12:39:37 RRSAgent has joined #coga 12:39:37 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/08/05-coga-irc 12:39:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:39:39 Zakim has joined #coga 12:39:41 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 12:39:41 Date: 05 August 2021 12:45:18 agenda https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAFHZuxmyhYAjZZyWxp_rvhIHuXmeWQosgVZD5LcxmM/edit# 12:45:27 agenda? 12:45:48 Agenda+ Check in with all sub-groups and action requests https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage 12:45:48 Agenda+ Holiday (6th is labour day) Will we take the last two weeks of August? Or last week of August, 1st week of September? 12:45:48 Agenda+ Update on community group, outreach 12:45:48 Agenda+ Please sign up to scribe https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 12:45:49 If no one signs up, we will start signing you up 12:45:50 Please don’t take a time someone has already taken 12:45:51 Agenda+ Guardianship 12:45:52 Agenda+ Design update from Steve (15 mins) 12:45:53 Agenda+ Continue working on WCAG 2.2 actions https://github.com/w3c/wcag/labels/COGA 12:45:54 Bring Common Objects issue back to the group: (find owner) https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/1902 12:45:55 Agenda+ Do we want to schedule a bi-weekly beer and chat session? 12:46:02 agenda? 13:01:16 Roy_ has joined #coga 13:03:11 Roy_ has joined #coga 13:07:33 kirkwood has joined #COGA 13:25:22 regrets: ea 13:25:29 agenda? 13:34:23 kirkwood has joined #COGA 14:00:48 Rain has joined #coga 14:02:15 Albert has joined #coga 14:02:20 scribe: Albert 14:02:28 Jennie has joined #coga 14:02:33 present+ 14:02:35 present+ 14:02:41 present+ 14:03:05 present+ 14:03:27 scribe: Albert 14:03:42 JohnRochford has joined #coga 14:03:43 present+ 14:03:49 present+ 14:03:53 present+ 14:03:55 present+ 14:04:06 present+ 14:04:15 zakim, next item 14:04:15 agendum 1 -- Check in with all sub-groups and action requests https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/PlanningPage -- taken up [from LisaSeemanKest] 14:05:29 Jennie: had to move the meeting. waiting for one more response for the meeting date. Sent reminder to John this morning. 14:05:46 figma 14:05:47 Image subgroup. Working on tool called Figma. 14:08:14 https://www.w3.org/groups/tf/cognitive-a11y-tf/participants 14:08:43 Jennie: github account on that link but don't see email addresses or select individual 14:09:04 Rain: check top right corner 14:09:29 Roy: will check what the issue is and get back 14:09:43 Thanks for working on that - Roy! 14:10:23 zakim, next item 14:10:23 agendum 2 -- Holiday (6th is labour day) Will we take the last two weeks of August? Or last week of August, 1st week of September? -- taken up [from LisaSeemanKest] 14:10:31 q+ 14:10:57 ack Rachael 14:11:00 ack Rain 14:11:00 Lisa: normally TF take two weeks off. when do we want to take the days off? 14:11:03 I am on holiday August 26 14:12:07 either 14:12:13 Lisa: Show your preference for dates to take off 14:12:15 19th and 26th 14:12:16 Either 14:12:20 19th and 26th 14:12:23 first week of September 14:12:49 26th and first week of September (but flexible) 14:13:11 I am also flexible 14:13:36 I am fine with the last two weeks. :) 14:13:45 Works with me flexible 14:13:49 19th is my birthday, 26th is my ‘rebirth day’ ;) 14:14:10 zakim, next item 14:14:10 agendum 3 -- Update on community group, outreach -- taken up [from LisaSeemanKest] 14:14:16 Lisa: we will take the last two weeks off 14:14:29 Lisa: last two weeks of August 14:14:41 q+ 14:14:43 Lisa: Rain sent out final draft of community group 14:14:43 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Mk1ygGNCpkH7UA5fW1aVtgk-Z7MWDY6Zr95nnlDjnM/edit 14:15:23 Rain: One open item for Steve in the community guidelines. Asked in comment. Which link I should use? 14:15:32 can you confirm the link we should use? Should we use the general about page (https://www.w3.org/community/about/) or be more specific with the code of ethics and conduct (https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/)? 14:16:09 q+ 14:16:14 are we ready to build iut? 14:16:23 +1 14:16:43 +1 14:16:47 +1 14:17:25 ack r 14:17:27 Albert: wanna take a look for another day 14:17:46 ack j 14:17:48 Rain: planned postpone for 1 day. So deadline: tomorrow 14:18:06 +1 14:18:17 Jennie: Title change to final version after confirmed would be helpful 14:18:45 ack Jennie 14:18:47 Jennie: If no longer comments open, mention in the doc please 14:19:18 q+ to request draft communications 14:19:31 Lisa: Next thing is spreading awareness about this group. We can be very open about it. No need for experience. if people have interest, that should be good enough to join 14:19:43 zakim, next item 14:19:43 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, LisaSeemanKest 14:20:00 that was my question too. Rachael 14:20:03 Rachael: do we have draft communications for spreading awareness of the community group? 14:20:08 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DoohB2-tREjXx7PF6sCi3jLt6OrjE1ciAb0Dcb7FgyU/edit#heading=h.y2s7r73z4e90 14:20:15 Rain: it is on my to do list and will do it today 14:20:18 q- 14:20:21 Thank you 14:20:34 zakim, next item 14:20:34 agendum 4 -- Please sign up to scribe https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list -- taken up [from LisaSeemanKest] 14:20:53 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPD4pRLngZslj-KsRBlxknECCe0q1cDIx1eo0XyFGks/edit?usp=sharing 14:21:24 Lisa: If you invite people to the community group, you should probably add to the spreadsheet 14:21:48 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPD4pRLngZslj-KsRBlxknECCe0q1cDIx1eo0XyFGks/edit#gid=1127865154 14:21:49 Lisa: so that we can make sure we have invited a lot of people but not multiple times for same people. looks unprofessional 14:22:08 zakim, next item 14:22:08 agendum 5 -- Guardianship -- taken up [from LisaSeemanKest] 14:22:22 Lisa: Rain will let us know when the community group promoting draft is written 14:23:13 Lisa: W3C wants us to come up with proposal. We should have standard thing in the form. 14:23:21 q+ 14:23:31 ack j 14:24:31 Jennie: what would be helpful is to define how the community group members will participate in terms of interactions before we go down in the defining the solution. 14:24:56 Jennie: for example, if we use quotes in research documentation, or summarize individuals inputs 14:25:36 q+ 14:26:22 Jennie: in general, when we get closer to publication, if someone is not their own guardian, we have individuals names and contact information closer to the publication, it would be helpful 14:27:06 ack Jennie 14:27:12 Jennie: publicity of names of those without guardianship can make them vulnerable in terms of some states so we need permission for those 14:27:39 Lisa: someone should write up a draft of proposal 14:28:00 Lisa: asking about someone is under guardianship or whether they want their names on the publications 14:28:03 q+ 14:28:15 Lisa: maybe we don't want the meeting to be public or open 14:28:38 Rachael: I would treat them separately. Guardianship and publication question 14:28:59 Rachael: Anonymous is for experts who do have the preference 14:29:15 Rachael: ask them if they want to be anonymous for guardianship case as well 14:30:19 Lisa: Jennie or Rachael do you want to write this up? 14:30:22 Option 1: Anonymous (defaults to no publication); 2: Not Anonymous but on no publications 3. Not Anonymous and asked for each publication 14:30:35 Jennie: nervous to be doing alone 14:30:41 q+ 14:30:46 Jennie: willing to do in consult with other person 14:30:55 ach r 14:31:21 q+ 14:31:25 q- 14:31:37 John: I can potentially collaborate on this as well 14:31:52 ack j 14:32:36 Jennie: in terms of similar laws in other countries, John and my experience is mostly North America. Are there any other countries guardianship law I should take into consideration of? 14:33:38 https://www.international-guardianship.com/yokohama-declaration.htm 14:33:39 Jennie: John and I will connect to start drafting 14:33:50 zakim, next item 14:33:50 agendum 6 -- Design update from Steve (15 mins) -- taken up [from LisaSeemanKest] 14:34:16 Thank you John Rochford! 14:35:15 Do I scribe this part as well? 14:35:29 very good other John ;) 14:38:14 Can anyone help summarize this part for scribing? I am having a hard time understanding. 14:40:08 q+ 14:40:42 q- 14:42:16 q? 14:42:33 Steve: Steve is working on creating a web version of content usable 14:42:46 Steve: discussing design decisions to date 14:42:58 Steve: there is a new At A Glance Page. I added the summary document to this. 14:43:24 Albert_ has joined #coga 14:43:30 present+ 14:44:15 q+ 14:44:15 Scribe: Albert 14:44:48 Scribe: Albert_ 14:45:32 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#appendix-mapping-user-needs-personas-and-patterns 14:46:59 q+ 14:47:01 Lisa asked about our request to have the personas in the right hand box. Steve will add them 14:47:06 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#test-objectives 14:47:21 q? 14:47:23 would also like to see the user testing elements referenced, as well 14:47:55 John: pattern and design pattern used interchangeably? 14:48:11 John: personally prefer to see Design pattern instead of pattern 14:48:18 Lisa also asked about the lack of a left navigation that can be collapsed and visible. Steve has tried to address this by putting the previous/next navigation at the top. 14:48:21 q+ 14:48:22 q? 14:48:27 ack r 14:49:18 Rain: want to go back to the navigation at the top. Giving the user option to expand and collapse the navigation at the left would be exceptionally helpful for a lot of people. Gives opportunity to see the overview. 14:49:23 +1 with Rain 14:49:56 s/top/left 14:49:58 John: agree with Rain 14:50:19 +1 agree with rain 14:50:31 Ack j 14:50:38 Albert, John: +1 with Rain 14:51:55 Lisa: Looking at this, when you get a small screen like mobile, you can have reactive design and have the menu left side bar navigation we are talking about. 14:52:17 Lisa: you can close the bar, etc. 14:53:07 Lisa: a bit confusing is what's the pattern and what's an objective 14:53:37 Lisa: also colors. so maybe objective, the text is always in one color and pattern having another color always would be helpful 14:53:52 Lisa: too much jargon in the page 14:54:40 Yes agree think it needs a plain language look at it? 14:55:28 q+ 14:55:31 q+ 14:55:47 ack Rain 14:55:55 graphics would help 14:56:09 Jennie: examples in graphics can help 14:56:38 Jennie: graphics sub group can review the page and make comments 14:57:13 ack j 14:57:49 q+ 14:57:59 ack j 14:58:02 ack k 14:58:45 Great work, Steve! 14:58:57 +1 14:59:24 *dropping to prep for next meeting. Talk to everyone next week. 14:59:32 Same here. Bye. 14:59:35 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 14:59:39 +1 Steve 14:59:48 Lisa: one other item for scribe list. please choose week when you want to scribe. 14:59:56 Lisa: 2 dates good for you 15:00:02 Lisa: otherwise, we will just put you down for 1 15:00:39 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/wiki/Teleconference_cheat_sheet 15:00:53 rrsagent, publish minutes 15:00:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/08/05-coga-minutes.html LisaSeemanKest 15:01:51 rrsagent, by 15:01:51 I'm logging. I don't understand 'by', LisaSeemanKest. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:01:58 rrsagent, buy 15:01:58 I'm logging. I don't understand 'buy', LisaSeemanKest. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:02:26 rrsagent, bye 15:02:26 I see no action items