IRC log of voiceinteraction on 2021-09-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:43:43 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction
14:43:43 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:44:15 [ddahl]
14:44:22 [ddahl]
chair: Debbie
14:44:37 [ddahl]
meeting: voice interaction
14:45:18 [ddahl]
15:04:55 [ddahl]
15:05:49 [ddahl]
15:17:59 [Bev]
Bev has joined #voiceinteraction
15:19:15 [ddahl]
topic: TPAC
15:20:02 [ddahl]
debbie: breakout and group meeting
15:20:26 [ddahl]
...will be open to the public
15:23:44 [ddahl]
debbie: following week will be our regular call but with a different link and possible observers
15:24:16 [ddahl]
topic: interfaces work
15:25:52 [ddahl]
dirk: updating interfaces work with architecture changes
15:31:04 [ddahl]
(dirk reviews diagram at
15:32:06 [ddahl]
debbie: align interfaces with numbers in walkthrough?
15:32:11 [ddahl]
dirk: will do that
15:32:50 [ddahl]
...not adding anything right now
15:34:05 [ddahl]
debbie: this is a lot of interfaces must prioritize, but maybe could use EMMA
15:43:37 [ddahl]
... goes over example
15:43:55 [ddahl]
dirk: signal is hidden by a URL
15:45:03 [ddahl]
debbie: should look at binary
15:45:35 [ddahl]
tobias: what about medium, mode and dialog
15:47:14 [ddahl]
debbie: these are for multimodal inputs
15:48:29 [ddahl]
...mode and function have open-ended set of values
15:50:52 [ddahl]
dirk: mode might make sense in output but not input
15:52:27 [ddahl]
tobias: message could apply to noise
15:52:50 [ddahl]
dirk: mode was optional
15:54:40 [ddahl]
debbie: don't want to rule out multimodal
15:55:32 [ddahl]
debbie: could do another example of interpreted input
15:56:25 [ddahl]
...maybe add labels to interfaces
15:56:41 [ddahl] some point
15:57:12 [ddahl]
dirk: EMMA could be used for a lot of interfaces
15:57:48 [ddahl]
debbie: should discuss what we could do with security
15:59:25 [ddahl]
...can use normal web security but what about speech?
15:59:41 [ddahl]
tobias: do we need to refer to biometrics?
16:00:50 [ddahl]
...not sure if there are any good standards
16:01:30 [ddahl]
bev: not sure if there are good standards
16:02:55 [ddahl]
link to EMMA
16:03:21 [ddahl]
bev: can look into biometrics
16:03:29 [ddahl]
16:04:13 [ddahl]
rrsagent, format minutes
16:04:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ddahl
16:04:20 [ddahl]
rrsagent, make logs public
17:47:31 [ddahl]
present+: tobias, jim
17:47:43 [ddahl]
rrsagent, format minutes
17:47:43 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ddahl