brian: we have "web standards in 2 minutes" that curate specific useful features into short term format 14:52:55 foolip: this could be just for CSS, or JS, or the whole Web 14:53:07 ... seems like a good idea, and not too hard to put together 14:53:40 ... MDN folks have also suggested allowing to subscribe to Browser Compat Data updates 14:54:16 Present+ Weiwei_Zong 14:54:46 fantasai: re the question about most wanted feature - what's the thinking about giving a list of choices vs just an open text field? 14:54:54 foolip: last year it was just an open text field 14:55:17 ... the results of last years were used to populate the 8 initial values 14:55:38 ... if we had just had the open box, we would have received similar signals - this allows to get more of the below-the-fold data 14:56:02 ... the downside is that you're almost guaranteed the pre-selected ones will be seen as important 14:56:15 ... also you can't rank the pre-selected against the open-ended values 14:56:17 I had to move to a different session, great talk @foolip, it was really insightful :D 14:56:38 Present+ Michal_Mocny 14:56:44 fantasai: that makes sense 14:56:55 Rachel: the question I would really like to ask is "what can't you do" 14:57:05 rachelandrew++ 14:57:06 ... asking about features pre-suppose people know what a feature can do 14:57:20 ... e.g. a number of container queries use cases can be done with e.g. grid 14:57:43 ... finding out what people can't do with the existing technology is what's difficult to get 14:57:57 foolip: one recent example is the scrolling survey that Adam Argyle put together 14:58:16 ... e.g. cyclical scrolling or carousel 14:58:22 ... instead of feature-targets 14:58:44 ... wouldn't it too broad to ask what you can't do? 14:59:00 -> https://web.dev/2021-scroll-survey-report/ Scroll Survey Report 14:59:01 -> https://web.dev/2021-scroll-survey-report/ 14:59:10 Rachel: that's the kind of signals that I'm missing from conferences 14:59:25 ... surveys tend to speak to people that know already quite a bit about these 14:59:35 ... not sure how much they represent the feeling of developers in general 15:00:01 foolip: there is one area where this issue is clear: viewport 15:00:19 ... people don't have ways to express to say they want to use the whole viewport @@@ 15:01:18 RobSmith: I'm trying to integrate CSS with a format based on WebVMT 15:01:28 ... I'm not a CSS guru, and wanted to get expertise 15:01:41 ... which github should I raise my questions? 15:01:46 fantasai: #css on IRC 15:01:49 ... www-style 15:01:59 ... and for spec issues, https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/ 15:02:22 Rob: CSS is integrated in WebVTT to some degree; I'm trying to extend it but I'm not sure how 15:02:33 https://github.com/w3c/webvtt/issues 15:02:37 fantasai: this sounds relevant for www-style - doesn't feel like a spec issue 15:02:48 masonf has left #stateofcss 15:03:17 RRSAgent, draft minutes v-slide 15:03:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/18-stateofcss-minutes.html dom 15:04:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/ 15:04:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/18-stateofcss-minutes.html fantasai 16:09:57 duga has joined #stateofcss 16:30:35 duga has joined #stateofcss 18:15:23 duga has joined #stateofcss 18:46:14 duga has joined #stateofcss 19:02:45 duga has joined #stateofcss 19:29:05 duga has joined #stateofcss 19:29:10 jeff_ has joined #stateofcss 20:15:24 duga has joined #stateofcss 20:36:56 duga has joined #stateofcss 22:05:02 jeff__ has joined #stateofcss 23:50:12 jeff__ has joined #stateofcss