15:43:07 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 15:43:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/09/09-silver-conf-irc 15:43:11 agenda? 15:43:24 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 15:43:31 Date 09 Sep 2021 15:43:38 Chair: sajkaj 15:43:45 rrsagent, make log public 15:44:29 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 15:44:29 agenda+ Media Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Media_Considerations 15:44:32 agenda+ Other Business 15:44:34 agenda+ Be Done 15:45:10 Regrets: Bruce_Bailey 15:45:15 rrsagent, make minutes 15:45:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/09-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 15:57:20 Wilco has joined #silver-conf 16:01:45 JF has joined #silver-conf 16:01:54 present+ 16:01:59 scribe: Wilco 16:02:01 present+ 16:02:49 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 16:02:54 Present+ 16:03:00 zakim, take up next 16:03:00 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:03:01 Present+ 16:03:14 present+ 16:03:29 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2021JulSep/0136.html 16:03:40 Janina: Going to talk about media today. We have some implementation of what we started to prototype 16:04:15 ... User generated content passed AGWG's CFC. This will be part of the updated draft publication. 16:04:43 Jeanne: Draft will probably be week 3 or 4 of September. 16:07:34 zakim, take up next 16:07:34 agendum 2 -- Media Considerations https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Media_Considerations -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:08:06 Peter: We left last week with an outline, is that still present? 16:08:34 Janina: The outline is subsumed in the document. A lot of it is gone, some of the language is still there. 16:09:11 Peter: ... reading from document. 16:11:58 q+ 16:15:33 q+ to add requirements to make the media as accessible as possible (media lacking access techniques 16:17:22 Q+ to comment on capitalization "...for Media Content. Unless media Content ..." 16:18:08 Peter: For legacy media, one thought was to treat it a bit like building codes. 16:18:30 ... When first digitised, or significantly refreshed bring it up to code 16:19:31 q+ to remove the scoring and levels until we have that worked out. Speculation is distracting. 16:20:52 Janina: This does not read like a conformance section, but that may not be a bad first outing with AGWG. Maybe a little chatty rather than standard speak shows the concepts. A later version can come back with something more conformance-like. 16:22:11 ... Media in publications we have strong allies in EPUB. I think we can point them to thing WCAG can't cover them yet because EPUB hasn't done it yet. 16:22:23 ack saj 16:22:54 ack sajk 16:22:58 ack jean 16:22:58 jeanne, you wanted to add requirements to make the media as accessible as possible (media lacking access techniques and to remove the scoring and levels until we have that worked 16:23:01 ... out. Speculation is distracting. 16:23:29 Jeanne: The editors note, in the last paragraph it mentions informing users before access. I think we want to add the phrase "make it as accessible as possible". 16:23:38 q? 16:24:00 +1 to Jeanne 16:24:02 ... I would like it if we could remove references to scoring / levels. We shouldn't discuss this until it is worked out. 16:24:36 q+ to answer as accessible as possible 16:26:10 ToddLibby has joined #silver-conf 16:26:18 present+ 16:27:08 Peter: ... editing as suggested 16:28:33 Peter: Page saved, any other edits? 16:29:34 JF: In the example, we capitalise "Media". But to the larger issue, it sounds like this is a protocol 16:30:16 ... I'd like to leave the door open for protocols for legacy content, or media that has restrictions. 16:30:35 ... Rather than come up with specific instance, if we had a global protocol, that could be adopted as the larger solution for conformance. 16:31:06 Peter: We may have a group working on that soon. 16:31:10 q? 16:31:22 ack JF 16:31:22 JF, you wanted to comment on capitalization "...for Media Content. Unless media Content ..." 16:31:52 q? 16:31:55 Janina: We want mechanisms to reward organisations that do more 16:31:55 ack w 16:31:55 Wilco, you wanted to answer as accessible as possible 16:32:40 Wilco: we should avoid "as accessible as possible"; AGWG will hit that text as not being specific enough. 16:33:02 ... not sure what jeanne was getting at with that. Can have exemptions for specific parts, not an exemption for everything 16:33:18 jeanne: thinking in terms of, we have guidelines that will have instructions for what they should do. 16:33:24 Q+ 16:33:39 ... "accessible as possible" was a vague expression. For things like 3D immersive technologies, you can make it a11y for people 16:33:52 ... with low vision, for people with hearing disabilities; maybe not for screen reader users. 16:34:11 ... won't punish you if there isn't a way to make a11y for screen reader users. 16:34:16 q? 16:34:21 ... you must follow the specific guidelines 16:34:30 Wilco: e.g. interliner text needs to meet color:contrast 16:34:36 ack jf 16:34:41 q+ 16:35:26 JF: Specifics steps to conform does not yet have specific steps. 16:35:46 q+ 16:36:03 ... Bringing it up to code is not a step. I get this is a strawman, but the approach may not be right. 16:36:14 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2021JulSep/0204.html 16:36:38 Peter: Maybe the heading should be "Treatments by media types". It's what is special about legacy vs common. 16:36:52 JF: Yes, that goes a long way. 16:37:15 Peter: The steps aren't so much specific as they are not common. 16:37:38 ack Pet 16:37:44 Q+ 16:38:34 Janina: We did guidelines specifics for user generated. 16:38:57 ... We have different points to make, we're collecting a list of categories we may need guidelines for when relevant. 16:39:17 ... This is a structural thing we're pushing off on the WCAG schema. 16:39:21 q? 16:39:29 ack saj 16:39:30 ack jf 16:40:07 JF: For retitiling the section, maybe the term "objectives". Perhaps this section could be Conformance objectives by content type 16:40:36 ... Replace "specific steps to conform" with "conformance objectives" 16:40:57 ... They are not steps, they are objectives. 16:41:52 Peter: The stuff in brackets is short-hand for steps we want to replace them with 16:43:02 Peter: Let me take a stab at media; Step 1. upon digitisation use all the broadly available techniques. 16:43:40 ... Step 2. When updating the media, add audio description. 16:44:18 JF: I agree with the process, but to what is described here is a process 16:44:22 +1 16:44:52 Janina: The requirements are what can be applied today. 16:45:10 q+ to ask if the problem is the word "steps" 16:45:15 q? 16:45:47 q- 16:45:49 q+ to suggest expectations 16:47:05 Wilco: maybe "expectations" works here, also "outcomes" 16:48:01 q? 16:48:27 Peter: It does not feel strict, but I don't have a strong opinion on the adverb 16:48:37 ack w 16:48:37 Wilco, you wanted to suggest expectations 16:49:25 Todd: I'm good with objectives 16:50:09 Peter: I propose we take this to AGWG a week from Tuesday. 16:50:25 ... We'll make clear we are looking for directional feedback. 16:50:58 Jeanne: I don't think we'll be able to get on the agenda of the 21st 16:51:25 ... I can put it on the Silver agenda 16:52:19 Janina: I want to get responses on the chattiness. Can we be chattier on first-round explanation 16:52:30 Peter: I think some of it is unhelpful 16:52:37 +1 16:53:24 Wilco: Agreed, we can do it in notes, probably best not to in expected normative content 16:53:36 Q+ 16:54:05 ack jf 16:54:22 JF: The "We" statements could be made as editors notes. We have at least one editors note that does not stand out. 16:54:50 ... Some of the commentary, I wonder if in the wiki we can call it out more 16:55:35 ... As we get it to share more widely, there would be a value to that. 16:56:58 Janina: We should not have too many editors notes. 16:57:31 ... In common steps, do we put it on web publisher, or facilitate users to complain 16:58:00 Peter: Really don't know. Part is to shift the responsibility where it belongs. 16:58:32 ... Indicating who the copyright holder is may be a problem, I want to be thoughtful about that. 16:58:47 Janina: If you have a copyright, you will declare it. 16:59:38 JF: Would depend on the license agreement, I don't know enough about that. Copyright holders can be different in different areas. 16:59:57 ... So pointing to one copyright holder is an internationalisation issue. 17:00:13 Peter: It is potentially multiple publishers, depending on the domain. 17:01:17 zakim, end meeting 17:01:17 As of this point the attendees have been jeanne, Wilco, PeterKorn, JF, sajkaj, ToddLibby 17:01:19 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:01:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/09/09-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 17:01:22 I am happy to have been of service, Wilco; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:01:25 ToddLibby has left #silver-conf 17:01:27 Zakim has left #silver-conf 17:27:58 Jemma has joined #silver-conf