11:57:26 RRSAgent has joined #wot 11:57:26 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/22-wot-irc 11:57:31 meeting: WoT-IG/WG 11:57:36 present+ Kaz_Ashimura 11:58:46 present+ Jan_Romann 12:00:32 McCool has joined #wot 12:00:32 present+ Michael_McCool 12:01:01 ktoumura has joined #wot 12:01:25 Mizushima has joined #wot 12:02:02 mlagally has joined #wot 12:02:12 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 12:02:22 present+ Michael_Lagally 12:02:27 Ege has joined #wot 12:02:43 present+ Ege_Korkan 12:03:53 open day doodle https://doodle.com/poll/ms6ywyka5zpbhib7 12:04:16 i/open day/topic: Preliminary 12:04:30 present+ Michael_Koster, Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:04:46 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:06:16 jkrhb has joined #wot 12:06:37 open day doodle https://doodle.com/poll/ms6ywyka5zpbhib7 12:06:57 chairs: McCool 12:07:43 present+ Daniel_Peintner 12:07:48 dape has joined #wot 12:07:55 scribenick: mlagally 12:08:16 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#22_September_2021 12:09:28 mmc: next week we will clean up the agenda a bit 12:09:42 mmc: no guests today, 2 new invited experts 12:09:53 i/no guests/topic: Guests, New Members, IEs/ 12:10:27 ... general policy: only accept people who have been participating a few meetings as invited guests 12:10:43 s/a few/in a few/ 12:10:50 topic: Minutes 12:11:03 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/09/15-wot-minutes.html Sep-15 12:11:17 mmc: any comments or objections for publishing the notes? 12:11:24 ... (none) 12:11:31 topic: Quick updates 12:11:37 rrsagent, make log public 12:11:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:11:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/22-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:11:50 dsr has joined #wot 12:12:03 DIoT Workhop, Camera ready papers due Oct 18th 12:12:47 Mizushima: Japanese CG: announcement to CG members about TF will be sent later this week 12:12:48 s/Workhop/Workshop/ 12:13:19 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:13:48 Ege: Netzo is a startup by a former student of mine - product demo could be part of the F2F / OpenDay 12:14:34 Sk: I'm in contact with them on the OpenDay, his name is Arturo 12:16:10 kaz: Takanaka company has a WoT based platform for building management which includes AI services, they use TD and DTLD 12:16:27 s/Takanaka/Takenaka/ 12:16:36 mmc: They have a scripting implementation 12:16:42 present+ Tetsushi_Matsuda 12:16:54 q? 12:16:56 q+ 12:17:05 koster: very interested 12:17:39 q- 12:18:21 mmc: if everynoe today completes the doodle today we can select a da 12:18:33 s/da/day/ 12:18:49 s/evernoe/everyone/ 12:19:14 mmc: would like to hand over the organisation of testing after the upcoming round 12:19:59 I have serious audio problems, cannot hear what people say 12:19:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:19:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/22-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:20:00 Michael your voice is choppy 12:20:07 matsuda has joined #wot 12:20:07 can someone please take over scribing 12:20:16 scribenick: kaz 12:20:21 topic: TPAC 12:20:32 mm: updated the wiki 12:20:49 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_October_2021 TPAC vF2F wiki 12:20:59 mm: we'll have the Plugfest next week 12:21:16 ... so cancelling calls except the main call 12:21:35 ... Open Day meetings and breakouts are tbd 12:21:49 ... vF2f on 5, 7, 26, 27 and 28 of Oct 12:21:57 q+ 12:22:15 ... note one hour shorter on 26th 12:22:27 ... due to T2TRG meeting 12:22:56 kaz: and the last slot on 28th overlapped with MEIG 12:22:58 mm: ok 12:23:03 ... fixing 12:23:35 q+ 12:23:45 ... also need group meeting calendar to be updated 12:23:47 q- 12:24:02 ... topics are listed but not scheduled yet 12:24:07 mlagally_ has joined #wot 12:24:40 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_October_2021#Topics_.28Not_Scheduled.29 proposed topics 12:24:55 mm: (adds TF topics) 12:25:08 ack d 12:25:40 dape: btw, have a question about overlapped content between the main wiki and the main call wiki 12:25:48 @Kaz, I can take over again, use a different machine now 12:26:07 scribenick: mlagally_ 12:26:08 q? 12:26:10 dape: this is a bit confusing 12:26:11 q+ 12:26:11 ack dape 12:26:27 mmc: let's clean up during the next main call 12:26:40 ... let's allocate time slots on the agenda 12:26:56 ... sk, do you want to discuss OPC-UA? 12:27:13 sk: yes, as discussed during the use case call yesterday 12:27:18 i|btw|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf main call wiki| 12:27:35 i|btw|-> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_Page WoT main wiki| 12:28:58 dsr has joined #wot 12:29:14 scribenick: kaz 12:29:21 mm: Lagally, what about architecture, etc.? 12:29:41 ml: architcture 30m, profiles 45m, use cases 45m 12:29:53 sk: TD 2.5h 12:30:37 mm: regarding security, signature 20m, DID 20 12:30:44 s/DID 20/DID 20m/ 12:30:49 ... what about scripting? 12:30:55 dp: get back to you shortly 12:31:06 scribenick: mlagally_ 12:31:19 mm: for TPAC I like to identify a day for the open day 12:31:33 ... (checks the doodle) 12:31:47 q+ 12:32:06 ... conflicts are at certain times, e.g. AC meetings, we also want to avoid Fridays, they are bad for Japan 12:32:26 Ege: I don't have a serious conflict 12:33:17 ... any problems with Monday 11th and Thursday 14th 12:33:30 proposal: open day for Oct 11 (Monday) and Oct 14 (Thursday) 12:33:53 kaz: should have a dedicated discussion on smart cities as discussed on chair's reflector 12:34:06 mmc: this could be a breakout 12:34:30 kaz: breakouts are limited to 1 hour 12:35:37 mmc: we have options of smart cities on Thursday on OpenDay or a separate session 12:35:50 kaz: what about OGC? 12:36:54 mmc: Let's coordinate, put it into the calendar and check for conflicts. Could have a 3 hour session on Monday or Thursday 12:37:14 kaz: I will check with all presenters of SmartCities workshop, including OGC repü 12:37:20 s/ü// 12:40:08 mmc: Registration is open now, please register. 12:40:23 ... you have to be a member, i.e. have an account. 12:40:59 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:41:19 mmc: I have an agenda for the joint call with SDW 12:41:50 ... also for DID, will add them the agenda 12:42:27 dezell has joined #wot 12:42:36 present+ David_Ezell 12:43:08 kaz: we have a response from MiniApp, they have a CG and WG. CG side is interested in a joint meeting. 12:43:47 ml: no response from automotive group 12:44:00 s/group/group yet/ 12:44:56 mmc: we may still be able to get a joint session in, but we are behind the deadline already 12:45:10 toipc: OpenDay 12:45:20 mmc: I have allocated 6 hours 12:45:23 dsr has joined #wot 12:46:05 ... when you have confirmation for a presentation, please add it to the Wiki 12:46:07 q+ 12:46:29 ... ITU-T - We plan for a Dec 13th joint call. 12:46:59 mmc: OGC and IEEE P2874 - I'll contact them 12:47:07 ... Echonet - any updates? 12:47:29 matsuda-san: we are considering participating in the OpenDay 12:47:45 kaz: will remind iSO 12:47:52 s/iSO/ISO/ 12:48:40 q? 12:48:57 mmc: OPC UA, since the current contact is a Siemens member he could be attending the OpenDay or a WG call 12:49:22 ml: let's add it to the use case call? 12:50:11 mmc: discussing liaisons during OpenDay is not appropriate, we can invite them to that anyway 12:50:39 ... liaison discussion should be happening during TPAC 12:51:23 mmc: Need to discuss where a description of liaisons goes, use cases, somewhere else? 12:52:54 kaz: Liaison discussion during OpenDay and TPAC is different 12:53:36 mmc: At OpenDay other groups are attending, Liaison needs to be discussed 12:54:26 (... reorganising the agenda ...) 12:54:35 topic: Charter 12:55:19 mmc: update to new template happened, we should get a renewal, i.e. a request for a new charter before we ask for an extension 12:55:57 ... This depends on the deliverables 12:56:18 ... asking for input for the new charter, Michael provided some input 12:57:05 q+ 12:57:58 s/Liaison discussion during OpenDay and TPAC is different/I thought Jeff also suggested we have liaison discussion on WoT deployment with all the related SDOs during Open Day, and I thought that would make sense. So it seems a bit odd to me to have some of them during the OpenDay and others during the vF2F. Of course that would be fine if there is any concrete preference or rationale, though./ 12:58:00 q- 12:58:31 ml: which features are in TD 2.0, need to be more explicit 12:59:25 q+ 12:59:50 ack ml 13:00:01 ... profiles should not be distiguished by use cases, rather protocols 13:00:22 ... we could also consider "industrial" as a name 13:00:35 topic: Cancellations 13:02:54 q? 13:02:56 mmc: Plugfest week: Use Cases, Scripting and Architecture not cancelled, architecture is 1 hour only, all other calls except main call are cancelled 13:03:19 dape: Will check on scripting 13:04:00 topic: MiniApps joint discussion (revisited) 13:04:14 kaz: will follow up 13:04:18 kaz: found their final response on the team-wot thread 13:04:32 s/kaz: will follow up// 13:04:32 topic: AOB? 13:05:04 none 13:05:04 i/AOB/kaz: let's follow up by email on the thread 13:05:12 [adjourned] 13:05:26 i/found/scribenick: kaz/ 13:05:35 i/none/scribenick: mlagally_/ 13:05:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:05:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/22-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:09:48 Mizushima has left #wot 13:11:02 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 13:11:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:11:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/22-wot-minutes.html kaz 14:14:03 dape has left #wot 15:28:21 Zakim has left #wot 16:13:37 dsr has joined #wot 16:14:12 benfrancis3 has joined #wot 16:44:28 dsr has joined #wot 17:00:01 dsr has joined #wot 17:26:47 kaz has joined #wot 17:40:20 dsr has joined #wot 17:49:25 dsr_ has joined #wot 18:10:25 dsr has joined #wot 18:26:15 dsr has joined #wot 18:42:03 dsr has joined #wot 18:57:53 dsr has joined #wot 19:13:52 dsr has joined #wot 19:29:23 dsr has joined #wot 19:53:05 dsr has joined #wot 20:08:47 dsr has joined #wot 20:24:27 dsr has joined #wot 20:40:14 dsr has joined #wot 20:55:53 dsr has joined #wot 21:11:43 dsr has joined #wot 21:27:20 dsr has joined #wot 21:43:09 dsr has joined #wot 21:58:56 dsr has joined #wot 22:14:39 dsr has joined #wot 22:30:26 dsr has joined #wot 22:46:09 dsr has joined #wot 23:01:51 dsr has joined #wot 23:17:37 dsr has joined #wot 23:33:21 dsr has joined #wot 23:49:00 dsr has joined #wot