14:54:06 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:54:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-hcls-irc 14:54:12 rrsagent, make logs public 14:54:16 Meeting: FHIR RDF 14:54:19 Chair: David Booth 14:54:53 Regrets: Emily Pfaff, Jim Balhoff, Gopi 15:05:12 Topic: Issue 93: Modifier extensions (Eric) 15:15:29 gaurav: What is the domain of fhir:active if it is done this way? 15:15:51 eric: It's generally bad form in RDF to restrict the domain. 15:16:27 eric: you annoy developers if you reify it. 15:20:03 eric: You either risk the property being misinterpreted, or you move it and affect the domain, or you reify. 15:26:47 david: My concern is to avoid accidentally interpreting a modified property, but beyond that I think we should do the absolute minimum. 15:28:02 eric: don't want to force the processing of non-mod extensions to be different if there are mod extensions. 15:39:01 Eric proposes option 2c (in turtle origValue) 15:39:31 david: That looks like it would solve the problem. 15:39:43 gaurav: agreed. 15:40:34 AGREED: Provisionally go with option 2c (origValue) for modifier extension 15:41:43 Topic: Issue 92: Significant digits in decimal numbers 15:44:12 gaurav: JSON allows precision to be implementation dependent. 15:44:38 ... I think xsd:decimal does everything we need. 15:45:03 ... But there's also xsd:precisionDecimal available. 15:46:00 ... We cannot really do anything about the FHIR JSON part of it, except to remind people to use a special FHIR JSON parser. 15:47:43 gaurav: our tooling will have to turn FHIR JSON into triples. Some JSON parsers have an option to use xsd:decimal 15:49:19 david: Propose that we close this with no change to R4. 15:49:43 AGREED: All agreed. Close issue 92 with no change to R4. 15:50:23 Topic: Issue 78: Context sensitive date data types 15:50:55 gaurav: FHIR spec allows partial dates. But we use xsd:datetimes, and that does not allow approximate dates. 15:52:35 gaurav: XSD has various date types available for the different varieties. The JSON-->RDF conversion could look at which kind is needed and apply it. 15:53:59 gaurav: We could include both xsd:datetime and a less specific type, such as xsd:gYearMonth . 15:55:01 gaurav: But that would add redundancy. Prefer thatwe just use one datatype, such as xsd:gYearMonth 15:55:25 eric: I think that's what we have in R4 now. 15:57:06 Proposal to close 78 with no changes to R4. 15:57:14 AGREED: Unanimous. 16:30:22 s/Unanimous/ close 78 with no changes to R4 16:30:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:30:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:31:12 Present: James Champion, David Booth, EricP, Gaurav 16:31:14 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:31:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/10/14-hcls-minutes.html dbooth