13:56:59 RRSAgent has joined #epub-locators 13:56:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/20-epub-locators-irc 13:57:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:57:03 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), wendyreid 13:58:18 meeting: Virtual Locators Task Force Telco August 20, 2021 13:58:29 date: 08-20-2021 13:58:33 chair: wendyreid 14:03:49 duga has joined #epub-locators 14:04:03 present+ wendyreid, ivan, avneesh, dan 14:04:10 present+ 14:04:25 https://docs.google.com/document/d/11GypOjE9xOTaINATl5bxVIA3Mc9jzNBGCr6GT_KNaQ4/edit 14:06:05 Hadrien has joined #epub-locators 14:06:12 scribe+ 14:06:24 avneeshsingh has joined #epub-locators 14:06:37 present+ 14:07:39 present+ hadrien 14:07:45 present+ will 14:08:34 wendyreid: Sorry for missing the last meeting 14:08:52 dlazin has joined #epub-locators 14:08:59 Dan: Most people that are here today weren't at the last meeting 14:09:30 wendyreid: Added a better definition of page list 14:10:03 Repost for those who missed the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11GypOjE9xOTaINATl5bxVIA3Mc9jzNBGCr6GT_KNaQ4/edit#heading=h.gbsmtjlkuon 14:10:10 present+ 14:10:42 wendyreid: [Reviewing comment in the doc] 14:13:05 q+ 14:13:20 ack Had 14:13:35 Hadrien: Is the page size calculated or authored? 14:13:48 ... if it is calculated than fine, we can use characters 14:14:05 ... but if it is authored then there can't be a fixed rule 14:14:32 ... calculated vs authored is an important distinction 14:14:35 Will has joined #epub-locators 14:15:05 wendyreid: The guiding principle is authors should provide their own list, but in the absence of that we have a calculated alternative 14:15:40 Hadrien: If we follow the terminology then page list should only refer to the authored content 14:15:59 ... so this definition is confusing 14:16:11 wendyreid: Agreed. Maybe just remove the fixed size reference here 14:19:28 Hadrien: I am concerned about using the same term ("page") for two different things 14:19:56 ... they are used in similar ways, but they aren't really the same, so using the same term is confusing 14:21:01 dlazin: So are you saying page is ok in the UI, but we should have different terms for authored page list page and the calculated page 14:21:25 q+ 14:21:38 ack avneeshsingh 14:22:20 avneeshsingh: Would be good to have different terms 14:23:46 Hadrien: We can look at existing implementations and see what terms have been used 14:24:12 ... In readium they are called positions 14:25:18 q+ 14:25:29 ... can have multiple positions on the page 14:25:40 ... used for a lot of things 14:25:55 ack duga 14:26:12 duga: We also have positions, and does the same thing. We don't use it when the page list is missing 14:26:28 ... one issue is a page list, but you can also have a list of positions 14:26:42 ... the way we handle a missing page list is to create a fake one 14:26:52 ... it's based on the RMSDK 14:27:27 ... we would create a not-great page list that would be consistent but not as good as an authored oen 14:29:07 q+ 14:31:28 ack Hadrien 14:31:51 Hadrien: Calculated positions are in memory and not persisted 14:32:07 Will has left #epub-locators 14:32:11 ... But may persist for annotatiions 14:32:41 Will_ has joined #epub-locators 14:33:12 ... I imagine page and position are complementary and both exist for different purposes 14:33:51 ... One is a non-exhaustive string, the other is exhaustive (no gaps) 14:34:02 ... There will be different use cases 14:35:08 wendyreid: Working on this terminology is important, given the discussion 14:35:39 ... Kobo uses position markers, but it is not at all related to page lists 14:36:23 ... Kobo is a locator, need a term for a calculated page 14:36:42 q+ 14:36:54 ack ivan 14:37:34 ivan: Is the difference calculated or not? 14:37:50 ... Annotations, etc, are dynamic and to me that is a position 14:38:15 ... And the other is from the author and is set 14:39:09 present+ tzviya 14:39:59 https://docs.google.com/document/d/11GypOjE9xOTaINATl5bxVIA3Mc9jzNBGCr6GT_KNaQ4/edit# 14:41:02 q+ 14:41:06 wendyreid: Summarizing. There is page and calculated page, but we want a better name 14:41:14 ack Hadrien 14:41:15 tzviya: What about calculated page? 14:42:15 Hadrien: Reviewing the doc at trying to decide if we are creating page lists or position lists 14:42:29 ... Some use case want page, but others work better with positions 14:42:47 ... So the answer to the question of what we really want to make isn't clear 14:42:53 ... it looks like we want both 14:43:17 ... For some, dealing with strings, it will be hard to implement a UI 14:43:54 q+ 14:44:03 ack tzviya 14:44:14 wendyreid: We don't consider UI much, we probably should consider it 14:44:33 tzviya: For some it won't matter if it is calculated or not, just so long as they are the same 14:44:36 q+ 14:45:01 ... The UI is an important point and is an issue we have had in the past with calculated pagination 14:45:15 ... Images are particularly a problem 14:45:27 ack Hadrien 14:46:05 Hadrien: For use case 1, if there is a string and kids need to enter it they will make mistakes 14:46:16 ... due to typos, etc 14:46:52 ... For the second case, it does matter if it is authored or calculated 14:47:10 ... since you need a reference that works across print and epub 14:48:08 wendyreid: Authored and calculated will the terms and I will make an attempt at defining them 14:48:41 ... Maybe review the use cases as homework 14:48:52 ... And think about the desired end product 14:49:18 ... Any thoughts? 14:49:28 crickets: chirp 14:50:02 dlazin: Should note that a calculated page won't exist if there is an authored page (mutually exclusive) 14:50:18 q+ to ask about images etc 14:50:19 wendyreid: Maybe expand the section on persistence 14:50:39 dlazin: I just added that 14:50:42 ack tzviy 14:50:42 tzviya, you wanted to ask about images etc 14:51:00 q+ 14:51:03 tzviya: Can we add images, math, etc into the process 14:51:04 ack ivan 14:51:20 Hadrien: If you are using bytes then mathml just works by magic 14:51:48 ... Depends on what you are counting 14:51:55 ... images less so 14:52:13 ... requires rendering first 14:52:57 ivan: Going back to what Brady said, the calculated page list " bad" and is meant as a stick to convince authors to include them 14:53:12 ... So maybe we shouldn't spend too much time worrying about the perfect algorithm 14:53:46 ... This is an absolute fallback 14:54:03 Hadrien: There is quite a bit of complexity to manage the algorithm 14:54:53 ... When making the list you will likely have different information available than when you are actually displaying the page 14:56:34 all: general discussion of how hard it is to figure out the size of markup 14:56:52 dlazin: Added a section to the doc just now to cover this 14:57:06 ivan: What we are talking about here is for the static page list 14:57:16 ... It is not for annotations, etc. Is that correct? 14:57:29 Hadrien: You could enhance an annotation with that information 14:58:03 ... the simplest thing you can do for annotations is the original text 14:58:39 ... Then you can add position information to annotation like how far in the doc it is 14:58:44 ... which is good for anchoring 14:59:01 ivan: I think tha tbacks my claim, there are distinct things here 14:59:21 ... the static and dynamic are both useful 14:59:40 Hadrien: The one thing all reading systems need is the position list 15:00:12 ... Why do you need to calculated a page list for any use case 15:00:52 Hadrien: Why does GPB calculate the page list? 15:01:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:01:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/20-epub-locators-minutes.html ivan 15:01:21 zakim, end meeting 15:01:21 As of this point the attendees have been wendyreid, ivan, avneesh, dan, duga, avneeshsingh, hadrien, will, dlazin, tzviya 15:01:23 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:01:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/20-epub-locators-minutes.html Zakim 15:01:26 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:01:30 Zakim has left #epub-locators 15:02:42 rrsagent, bye 15:02:42 I see no action items