15:40:45 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 15:40:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/23-silver-conf-irc 15:40:55 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 15:41:01 Date: 23 Sep 2021 15:41:05 Chair: sajkaj 15:41:10 rrsagent, make log public 15:44:11 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 15:44:11 agenda+ Media Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Media_Considerations 15:44:14 agenda+ Next Topic Discussion 15:44:16 agenda+ Other Business 15:44:19 agenda+ Be Done 15:49:52 present+ 15:50:00 rrsagent, make minutes 15:50:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/23-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 15:51:59 regrets: Kim_Dirks 15:58:56 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 15:59:21 JF has joined #silver-conf 15:59:29 Present+ 16:00:32 present+ 16:00:38 present+ 16:00:54 present+ 16:01:08 present+ Jeanne 16:01:43 scribe: JF 16:01:48 agenda? 16:02:01 zakim, take up item 1 16:02:01 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:02:38 JS: if a second person offers to scribe, be sure to indicate scribe change 16:03:11 JS: planning for Tuesday's call. Peter has made some minor editorial edits that should be discussed 16:03:23 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 16:03:37 beyond what we dow with media, we should start to think about "what comes next"? 16:03:44 Wilco_ has joined #silver-conf 16:03:49 present+ 16:03:51 JS: no other announcements 16:03:56 zakim, next item 16:03:56 agendum 2 -- Media Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Media_Considerations -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:04:02 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 16:04:11 JS: made a minor tweak at top of doc 16:04:52 Proposing a minor edit to remove "at times" to make it clearer and simpler 16:05:07 PK: reads text aloud 16:05:40 PK: seems clear to me 16:05:59 PK: made some edit changes based on feedback from JF 16:06:16 will read first edit, then re-read the larger piece 16:06:36 [PK reads aloud] 16:06:42 q+ 16:07:01 PK: JF also suggests replacing "guidelines" with "requirements" 16:07:34 PK: no real opinion here, but recalls Jeanne suggesting guidelines here 16:07:44 q+ 16:08:19 q? 16:08:21 q+ 16:08:22 Jeanne: OK with the first guidance into requirements, but not sure if we want to change all of them 16:08:25 Q+ 16:09:52 JF: explains nuance of his thinking 16:10:26 q- 16:10:33 I'll just +1 what Jeanne's saying 16:10:57 Jeanne: concerned about confusion between "requirements" and "guidelines" 16:11:11 JS: +1, wanted to comment on similar topic 16:11:26 JS: also don't think this is our remit here 16:11:42 JS: redefining terms is a higher-order work item 16:12:32 JS: also struggling with "finalized" 16:12:42 not sure if we even need that 16:12:52 if we do add, will need to make other edits 16:13:20 +1 to created 16:13:26 JF: would changing "finalized" to "not yet created" (or similar) 16:13:48 JS: yes, but then that would require other edits 16:14:01 PK: based on feedback, will reread the proposed edit 16:14:37 [wordsmithing] 16:15:39 JF: WFM 16:15:47 q? 16:15:53 ack me 16:16:09 PK: one of the next things to discuss is metadata 16:16:10 q- 16:16:14 JS: yes 16:16:33 ack saj 16:16:37 ack wil 16:16:40 ack asl 16:17:00 q+ 16:17:22 JS: we are increasingly convincing ourselves for the need for metadata above and beyond this. References ePUB work 16:18:03 ToddLibby has joined #silver-conf 16:18:04 JS: there is a scheduled meeting for TPAC between APA and ePub where this is to be discussed. Thinks that Silver should be there too 16:18:24 present+ 16:18:44 JS: will lock in a date and time with ePub, Silver and APA joint chat. 16:19:17 JS: want to understand current W3C position on multiple topics related to metadata 16:19:55 JS: when we start on that, may want to start with a wiki page to collect thoughts and ideas 16:19:55 q? 16:20:11 ack pet 16:20:13 PK: would love to get to our specific document and metadata 16:20:48 ... my concern about saying more at this time... the details will be in the specific guidelines/methods 16:20:53 Q+ 16:21:10 q+ to speak for referencing other outside work 16:21:17 PK: feel like trying to define what the metadata must look like will vary based on content type 16:21:17 q? 16:21:29 ack jf 16:22:00 q? 16:22:13 q+ 16:22:15 ack jeanne 16:22:15 jeanne, you wanted to speak for referencing other outside work 16:22:24 q? 16:22:31 ack wil 16:22:36 JF: either be more specific, or add an Editor's Note that notes 'metadata' is TBD 16:22:38 q+ 16:22:50 +1 to the idea of an Editor's Note 16:23:22 ack wil 16:23:24 ack saj 16:23:25 JS: we should have some kind of write-up to explain the risk 16:23:26 q? 16:23:58 q? 16:24:08 PK: Like the idea of an Editor's Note. Also warm to the idea to stating "we believe the methods could be specific", but feel we should leave open room for alternatives 16:24:19 JS: far more comfortable with Editor's NOte 16:24:38 Q+ to propose Editor Note 16:24:41 q? 16:24:45 ack jf 16:24:45 JF, you wanted to propose Editor Note 16:25:17 q+ 16:25:21 JF: offers to draft Editor's Note 16:25:46 JS: we had an editors note before, but concerned about adding confusion when we bring to AGWG 16:26:02 q? 16:26:03 I have a proposal: "We seek comments on the types and ways of using metadata for conveying to users and also programmatically what the accessible features can be part of the media, and which are contained within this specific media." 16:26:32 ack pet 16:27:37 q? 16:27:39 JS: needs some minor wordsmithing, but agrees in principle 16:27:57 We seek comments on the types and ways of using metadata for conveying to users and also programmatically what the possible accessible features can be in the given media, and which are contained within this specific media. 16:28:42 q? 16:28:47 JS: seems we have broad agreement. More wordsmithing may be required 16:29:02 PK: think this is the last item 16:30:20 q+ to move to github 16:30:21 q? 16:30:21 PK: are we ready to survey (to add to next working draft)? 16:30:47 but feels like we are "survey-ready" 16:30:53 ack jea 16:30:53 jeanne, you wanted to move to github 16:31:16 Jeanne: move to github, put in branch, and then we are ready when AGWG is ready for us 16:31:46 JS: what I am hearing is don't rush survey item-by-item 16:32:08 MC: have discovered that a walk-through before survey minimizes churn 16:32:19 q? 16:32:38 [discussion around when to survey] 16:33:24 JS: suggest to remove "techniques" with "methods" 16:33:37 MC: notes difference between upper and lower case notation 16:34:07 Jeanne: yes, make the changes as part of moving to git-hub 16:34:25 q? 16:34:31 JF: make changes before survey 16:34:41 [broad agreement] 16:35:51 PK: so you are proposing a summary of changes as part of the survey langugae 16:35:55 JS: yes 16:36:01 q? 16:36:10 zakim, next item 16:36:10 agendum 3 -- Next Topic Discussion -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:36:14 q+ 16:36:36 JS: what should we look at next? We have a number of potential next items 16:37:15 ...including some glossary definitions. May not go anywhere, but worth a stab? 16:37:29 q? 16:37:34 ack pet 16:37:40 JS: thinks this may be 'easy' but of value - relates to other WAI work happening 16:37:43 q+ to say requests from chairs 16:37:48 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs 16:38:21 q+ 16:38:22 PK: sense now is we are pretty much done about 3rd party, outside of methods and guidelines 16:38:38 but what about inter-mixed content? 16:39:18 JS: perhaps a page that collects edge and corner-cases? 16:39:34 PK: suggest we chew on a 'next big thing' 16:39:43 https://w3c.github.io/wcag/conformance-challenges/#Challenge-1 16:39:44 Q? 16:40:03 ack saj 16:40:15 [PK reads out potential other next topics] 16:40:44 ack jea 16:40:44 jeanne, you wanted to say requests from chairs 16:40:49 PK: suggest we look at one of the open items on that page 16:40:51 The chairs have asked for: Clarifying Paths and Process, Representative sampling, Reporting Conformance 16:40:59 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fvj3M0RS-U_A66UGaYfCgHVTOvOJ9j1NOOpK4Ufar5Q/edit# 16:41:26 q? 16:41:42 Jeanne: may have a convergence, but notes that chairs have requested clarifying tasks and processes, representative sampling, and third is reporting conformance 16:41:47 q? 16:42:24 WF: wanted to ask about the reporting thing 16:42:47 q+ 16:42:47 Jeanne: comes from an issue that JF has raised multiple times. 16:42:52 Q+ 16:43:01 +1 to digging into the meaty topic of conformance reporting 16:43:19 Jeanne: it's a meaty topic, but also complex and potentially political 16:43:23 And I would love to start doing that work by way of use cases. 16:43:28 ack saj 16:43:30 q+ 16:43:55 JS: like this. has some ideas there - W3C hosted form 16:44:13 Jeanne: no, W3C is not interested in hosting a tool for that 16:44:25 ack jf 16:44:45 q+ 16:44:58 q+ 16:46:09 q+ to say that reporting conformance is too early to do next -- we don't know what the conformance looks like. We could do it, but later 16:46:16 ack wil 16:46:43 WF: conformance claim section is already part of WCAG 2 16:46:58 W3C *has* a form like that 16:47:12 ack saj 16:47:25 Jeanne: the current tool doesn't 'store' the data 16:47:31 PK: not surprised at that 16:47:51 ack jea 16:47:51 jeanne, you wanted to say that reporting conformance is too early to do next -- we don't know what the conformance looks like. We could do it, but later 16:47:53 JS: so wilco are you suggesting an expansion of what is in WCASG 2.x? 16:47:58 WF: yes 16:48:00 ack saj 16:48:08 ack pet 16:48:34 PK: like the idea of digging into this. But concerned about how quickly suggestions are being proposed. 16:48:46 +1 16:48:51 q? 16:49:03 suggest we take a more methodical approach, similar to how we did the challenges for 3rd party content 16:49:07 +1 to Peter 16:49:19 +1 16:49:28 +1 16:49:28 ack jea 16:49:32 q+ 16:49:47 Jeanne: thinks that we put this on our list, but it may be too early to do it 16:49:50 q+ 16:50:03 ...until we have a better idea of what the group wants re: conformance 16:50:28 but working on scalability and use-cases would be useful activity 16:50:32 ack wil 16:51:02 WF: agree, thinks that reporting should not be an early topic 16:51:25 PK: going to disagree a bit - think we can do both at the same time 16:51:30 q? 16:51:33 ack pet 16:51:35 JF: disagrees with assertion 16:52:14 q? 16:52:18 PK: looking at challenges will give us some useful insights - once we have a proposed solution we can contrast it against that work 16:52:43 PK: think we can make progress from a use-case approach 16:52:57 JS: what I am hearing is let's start looking at usecases 16:53:00 I would say "Use cases for scaling" 16:53:25 q? 16:53:30 PK: use-cases for scaling, which includes sampling and reporting 16:53:43 PK: last time we started a Google doc and worked there 16:54:02 q? 16:54:09 PK: do we think that was a good path to adopt here, or is there a better way? 16:54:20 ...thinks what we did last time worked fine 16:54:44 JS: struggles with Google docs, but the overall work flow worked 16:54:54 Jeanne: why not just do it in a wiki? 16:55:43 PK: whatever tool we use, thinks the process we used (not an editing free-for-all) was the more important aspect 16:56:20 ...the other thing with the google-docs approach is the ability to leave comments on the side 16:56:30 q? 16:56:31 which was quite useful 16:57:15 PK: captures concerns asynchronously 16:57:39 JS: notes that we didn't really use that mechanism in the past - issues with SR and other AT 16:58:45 WF: has a preference for Goog docs 16:59:10 +1 to Google Docs 16:59:11 makes it easier to view comments, and get better background on comments, etc. 16:59:31 +1 to Google Docs as well 16:59:37 JS: OK, we can work with Google Docs 16:59:49 Happy with Google Docs too 17:00:05 ACTION: PeterKorn to work with Janina to set up a new Google docs for this 17:00:05 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 17:00:45 zakim, end meeting 17:00:46 As of this point the attendees have been sajkaj, JF, PeterKorn, MichaelC, Jeanne, Azlan, ToddLibby 17:00:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:00:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/23-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 17:00:50 I am happy to have been of service, JF; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:00:54 Zakim has left #silver-conf 17:01:05 ToddLibby has left #silver-conf 17:01:38 RRSAgent, please part 17:01:38 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/09/23-silver-conf-actions.rdf : 17:01:38 ACTION: PeterKorn to work with Janina to set up a new Google docs for this [1] 17:01:38 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/09/23-silver-conf-irc#T17-00-05