14:55:53 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:55:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/15-pbgsc-irc 14:56:01 Zakim has joined #pbgsc 14:56:15 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:56:23 Date: 2021-10-15 14:57:38 agenda+ 1. Feedback/reactions on the 14-September public seminar 14:57:38 agenda+ EPUBcheck status 14:57:38 agenda+ Updates on EPUB.next TPAC session planning for 27 Oct 14:57:38 agenda+ AOB 14:58:32 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 14:59:27 present+ Liisa, Ralph 14:59:48 present+ Tzviya 14:59:56 chair: Tzviya 15:00:37 regrets+ Cristina 15:00:41 present+ WendyR 15:01:25 present+ Dauwhe 15:01:26 present+ 15:01:53 scribe+ dauwhe 15:04:23 present+ Ivan 15:04:42 tzviya: we can get started 15:04:55 liisamk: what about the meeting on the 27th? 15:05:00 tzviya: that's on the agenda 15:05:28 zakim, take up item 2 15:05:28 agendum 2 -- EPUBcheck status -- taken up [from tzviya] 15:05:53 tzviya: we'll have an alpha release roughly the same time as EPUB 3.3 CR 15:05:59 ... won't replace existing version 15:06:06 ... then a beta based on initial feedback 15:06:32 ... then a RC depending on Romain's availability 15:06:45 George has joined #pbgsc 15:06:51 present+ George 15:07:07 present+ 15:07:39 ivan: can we give Romain a few minutes in the F2F meeting? 15:07:44 wendyreid: yes 15:08:02 ivan: we need him on the friday session 15:08:25 ... Apple has joined the EPUB 3 WG on Wednesday 15:08:33 ... four people, including Tess 15:08:40 ... two were on the call last night 15:09:01 ... can we ask them to sponsor epubcheck? 15:09:17 George: they put in $20k previously 15:09:22 ivan: I didn't realize 15:09:27 ack r 15:09:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:09:41 q+ 15:10:02 George: we provided feedback to them on their implementation of DPUB-ARIA 15:10:08 ... and they responded 15:10:21 ... and we provided feedback to google, apple, and to the screenreader companies 15:10:28 ack dauwhe 15:11:00 dauwhe: the lead apple person (Vicky) works on the export from Pages to EPUB 15:11:15 ivan: we have to get Amazon to complete the picture 15:11:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:12:20 regrets+ Mateus 15:13:29 Topic: epub next meeting 15:13:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:13:38 tzviya: liisa asks how we'll run this 15:13:45 ... we've invited WG, CG, BG 15:13:54 ... Karen and Bill have been reaching out 15:14:03 ... I've spoken to people 15:14:09 ... making it more publicly open 15:14:40 ... I want to model this on how Markus started a new WG 15:14:44 ... here's where we are 15:14:50 ... here's what we've accomplished 15:14:53 ... give me your ideas 15:15:04 ... not quite a whiteboarding thing but... 15:15:15 ... talk about what's worked and hasn't worked 15:15:25 ... we won't talk about why things might not work 15:15:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:15:58 ... and we don't want to get too deep in details 15:16:05 ... we're not talking about interop 15:16:12 ... does that make sense? 15:16:33 ... there's a lot of work done with the locators TF 15:16:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:16:43 ... that area is obvious for us to build off of 15:17:01 ... there's FXL A11Y TF stuff too 15:17:08 q+ 15:17:24 liisamk: I like the idea of going back to where we were with the survey 15:17:29 ... and taking the pulse 15:17:45 ... have things shifted since then? Are there things we haven't addressed? 15:17:47 ack ra 15:17:47 Ralph, you wanted to comment on interop 15:18:02 Ralph: good reminder, Liisa, that we have those results 15:18:16 ... if there's a lull we can mention the survey 15:18:49 ... Tzviya, since you said you didn't want to talk about interop, I think that's correct 15:19:00 ... but we've been focusing on interop in EPUB3 WG 15:19:10 ... and we hope there's progress through testing, etc 15:19:33 ack ivan 15:19:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:19:39 ivan: for the scope of the discussion 15:19:49 ... are we talking epub next, or digital publishing next? 15:19:55 ... how far for new features in epub 15:20:09 ... or do we want to be open to a disucssion that goes beyond that 15:20:14 ... and groups that don't use epub? 15:20:23 ... we have to put boundaries on discussion 15:20:30 ... how do we make that clear 15:20:32 tzviya: great Q 15:20:43 ... we can't put boundaries in before the call 15:21:05 ... in education people are moving away from strictly epub; the package doesn't matter 15:21:22 ... but in the world of trade it's different; EPUB will stay more like it is 15:21:27 ... they might diverge 15:21:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:22:24 ivan: we frame this on the invitation as EPUB.next 15:22:43 ... to make it clear from the beginning, if it leads to other things in other areas, that's OK 15:23:10 ack Ralph 15:23:14 tzviya: most people won't be imagining strict boundaries 15:23:22 Ralph: +1 to most of what you said 15:23:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:23:37 ... people might raise DRM question, we need to have an answer 15:23:39 q+ 15:24:14 ... I hope that people who want more out of ebooks than epub has, I hope they come to the meeting 15:24:23 ... I hope we will here the broader context 15:24:29 q+ 15:24:42 s/here/hear/ 15:25:26 ... I think the question of what is the scope of the next WG , we'll here from the BG about the name... is it EPUB 4? 15:25:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:25:37 ack George 15:25:57 George: scope needs to be wide open: reading and learning and how it happens in the future 15:26:16 ... so that it works for everyone 15:26:24 ... we haven't been testing in LMSs 15:26:30 q? 15:26:31 ack ivan 15:26:52 how big a step is the industry interested in for the next iteration of our ebook work? 15:26:54 ivan: towards the end of the meeting, the Q will come up: what's next? 15:27:07 q+ 15:27:13 ... it would be good to have some idea on what to do 15:27:25 ... if we want to have continuation work 15:27:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:27:44 ... the EPUB WG charter ends in 2023... chartering takes 6 months... 15:27:52 q+ 15:27:59 at the end of winter/early spring we should have a good idea of a new charter 15:28:09 ack wendyreid 15:28:10 ... how do we do that? 15:28:25 wendyreid: how we manage the taking down of ideas 15:28:32 ... we should have a scribe 15:28:38 ivan: a good scribe 15:28:50 wendyreid: one or two people responsible for whiteboarding 15:29:15 ... using products like mural and figma 15:29:24 ... people make sticky notes on a board 15:29:32 ... people can add notes etc 15:29:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:29:49 [I think Wendy was refering to https://miro.com/ ] 15:30:00 ivan: this sounds good 15:30:31 tzviya: we need to create issues from the whiteboarding tool 15:30:44 [... or Mural https://www.mural.co/ ] 15:31:06 ... it has to be more than IRC 15:31:12 ... what do we do at the end? 15:31:19 ... we can tell people to join the CG 15:31:29 ... and some of these convos can go to the BG 15:31:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:31:38 ... generate a list for actions for both groups 15:32:02 ... we have Rick in BG now to provide more of an educational perspective 15:32:04 Tzviya: "does this idea have legs to stand on [for the businesses]?" 15:32:26 q? 15:32:31 ack me 15:32:39 ivan: on a practical level 15:32:50 ... it's better to have a separate repo for these issues 15:33:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:33:43 Ralph: the combination of the ideas--a separate repo for .next, but it's owned by the CG--that's not inconsistent 15:33:50 tzviya: we can leave that to the CG chairs 15:34:05 Ralph: I'm hoping there's an accessible whiteboarding tool 15:34:17 ... is a google doc good enough? 15:34:27 ... as more people already know how to use it? 15:34:52 ivan: big problem with GDOc is China 15:35:14 tzviya: we could use etherpad 15:35:19 Ralph: that would probably work 15:35:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:35:40 ... do the chairs want lots of people to be able to scribble? 15:35:58 tzviya: I'm fine with etherpad 15:36:12 +1 to etherpad 15:36:16 wendyreid: we need somewhere for people to write down ideas, whatever it is 15:36:31 George: as long as ideas are recorded and voiced 15:36:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:36:49 ivan: how does etherpad work for you? 15:36:58 https://etherpad.org/ 15:37:00 tzviya: it's a predecessor to gdocs 15:37:05 ... I'll check with Avneesh 15:37:31 tzviya: now we need people to attend 15:37:42 [W3C runs an etherpad server, so we have the bits] 15:38:54 tzviya: if it's ok with Avneesh I'll set up etherpad 15:39:07 ... do we need irc too? 15:39:24 ivan: having two is confusing 15:39:32 Ralph: you woulnd't take the usuaal minutes 15:39:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:40:02 ivan: we should have IRC for queue 15:40:05 tzviya: we can use zoom 15:40:15 George has joined #pbgsc 15:41:03 Ralph: what I imagined the whiteboard as a post-it sort of thing 15:41:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:41:45 George: it's hard to know what's happening in a GDoc with simultaneous edits 15:41:58 (is going to stop minuting discussions of technology) 15:44:09 tzviya: we have a game plan 15:45:00 ... any other business? 15:45:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:46:14 http://idpf.org/epub/renditions/region-nav/ 15:46:36 George has joined #pbgsc 15:52:02 q? 15:52:11 tzviya: anything else? 15:52:15 ... thanks everyone 15:52:56 THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I DID NOT WANT!!!! 16:04:31 no I did 16:05:00 zakim, end meeting 16:05:00 As of this point the attendees have been Liisa, Ralph, Tzviya, WendyR, Dauwhe, Ivan, George 16:05:03 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:05:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/15-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 16:05:06 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:05:11 Zakim has left #pbgsc 16:06:12 rrsagent, please make record public 16:07:48 rrsagent, bye 16:07:48 I see no action items