13:42:14 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:42:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/13-epub-irc 13:42:17 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:42:18 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 13:43:00 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2021-08-13: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Aug/0005.html 13:43:01 Chair: wendy, dauwhe 13:43:01 Date: 2021-08-13 13:43:01 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-epub-wg/2021Aug/0005.html 13:43:01 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 13:43:01 Regrets+ gpellegrino 13:55:56 dauwhe has joined #epub 13:56:55 MURATA has joined #epub 13:57:01 wendyreid has joined #epub 13:57:04 JF has joined #epub 13:57:42 present+ 13:57:45 Zakim, who is here? 13:57:45 Present: dauwhe 13:57:47 On IRC I see JF, wendyreid, MURATA, dauwhe, RRSAgent, Zakim, Karen, ivan, join_subline, github-bot 13:57:51 present+ 13:58:53 MattChan has joined #epub 13:58:53 avneeshsingh has joined #epub 13:59:05 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:59:10 present+ 13:59:16 present+ 13:59:41 present+ 13:59:45 CharlesL has joined #epub 13:59:50 present+ makoto 13:59:54 present+ 13:59:56 present+ george 14:00:13 present+ jf 14:00:22 George has joined #epub 14:00:23 present+ MattChan 14:00:34 scribe+ 14:00:39 dlazin has joined #epub 14:00:40 present+ dlazin 14:00:46 thanks, Ivan :) 14:00:50 present+ 14:00:59 George has joined #epub 14:02:00 present+ BenSchroeter 14:02:04 BenSchroeter has joined #epub 14:02:12 present+ 14:03:08 dauwhe: welcome back everyone 14:03:11 TOPIC: Welcome back 14:03:20 dauwhe: we're hoping for CR later this fall 14:03:23 George has joined #epub 14:03:43 ... and there's a fair amount that needs to be done, including horizontal review 14:03:48 present+ brady 14:03:51 duga has joined #epub 14:04:04 present+ 14:04:09 ... we've done a lot with i18n, a lot with a11y, some action items around security and privacy 14:04:20 Present+ 14:04:24 ... i've done a draft of the questionnaire for the security and privacy review 14:04:48 ... I'll probably send that in, although I'm not an expert, and there are some epub specific security issues that aren't in the broader web 14:04:52 ... and then of course testing 14:05:06 ... ivan has built some tooling for test reporting 14:05:18 ... and we're also working on documentation about how to write tests 14:05:23 George has joined #epub 14:05:32 ... once that doc is ready, we'll get help from other WG members to write the tests 14:05:38 ... anything else? 14:05:56 ... we're going to have more virtual F2F for TPAC? 14:05:58 ivan: yes 14:06:35 wendyreid: its the latter half of october, the 28th and 29th are the tentative dates 14:07:06 ... following the same pattern as last time, so 28th is the evening meeting, and 29th would be a morning meeting 14:07:23 George has joined #epub 14:07:38 ivan: we can create a simple environment where people can write tests 14:07:58 ... but we have to organize how we will get implementers to run our tests, and how they report back to us 14:08:32 ... we have a few implementers here 14:09:23 George has joined #epub 14:09:28 BenSchroeter: Pearson's systems don't really expose epubs, they go to VitalSource etc. 14:09:37 ivan: okay, so we can talk to VitalSource 14:09:51 ... the big question is what happens for Apple and Amazon 14:10:04 George has joined #epub 14:10:22 ... someone could of course run our tests through the Apple RS, but maybe its a little unfriendly to report results without them saying so? 14:10:41 dauwhe: no, I don't think so. They are a public UA. 14:10:53 ivan: okay, but I think we should try to get them to participate on their own 14:11:23 George has joined #epub 14:11:52 dlazin: as we go along and write tests, I think it would be helpful to have a way to log whatever tests as part of the test development process 14:12:08 q+ 14:12:15 present+ aimee 14:12:17 ack duga 14:12:17 ... being able to share those preliminary results might help convince people to participate (who otherwise wouldn't) 14:12:59 duga: this is different from the way we've done testing in the past. We're just trying to find two positive test results. (i.e. two implementations) 14:13:03 q? 14:13:21 ivan: well, the report at the end will expose whether each UA passes or fails each test 14:14:07 dlazin: I was thinking that maybe the tool could show that table in a state of partial completeness (i.e. update as more results become reported) 14:14:26 duga: have we communicated at all with Apple? Trying to get a sense of where Apple is on all this. 14:14:40 dauwhe: I've emailed Tess and got no reply. I can try again. 14:15:09 ivan: Yeah, this outreach would be the sort of thing that would normally happen at TPAC 14:15:41 BenSchroeter: isn't part of the reason for testing to ensure that we're keeping backwards compat, and isn't that something UAs want? 14:17:20 dauwhe: we'd love to meet with APA at TPAC 14:17:31 ... if there are other groups that we should be meeting with please let the chairs know 14:17:37 q+ 14:17:43 ack av 14:18:04 Q+ 14:18:09 ack JF 14:18:09 avneeshsingh: there is a meeting with APA already. Mainly for the a11y vocabs, but not specific to epub. For publishing in general. 14:19:00 JF: there's a new activity at W3C over setting up registries. I believe its going to be voted on at TPAC. We want to coordinate with other groups to make sure everyone is using these vocabs. 14:19:42 q+ 14:19:54 ... the APA is noticing that different groups are building out a11y vocabs that are generally the same, but with nuanced differences 14:20:02 ack avn 14:20:06 ... so this is going to be discussed at the upcoming meeting 14:20:52 avneeshsingh: from a publishing point of view, it would be challenging to have these vocabularies in the W3C registries because so much of the ownership over these is outside W3C (ONIX, MARC, etc.) 14:21:08 JF: right, so we'll do our best and not let perfect be the enemy of good 14:21:11 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1763 14:21:18 TOPIC: Structural Vocabularies 14:21:39 scribejs, issue 1763 14:22:20 Aimee has joined #epub 14:22:35 + present 14:22:52 dauwhe: this all started on the mailing list with a chain about SSV. About the nuance between the different terms. Some are common in the publishing world, but not used outside. Over the years we've had questions about the SSV. And as part of the formal spec process, how do we show usage or implementation of these terms? 14:23:02 q+ 14:23:06 ack iv 14:23:11 ivan: There are 2 different things here. 14:23:31 ... at the moment, the way the document is written is such that the entire vocab is normative 14:24:49 Q+ 14:24:59 ... all the terms are normative. What this means in practice is proving that these terms are used by the community (e.g. epub authors). In analogy to traditional testing, the criteria that we had was that there should be at least two independent significant epub publishers that use that term in production. 14:25:02 q+ 14:25:18 ... if there are two of these, then it is normative 14:25:43 ... question is whether there is any probability that this test would show that the entire vocab is really normative 14:26:03 ... my feeling is no. There are specific terms that would pass this definition of normative, but not all 14:27:04 ivan: just a note that epubcheck is not a concern here as it has been changed to not flag terms in epub:type even if they are outside the SSV 14:27:40 ... one thing we can do is make the SSV non-normative 14:27:51 <_join__epub> _join__epub has joined #epub 14:28:06 ... then it can come out of the spec, go into a registry 14:28:24 ... but we need to determine which terms should be normative vs non-normative before we go to CR 14:28:34 ... the other issue is whether some of the terms are vaguely defined 14:28:47 ack JF 14:28:49 ... but this later is an editorial job, whereas the first issue is more about process 14:29:27 JF: i can speak to the perspective of a11y concerns. One of the issues we have to deal with in terms of WCAG is that our spec has been taken up by regulators and adopted into law 14:29:55 ... for that reason we have to make sure that definitions are not changed on the fly, which could put people out of spec and cause legal consequences 14:31:31 ... e.g. for micro-formats, the definitions existed on a public wiki that anyone could change. Presented legal risk for organizations relying on it. 14:32:13 +1 Dave, epubtype is not for accessibility 14:32:28 dauwhe: To ivan's point on usage of these terms, I'm optimistic. Hachette uses 80% of these terms regularly. 14:32:41 aria roles have taken over. Media Overlays uses some EPUB-type. 14:32:47 ... problem is that very few of the terms have any effect on many UAs 14:33:04 ... some stuff about footnotes, endnotes, and the toc 14:33:13 q+ 14:33:23 Q+ to ask about a MUST NOT clause there Dave 14:33:31 ... so it doesn't support a11y, and it doesn't do much outside of a11y 14:33:36 ack dauwhe 14:33:50 ... how to maintain? We've ported the main terms over to DPUB-ARIA 14:34:00 ack av 14:34:01 ... in terms of pure epub:type, not sure 14:34:18 q+ 14:34:30 avneeshsingh: the definite list that JF was referring to should be ARIA roles, which are fairly stable 14:34:53 ... epub:type is not really for RS, but more for production systems 14:35:04 ack JF 14:35:04 JF, you wanted to ask about a MUST NOT clause there Dave 14:35:08 ... so I think we should pull this out and put it in a registry or a WG note 14:35:26 JF: what about a must not clause in the spec? "SSV must not be used for a11y considerations" 14:36:05 ... I was told that SSV should not be used to replicate nav functions, but it seems that this is something that Thorium does 14:36:21 ... so this change would deter people from misusing 14:36:51 SHOULD NOT (Ref RFC 2119) 14:36:56 dauwhe: one thing is not sure how I would test that must not, would seem to require knowing why a SSV terms was put into an epub 14:37:11 ack iv 14:37:15 ... I see this as a matter of educating the community 14:37:50 ivan: agree that MUST NOT is not appropriate here as we couldn't test it 14:38:11 ... but we could make the purpose of SSV much clearer in the spec, and think this should be done 14:38:47 ... back to epubcheck thing, it seems it would do no harm to take SSV out of spec and turned into a separate note, and then we see what happens 14:39:16 ... but there might be 1 or 2 terms that are used by RS (e.g. 'cover') 14:39:28 ... so these we'd keep as normative 14:39:33 q? 14:39:40 q+ 14:39:44 ack w 14:39:54 we can also consider W3C registries for this 14:40:05 wendyreid: as far as i know, the only epub:type that is categorically relied upon by RS is footnot 14:40:10 s/footnot/footnote 14:40:21 ... there are other ways for the cover to be identified 14:40:49 dauwhe: over the course of the last few revisions of epub we've made a concerted effort to bring in all the registries that were floating around because having them separate made spec hard to read 14:41:02 q+ 14:41:03 ... i think some of those registries just ended up being not needed 14:41:25 ack iv 14:41:26 ... in this case its maybe not a bad idea to move the SSV away from the core spec because of its lack of utility 14:41:54 q+ 14:42:02 ivan: now, the SSV is subsection 8 of appendix D. While we are at it, we may want to take another look at all the subsections there 14:42:15 ... try to be consistent in how we treat these 14:42:38 q+ 14:42:43 ack dau 14:42:44 dauwhe: i'm wary of having some of these terms be normative, and the rest non-normative. I think this will confuse people. 14:42:46 ack avn 14:42:54 ... although I see the distinction 14:43:22 q? 14:43:38 avneeshsingh: in the pub manifest WG we're relying a lot on Schema.org vocabs 14:43:52 George has joined #epub 14:43:58 ivan: but references to Schema.org were considered to be as strong as normative, but yes, formally its not normative 14:44:01 q+ 14:44:12 present+ 14:44:25 ack George 14:44:28 ... Schema.org is on the borderline of whether something is normative by virtue of being used by so many sites 14:45:07 George: we have footnote in DPUB-ARIA so i would suggest moving all of this vocab into a note, and then just recommend using DPUB-ARIA for semantics 14:45:18 ... and not have epubcheck report on this 14:45:42 avneeshsingh: just flagging that we need to maintain backwards compat 14:46:16 dauwhe: right, using epub:type won't invalidate an epub. Consistent with how HTML is supposed to ignore attributes it doesn't understand 14:46:30 ... so little harm to allowing epub:type to continue existing in epubs 14:46:47 q? 14:46:47 ... but want to move away from using it to convey information about a11y, semantics 14:46:53 george: agree 14:46:57 George has joined #epub 14:47:33 JF: where would we move the SSV? 14:47:40 ivan: into a WG note 14:47:56 duga: so there would be no normative way of doing footnotes (even though they would still exist) 14:48:18 q+ 14:48:57 George has joined #epub 14:49:05 JF: what about the proposal to have registries that would be normative even though they aren't full spec 14:49:16 ivan: if we can't test these terms then they can't be normative 14:49:28 dauwhe: does Google Play do pop-ups? 14:49:30 duga: yes 14:49:37 dauwhe: based on epub:type? 14:50:26 duga: yes, but we also look for numbers that have around them, but excepting certain cases, etc. etc. It's involved. 14:50:45 wendyreid: Kobo has the exact same thing 14:51:05 dauwhe: does anyone look at the DPUB-ARIA vocab for this? 14:51:09 wendyreid: no 14:51:11 duga: no? 14:51:14 George has joined #epub 14:51:32 wendyreid: but it would be trivial to change over to looking for DPUB-ARIA, since we already have the logic of checking for epub:type 14:51:47 q+ 14:51:52 ack dau 14:51:53 dauwhe: so could we migrate the things that rely on epub:type to refer to DPUB-ARIA? 14:51:53 George has joined #epub 14:51:54 ack dauwhe 14:51:56 ack ch 14:52:20 CharlesL: our Global Certified Accessible program is pushing for use of DPUB-ARIA vocab, especially for footnotes 14:52:31 ... and we're de-emphasizing the use of epub:type 14:52:57 George has joined #epub 14:53:05 ... we're fine if there's duplication between EPUB and DPUB-ARIA, but we don't require it 14:53:23 ... s/require it/require use of both vocabs 14:53:35 q+ 14:53:37 George has joined #epub 14:54:02 Karen has joined #epub 14:54:07 dauwhe: not quite ready to resolve here. Could we put the question of how to separate out the SSV to the group? 14:54:23 ack avn 14:54:41 ivan: we could resolve that this is the direction we want to take with the SSV, with language to decided upon 14:54:57 George has joined #epub 14:55:32 avneeshsingh: in epub a11y 1.0, we required both epub:type and DPUB-ARIA. But in recent revision we de-emphasized epub:type. In MO we do use epub:type, but this could be changed over time 14:56:15 ... one thing about DPUB-ARIA is difficult to modify. Good for a11y, but might not work for publishers who rely on it for process 14:56:17 Proposed: Explore removing the epub:type vocabulary from the specification and into it's own note 14:56:22 +1 14:56:22 +1 14:56:23 +1 14:56:26 +1 14:56:26 +1 14:56:26 +1 14:56:28 +1 14:56:28 +1 14:56:28 +1 14:56:29 +1 14:56:29 +1 14:56:30 +1 14:56:55 George has joined #epub 14:57:16 RESOLVED: Explore removing the epub:type vocabulary from the specification and into it's own note 14:57:16 +1 14:57:24 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/pull/1756 14:57:27 TOPIC: Custom Attributes 14:57:43 scribejs, issue 1756 14:57:44 dauwhe: we took out the custom attributes section, but it turns out there are RS that use these 14:57:54 s/issue/pr/ 14:57:56 ... so now we want to put it back 14:57:57 George has joined #epub 14:58:07 q+ 14:58:18 ack dl 14:58:19 Aimee has left #epub 14:58:57 George has joined #epub 14:58:58 dlazin: can we get some documentation on what exists in terms of custom attributes? So people can make use of them in their books? 14:59:07 dauwhe: we can see about including some examples 15:00:22 Proposed: Merge PR 1756 15:00:25 +1 15:00:26 +1 15:00:26 +1 15:00:26 +1 15:00:26 +1 15:00:27 +1 15:00:27 +1 15:00:28 +1 15:00:29 +1 15:00:36 RESOLVED: Merge PR 1756 15:00:43 dauwhe: okay, thanks everyone! 15:00:45 George has joined #epub 15:01:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:01:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/13-epub-minutes.html ivan 15:01:14 zakim, end meeting 15:01:14 As of this point the attendees have been dauwhe, wendyreid, avneeshsingh, MasakazuKitahara, ivan, makoto, CharlesL, george, jf, MattChan, dlazin, MURATA, BenSchroeter, brady, duga, 15:01:17 ... aimee, present 15:01:17 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:01:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/13-epub-minutes.html Zakim 15:01:19 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:01:23 Zakim has left #epub 15:03:58 CharlesL has left #epub 15:38:27 join_subline has joined #epub 15:43:49 tzviya has joined #epub 15:58:00 Karen has joined #epub 16:07:59 rrsagent, bye 16:07:59 I see no action items